The second issue is that it is a daunting job. Constitutional responsibility means I have to read and understand every one of the eleven thousand bills. Even if my Governor General on some remote planet is to sign a bill, I still have to authorize that Governor General. The law does not give him the power of assent. It places that authority and responsibility in my hands. So, despite how romantic and magnificent people may see the throne, the life is actually drudgery. There are no long vacations. I have worked without an extended break for thirty years. Even my poorest subject hasn't done that. I can tell you - I am exhausted. Bill, will you take over." The Emperor finished.
"About eight years ago, I met the Emperor at a party, on Rigil. We became fast friends. When I took over Quadrant Three, he started visiting me regularly. He would talk about abdicating and ridding himself of the responsibility and guilt. I would try to counsel him against it. I understood his arguments and empathized. But, I always advised him to stay with the status quo. He was making the same sales pitch to all the Quadrant Commanders and the C&C. The problem was that several Commanders and one Fleet Admiral were so adamant about keeping the constitution as it is, Edward was afraid he would tear the Empire apart if he relinquished his throne. And, he knew resignation would not end the system. His heir would replace him, regenerating the whole system. The meetings continued, but now seeking a way to overcome the obstacles to changing the constitution. He did have sympathetic ears in one C&C, Quadrant Two, and Quadrant Three Commands. But that was not enough strength to force the issue.
He met George at a promotion ceremony and took a liking to him. They became friends, and he had another sympathetic ear. He was smart enough to pass to George that Quadrants Two and Three and one C&C sympathized with his point of view. When George created Mobile Fifth, the Emperor began visiting him and having the same kinds of discussions he had with me. George went from supportive to proactive - trying to find a way through the dilemma that would give Edward what he wanted without causing a civil war throughout such a vast Empire..." Bill was interrupted by Edward.
"You see, by the time Mobile Fifth was about six months old, it became apparent that Quadrants One and Four would actually use force with the backing of one C&C to maintain the system as it is. In my mind, a real Civil War would be a failure. It would destroy the work the Delnikovs before me, and all the past legislatures did to build such a wonderful Empire. About eight months ago, George came up with the idea that gave us a way through the fog. George, will you explain?" The Emperor put the ball in Bryant's court.
George took over. " What, I realized was that people had the view they could not survive without the throne. After all these generations, no lives who actually experienced the world the first Delnikov and Old Tom saved us from. But, we told stories, taught history, and maintained libraries that reinforced the narrative. Everyone knows the terror the Earth had experienced. And citizens from other worlds had their own problems that had been cured by membership in the Empire, so they fear the loss of it, too. So, what I propose is that we don't get rid of Edward. We don't let him abdicate. Instead, we crown him King." George finished and paused for reaction.
"I don't get it! That doesn't change anything. That would make it a monarchy." I said.
"Okay, that's true.' George and all the others except Helena and I were laughing as he continued. 'We basically control things to create a Constitutional Monarchy. That's not a great term because it generally refers to a parliamentary-type system, which is based on parties. What I am proposing is a representative constitutional monarchy. It's kind of a hybrid. It's like a republican government in that it has a representative legislature with a Head of State. On the other hand, it is like a constitutional monarchy because it has a representative government with a Monarch as the principal. The assembly would hold all the power. The Monarch would be a figurehead. At first, Edward did not like the idea. He wanted to abdicate and ride off into the sunset. But, I convinced him that the Imperialists would never let it rest. There would be an ongoing civil war if the Delnikovs did not stay involved in some way. So together, we constructed a step by step plan that should prevent a civil war, but, would be revolutionary.
"Step one - Edward presents a bill to the Assembly elevating him to the status of King and seeks ratification. Of course, he doesn't really need it. He could just write the law and sign it, and that would be it under this Constitution. Hopefully, some will wake up and realize that. The object here is to create a resistance to the move. If no one speaks up within a short period, we will generate a negative response designed to draw a following. I suspect this will start an uproar. If it does not, and the Assembly ratifies the change quietly, we have achieved the first step. If it does, it will give the Emperor an excuse to call in help to keep order. That will be Mobile Fifth Command. We would deploy in a bubble surrounding Earth and Rigil, not including the regions protected by Quadrants Two and Three. Those Quadrants would pull their inside forces in tighter to Earth. Essentially, we would be in a position to forcibly repel any other Quadrant that wished to take a stand, and we'd be in a position to detain the other two Quadrant Commanders. Once there, the Emperor would not take action to have us leave.
Step two - would be the Emperor presenting a new constitution to the Assembly. This constitution would echo the old one in most respects but would rest final authority for all legislation generated by both the Assembly and remote governments, with the Orion Assembly. It will effectively remove the need for Royal Assent for a statute to become law. Any bill would be law when passed by the Assembly and would require the Royal signature as a formality. It would also rest ultimate authorization of all distant governments' legislation with the Orion Assembly, again, with Royal acceptance being only a formality. The new Constitution would embed the same Bill of Rights and the same clauses for distribution of representation. It would sustain the provisions that guarantee the election of the representatives by the general population. Nothing would change except Orion would be a democracy instead of a representative dictatorship. It's at step two we really expect problems.
The First Minister, half the Council, one-third of the Assembly, one C&C, and two Quadrant Commands appear to be Pro Emperor, or at least, pro status quo. They like things as they are. They honor the office, throne, and crown of the Emperor, not Edward, the man. In a strict sense, their loyalty is not to the Empire, but to its throne. And that's the difference. I believe our loyalties are with the Emperor, the people of the Empire, and the representatives of those people. I also believe we are humane enough to see how much suffering this system has caused the Delnikov family over the generations they have held power. And most of all, I believe we see that Edward is right and sooner or later the nature of the dictatorship has to change. Sometime in the future, our Sovereignty will be ruled by an autocrat or a despot.
If step two is received as expected, the First Minister will ask Dickinson to deploy forces to sustain his wishes and will attempt to declare Marshall Law and a temporary suspension of the constitution. Suspecting or even knowing Admiral Stephenson's view, Dickinson will endeavor to deploy forces on his own. We will be monitoring all C&C communications by then, so we'll be aware of the orders. We'll use your enforcement component to arrest Admiral Dickinson, at that time, Kurt." I interrupt Admiral Bryant.
"Just a minute George, my purvue does not include the C&C of the OESA," I interject.
"Your investigative responsibilities do not include it, but your charter is to enforce the statutes, laws, and Constitution of the Orion Empire, and Admiral Dickinson will have breached several laws and the Constitution, at that point. Your authority and power are broad. Detecting a Quadrant, Theatre, or Fleet Commander attempting to carry out the order will require you to arrest offending Officers for trying to execute an unlawful one. Once Dickinson is all wrapped up in the legal system, Admiral Stephenson will recommend to the Secretary of Defense and the Emperor, or King by that time, the temporary elevation of Admiral Blackman as C&C of the OESA. Whet
her or not the Assembly and Council approve the nomination, the Emperor will order it, making it a legal appointment. Throughout this entire operation, we must follow the Rule of Law. We must never be in a criminal conspiracy and must always be in a position of defending the constitution and statutes.
Step three will be the C&C ordering a review of both Quadrants One and Four by your department, Kurt. The excuse will be that they are suspected of attempting to act on the unlawful order. If you find they have, you will arrest them. If not, you will keep them very busy. In the meantime, your Branch has to maintain your operations throughout the rest of the service. The size of your staff is not written into law or regulations because no one knew what resources you would actually need. If at any time, you need more resources, just ask. Whether examinations are standard ones or extraordinary ones, you are trying to identify who will support the Emperor's point of view while conducting them. You may find a Theatre Command or Fleets in Quadrant One that are loyal to the Emperor or are accepting of democracy. We need to know who we can approach and who we can't. No Quadrant or its sub-commands can act without an order, or authorization, from the C&C. Since anyone attempting to support the First Minister's request or trying to foment rebellion against the legal undertakings of the Government will be breaking the law, you will be required to arrest them for carrying out an illegal directive or inciting revolution. Our effort here is to kill opposition attempts to use force by continually hammering them over the head with the letter of the law.
Step four is securing the situation. Once we are sure all opposition is contained, the Emperor will demand his constitutional edits are dealt with in the Assembly. He will ask for ground forces as a means of quelling potential violence and calming the situation. General Malcolm will deploy forty thousand troops to the Capital at the Assembly, the Council, and the Emperor's palace, and ten thousand to Headquarters on Rigil. The demonstration of strength should not just prevent an uprising. It should shake the Assembly into approving the new Constitution. Remember that only two-thirds of the members need to vote in favor. Once passed the Emperor will sign it into law. Pro-democracy forces will remain in place for at least thirty days to ensure stability. Any attempt to break the democracy will be dealt with as a rebellion. Meantime, the C&C will go about their business ordering Quadrants One and Four to concentrate forces on the outer ring of our territory. Quadrants Two and Three will appear to be doing the same, but they will assemble four Fleets of each Theatre on the outer ring. The others will stay very close to Earth and Rigil. We will all stand down, after two months.
Any subsequent investigations should exonerate any of us and prove that we only acted in the bests interests of the King, the laws, and the constitution of the realm, as they were at the time of the incident.
Over the next year, the Quadrant One and Four Commanders will be replaced by loyal Theatre Commanders, unless they turned and acted with us during the skirmish. If they are replaced, you will get a Theatre Command within a year. Someone else will take over your new department. What do you think?" Bryant asked me.
"I think it sounds good. But it's a little thin. I believe we need more thought on the Emperor's role. I feel he should play a bigger part. For instance, when the First Minister tries to step in, I think he should ask the OESA for assistance and accuse the First Minister of attempting to overthrow the Government. That request gives us the legal authority to take all the actions you are promoting. There's also the timeline. When does the Emperor make his first appeal? Then there's my new staff. It's already too small. I can see that. If I am supposed to already be conducting investigations all over the realm, and then I have to arrest people in Headquarters and conduct inquiries in Quadrants One and Four, the Staff is not going to be able to cope with it. At least, not the one you outlined. Remember, half that Staff has to run the department so the other half can do their jobs. If I need a thousand investigators and enforcement officers, two thousand forensics specialists and a thousand legal experts, then I will need four thousand to support them. We are looking at more like eight thousand people just to start, and, it may take more. We won't know until we run for awhile and see what the load requirement is. The one good thing is that around the eight thousand mark you won't need to add support staff for every person in enforcement. You might need a few more people every time you add another hundred." I observed.
"Did you catch all that, Bill?" George asked.
"I did, and I agree about the Emperor's role. He could make our part easier and safer. As far as the department goes, we guessed at forty-six hundred, so accounting did a pro forma on that. But we doubled it when we approached the Council and Assembly. You are clear to nine thousand if needed. The budget approved should give you the funds to equip and run a staff of ninety-two hundred traveling field personnel. Does that allay your fears, Kurt?" He finished as I nodded.
"I never would have imagined it... here I am in a plot to overthrow the Emperor that is the scheme of that very Sovereign. The irony is not lost on me." I chuckled as I mumbled feigning my most naive facemask.
The tension in the room dropped as everyone broke into laughter.
My enunciator sounded. "Excuse me for a minute I said." as I rose and called up the mail.
From:Commodore Rohkea Sielu Deputy COS Theatre Two Command
To:Admiral Kurt Brubacher Commander OESA Inspector General Branch
Re:Promotion and Reassignment
Date:June 1, 2257
Admiral Brubacher,
I received your offer for the elevation to Rear Admiral and assignment as Chief of Staff of the Inspector General Branch, with some surprise. I was not expecting any offers under conditions that currently exist in the service.
Please advise me of the date you would like me to start so I can arrange transportation. I accept your offer.
Commodore Rohkea Sielu
From:Admiral Kurt Brubacher Commander OESA Inspector General Branch
To:Commodore Rohkea Sielu Deputy COS Theatre Two Command
Re:Promotion and Reassignment
C.C.Fleet Admiral W. Stephenson OESA C&C, Admiral G. Bryant Commander Fifth
Mobile RAC, Vice Admiral Helena Leeds Commander Phoenix Fleet.
Date:June 1, 2257
Commodore Sielu,
You are needed, immediately. A vessel will arrive for you at sixteen thirty hours on June 3 and will convey you to the Valhalla, at high speed.
You will arrive here at twenty-two hundred hours June 5. Please report to me at eight hundred hours June 6, 2257.
Just a note to inform you that, after being familiarized with all aspects, requirements, and objectives of the department, the staff will be considerably larger than previously discussed.
Admiral Kurt Brubacher
I tap the transmit icon and both messages go out. A few seconds later, there are chimes in the room. I motioned to Helena and mouthed her a message. "Can you arrange that transportation, please?" She nods and begins tapping on her pad. Bill and George both look up from their pads with smiles.
"I'll get you a warrant," Bill says.
"Is everyone satisfied? There is still time. We can brainstorm and refine the plan, over the next couple of months.' Bryant offers. 'We've got to get going. It seems business is continuing, as we are sitting here." He adds with a smile.
We break up the meeting. I walk out with Helena. "Thank you. You did me a big favor." I say with a smile.
"That's okay. You'll pay for it, tonight. Can we get together tomorrow about the wedding? I know you're busy, today." She asks.
"Yes, we can. I would like nothing better than to get at least the major planning started. I am sorry we have to dance to the OESA tune." I reply.
"Oh don't worry about that. Every girl wants a royal wedding. I'm happy it turned out this way. I just don’t know where I’ll be able to find a pair of glass slippers." She answers with a giggle.
I'm very relieved. Commodore Rohkea Sielu has arrived. We met and discussed the situation. Roh and I have agreed on a general construct for the department, and both feel we need security investigators, first. All our people will have to be vetted carefully. There can be no question of their honesty. But, there also has to be no question of allegiance. I prefer to have those with no feelings on the Monarchy. Loyalty to the Empire itself and the Constitution will be the primary objective. Then, we want all personnel to have superior qualifications.
By the time that discussion was over, Admiral Bryant was ready to do the honors. Roh was elevated and assigned. We had a small cocktail party with only people within our little secret group. Roh was gently brought up to date while we all eyed her intently.
"I find it unbelievable that people would resist democracy, in favor of dictatorship - no matter how benign and beneficent that dictatorship has been. The Emperor is right. It could turn to an autocracy, anytime after he passes away. And, I find it sad that people are not more receptive to his needs. It sounds like he's actually in pain." She observed in no uncertain tones.
We cornered Malcolm during the reception, arranging to meet immediately after the party.
"Ian, we have gone over all the objectives of the department and have agreed with Bill and George that the original staff requirements for this operation were sorely underestimated. The Branch will need nearly double the initial deployment planned. We have a list of our first requirements for you, but the most significant people now are the security investigators. We need you to find us twenty-five people qualified, experienced in security investigations, and deserving of promotion as quickly as possible. We require people that, you know are pro-democracy or at the least, pro-constitution and very loyal to you. We prefer one at the rank of Lieutenant, we can promote to Captain. That Officer will head the twenty-five man team and should be moved first, so, he or she will have a say in the Company. These people will thoroughly investigate and vet the ones to come, so their status should be unquestionable, now." Ian cut me off.
Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 46