Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 52

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  C.C.:Orion Council of First Ministers, Orion Empire Representative Assembly


  Date:November 2, 2257


  We are saddened to advise you that, effective immediately, Fleet Admiral D. Williamson has been suspended from duty as OESA C&C.

  We would also like to inform you all that Admiral O. Blackman has been elevated to the Rank of Fleet Admiral (12) and will straightaway assume the second chair as C&C OESA.

  These actions were precipitated by recent events. Please give Fleet Admiral Blackman your full cooperation, loyalty, and obedience.

  Edward Delnikov Emperor Orion Empire



  To:Fleet Admiral W. Stephenson C&C OESA,

  Fleet Admiral O. Blackman C&C OESA

  From:Edward III Head of State Orion Empire, Office of the Secretary of Defense

  C.C.Admiral Kurt Brubacher Inspector General

  Re:Recent rebellion

  Date:November 3, 2257


  Current events have left me concerned, and the Council, Assembly, and Secretary of Defense shaken. It goes without saying that our Empire has always conducted the business of governing in a civilized manner. Attempts to circumvent legal and constitutionally valid efforts to legislate, administer, or modify the constitution for the improvement of the Empire are detested.

  Since there is uncertainty over whether or not the threat has been entirely resolved, I ask that you dispatch OESA field forces to protect the space around Earth and Rigil. Please deploy adequate ground forces to protect our citizens and government operations on Earth, and OESA operations on Rigil for a maximum period of ninety days, unless otherwise directed by this office. Please keep the Inspector General Branch apprised of all action, in the matter. The Council, Assembly, and Minister of Defense are aware and in agreement with this request.

  Edward Delnikov

  Within minutes, I received the following communication.

  Tactical Action Message #CC57-1211


  From:Fleet Admiral W.O. Stephenson C&C OESA,

  Fleet Admiral O. Blackman C&C OESA

  To:Admiral G. T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  C.C.Inspector General Branch

  November 3, 2257

  You are ordered and required to deploy your Command to protect the space around the Sol system, and, citizens, all government facilities, the Emperors residence, representative bodies and supporting installations, on Earth. You will also distribute assets in the space around the Kentaurus system to defend all citizens, facilities, and grounds of the Rigil OESA Headquarters and auxiliary operations, as you see fit, to protect those targets from possible attack or disorder. You are also ordered and required to keep the Inspector General apprised of any actions taken to execute this directive.

  Any unnecessary communication regarding this matter should be avoided. All steps should be taken to secure this information should communication be necessary.

  Thank you.

  Fleet Admiral W.O. Stephenson

  Fleet Admiral O. Blackman

  There is a twenty-two and a half hour communications lag between Rigil and 61 Virgo, where Valhalla is sitting. It took until November 5, for further action to become visible to me.

  Tactical Action Message #FM57-1239


  From:Admiral G.T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  To:Admiral Palakiko, Fifth Mobile RAC Theatre Ten Commander

  C.C.Office of C&C OESA, Inspector General Branch,

  General Ian Malcolm Marine Army Commander Fifth Mobile Command

  Date:November 4, 2257

  1) You are ordered and required to place all forces under your command on Maximum Alert Status in response to a threat from within the Orion Empire.

  2) Further, you are to distribute your Command to protect the space around the Kentaurus system and the space in the corridor between the Kentaurus and the Sol System. Please arrange ground forces on Rigil as directed under an action order to be generated by General I. Malcolm Commander Marine Forces Fifth Mobile Command.

  3) Further still, you are directed to take steps to keep the Inspector General Branch apprised of your actions.

  Any unnecessary communication regarding this matter should be avoided. All steps should be taken to secure this information should communication be necessary.

  Thank you.

  Admiral G. T. Bryant

  Tactical Action Message #FM57-1240


  From:Admiral G.T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  To:Admiral S. Nichols, Theatre Nine Commander

  C.C.Office of C&C OESA, Inspector General Branch,

  General Ian Malcolm Marine Army Commander Fifth Mobile Command

  Date:November 4, 2257

  1) You are ordered and required to place all forces under your command on Maximum Alert Status in response to a threat from within the Orion Empire.

  2) Further, you are to distribute your Command to protect the space around the Sol System. Please position ground forces on Earth as directed under an action order to be generated by General I. Malcolm Commander Marine Forces Fifth Mobile Command.

  3) Further still, take steps to keep the Inspector General Branch apprised of your actions.

  Any unnecessary communication regarding this matter should be avoided. All steps should be taken to secure this information should communication be necessary.

  Thank you.

  Admiral G.T. Bryant

  Tactical Action Message #FM57-1241


  From:Admiral G.T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  To:General I. Malcolm Commander Mobile Fifth RAC Marine Army Command

  C.C.Office of C&C OESA, Inspector General Branch

  Date:November 4, 2257

  1) You are ordered and required to place all forces under your command on Maximum Alert Status in response to a threat from within the Orion Empire.

  2) Further, you will land ground troops on Rigil to protect and defend the OESA Headquarters and all citizens, ancillary facilities, structures, and support operations against insurrection and rebellion with a strength capable of repelling a divisional attack.

  3) You will also deploy array Marines on Earth to protect and defend the Government installations and the Emperors citizens and facilities, including all ancillary facilities, structures, and support operations against insurrection and rebellion with a strength capable of repelling a divisional attack.

  4) Further still, you will arrange to increase the security level on all vessels within and supporting your Command to a level compatible with a Maximum Alert Status.

  5) Also, you will take steps to keep the Inspector General Branch apprised of your actions.

  Any unnecessary communication regarding this matter should be avoided. All steps should be taken to secure this information should communication be necessary.

  Thank you.

  Admiral G. T. Bryant

  Tactical Action Message #FMG57-1242


  From:General Ian Malcolm Commander Fifth Mobile RAC Marine Army Command

  To:Lt. General Svesion Commander Theatre Nine Marine Corps

  C.C.Office of C&C OESA, Inspector General Branch

  Admiral G.T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  Date:November 4, 2257

  1) You are ordered and required to place all forces under your command on Maximum Alert Status in response to a threat from within the Orion Empire.

  2) Further, you will deploy armed personnel on Earth to protect and defend the citizens, Government installations and the Emperors facilities, including all ancillary facilities, structures, and support operations against insurrection and rebellion with a strength capable of repelling a divisional attack, in the following manner.

  2a) 4 Regiments strength to patrol and defend
the Capital under the command of two Brigade Commanders.

  2b) 3 Regiments strength to defend the Representative Assembly under the direction of a Brigade Commander

  2c) 2 Security Battalions to guard and protect members of the Representative Assembly under the authority of a Regimental Commander

  2d) 2 Battalions strength to defend the Council Offices managed by a single Regimental Command

  2e) 1 Security Battalion to guard and protect Councilors controlled by its Battalion Command.

  2f) 2 Companies to defend and protect the Emperor's premises and facilities under direction of a single Battalion Command

  2g) 1 Security company to accompany, guard, and protect the Emperor under the guidance of their Battalion Commander

  2h) 1 Armored Battalion positioned for support of the above under the leadership of their Battalion Commander

  2i) All other forces held in reserve for relief and counter attack

  3) Further still, you will increase the security level on all vessels within and supporting your command to a level compatible with a Maximum Alert Status.

  4) You will also take steps to keep the Inspector General Branch apprised of your actions.

  5) On – the – ground coordination should be via a commanding Divisional Command working under your direction.

  Any unnecessary communication regarding this matter should be avoided. All steps should be taken to secure this information should communication be necessary.

  Thank you.

  General Ian Malcolm

  Tactical Action Message #FMG57-1242b


  From:General Ian Malcolm Commander Fifth Mobile RAC Marine Army Command

  To:Lt. General Miyuki Akiyama Commander Theatre Ten Marine Corps

  C.C.Office of C&C OESA, Inspector General Branch

  Admiral G.T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  Date:November 4, 2257

  1) You are ordered and required to place all forces under your command on Maximum Alert Status in response to a threat from within the Orion Empire.

  2) Further, you will array infantry on Rigil Kentaurus to protect and defend its citizens and OESA installations, including all ancillary facilities, structures, and support operations against insurrection and rebellion with a strength capable of repelling a divisional attack, in the following manner.

  2a) 3 Regiments strength to patrol and defend the city of Rigil New York – controlled by a single Brigade Command

  2b) 2 Regiments to secure the OESA Headquarters Facilities – under direction of a single Brigade Command

  2c) 2 Security Battalions to guard and protect internal OESA HQ offices – under the authority of a single Regimental Command.

  2d) 1 Regiment Security to defend and safeguard Flag and Senior Officers – under the direction of its Regimental Commander.

  2e) 1 Battalion to shield and protect Flag Officers' residences – under the authority of its Battalion Commander

  2f) 1 Armored Battalion positioned for support of the above – under its Battalion Commander’s direction.

  2g) All other forces held in reserve for relief and counter attack

  3) Further still, you must increase the security level on all vessels within and supporting your command to a level compatible with a Maximum Alert Status.

  4) You are also directed to take steps to keep the Inspector General Branch apprised of your actions.

  5) On – the – ground coordination should be via a commanding Divisional Command working under your direction.

  Any unnecessary communication regarding this matter should be avoided. All steps should be taken to secure this information should communication be necessary.

  Thank you.

  General Ian Malcolm

  Among all the TAM Communications is the following memo.


  From:Fleet Admiral W. Stephenson C&C OESA, Fleet Admiral O. Blackman C&C OESA

  To:OESA - All Commands - All Personnel

  C.C.Secretary of Defense, First Minister's Office, Office of Emperor Edward III

  Re:Appointment Theatre Two Command

  Date:November 4, 2257


  We are pleased to inform you that Admiral Tsoh Shah has temporarily been elevated to Admiral (11), and assigned as Quadrant Two Commander. At the moment this is a temporary field promotion within our authority as outlined in OESA Rules and Regulations.

  You are also advised that Admiral Tsoh Shah's name has been placed into nomination with the Secretary of Defense to be raised to the level of Admiral (11), and assume Quadrant Two leadership permanently.

  Field promotions and assignments, though temporary, carry the same rights and privileges as permanent ones.

  Fleet Admiral W. O. Stephenson

  Fleet Admiral O. Blackman

  My system mail was crazy for the rest of November as TAM orders flowed down through the commands in Mobile Fifth RAC. Being in the midst of such a massive tactical move was really interesting. What surprised me, was not the way we had controlled the Emperor's situation to this point, but how well the press had been distracted. Oh, they covered the prior arrests in a couple of single stories. They reported the arrests of Williamson and cohorts for a whole day. But all the rest of the coverage was based on speculation leading up to the Nichols’ wedding, then, coverage of the wedding itself, and now, it had turned to rehash of that event and speculation on our impending nuptials.


  On November 6, 2257, the Emperor makes a big push on the Council and Assembly. Though he seldom exercises it, his power is absolute, so they relent and approve the modifications to the Constitution making him and his family the official Royalty of our Empire. The coronation date is set for December 15, 2257, well after our wedding, as a courtesy to us. Edward does not want to steal our thunder, he says. Even so, he is already being referred to as King Edward, whenever he surfaces in the news.

  Admiral Bryant had recalled all his forces to the Valhalla and jumped to Earth and Rigil, arriving on November 13. By the fifteenth, he had deployed his Fleets as desired, around the planet, and Malcolm and his subordinates had positioned all ground troops where they wanted them, on both worlds.

  As I sit in my office at OESA this November 16, there are armed guards in the corridors, and following us around all over the place, while on the ground. Walking through Rigil New York's downtown is fascinating. There are weapon bearing Marines on every corner and walking along the streets. Light tanks can often be seen rolling around from here to there to honor deployment and mission orders. I don't notice it so much because I have a residence on the Valhalla, or on the Examiner, or even on the Loki, but a lot of people are followed home where there are armed guards at their residence all day and night long. Tonight, I'll return to the Loki. Helena and I are still ironing out final bugs in the wedding, and we need the comfort we can give each other, in such trying times. There'll be another flap in a couple of weeks. Two days after the wedding, Edward will present his next constitutional changes.

  "Admiral, can I see you?" Colonel Sparks asks from my doorway.

  "Of course. Come in Chris and take a seat. Do you want a drink?" I point at the fully stocked bar, as I finish.

  "No Admiral, but thanks. First, I want to tell you I was exceptionally pleased with what we just accomplished. Now, I understand what you were talking about when you gave me the intelligence directive.

  Then, I wanted you to know that I edited the schedule and stored it back on the server. You'll have to open my copy to look at it, then encrypt it and save it for yourself. It was all out of whack, with what just happened, so I corrected it to account for units we investigated early or bypassed for the ones we ended up doing. I assume we're going on with regular examinations and audits. It's still a seventeen-day cycle. We could shorten it a day, now. We have all processes pretty well streamlined, now. But, I think we should leave it seventeen days,
so we don't rush. It'll give everyone time to take a little more care. I also wanted to know if the intelligence directive still applies as you laid it out, before." He finishes.

  "First, I'm glad you attached the intelligence work to the arrests we made. Second, we will continue with it as I directed - always. There may still be more in this case, and there'll always be threats to watch for. Third, leave the cycle at seventeen days. I agree with your assessment. A little more time to get things right won’t hurt. And, finally thanks for editing it. I will take a look, but I'm sure it's fine.

  You've done an effective job. I'm going to recommend your elevation from Lt. Colonel to full Colonel. I'm impressed. I have the authority level to approve your promotion, myself, but I never do that, so others check my thinking. It's too easy to be biased. But, I am sure you'll get it. You've earned it. You'll be eligible for the War College General Officer program, at that time." I explain.

  "Thank you, sir. Is that all?" He asks.

  "You're dismissed," I say. Then I set myself to writing a memo to Roh, asking her to examine young Sparks' record to determine if she feels him deserving of a promotion to full Colonel. I ask her to write a recommendation to me if she believes he is.

  There are so many details to any wedding, but one this large is incredible. We are lucky that Moe is looking after details on the Valhalla, and we have similar help for the Phoenix Fleet. We spend the whole evening reviewing every little nuance, like the way the napkins should be folded or rolled and secured. We spend that night in a warm embrace. It feels so good. Things have been a little too tense, lately.



  From:Fleet Admiral W. Stephenson OESA C&C

  Fleet Admiral O. Blackman OESA C&C

  To:Admiral Kurt Brubacher Inspector General

  C.C.Emperor Edward III, Secretary of Defense, all Quadrant Commanders,

  Fifth Mobile RAC Commander

  Date:November 26, 2257

  Admiral Brubacher,

  It gives us pleasure to advise you that you have been nominated and approved for the Emperor's Cross (to be renamed King Edward's Cross). It is the highest award presented by the Emperor to citizens of the Empire. You are being cited for your tremendous contribution in foiling the recent rebellion, and for your superhuman efforts to bring the Inspector General Branch from a newborn Department to full operational capability in under four months. Your service, tactical skills, organizational contributions, energy, and boundless industry, have not gone without notice. This award will be presented Monday, February 15, 2258, at OESA Headquarters on Rigil Kentaurus.


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