Forbidden Highlander (Highlander Trilogy 2)

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Forbidden Highlander (Highlander Trilogy 2) Page 2

by Donna Fletcher

  Dawn did not take a breath until she heard the door close. He was much too aware of all things going on in the village and she feared that it wouldn’t be long before he realized that she carried his child. What then? The question haunted her and too often turned her fearful of the future.

  She yawned again and turned on her side and drifted off to sleep as soon as she closed her eyes.


  Cree would have preferred to crawl in bed with Dawn rather than take part in this farce of a celebration, but then she would get no rest if he did. And he had his duty to keep to his men and now the villagers.

  He entered the keep reluctantly yet anxious for the day to be over so that he could return to Dawn and crawl in bed with her. He ached to make love to her but the way she had paled worried him and he would not tax her strength, though he would wrap himself around her and seek the sleep he had been lacking for the last week.

  He had slept well enough, broken as it was, before Dawn had entered his life. He now slept a much more solid sleep curled around her. And he missed waking beside her in the morning and making love. It was a good way to start the day.

  A scowl crossed his face as soon as he caught sight of Lucerne warming herself by the large hearth. She was of fair height and slender shape, the midnight blue gown she wore hugged her narrow waist. And she held herself with a regal bearing that only one born of nobility could. He had never seen a woman as strikingly beautiful as she was; delicate features that caught the breath and eyes so blue the summer sky would be jealous. And yet surprisingly, he was not attracted to her. His groin did not tighten in anticipation and his lack of reaction puzzled him.

  “My lord,” she said with a gracious bob of her head when he stopped only a few feet from her.

  “We will speak in my solar,” Cree ordered, the Great Hall busy with a flurry of servants making sure all was ready for tonight’s celebration.

  “As you wish, my lord.”

  Beautiful and obedient; he could have done worse. At least she would not be difficult to handle. He turned to Sloan with a brief nod and then extended his arm to Lucerne. She placed her hand lightly on it and they walked to the solar in silence.

  He no soon as seated her in a chair by the hearth when Sloan entered with Flanna and two servant lassies and within minutes food and drink covered the table between the chairs. Flanna filled two goblets of wine, shooed the two servants out and gave a respectful bob before leaving. Sloan remained by the door his arms behind his back looking as if he stood guard.

  Cree handed a goblet of wine to Lucerne.

  “I am impressed with the efficiency of your servants. The head servant woman, I believe she is called Flanna, took my two servants in hand immediately and directed them to my quarters. And she spoke not a word to me as a good servant should do.”

  “Flanna does her chore well,” Cree said, “but then I expect all in Dowell to do their chores well.”

  “As they should, laziness is the devil’s way and should not be tolerated. With your permission I will take charge of Flanna and of course the cook and see that things continue to run as they should.”

  Cree heard Sloan cough and he knew exactly what he was thinking. “You may speak with Flanna, but Flanna will deal with Turbett the cook.”

  “As you wish, my lord, I am here to serve you as a good wife should.”

  “That is good to hear for I expect obedience from my wife. Pay heed to my word and speak no lies to me and we will do well together.”

  “I am sure we will, my lord. I look forward to our union.”

  They shared the food and drink as they spoke.

  “Your fortuitous acquiring of my father’s land and holdings has been fortunate for him,” Lucerne said.

  “Does your father agree with your opinion?” Cree asked, curious that she chose to bring the matter up for discussion.

  “Not at first, but after careful consideration he realized that with his advancing age it was for the best. You will not only protect his lands far better than he could; you will no doubt expand his holdings.”

  “My land; my holdings,” Cree clarified.

  “Of course,” Lucerne said with a smile. “You must forgive me. My family has held the title of Earl of Carrick and the land that goes with it for many years, which is why I am ever so grateful to wed you and have my family continue to be part of it. And God willing, I will give you a son who will carry the title for years to come.”

  “I would like many sons and daughters as well.” Cree caught how her smile faltered. Was she the type of woman who once bore a son felt her duty was done and thought to bear no more children? He hoped not for he wanted many children. He recalled how his younger sister had filled the home with such joy when she was little and he wanted to know that joy once again.

  “I heard that there is a celebration tonight?” she asked. “And I saw how the servants were busy preparing the Great Hall.”

  “It is for you. The villagers have been looking forward to your arrival.”

  “The villagers will take part of the festivities in the Great Hall?’ she asked.

  Was that annoyance he saw on her face? Cree nodded. “Yes, the villagers will be welcomed into the hall for the celebration and to meet you... the lady of the keep.”

  Lucerne stood. “In that case, my lord, I should like to go rest before the evening’s festivities. My journey has tired me.”

  Cree waved a hand to Sloan and in seconds a servant appeared to take Lucerne to her bedchamber. After she left Sloan and Cree sat before the hearth each with a tankard of ale in hand.

  “What do you think?” Cree asked

  “She is beautiful.”

  “That’s obvious. What else do you see?”


  “Anything else?” Cree asked.

  “She’s hungry for power, which could be good or bad. I would say she needs watching, though...”

  “Spit it out.”

  “She doesn’t strike me as the type of woman who would tolerate her husband having a mistress.”

  Cree glowered at him. “It is no concern of hers.”

  “She might think differently. No wife wants the other woman flaunted in her face. You may want to consider moving Dawn to a more secluded—”

  “No,” Cree snapped. “She stays where she is. Is all ready for the celebration?”

  “Changing the subject won’t change the situation. And remember keeping one woman content is difficult enough... you now have two.” Sloan bit back his laughter.

  Cree glowered at him again. “Don’t you have duties to attend to?”

  “They have been seen to,” Sloan said and stood. “The only thing left to do is to go enjoy the celebration.” He raised his tankard and downed what was left. “Come, let’s go make merry before you must deal with your future bride again.”

  “That’s the first wise thing you’ve said today,” Cree said and downed what was left of his ale before both men took their leave.


  Dawn woke with the sound of the door opening. She wondered how long she had slept. Then she heard Lila call out, “Dawn.”

  She smiled, hurried into her boots and using her fingers as a comb worked them through her soft hair while hurrying into the other room.

  Lila smiled and greeted Dawn with a tight hug, which had her suspicious. It wasn’t that her friend rarely hugged her; it was the degree of the hug. Lila had always hugged her tightly when she was concerned for Dawn. And the hug was extremely tight.

  Lila shed her cloak draping it over the back of the chair closest to the heat of the hearth. “It’s snowing heavily. There should be a generous accumulation by morning and possibly more if it doesn’t stop.”

  There was fresh food and a fresh pitcher of cider on the table, which meant that Dawn had slept through the evening meal. She placed her hand against the pitcher; it was cold. That meant it was well past the evening meal. She moved it to the hearth to heat.

  Lila sat. “The celeb
ration continues,” —she shook her head— “so much food. Everyone cannot believe Cree’s generosity, and though his future bride is beautiful, she doesn’t appear to tolerate the villagers well.”

  Dawn wrinkled her nose and tossed her chin up.

  Lila laughed. “You are right. She is nobility and we are lowly peasants she must tolerate.” She lowered her voice. “The women already worry that she will change things around here and not for the better.”

  Dawn shook her head, then scowled and puffed out her chest.

  Lila laughed again. “You look so funny when you imitate Cree. So you don’t think Cree would allow it?”

  Dawn shook her head slowly.

  “He does rule with a tight hand, though a fair one.” Lila stretched her hand out to Dawn.

  Dawn smiled and squeezed her friend’s hand, then pointed to Lila, then herself and then her mouth.

  “I should realize that I can’t keep anything from you. I do have something to say. While the lady of the keep smiles, it is a forced one. I do not trust her and my worry for you grows. Cree still keeps a guard at your door so therefore it must mean that you are still in danger and now this, and” —Lila pointed to Dawn— “what has gotten into you of late? You seem” —she paused as if unsure of her next word— “fearless. I should say more fearless than I’ve known you to be. I fear that one day soon Cree will have you beaten for your defiance.”

  Dawn did not think of herself as fearless or defiant, quite the opposite, though she supposed climbing out the window, which was now boarded, twice could be defined as defiant.

  “He will lose his temper one of these days and you will suffer for it. Cree was furious when you went missing. He had Thomas taken from me while we spoke and I feared that he wouldn’t return him.”

  Dawn felt her heart catch and she squeezed Lila’s hand. She patted her chest profusely and shook her head.

  “I know you’re sorry, so am I. I cannot imagine what it is like for you being Cree’s kept woman. I love my husband and he loves me and we will share our lives together. I had always wanted the same for you, to find a good man and share your life with him. Now...” She lowered her head with a brief shake. “You must be careful, especially now with his intended here.” She raised her head. “I fear Lucerne’s arrival does not bode well for the village and I fear she will not tolerate her husband having a mistress a short walk from the keep.”

  Dawn did her best to reassure her that all would be well and soon talk turned to other things until Lila left needing to get home to feed baby Thomas.

  The food on the table had lost its appeal and she didn’t even favor a tankard of the now heated cider. And it wasn’t due to the babe nestled in her stomach. It was worry that wore at her gut. She had wished for a love like Lila and Paul’s and a husband to share her life with.

  Now look at her, she was nothing more than a kept woman who could be discarded at Cree’s whim. And yet the fool that she was, she loved him. How could that be?

  She didn’t know how long she sat at the table but she was quickly snapped out of her musings when the door flew open and snow rushed in along with Cree.

  He shook the snow from his hair and wiped off his cloak to drop on the chair but stopped in mid-stride when his eyes met Dawn’s. “What’s wrong? Are you feeling ill? I’ll send for Elsa.” He dropped his cloak and hurried to her side scooping her up and carrying her to the other room.

  She rested her head to his chest. She knew why she loved this man. His silent heart had learned to speak through gestures and actions rather than words. He cared more than he would admit. Could he be holding love as silent as he had his heart? And though it would take time, it was a question that she intended to have answered.

  Cree placed her on the bed and hunched down in front of her. “I will have the guard fetch Elsa while I settle you in your nightdress.”

  He was removing her blouse as he spoke and she did not stop him, but she didn’t need Elsa; she needed him.

  After disrobing her he turned to go for her nightdress when her hand went to the ties of his leather tunic. She helped him slip it off and then pulled his shirt off and pressed her bare breasts to his chest, rested her head on his shoulder, and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “You are not well, you need to rest,” he said trying to convince himself so that he would stop growing hard.

  Dawn had had no intentions of making love with him this night and yet when he walked in the door and immediately realized her distress and didn’t hesitate to see to her care, her heart went out to him. It seemed that they had been apart for years rather than a week and the separation had been far too long. She missed him whether she wanted to or not. When would she accept that he had stolen her heart? When would she accept that she belonged to him and he belonged to her, though had yet to realize it?

  Fearless. That was what Lila had called her and she would need to remain fearless if she did not want to lose him. She didn’t know what the future would hold for them and at the moment it didn’t matter. What mattered was that he had returned to her, cared for her, and...

  She slipped her hand down over his growing arousal and squeezed.

  “Dawn,” he said with a sharp intake of breath. “You play with danger.”

  She looked up at him, smiled, and squeezed him harder.

  Chapter Three

  Cree shed his leggings, grabbed Dawn around the waist and went down on the bed with her landing on top of her.

  “It has been too long since I have been inside you,” he said with growl and nipped at her nipples. He raised his head and glowered at her. “Are you certain you are well enough—”

  She grabbed the length of him and rubbed him against her sensitive bud.

  His brow shot up and he grinned. “I think this will be quick... we have been apart too long.”

  He had referenced their time away from each other twice. Had it troubled him as much as it had troubled her?

  His mouth found her neck and he kissed and nipped at the soft flesh as he worked his way gently inside her. That he was considerate of her warmed her heart and heated her passion. And when he was fully sheathed in her, she sighed inwardly with pleasure.

  She had missed him. Lord, how she had missed him.

  She welcomed him, her legs going around him, drawing him deeper, wanting, and needing him as close as she could possibly get him. He took his time, going slow, driving her mad with the want of him and yet she enjoyed the torture, every plunge and withdrawal fed her pleasure, her need and built to a climax that was certain to have her screaming... if only she could.

  Cree saw the desire building in her eyes, felt it in the way her body moved frantically against his and it fueled his already soaring passion. Lord, how he had missed her and though he wanted to burst with pleasure, he also selfishly wanted the passion to linger. He wanted to feel her grind against him, feel her finger tap, tap, tap against his arm and watch her eyes burn with desire for him and revel in the way she tightened around him with each thrust driving him to the brink of a climax that he was eager to taste but not yet wanting to surrender to.

  It had been too long though, his body too needy.

  “Come with me,” he urged and plunged into her like a thirsty man in need of quenching... once, twice... he exploded with passion like never before and if he was a praying man he would have thought himself blessed not only for such a powerful, never-ending climax but for the fact that Dawn had burst right along with him.

  He wrapped her in his arms a short time later, after their breathing had calmed, their hearts had stopped racing, their bodies had cooled, and he had covered them with the soft wool blankets.

  They snuggled together more content than ever.

  “You feel well?”

  She tapped his arm once.

  He kissed her temple again. “I am glad for I have missed you greatly.”

  Her heart fluttered at his admission, though a soft voice warned, be careful he can give you no more. But another vo
ice countered with, let his heart speak for itself.

  He snuggled himself more firmly around her, keeping her tight against him and they both drifted off into a contented slumber.


  Cree woke Dawn the next morning with soft kisses and gentle lovemaking and afterwards he reluctantly left her to sleep and returned to the keep.

  Lucerne was seated at the dais with Sloan when he entered the Great Hall.

  “Good morning, my lord,” she said with a bow of her head. “I hope you slept well.”

  “Exceptionally so,” he said joining her at the long table, though normally Sloan and he took their meals at a table close to the large hearth. The dais always seemed too removed to Cree.

  “Does the snow still fall,” she asked.

  “Yes, though lightly.” He sat beside her famished and eager to enjoy the morning meal.

  A large warrior tramped into the Great Hall snow falling from his cloak and boots. He stopped before the dais with a bow. “Sorry to disturb you, my lord, but tracks have been spotted in the woods.”

  “Alert the guard at her house and take more men and see what you can find,” Cree ordered. The man bowed his head and took his leave.

  “Someone is in danger and needs guarding?’ Lucerne asked.

  “It is nothing that concerns you,” Cree said.

  “Everything that concerns you concerns me. I am to be your wife and I will stand by your side and defend you no matter the circumstances.”

  “I would expect no less from you; it is your duty.” If she had hoped to impress him with that declaration she had failed. As his wife that was her duty plain and simple and he didn’t want to have to remind her of it.

  Dawn wasn’t his wife but she had suffered a beating because of him and had still retained her courage and also her foolishness. He looked to Sloan. “The window has been boarded?”

  “It is most secured,” Sloan said with a nod.

  “Perhaps I should leave you two alone to discuss matters,” Lucerne said with a bite of sarcasm.

  “A wise choice,” Cree said.


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