Forbidden Highlander (Highlander Trilogy 2)

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Forbidden Highlander (Highlander Trilogy 2) Page 9

by Donna Fletcher

  Bree paled so badly that Cree thought she would parish.

  “I will not let anyone hurt you. You have my word.”

  Cree sat shocked by the way Sloan was protecting the lass and that he still hadn’t let go of her hand. Again he kept a grin locked away, but later when they were alone...

  Bree cheeks suddenly grew so red Cree thought she would burst into flames. First she pales and then she turns scarlet, whatever was going on?

  “One of you tell me now before I lose my temper,” Cree ordered sternly.

  Sloan lowered his voice and leaned across the table as if he were about to share a secret. “When I went to fetch Elsa, Bree was there waiting for the potion to finish.” His hand tightened around Bree’s. “When Bree saw me she blushed and Elsa smiled and said that we would make a perfect pair since we both favored a variety of partners. Bree burst into tears and I was surprised myself by Elsa’s careless remark until she explained what had precipitated it.

  “It seemed that Lucerne had requested a potion that prevented pregnancy for her servant, who enjoyed rutting with various men. She feared the lass’s wanton ways would leave her pregnant and Lucerne did not want that.”

  Cree raised his hand before Sloan could go on. “Bree, you will finish telling me.”

  Bree sighed and shook her head. “My mistress will make me suffer when she learns of this and she will learn of it for she has a way of finding things out.”

  Sloan went to speak but Cree’s command stopped him. “Tell me.”

  “My mistress wants the potion for herself. She does not want a babe as soon as she weds and once she does have one, she wants no more.” Her cheeks grew pink and she pulled her hand free from Sloan’s and dropped her head into her hands. “My mistress will kill me when she finds out what I have told you.”

  “That will not happen.” Sloan sounded as if he decreed it.

  “Bree need not worry about her mistress, but she does need to worry about me,” Cree said with a voice of authority that had Bree staring at him with tears in her eyes. “You went to the healer in a blinding snowstorm when I specifically told you that was the very reason I did not want the healer fetched. For disobeying me you will serve me until I command differently.”

  Sloan smiled, Bree didn’t.

  “My mistress will have her way; she always does,” Bree said, as if resigned to her fate.

  “We will see about that,” Cree said. “Your chore will be to tend Old Mary. Sloan, take her to the old woman’s cottage and see that she is settled there and tell Old Mary that Bree is to remain with her until I say otherwise.”

  “Aye, my lord,” Sloan said with a smile and a nod.

  Cree longed for a bit of solitude to think over what Bree had just told him, but again his guests made that impossible. To him such news would be reason enough to break the marriage agreement that had been made, but the King had made it clear that in exchange for Gerwan’s land he had to wed the daughter. It would have been difficult but he would have tolerated Lucerne if it hadn’t been for the news that she intended to only give him one child. He did not doubt that if she found herself with child again, she would abort his babe. The thought that she would do that to one of his babes fired his anger and made him determined to find a way to break the marriage agreement.

  Cree no soon as sat in his chair at the dais than Lucerne’s other servant an older woman he believed called Magda entered the hall inquiring if Bree had been seen.

  “Bree is being punished for disobeying me and has been given duties elsewhere. Your mistress will have to do without her until I decide otherwise,” Cree said with a sharp tongue.

  “Aye, my lord,” Magda said, bobbed her head and hurried out of the hall.

  Cree half expected Lucerne to come charging into the hall demanding her servant, but perhaps her outburst in the bedroom earlier had taught her to hold her tongue. He doubted that would last long, by the morn he would hear about it.

  A couple of hours later found many of the McClusky warriors bedding down for the night and Kirk and his son soon joined them.

  Cree happy to see this day come to an end returned to Dawn’s cottage to find her still sound asleep. He stared down at her lying on her side wrapped snugly in the blankets, a few strands of her dark red hair spilling across her cheek. He reached out to brush them away and realized that his hands were cold. He went to the hearth and stretched his hands out to the fire to warm them.

  He had grown hard seeing her sleeping there, knowing she was naked beneath the blankets and all he had to do was...

  He shook his head and rubbed his hands harder. He couldn’t disturb her, though he wanted to, it wouldn’t be right. She had been through an ordeal and he had probably fatigued her even more when he had made love to her. And damn if he didn’t want to make love to her again.

  He braced his hand on the roughhewn mantel trying to force his thoughts in a different direction. It didn’t work, his mind filled with images of their last lovemaking only hours ago and he grew harder and harder.

  It was best if he left or he would wake her when she needed to rest. His hand went to his groin. Damn, if he wasn’t as hard as a rock. If he didn’t leave now he was either going to jump in bed and jump her or he was going to stand here and relieve himself of the endless throbbing ache.

  He warned himself to leave, not turn and look at her, just get out now and let her sleep peacefully. He didn’t listen to himself and he was glad he didn’t.

  Dawn was sitting up in bed, the blanket gathered at her waist, her long hair tickling her bare breasts and hard nipples, and her hand stretched out to him. He didn’t hesitate; he shed his garments and went to her.

  An hour later they fell asleep in each other’s arms and woke at dawn only to make love again and it was with reluctance that Cree left her. The snow had stopped falling and on his walk back to the keep he thought about all the battles he a fought, the hardships he had endured, and the marriage agreement he had made to make certain his men would have a home. And through it all he had made a name for himself that people feared and well they should for he swore he would not live by any rule that forced him to go against what he believed was right and for the good of his people.

  Marriage to Lucerne was a mistake and was certainly not good of his people. So as he trudged through the deep snow he was more determined than ever to find a way to make Dawn his wife, for wedding her would be for the good of all.


  Dawn bounced out of bed feeling remarkably well. The babe no longer troubled her in the morning and her appetite had turned hardy. She was happy to see that Flanna brought her morning meal and urged her to sit and visit for a moment.

  “I cannot stay long,” Flanna said, taking a seat at the table and pouring them both hot cider. “There is much to do with the McClusky’s here.” She rolled her eyes. “And then there’s the soon-to-be mistress of the keep who is making it known how displeased she is with Cree’s decision to punish her servant Bree.”

  Dawn scrunched her brow and shrugged.

  “The servants have been talking and they agree that Cree punished Bree to keep her safe from her mistress.” Flanna shook her head. “A day never went by that she didn’t have a bruise on her. Cree ordered her to tend Old Mary until he says otherwise. I tell you, that Lucerne is a mean one.”

  Dawn smiled. Cree would do something like that and she now was even more eager to visit with Old Mary.

  “The lassies’ tongues are wagging over Torr. Even with that scar he’s a handsome one, though he keeps to himself. He could have had a choice of some fine women last night but he paid no heed to a one of them. He was concerned for your safety and glad when you were found. He seems a quiet one.” Flanna popped up out of her seat. “I have to get back to the keep. I or another will bring you the noon meal.”

  Dawn pointed to the food she had taken from the kitchen yesterday and shook her head letting her friend know that she had food aplenty and that no one needed to bring her anything.
br />   “You may have enough food, but the order comes directly from Cree, you’re food is to be brought to you today since you will be resting.”

  Dawn smiled and Flanna grinned.

  “I had a feeling that you might have different plans, especially since there’s no guard at your door.”

  Dawn’s eyes turned wide along with her smile.

  Flanna laughed and the two women hugged. “Be careful, I don’t trust Lucerne and while the McClusky’s seem nice enough, they’ve asked a lot of questions about the mute lass.”

  Dawn didn’t give the McClusky’s much thought, perhaps they were simply curious. She hurried through breakfast eager to see how Old Mary was and meet Bree.

  The snowstorm had dumped a good amount of snow, though paths had been made so that daily chores could be seen to. She made a quick stop at Lila’s knowing her friend would be worried about her.

  “You shouldn’t take such foolish chances,” Lila scolded her after hugging her tightly. “One of these days you’ll find yourself in a situation you can’t get out of.”

  She already was in one of those now that she carried Cree’s child.

  They chatted while Lila tried to get a fussing Thomas ready to take along to her daily chore. Dawn scooped the babe out of Lila’s arm and he instantly settled when she hugged him against her.

  “I swear that babe loves you more than anyone,” Lila complained, though with a smile.

  Dawn gestured with her one hand and Lila easily understood.

  “Aye, take him for a while; it will give me rare time to myself before I’m off to tend to my daily chore.”

  Dawn layered clothing on the babe, and then wrapped him in a warm wool plaid. Out they went with a smile and a wave to Lila. Thomas was fascinated by the snow and squealed with delight when Dawn cupped some in his hands to feel and then she tossed some in the air.

  She smiled wide and he laughed.

  They soon were at Old Mary’s door and it was a young lass with curly red hair that opened the door and, of course, she could not help but smile at a red-cheeked Thomas and bid them to enter.

  “Dawn,” Old Mary cried out in delight from the bed. “Bree, you must meet this courageous woman who so bravely saved my life. She is valiant beyond words for she has no voice and would never be able to call out for help and still she didn’t hesitate to help an old, foolish woman.”

  Dawn waved her praise off as if it were unnecessary and unwrapped Thomas, removing some of his garments since the small cottage was toasty warm. She removed her own cloak as well and sat on a chair that Bree had moved by the bed.

  “Give me that little lovey,” Old Mary said, reaching out for Thomas who went willing into the old woman’s arms.

  “It is pleased I am to meet you,” Bree said with a bob of her head. “Old Mary has told me much about you and I envy your courage.”

  Dawn gestured and Old Mary interpreted, not many knowing how well she understood Dawn.

  “She says that you must have great courage of your own to suffer the bruises to your face.”

  “It is no more than the lot of the servant to be at the whim of her mistress,” Bree said with a resignation that Dawn and all peasants understood.

  Dawn learned much about the young lass as they talked and while Thomas enjoyed the attention of all three. And she came to like the young lass, realizing that Bree was trying to survive a difficult situation. What troubled Dawn was that Bree seemed to have no way out. She belonged to a mean-spirited mistress and it would be her lot until she dismissed her or she died.

  The door swung open with force and Bree jumped out of her chair when she saw that Lucerne stood in the doorway.

  “You will return to the keep with me now,” Lucerne ordered.

  “Cree has rescinded my punishment?” Bree asked.

  Lucerne stepped further into the cottage. “You dare to question me. I’ll have your tongue for that.”

  That and a whimper from Thomas, who no doubt grew upset from Lucerne’s angry voice was all Dawn needed to hear to have her react. She walked over to Lucerne, her gesture clear. She stretched her arm out, her finger pointing to the door.

  “How dare you command me to leave, you dumb harlot,” Lucerne screeched.

  Bree moved as if prepared to do as Lucerne demanded, thereby settling the matter, but Dawn blocked her path with her arm and shook her head.

  “Who do you—” Lucerne never got to finish, Dawn advanced on her so fast that Lucerne stumbled backwards right out the door and into Cree.

  Chapter Eleven

  Lucerne turned with a fury as if ready to berate the person who dared get in her way but when she saw who it was, she collapsed against Cree, though his arm did not go around her.

  “This peasant dared to threaten me,” she cried, “punish her for her insolence.”

  “What are you doing here,” Cree demanded of Lucerne.

  She backed away from him, her hand flying to her chest. “What does that matter? This woman,” —she pointed to Dawn— “threatened your intended. She must be punished.”

  Cree took a step toward her and looked ever so intimidating dressed all in black, his black fur-lined cloak making his already broad shoulder appear broader. “Answer me.”

  Lucerne stiffened and crossed her arms protectively over her chest. “I came to collect my servant.”

  “Did I not make it perfectly clear to you that your servant was being punished and that you were not to interfere with her punishment or you would suffer the consequences?”

  “It is barbaric to force me to do without my servant. And her punishment should be left to me not you. I can promise you that she will never disobey you again.” Lucerne turned. “Bree come here at once.”

  Bree hurried to the door, not bothering to fetch her cloak.

  “Stay where you are, lass,” Cree ordered and Bree stopped abruptly.

  Lucerne turned to him. “Bree is my servant. Until we are wed you cannot dictate to her. Besides this land does not officially belong to you until you wed me, so it is I who rule here not you.”

  Cree’s scowl turned so menacing that Lucerne stepped away from him and Bree hurried over by Old Mary. Dawn was the only one not affected by his ominous expression and remained as she was.

  “Let’s see whose land this is and who rules here,” Cree said calmly and with a simple raise of his hand Sloan seemed to appear out of nowhere. “Sloan escort Lucerne to the keep and to her bedchamber. Post a guard at her door with instructions that she is not permitted to leave her chambers.”

  “You can’t be serious?” Lucerne said paling.

  “I warned you there would be consequences if you disobeyed me, the fault is yours.”

  Lucerne sent Cree a murderous look. “You will regret this.”

  “I already do.”

  Lucerne stepped back as if she had been slapped. “I should have known, once a peasant always a peasant.”

  Cree waved his hand and Sloan stepped forward and took Lucerne’s arm.

  Lucerne yanked it out of his grasp. “My father will hear about this and he will not be pleased.” With that she turned and with her chin held high she walked off with Sloan close on her heels.

  Cree stepped up to the open door just as Thomas let out a wail. Dawn turned and hurried to take him from Old Mary and the babe stopped crying instantly. He had to be hungry since Dawn had not expected to have been gone this long.

  As Dawn finished wrapping Thomas for the cold, Old Mary called out, “Don’t forget your fur-lined cloak. You’ll need it soon.”

  Bree hurried to snatch it off the peg but it was Cree who stepped in the cottage and took it from her to place over the cloak Dawn already had on. He then turned to Bree. “I will see about finding you a cottage and chores that will suit you. You are no longer Lucerne’s servant. You are part of my clan now.”

  Bree looked surprised and a bit skeptical but bobbed her head and said, “Thank you, my lord.”

  Dawn followed Cree out of the cottage
and watched as she scooped up snow and let it fall in front of the babe who laughed. She gestured to him that she needed to return Thomas to Lila and while they walked her one hand entertained the babe as if she were singing him a tune and the babe smiled and cuddled against her. She had no voice and yet here she talked with the babe.

  She would make a good mother. The thought pleased and irritated him and made him all the more determined to find a way for them to wed. He could not abide the thought of Lucerne as his wife and he doubted that she could abide him for a husband. They would want to kill each other once they wed and she just might attempt it.

  Cree waited outside the cottage while Dawn turned Thomas over to Lila and when she came out and they walked only a few feet she stopped and frowned, pointed to him and then to herself.

  “Why should I be angry with you?” he asked with a smile.

  She playfully counted off on her fingers.

  “You’re right. There could be a number of reasons why.”

  She laughed silently and he never thought she looked more beautiful. Her creamy cheeks were tinged red from the cold and her dark eyes sparkled with joy. It startled him that she appeared so happy. He had not made her lot an easy one and yet here she stood smiling and laughing with him.

  She turned in a flourish and he thought she meant to dash off and was about to run after her when she turned around and a snowball hit his chest. He was stunned and made the mistake of not seeking retribution immediately since a second snowball hit him in the shoulder.

  He saw that she was laughing as she made another snowball and it spurred him into action, though not before another one caught him again in the shoulder as he turned to scoop up snow.

  To his surprise he missed her twice while she pelted him three times. She ducked and twisted and moved so fast he kept missing her, and she appeared to laugh harder with each of his misses.

  A couple of young lads came upon them and stood watching, their eyes wide and their mouths hanging open, shocked to see Cree engaged in playful antics.

  He turned a half scowl, half smile on them and they froze. “What are you waiting for? Help me defeat her.”


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