Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 56

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  In that light, I am attaching the elevation certificate to raise Marine Colonel Christopher Sparks to Brigadier and assign him the position of Brigade Commander. Colonel Sparks is currently attending the War College, has nearly completed the program, and has achieved excellent marks so far. I would not execute the promotion until he graduates, in a couple of weeks. This elevation would also prepare us for the future expansion, permitting me to seriously consider him for a Division-level Command position.

  As a matter of due course, I have also attached a warrant to advance Commander Shane MacDonald, the Master of the Examiner, to the rank of Captain. With the current personnel situation, it will be hard to choose promotable Officers, for the upcoming expansion. Shane has proven to be a very competent ship's Commander, with an excellent tactical sense, and has already acquired his Raptor training. The progression would allow me to nominate him for acceptance to the War College, making him eligible for future Flag-level enhancement.

  Your consideration of this Command's other needs is greatly appreciated. Thank you for the kind offer.

  Admiral Kurt Brubacher.

  Since we are parked off Rigil, I should receive a response, promptly. In the meantime, I decide to visit Helena. With all the action, we haven't been together for more than a day. I contact Commander MacDonald and arrange for a regular shuttle to the Loki. Helena's ship is a quarter light-year away. The trip will be an hour and a half each way at standard velocity. I notify Roh that, I'll be gone for a day.


  After greeting each other, we head to Helena's quarters through the corridors and lifts. I am struck by all the action on the Loki. Repairs and restorations are being conducted everywhere.

  "Battle damage?" I ask.

  "Yeah, when we got your message, we jumped to the position you sent, and the Botswana Group opened fire on us as we exited our jumps. They weren't screwing about. They threw everything but the kitchen sink at us, including anti-matter. One AM detonated a little too far off our hull, so our shields were able to hold, but this is the result.' She waved her hand at the construction crews. 'I have nine dead and twenty-seven injured - some severely. We barely managed to avoid several spears they fired. They were really trying to kill us." She's exasperated at the thought.

  "How did you prevail?" I asked.

  "Sheer numbers. We had three full Fleets jumping in. Two surrounded their perimeter and one split into Task Forces that came in above and below them. They stood down quickly when the numbers and ferocity of attack became overpowering. I don't think most people had their hearts in it. A lot were just following their Commanders' orders. Once it came down to killing friends and colleagues, they backed off fairly quickly. The Shenzhen took quite a beating, though. They have twelve dead and over a hundred injured. The Island on the Thor took a hit. Shields absorbed most of it, but the XO was killed, and Thor will be in the dock, for awhile." Helena explains.

  "It's not common knowledge, yet but, the matter's not over. The C&C has tasked the Inspector General Branch to continue the investigation to unearth everyone culpable. Murder charges will be laid if appropriate. I can assure you of that." I relate as we enter her quarters and begin frantically tearing at each other's clothes.

  After our beasts had been tamed, we sit and talk for a couple of hours. I show Helena the memo and orders from the C&C. She is more impressed with the orders commanding the Inspector General Branch to dig deep, in the matter of the rebellion. We enjoy a late lunch together, then, I board my shuttle to head back to the Examiner.


  I had a good night's sleep in my quarters, before heading to my office to continue working on a plan for the potential expansion. We will need to separate investigative, enforcement, and forensics in each staff department into two distinct sections. One would be devoted to audit-type investigations, the other to criminal investigations. They will require protocols for when review issues turn into felonies. Intelligence will need to be processed separately, too, though its personnel would be deployed throughout the other two branches of I.S.I.E. As far as staff goes, we need to have a few people in HR, Accounting, and Payroll who are cleared for the covert operation. The others would see their entries as blocks only. We also need to change intelligence parameters. They would want to operate some personnel independently on planets, and even covertly within Commands. We would need a part of our budget for paid informants. The other important aspect would be our interface with JAG. My system chimed.


  From:Fleet Adm. W. Stephenson C&C OESA

  Fleet Adm. O. Blackman C&C OESA

  To:Adm. K Brubacher Commander Inspector General Branch (IGB)

  Re:Items under consideration in correspondence of December 2, 2257

  Date:December 3, 2257


  We wish to advise you that, we clarified the Group Command issue in our plan and submitted the proposal for approval. A lot is happening on Earth, at the moment. There will likely be changes in governmental operations, soon. So, we are pressing for approval of the plan, now.

  We have considered your other requests. You may make the following interim changes.

  1) Promotion of Colonel Sparks is approved pending successful completion of the War College Program.

  2) Your request to increase staffing of I.S.I.E. to Brigade strength is approved.

  3) You are authorized to increase your operational staff, as required, to facilitate the expansion of I.S.I.E.

  4) Your request to purchase two of the large shuttles has been modified to four and approved. You may not have the physical space for all the vessels, at the moment, but taking delivery of two ASAP and the other two later will resolve this issue.

  5) Your matter of course promotion of Commander Shane MacDonald does not require our approval. However, we realize your concern in that ships’ Captains of vessels with the Examiner crew size, generally hold the rank of Commander. However, the Examiner holds nearly ten thousand personnel, significantly increasing its Captain’s responsibility. And, you are correct to attempt to alleviate future staff concerns, now. We are approving your request to promote the Commander to Captain and will accelerate his application to the War College when it is received. Thank you for proposing the interim measures.

  Fleet Admiral W. Stephenson

  Fleet Admiral O. Blackman


  From:Fleet Admiral W.O. Stephenson OESA C&C

  To:All Operational and Field Commands

  Re:Fleet Admiral D. Williamson

  Date:December 3, 2257


  This is to advise you that, Fleet Admiral David Williamson C&C OESA has resigned his position and commission, effective immediately.

  Admiral Williamson served the OESA with distinction for his entire adult life. I am saddened to receive this news, and even more disturbed at the causes for it.

  Regardless of recent events, I wish the Admiral the very best in future endeavors.

  I would also inform you that formal application has been made to the Secretary of Defense, the Orion Representative Assembly, and Emperor Edward III to make the elevation and appointment of Fleet Admiral Blackman to his position as C&C permanent.

  In a further development, Edward III has asked the Assembly to take up his proposal for changes to the Orion Empire Constitution by Tuesday, December 15, 2257, and come to a resolution by no later than, Tuesday, December 29, 2257. This gives the Assembly two full weeks for debate and procedural issues.

  Thank you for your attention.

  Fleet Admiral W. Stephenson C&C OESA

  Wow, that's the first time I've seen a single name at the bottom of a document from the office of the C&C, but since Blackman is one of the subjects of the letter, I understand. I call in Sparks.

  "Colonel Sparks reporting, as requested sir!" He was at atte
ntion in my doorway.

  "Come in Chris. Relax and take a seat,' I said. 'I want you to read these two pieces of mail." I added with a grin as I copied him on the one with my response, the HQ proposal, and their answer to me. He read quietly.

  "I had to read it all twice.' The excitement was audible. 'I guess I better finish my program. I've been lucky with the Asgard sitting so close to us. I've been able to shuttle over a couple or three times a week. I need two more lectures. Then, I have to write exams. So, I should be done in four weeks, because it'll take two sessions for the exams." He explains.

  "Well, you better get to it.' I have plans for you. It would fit better if, you could finish in two weeks.' I said as he rose from the seat. ' While you're here, can you get together a list of the Fleets and Commands involved in the recent rebellion. You'll need to take it and set an investigation schedule for going back into all those stations to dig deeper to see who else is culpable. The mission objectives would be to try and determine who was actually a willing partner and who went along because they felt they had to follow orders. I also need to know who gave commands to fire on friendly vessels. There are quite a few deaths from the incursions here at Rigil. Some people will have to pay the price for that." I relayed the C&C sentiments.

  "Yes sir, we'll get right on it.' He rose from the seat. 'And, thanks for the confidence and the recommendation." He said with a smile as he stood at attention.

  "You're dismissed, Colonel." I barked with a smile as I nodded to him.

  Then, I summoned MacDonald. When he arrives, I advise him of the promotion, and the impending expansion, suggesting that at the level of Captain, with the War College program complete, he would be eligible for promotion to Flag Ranks. Then, I read the warrant and replace his Commander's insignia with the new ones, giving him two extra sets.

  "I'm sending you a form. It's an application for War College. Valhalla, Midgard, and Asgard are all approved as extension schools of the Academy, so you usually won't have to go too far for lectures and exams. If you finish two to three lectures per visit, with extra trips for exams, you can complete the whole thing in six weeks if you really want to. That'll leave your Exec. in charge a lot, which is good experience. We need promotable officers. Congratulations, Captain. You're dismissed." I say with my hand out and a smile. We shake hands, firmly.

  Next, I call in Roh with the senior officers of her Accounting, Human Resources Payroll, Logistics and Purchasing departments.

  "Everyone, feel free to enter and relax.' I call out as I wave them into the office. 'I have a lot for all of you. We've been authorized to increase I.S.I.E. to Brigade strength. This brings up several issues for all of you.

  That Command will grow by around a thousand people or more and will be run by a Brigadier. So there'll be a lot of work for HR, Accounting, and Payroll - not to mention all the equipment those people will require. We've also been authorized to purchase four new large shuttles for the I.S.I.E. to use for missions. We'll need two pretty soon, but we can hold off on the other two for a bit. We need to get them built if no extras are in the yards, though; so we may have to order all four at the same time. Then, there's Staff. You may need small increases in personnel so you can accommodate an increased I.S.I.E and resources. Let me know. Finally, you will need to separate a couple of people in each of your disciplines who can handle very secure functions for the Intelligence people. Their role is changing. Your special people will keep separate personnel files, for instance. That way sensitive stuff is only in their docs, while all the other pertinent info is in both records. Accounting will need to structure ledgers, so expenses and capital items are in secured journals and entries to the general books are referenced block totals derived from that. We need a separate slush fund accountable to someone in your office. It's for paid informants. There will be times when we will offer money to someone in a position to give or get us information. That needs to be itemized within your separate ledger but recorded as a block expense, with reference, in the Central Command books. Right now, our role is changing enough to handle all the increased investigative activity, but it will change much more in the future. The C&C has proposed making Inspector General Branch the only Investigative, Enforcement, and Intelligence operation. That means all of JAG's and the Miltary Intelligence Department's people will move here. Mobile Marine Commands, enforcement, and investigation services will come under our operational authority, though they will still be under their command's tactical authority. The last item is promotions.' I tapped my pad as I said it. 'I'm sending Roh the promotion of Shane MacDonald to Captain. It needs to be processed. That's it. Any questions?' I ask to negative nods. 'Dismissed." I bark. Roh stays behind as the others leave.

  "Admiral, I finished examining files and making subtle inquiries of Helena's previous Commands. Her record is spotless. She has successfully managed all her Commands on the way up the ladder. I'm no tactical expert, but it looks like she has good skills there, too. And, her people have always been loyal to her. I would hire her to a position another level higher with no hesitation." She finishes with a smile.

  "Very good. I just don't want to show favoritism. She is my wife after all.' I explain with a smile. Then, I add. 'Thank you, Admiral. You're dismissed."



  From:Adm. K. Brubacher Commander OFSA Inspector General Branch

  To:V. Adm. Rohkea Sielu COS Inspector General Branch,

  Adm. Helena Leeds OFSA IGB Command Theatre Commander,

  Commodore Shane MacDonald IGB Theatre Group 1 Commander,

  Commodore Elasima IGB Theatre Group 2 Commander,

  Maj.Gen. Christopher Sparks Commander IGB I.S.I.E.

  Re:Expansion under way

  Date:February 16, 2258


  I thought I should send a quick note on expectations to all of you. We will be receiving the new ESS Examiner, in the morning. She still needs to undergo proofing. Commodore Elasima and I have had experience with this process. Normally, I would like to attend such an operation, but regulations forbid a Senior Flag Officer from even boarding an unproofed vessel. In that light, Commodore Elasima will command the endeavor, with Commodore MacDonald assisting to gain experience. The Captain and three shifts of the crew of the current Examiner will disembark it and board the new one. We will remain parked until their task is complete so two shifts can maintain operations here. We're fortunate to have received our other new vessels after they went through their testing and shakedown phase since it is a major undertaking. Proofing the new Examiner will require three to eight weeks depending on problems encountered during the process.

  I would also like to make you aware that Lt. General Svesion the new Commander of IGB Marine Corps Command will be arriving on the current Examiner, this afternoon.

  It will be good to board the new Examiner when it's ready. I know we are cramped, but I ask you to bear with me. I want to thank you all for your hard work since the creation of IGB.

  Adm. K. Brubacher

  I send it out as I begin to think back. What a ride it's been. Not all that long ago, I was promoted to my first Command on the Shenzhen. Now I'm a full Admiral running a Fleet of twenty-five vessels with a station holding fourteen thousand, and my wife, who was my Commander back in the day, is now my Deputy.

  On Saturday, December 26, 2257, in a special sitting, the Legislative Assembly voted unanimously to accept the new constitution, with the proviso that it did not take effect until January 15, 2258. Every member of the Assembly signed the document, as the elected representatives of their planets along with Emperor Edward III. Monday, December 28, 2257, was Edward's coronation, delayed from the previously announced date. He became King Edward I. It was a daylong event honoring his predecessors, him, and his descendants. At the end of December, Sparks sent out four teams to the three Fleets and the Theatre Command that had spearheaded the rebellion. It took betw
een two weeks and sixteen days, on-site, for each team to turn their assigned Command upside down and inside out. The result was ten more arrested, but another forty-four suspected Senior and Flag Officers in positions to stop or prevent the action were cleared.

  In early January, we took delivery of our first two of the four large shuttles and began to receive additional personnel transferred from other assignments at other Commands.

  In the third week of January, Sparks sent a large team to Theatre Two and three small teams to Quadrant Four Fleets to answer the question of why there had been suspicions about the Quadrant Four Command. There turned out to be three Fleet Commanders that had attempted to incite rebellion and failed. It was communication between them and the Theatre Two command that made it appear the entire Quadrant Four Command was at risk. Those three were arrested, there. But, in a surprise move, though they had all resigned or been dismissed from the OESA, the new President pardoned all those whose crimes did not include the deaths of others. It was of no consequence. Without their positions at the OESA, they had no pedestal of power to continue the rebellion. Eleven people were left to stand trial for Fomenting Rebellion and Participating in a Conspiracy Causing Death. One was David Williamson. He committed suicide the same day he was charged. On Friday, January 15, 2258, the new Constitution went into effect with a lot of fanfare and accompanied by representatives from Gray's delegation. We are now the Orion Federation, and because we are a democracy, the Grays feel we're worth a second look.

  On Saturday, January 16, 2258, the Assembly passed a newly written law officially changing the name of the OESA to the OFSA and embedding its Charter in the new Constitution. On the same day, the Legislative Assembly passed the budgets of the service, which included the expansion of the Inspector General Branch. On January 17, 2258, I received "official" notification of the development plan with the offer of promotion and assignment as Inspector General.


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