immigrants serving on both sides, 43
key historic events during, 43–44
1890s, 43–54
famous immigrants during, 45
Faye Lundsky's story, 47–54
key historic events during, 44
levels of immigration in, 45
new wave of immigration, 14
top ten emigration countries during, 45
worldwide economic crisis, 43
1900s, 55–72
Betty Dornbaum's story, 66–72
Ellis Island becoming overcrowded in, 15
famous immigrants during, 56–57
“Gentlemen's Agreement” of 1907, 16
Immigration Act of 1903, 15
Japanese and Korean Exclusion Movement, 55
key historic events during, 55
levels of immigration in, 55, 56
growth in numbers of eastern European Jews (1903–1906), 15
Patricia Fitzgerald's story, 60–65
top ten emigration countries during, 56
1910s, 73–86
Alien Land Law of California in 1913, 73
famous immigrants during, 74–75
Giacomo “Jack” Ubaldi's story, 81–86
key historic events during, 73–74
levels of immigration in, 73, 74
Literacy Act of 1917, 16–17, 74
Mexican Revolution (1910), 16
Sister Mary Tesar's story, 77–80
top ten emigration countries during, 74
World War I, impact on immigration, 16
1920s, 87–103
Bertha Renner Zeichner's story, 90–94
Bureau of Immigration stepping up domestic enforcement of illegal aliens, 17
David Saltman's story, 95–103
economic growth during, 87
famous immigrants during, 88–89
Immigration Restriction Act of 1921 (setting temporary quotas), 17, 87
key historic events during, 87
levels of immigration in, 17, 87, 88
National Origins Act of 1924 (setting permanent quotas), 17, 87
top ten emigration countries during, 88
1930s, 105–127
Bureau of Naturalization, merger in 1933 with Bureau of Immigration, 106
famous immigrants during, 106–107
Great Depression, 17, 105
Johannes von Trapp's story, 120–27
key historic events during, 105–106
levels of immigration in, 106
decline during Great Depression, 17
Maria Franziska von Trapp's story, 115–19
people fleeing Europe, 18
Renata Nieri's story, 110–14
top ten emigration countries during, 106
Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934 (Philippine Independence Act), 106
1940s, 129–59
Aniela Szeliga's story, 149–59
Displaced Persons Act of 1948, 130, 163
famous immigrants during, 130–31
key historic events during, 129–30
levels of immigration in, 130
Paul Laric's story, 133–48
top ten emigration countries during, 130
War Brides Act of 1945, 18, 130
World War II, 18, 129
1950s, 163–96
Ava Rado-Harte's story, 166–73
closure of Ellis Island in 1954, 19, 21, 22, 26
famous immigrants during, 164–65
fear of Communism and immigration policies, 18–19
Hungarian Refugee Act of 1956, 163
Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952, 163
Internal Security Act of 1950, 18, 163
Jacques Pépin's story, 180–95
key historic events during, 163–64
levels of immigration in, 164
Refugee-Escapee Act of 1957, 163
Refugee Relief Act of 1953, 163–64
Steve Keschl's story, 174–79
top ten emigration countries during, 164
1960s, 197–229
André Soltner's story, 210–21
Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966, 198
Emilio Estefan's story, 222–29
famous immigrants during, 198–99
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, 197
amendment to in 1969, 198
Iris Gomez's story, 200–209
key historic events during, 197–98
levels of immigration in, 198
top ten emigration countries during, 198
1970s, 231–56
Ariane Daguin's story, 240–47
famous immigrants during, 232–33
key historic events during, 231–32
levels of immigration in, 231, 232
Pastor Jim Macnee's story, 248–56
Stella Dushats's story, 234–39
Supreme Court in 1974 upholding Canadians and Mexicans commuting freely, 231
top ten emigration countries during, 232
US withdrawal from Vietnam in 1975, 231
1980s, 257–76
famous immigrants during, 258–59
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, 257
Jacques Torres's story, 272–76
Jorge Munoz's story, 261–65
key historic events during, 257–58
levels of immigration in, 258
Murat Tuzcu's story, 266–71
Redress Act of 1988, 258
Refugee Act of 1980, 257
Supreme Court narrowing residency deportation provision of Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, 257
top ten emigration countries during, 258
US Refugee Act of 1980, 204
1990s, 277–303
Carlos Escobar's story, 295–98
Cesar Millan's story, 280–94
Commission on Immigration Reform, 1997 report, 278
famous immigrants during, 279
Golly Ramnath's story, 299–303
Immigration Act of 1990, 277
key historic events during, 277–78
levels of immigration in, 278
top ten emigration countries during, 278–79
2000s, 305–41
arriving immigrants have better education, 305
famous immigrants during, 307–308
key historic events during, 305–307
Kiril Tarpov's story, 309–13
levels of immigration in, 307
Marie Gonzalez's story, 331–34
Martine Kalaw's story, 335–37
Sister Christine Feagan's story, 314–28
Tam Tran's story, 338–41
top ten emigration countries during, 307
Page numbers in bold indicate photos and figures.
Abdulmajid, Iman. See Iman
Achner, Bernard, 146
Adamic, Louis, 75
Adams, Amy, 258
Aigner, Lucien, 107
Albright, Madeleine, 131
Algerian War, 185
Alien Land Law of California in 1913, 73
American born, stories of
Johannes von Trapp's story, 120–27, 121
Sister Christine Feagan's story, 314–28
American Dream Act. See DREAM Act
American Farmer (ship), 116, 120
American Field Service, 268
American Immigration Council, 205
American–Mexican border. See Mexican–American border, crossing of
American Red Cross, 206
amnesty, 1986 immigration law allowing for, 257, 261
more than 105 million seek amnesty in 1988, 258
anarchists denied entry to US in 1903, 55
Anconia (ship torpedoed by submarine), 82–83
Anderson, Pamela, 279
Andrews, Julie, 115, 119, 125
Angel Island, 152
“Angel of Queens.” See Munoz, Jorge
Ann-Margret, 131
Antin, Mary, 45
Argentina as a destination for migrants in the 1900s, 16<
br />
Arizona desert, crossing illegally, 297
Arizona Senate Bill 1070, 25, 35, 205, 206, 307, 327
Ark Restaurants, 219–20
Arnaz, Desi, 107
Ascania (ship), 180, 187
Ashland, KY, 248
Asian immigration to the US, 277, 305
arriving at Angel Island in San Francisco Bay in 1940, 152
dwarfs from Asia, photo of from 1900, 68
See also individual countries, i. e., China, Vietnam, etc.
Asimov, Isaac, 88
becoming responsibility of Citizenship and Immigration Services, 305–306
difficulty of winning, 338
Mexicans not eligible for, 324
US State Department issuing guidelines in 1972, 231
See also refugees
Atlas, Charles, 56
Auer, Mischa, 88
Austin Powers (movie), 259
Australia as a destination for migrants in the 1900s, 16
Austria and Austrian immigration to US
Bertha Renner Zeichner's story, 90–94
Maria Franziska von Trapp's story, 115–19
one of top ten emigration countries
in 1890s, 45
in 1900s, 56
in 1910s, 74
in 1950s, 164
Rado-Harte's escape to Austria from Hungary, 36, 168–70
Sister Mary Tesar's story, 77–80
Steve Keschl's story, 174–79
“Autumn in New York” (song), 88
Avengers, The (TV show), 164
Aykroyd, Dan, 232
Bacardi family, 226, 227
Balkan region, immigration from, 15
Barge Office, 46
used as a temporary location after 1897 fire at Ellis Island, 44
used before Ellis Island, 14
Barnard College, 242
Barpeta (ship), 141–42
Baryshnikov, Mikhail, 232
Bastianich, Lidia, 192
Batali, Mario, 192
Batista, Fulgencio, 227
Baum, Joe, 190
Bavarian immigrant, photo of, 65
See also Germany and German immigration to US
Bay of Pigs invasion, 228
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY, 299
Beame, Abraham, 57
Beard, James, 191
Beatles (music group), 232
Belarsky, Clarunia, 236
Belarsky, Isabel, 234, 235, 236, 237
Belarsky, Sidor, 106, 234, 236, 237
Belgium, Hitler's conquests in leading to “stateless” aliens, 18
Bemelmans, Ludwig, 75
Bergensfjord (ship), 121
Berlin, Irving, 45
Bethe, Hans, 107
Bethlehem, PA, 85
Bikel, Theodore, 125
Board of Emigration Commissioners (New York State), 13
Board of Immigration, 337
Boiardi, Ettore, 75
Bolivia and Christine Feagan's story, 314, 316
Bond, Kit, 333
Border Patrol
becoming Customs and Border Protection in 2003, 306
founding of in 1924, 16
increasing size of in 1996, 278
Supreme Court ruling in 1975 not allowing profiling by, 231
surveillance by, 33, 34, 296, 308
checking vehicles, 322
checkpoints, 316, 319, 326
See also Mexican–American border, crossing of
Border Wars (TV show), 35
Bordoni, Irène, 57
Bosnian immigration, 319, 320
Boston, MA, 53
Boston University, 180, 188, 193, 194, 202
Boulud, Daniel, 218
Brazil as a destination for migrants in the 1900s, 16
Brewer, Jan, 35, 307
Briganti, Stephen A., 21–23
Brin, Sergey, 233
British-American Club, 238
Brooklyn College, 302
Brosnan, Pierce, 258
Brown University, 341
Bruce, Nigel, 107
Brynner, Jules “Yul,” 131, 132
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 164
Bulgaria and Bulgarian immigration to US, 14, 15
Kiril Tarpov's story, 309–13
Bulgarian-American Arts Festival, 309
Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church (New York City), 309
Bureau of Immigration formed in 1891, 14, 44
merging again in 1933 with Bureau of Naturalization, 106. See also Immigration and Naturalization Service
name changed to Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization in 1906, 55
and rise in number of Jews from eastern Europe, 15
setting up immigrant inspection agencies across US, 14
splitting of Immigration and Naturalization Bureaus in 1913, 73
stepping up domestic enforcement of illegal aliens in 1920s, 17
Bureau of Naturalization
merging again in 1933 with Bureau of Immigration, 106. See also Immigration and Naturalization Service
splitting of Immigration and Naturalization Bureaus in 1913, 73
Bush, George W., 277, 293
Byrne, David, 198
Byrne, Gabriel, 258
Cage, Nicholas, 290
Cambodia, 231
Cameron, James, 232
TSS Cameronia (ship), 95
Canada and Canadian immigration to US, 18
as a destination for migrants in the 1900s, 16
illegal immigrants from other countries coming to US via Canada, 319
one of top ten emigration countries
in 1910s, 74
in 1920s, 88
in 1930s, 106
in 1940s, 130
in 1950s, 164
in 1960s, 198
in 1970s, 232
in 1980s, 258
in 1990s, 279
Pastor Jim Macnee's story, 248–56
Supreme Court in 1974 upholding Canadians and Mexicans commuting freely, 231
Canseco, José, 198
Capra, Frank, 56
Cardin, Pierre, 172
Cardoza, David, 33
Carey, Hugh, 217
Caribbean women at Ellis Island, 84
See also individual countries, i.e., Cuba, Haiti, etc.
Carnegie, PA, 157
Carnera, Primo “The Ambling Alp,” 106
Caruso, Enrico, 56
Castle Garden Emigrant Landing Depot, 11, 12, 12, 13, 14
Betty Dornbaum processed at, 66, 70
Ellis Island replacing in 1892, 44
opening of in 1855, 43
Castro, Fidel, 164, 195, 222, 224, 227–28
CBP. See Customs and Border Protection
CBS News (TV show), 278
Census Bureau, 305, 343
Center for Emerging Art, 166
Chan, Charlie (fictional character). See Oland, Warner
Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan, 107
Chaplin, Charles “Charlie,” 75, 88, 147
Chaplin, Hannah, 88
Chauchoin, Lily. See Colbert, Claudette
“Chef Boyardee.” See Boiardi, Ettore
Chevalier de L'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres award, 180
Chevalier de L'Ordre du Mérite Agricolec award, 180, 210
Chez Hansi restaurant (Paris), 213, 214
Child, Julia, 180, 190–91, 192–94, 210
children, immigrant
child labor, 71, 73
impact of illegal immigration on, 323, 324–25
See also DREAM Act
China and Chinese immigration to US, 28
arriving at Angel Island in 1940, 152
during California Gold Rush, 43
one of top ten emigration countries
in 1940s, 130
in 1980s, 258
in 1990s, 279
in 2000s, 307
popularity of Sound of Music movie in, 125
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, 13, 44
repealed i
n 1943, 130
Chopra, Deepak, 199
Citizenship and Immigration Services, 317
taking over some of INS duties in 2003, 305–306
Civil War (1861–1865)
decline in immigration after, 11
immigrants serving on both sides during the war, 43
Claiborne, Anne Elisabeth Jane “Liz,” 107
Claiborne, Craig, 190–91
Clark, William, 30
Cleese, John, 199
Cleveland, Grover, 44
Cleveland Clinic, 266, 269, 270, 271
Clinton, Bill, 278
Clive, E. E., 75
CNN/Gallup poll, 25
CNN Hero Award, 261, 264–65
Coan, Peter Morton
firsthand experience with modern-day immigration, 35–36
writing of Ellis Island Interviews: In Their Own Words, 26, 36
Coen Brothers, 234
Cohen, Leonard, 199
Cohen, Sacha Baron, 308
Colbert, Claudette, 57
Cold War, 18, 163
Colombia and Colombian immigration to US, 307
Iris Gomez's story, 200–209
Jorge Munoz's story, 261–65
Columbia University, 187–88, 190, 191–92, 242
Comneci, Nadia, 259
Comerford, Cristeta, 258
Commission on Immigration Reform, 1997 report of, 278
difficulty of living under, 166, 222, 223–24, 311
growing fear of in US during the 1950s, 18
Internal Security Act of 1950, 163
Hungarian Revolution of 1956, 36, 164
Ava Rado-Harte's story, 166–69
Steve Keschl's story, 175–76
Refugee Relief Act of 1953 saving people from, 163–64
spread of in Southeast Asia in the 1970s, 231
Congo and Martine Kalaw's story, 335–37
“Cooking in Concert” (TV show), 193
Cornell University, 191
Corps of Discovery, 30
Cortez, Ricardo, 56
Costa Rica and Costa Rican immigration to US
Cubans using as an access point to US, 228–29
Marie Gonzalez's story, 331–34
Costello, Frank, 45
coyote guides and crossing the Mexican–American border. See Mexican–American border, crossing of
“criminal alien” category, 278
Crisp, Donald, 57
Croatia and Croatian immigration, 13, 319
Cuba and Cuban immigration to US
Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966, 198
Cuban refugees paroled into US in 1960, 197
Emilio Estefan's story, 222–29
one of top ten emigration countries
in 1930s, 106
in 1940s, 130
in 1950s, 164
in 1960s, 198
in 1970s, 232
in 2000s, 307
photo of refugees in Port Everglades, FL, in 1963, 195
spiking after Castro becomes dictator in 1959, 164
US response to Cuban refugee crisis in 1980, 257
Cugat, Xavier, 75
Customs and Border Protection taking over some of INS duties in 2003, 306
Toward a Better Life Page 31