The Seller, Buyer, Girl and Her Master

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The Seller, Buyer, Girl and Her Master Page 12

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  “I presume you like what you have here,” he proposed.

  “I don’t know that, sir,” she said, trying to be polite, but still perplexed.

  “No? I don’t believe you. Everything you are speaks loudly of the submissive in you.”

  “But I never thought of myself that way,” she answered quizzically.

  “Which surprises me, seeing the kind of woman you are.”

  She didn’t reply. He was living in a dream world, and she wouldn’t dare guess what was going on in his head. He wanted more of her, just as every other man wanted more of her than she would freely give.

  Gable gave up his attempts to know her mind, deciding that it wasn’t necessary. Leading her by a leash attached to her collar, he presented her to a room of friends who had gathered for Evie’s great unveiling. Ironically, Evie had been ‘unveiled’ since the day she arrived at the house. To see her naked was nothing new to anyone. The stoic beauty with the infectious smile seemed as easy with her surroundings as the pictures on the walls, the cat that roamed the house at night and the air perfumed with incense… they all existed without quarrel, as did Evie.

  Gable couldn’t understand her, but he would continue with his plan.

  In the main foyer of the house, she was told to stand on a low round riser just large enough for her small feet and two inches to spare. Her toes sparkled with rings, and a jangling slave anklet had been placed around her ankle. The collar was her only other apparel. This particular collar that Gable ordered off the Internet had been handmade to his specifications, perfectly measured so that it would not be too tight or too lose. The thin, silver fit like a choker, flat, a half-inch wide, embedded with black pearls. At the back of her neck, it joined with a small padlock. Gable imagined other adornments, but that would be for his friends to decide.

  “Evie will be serving me this way,” he announced to the gathering. “She has decided that being a sex slave, without rights, is her natural role in life. Though she was abducted from her home country, it was not against her will. She fell into submission artlessly. She has always known the truth about herself, and what her true needs are. It is my role with her to see that they are fully realized.”

  Gable paused to let everyone feel the sense of awe surrounding the girl’s rare self-knowledge. But where his lies came from, neither the girl nor her master knew. They appeared like inspiration etched in stone, obvious to the man, astonishing for the girl. Still, she was too frightened to object—not the ‘shaking in her boots’, imminent danger kind of fright, but the fright in knowing what lay beneath this man’s glib fiction, knowing the strange conviction that drove him and how crazed he might become if she changed plans on him. His unacknowledged rage frightened her, so she let his friends believe his lies.

  “Since Evie has decided to be a permanent part of my domain here, someone you’ll see often when you visit, I thought I’d let you all have a hand in her decorations. I’ll be keeping her unclothed since I think we can all agree that this one’s body is best bared and available for our eyes. Her beauty shines in the buff. But, that does not mean that she needs to remain unadorned. I want her pierced five times to represent the depth of her conviction, then permanently marked to clearly communicate her function. What I want from you are the specifics… how you propose I implement her ornamentation?”

  He stopped talking with an abruptness that made the room fall completely still. Then while the stunned crowd absorbed his request, but before he entertained their suggestions, he added instructions, “Bid for her. High bids will get their wishes.”

  This was a daring plan, given the stakes involved, the fact that Gable had no intention of having this beauty given unsightly marks. He expected a certain crudity in the suggestions he received, but in the end, he knew he could gently sway the room to the exact vision he had of her. “We’ll bid in increments of one-hundred until the bidding stops.”

  “And what exactly do you plan to do with our money?” one person jumped in.

  Gable smiled. “Complete that spa you’re all wanting. How’s that?”

  That seemed to settle them all.

  One-hundred dollar increments. Seemed like a steep price, but this crowd was fairly well-heeled and would have no problem paying for the privilege of creating a marvel of the modern world.

  The first bid for Evie’s adornment ended at one-thousand dollars, the right to her first piercing sold to a woman—surprisingly—Mistress Meredith. “A nose ring, Gable. You can’t have a slave of this caliber without one. It will denigrate her properly, and the reminder of her place will never go away.”

  “Perfect, Meredith,” Gable was pleased. “Shall we bid again?”

  “Maybe you should give the girl her ring first?” the Mistress answered. “Or do I get the honor?”

  “Yes, maybe you’re right. We’ll call her our on-going project. It might take a week or two before she’s finished, but who’s going to complain?”

  No one in the room raised a voice in protest. This was Gable’s game start to finish and everyone understood that perfectly.

  Escorting Evie off the platform, the group adjourned to the tiled bath at the back of the first floor, behind the kitchen. This especially built facility had been designed for medical play—tortuous scenes of fetish play performed with needles, speculums, knives, enema bags and other assorted equipment. It was commonly used for piercings, unless those piercings were part of a ceremonial rite, when the master or mistress might complete the act on their slave before a bonfire, in the dungeon, or while their subject was bound in some other scene about the house. The medical room suited Gable’s requirements this day.

  With Evie lying back flat on the table, her legs tied in stirrups, her arms tied overhead, and Gable’s hands locking her head like a vice, Mistress Meredith picked up the fresh needle and felt for the appropriate slip of cartilage between Evie’s nostrils. The girl was in a panic, sweat and fright pouring from her body.

  “Close your eyes, little darling,” the Mistress purred sensuously as her hand tenderly grazed the girl’s warm cheek. “Just close your eyes and relax. I’ve done this a dozen times. It will only take a second.”

  Evie’s taut body did not relax, the muscles strained as if they could fight the tiny skewer. At least she closed her eyes. And as promised, the inevitable was over in seconds, with Evie gasping, a small wince of pain playing out across her innocence, tears pooling in her eyes. The needle was followed quickly by the insertion of the ring through the hole, and the girl had her first mark of submission embedded in her body.

  On successive days, sometimes just twenty-four hours apart, sometimes as long as three days between the bidding wars, Evie was pierced with additional rings… two tiny ones in her nipples, and ones on her outer labia, so they could be anchored, parted or hung with decorations, then an additional one Gable added because his mini-theatre of events had made such a splash on his tiny community of sadists that he couldn’t stop. The girl’s perfection made her stand out in his eyes, heads above any other girl that had been his slave. The closer she got to the perfect creature, the more his mind became inspired. He wanted more.

  “I’m beginning to think that we all have the same picture of her,” Gable noted one evening, as he brought out the girl for the bidding crowd to see. She stood on the platform as she had several times, waiting passively, without a hint of nervousness or fear. Anyone who could read her thoughts, or feel the pulsing insides of her body knew how much she trembled, how each piercing had shaken the firm foundation of her inner substance. But Gable would not understand that: his intimacy with her was only skin deep. He might go on like this with her forever, and never realize what a deep impact these sessions were having on his conquest.

  Evie loved the piercings—but only after the act was over and she was staring at her reflection in the mirror. She replayed the piercing sessions in her mind, loving what she recalled…the running rampant fear, the flood of pheromones, the razor-shar
p and lingering endorphin rush as the needle jutted its way through her flesh. By the second session, there were fingers at her pussy, playing with her splayed crotch as she received her nipples rings. She almost orgasmed from the act alone. And when those piercing were done, she came on the man’s fingers, her bound body, tugging, writhing, her teeth biting her lips until they almost bled, her bound hands opening wide and closing into fists. The sweep of erotic energy that spun round the room zapped every crotch with lust.

  “Anyone interested in fucking my Evie?” Gable asked around once the nipples rings were in place. The surprise turned the room on edge—until one bold man with a familiar voice stepped from the back of the room, forward between the submissive’s legs. He pulled her ass down to the edge of the medical table, stretching her as far as she would go, and with little ceremony, pulled his hard erection from inside his pants and lunged into her wet opening, using her quickly as if he had before. And he had.

  As his fingers bit into the skin of her ass, two pairs of eyes met—Evie’s and the man who took her cunt for sport. Astonished. Grieved. She looked into Jacob’s eyes—Yes! These were Jacob’s eyes! But she was afraid of what she was seeing, worried that she was seeing visions or was buried in a dream.

  “Surprise you?” he said dryly. His cool emotion made her shiver, but it also made her come alive. He was real. Really in this place, connecting the dots between two places that previously seemed totally separate worlds. Though he belonged in that other world, his cowboy manners not mixing well in this new place, he was welcomed by a wanting in Evie’s eyes that no one noticed, least of all Gable. Even Jacob didn’t see it the first time.

  She left the answer to his mocking question go unanswered.


  “Is this a follow up visit?” Gable asked the young man in the jeans and boots and white t-shirt? “Never had one before, but I’m glad you could join us, see how we do things here.”

  “Actually, I’m no longer with the ranch.”

  “No? You and the master have a parting of ways, huh?” He was intensely curious, given the reputation of the ranch that had been carefully cultivated by its owner. The man was notorious in the underground circles, and his reputation was impeccable. Any stain on it would be the source of endless gossip. Gable fed on gossip, much of which he generated himself, playing innocent bystander, while collecting material for future rumors. His competitive instincts could never pass up defaming a player in his game of prurient pursuits, even though he seemed to deliver his knowledge innocently, as if the private truths that so easily slipped from his tongue had never been intended to be kept secret and would do no injury once shared.

  “Just my time to leave,” Jacob averted more conversation about the matter.

  “Ah,” Gable nodded. “And my Evie? She’s from the ranch—a particularly special trainee, perhaps?”

  “I think it goes without saying, but she is all yours,” he reminded them both. “But thanks for the opportunity to taste her again, something you never get enough of.”

  “So, any plans for your future? Looking for a position as a trainer?”

  Jacob shrugged. “If I train any woman again, it will be for me. I can’t see wasting my time just to see the girls move on.”

  “I would think that might be advantageous—having them move on,” Gable considered thoughtfully. “Sometimes they get too attached. They do that here, they’re out.”

  “I thought Evie was to be here permanently?” The two men in conversation strolled through the house, speaking quietly to themselves. Reaching the patio door, they moved outside.

  “Actually, I think she is the one that will be here forever,” Gable smiled with satisfaction. “She has an unusual grasp of herself as a submissive. She’s exceedingly natural. That’s rare. But Evie’s different than the others. You’ve seen that,” he raised his eyebrows looking for an agreement.

  “Different, yes,” Jacob nodded warily, “and still the same as all the others. I would think that the ones that ask for it are much better bets for a long term situation.”

  “Yes, but then they have all the power. I can see that here, the difference between the ones that were made through training, and the ones that come to me by choice. You’d think it would be the reverse, but it’s not. Interesting fact.”

  “Just a warning though, on Evie. You understand, she didn’t actually finish her training.”

  “Yes, I know that. Doesn’t worry me. What training she hasn’t had gets finished up here. You saw her on the table, the genuine, the abject surrender.”

  “Yes, and I also saw the fire in her eyes. She was made a captive, and not a willing one. Don’t underestimate her.”

  “Ah, I don’t know,” Gable seemed to have information the younger man didn’t. “Evie has the blood and soul of the submissive woman. I’ve never seen one more perfect.” Gable stopped at the path leading to the water’s edge. “You going to stay long?”

  “I have a job offer in the next county I’m looking into.”

  “Well, enjoy your stay. It’s a perfect place to unwind.”

  “Yes, you’ve already proven that.”


  Jacob was not around the night that Evie’s labia were pierced. She looked for him in the crowd. His face was missing, and her heart sank. She had to wonder if he’d come for her… if something about her abrupt move from the ranch to Gable’s house prompted his visit. But she didn’t understand about binding contracts, the money that passed hands from sellers, trainers and buyers. Jacob wouldn’t come between masters in a sale of property, not even when he was no longer loyal to one.

  “Did the young man from the ranch make you uneasy?” Gable asked her a week later, just prior to that night’s bidding, after which the girl expected another painful piercing, hopefully the last.

  “Not really.”

  “You had no relationship with him?”

  “He was my trainer.”

  “I see, and you were fond of him?”

  He was fishing for information she wouldn’t give him, no matter what his motive. “That wasn’t allowed.”

  “Of course,” Gable smiled. “Your master at the ranch runs his domain according to protocol. I’d be surprised if he allowed his subordinates to get close to any property.”

  “You’re right,” she agreed.

  “We finish your piercings tonight.”

  “More, sir?”

  “Are they sore?” He touched her nose ring which made her wince, not so much because it hurt anymore. It was less and less sensitive each day. She winced from embarrassment, from the implication of the ring as a symbol of her submission. She tried to forget it was there, though that was difficult.

  “A little,” she said. His hand moved from nipples to her freshly pierced labia, gently playing with his new toys.

  “You’ll have a little more time before we put them to use. But not long.”

  She sighed a little. Sometimes his cool would wrap her like a blanket, soothing her in a sexual bath, threatening to expose some latent desire for this master. Gable wasn’t himself on these occasions, being implicit not explicit, as if he was about some mysterious purpose no one knew of, which would only be revealed in time. Oddly, this was the one thing that made him attractive to her, his strange doings steeped in secrets and a cold indifference, what made her think he didn’t care about her anymore. More often in the last days, he was indifferent to her personally, while continuing to sing her praises to anyone available to listen. Hearing him go on about her submissive inclinations, she was tempted to blush or simply be annoyed for his saying things that were just not true.

  Her clitoris was pierced that night in the same kind of ceremony as before. The bidding was particularly fierce, even though everyone knew what came next in body jewelry.

  Yet, when the winning bidder suggested a vertical piercing through Evie’s clitoris, not above it through the hood, and Gable thoughtfully considered the more painful, del
icate procedure, everyone knew just how much that bidder won. In addition, he asked for the right to screw the girl afterwards, which Gable readily granted him.

  Gable did the piercing himself, something he considered himself an expert in performing. In this case, he was telling the truth. The girl was held in place as she’d been before, with steely hands at her arms and thighs. A thick belt had been buckled around her middle, binding her tightly to the medical table. Her scream was glorious at the moment the needle stabbed through her flesh, the cry lifting into the air as her body tensed like a bowstring. It filled the room with sound to make the whole house quake and every cunt and cock throb in reply. Gable responded along with the others. The act infused him with power, put him in a headspace miles beyond everyone there, being deeply entrenched in his fantasy world, which blinked inside his mind like red neon.

  “I propose another piercing,” another voice suddenly interjected.

  Gable turned. “She’s had enough for a night.”

  “Oh, I think she can probably get through this one.” It was Jacob speaking. “It might be a little uncomfortable for a few days, but then that isn’t really our concern now, is it?”

  Gable was still curious.

  “At the small of her back. Makes a perfect circle for the perfect tether. She would have come with all the appropriate jewelry if she hadn’t left the ranch so soon. Of course, there are benefits to doing it yourself. Think about it, Gable, with rings at her collar, nose, nipples, clit and back she can be chained from one to the next, all connected, as effective as bridle and bit is for a ponygirl.”

  Gable’s only problem with the pierce was that he hadn’t thought of it himself, hadn’t seen the picture of Evie chained together, permanently shackled. If he wanted to, the chains could be made fixed, the locking devices removed with the connecting rings soldered together. Yes, this was what he wanted of her, her submission as inalterable as the color of her eyes and the faint blush on her cheek.

  “Let’s do it,” he came back from his reverie looking cold, calculating.


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