Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 65

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  With his command in good hands, George departed for Earth, in his Admiral’s craft, on Wednesday, March 30, 2259. He would travel to Rigil, first; to be briefed by the C&C. Then, the Admiral would proceed to Earth. He advised the legislature and the King; he would arrive on Monday, April 18, 2259.

  I knew that George would not allow the government to revert to a dictatorship. I was convinced he could come up with some kind of compromise that would allow everyone to move on; while still leaving the majority of power in the hands of the electorate. It was sometime later; when the IGB mandate widened to include the regular examination of Earth, the Assembly, and its institutions; that, I came across all the documentation concerning all these meetings.

  George and Marie landed at Rigil, on Friday, April 15; deciding to make the trip at twenty-five percent to give them some extra time to enjoy the planet's facilities. A full Admiral’s personal craft is very different from the Vice Admirals' ones. It is assembled in space, like the larger ships; and, is unable to land on planetary bodies. These vessels have a fifty percent larger footprint than the standard yachts; and, sport two additional decks. Half of deck two contains a hangar supporting the launch and recovery of two long range shuttles and three Raptor class fighters. Gravity is generated at fifty percent of Earth's; and, they are capable of handling the crew of one hundred twenty-six and one hundred and ten guests. Quarters and offices are as sumptuous as those on the Super Carrier class ships. This category of vessel sport full tri-level shielding and a wide array of both defensive and offensive weapons. They are too large to park in Command Carrier hangars; so, they ride attached to the larger ships' sides or bottoms; depending on their configuration. Part of the regular crew contingent is a small four squad platoon of Marines providing security to these senior officers.

  The planet Rigil orbits Alpha Centauri at a distance of one and a half AU. It was named in honor of the system's ancient Arabic designation. In the case of a star of this size and intensity, Rigil is in the warmer section of its habitable zone; with an orbital period of five hundred and thirty-nine days; and a rotational period of twenty-four earth-hours and fifteen minutes. However, this spin rate has been divided into twenty-four equal periods; which have been apportioned into sixty segments; which have been further split into sixty uniform breaks. Each OFSA member utilizes timepieces that can process both Earth and Rigil times. In flight, in the field, our internal ship clocks are set to the time on the eastern seaboard of North America; since, the Orion Federation is centered, in Florida, on that coast and most of our science is based on Earth's time scale. But, we all need this alternative function to facilitate visits to Headquarters. Rigil's only moon is small and irregular; but, a good base for observation platforms and space docks.

  It is an almost arid world with mild pole temperatures and hot temperate-zone summer climates. From a space approach, it appears as a sandy colored orb speckled with blue and green; flaunting thin ornamental stratus clouds floating through its azure skies. One large mainland incapable of supporting life and five island continents are erratically positioned in its massive ocean. The sizeable island in the northern moderate zone, inhabited by the Orion Federation is filled with fresh water lakes, mountains, and forests.

  Located on this landmass, Rigil New York is the planetary capital; now boasting a population well in excess of one hundred thousand. The new OFSA headquarters is located on the northeast edge of the city. An abysmally deep and vast freshwater lake sits at Rigil New York's southwestern border; offering fun, recreation, and transportation to this worlds' citizens. Its watchtower flecked cocoa sandy beaches range for miles either side of the three dominant access points extending from three of the city's spokes. Wharfs, docks, and launches dot the shoreline, for many kilometers to the southeast and west of the beaches. Water skiers play in a region from about four hundred meters out; while, countless fishermen enjoy the lakes more central and southern weed beds. A range of squat mountains breaks the horizon across the vast distance, from the city. Those highlands sport trees from about three hundred meters above their base; to a tree-line very close to their peaks. Many years ago, hundreds of their saplings were transplanted to small stands all along the shoreline and throughout Rigil New York. Now, mature trees are common all over the regions heavily traveled by citizens and tourists alike. Lake New Okeechobee is fed by four large river systems originating in the mountains, nearly one hundred kilometers farther to the southwest; and, is emptied into the sea by the massive New Mississippi River. All around the watershed, to the outside of the small woodlands, the land is a patchwork of farms, plantations, and ranches. Zoning does not permit ownership within a kilometer of the lake. Potable and irrigation water is pumped to farms and small villages that form the hubs of agricultural communities. They also share in the average eighty-three days per year rainfall, this region, on the lee side of the mountains, receives. A vast industrial/commercial area sits ten kilometers from the eastern edge of the city. The gargantuan OFSA Headquarters Building is visible from orbit. Rigil New York offers visitors, comfortable quarters, fine cuisine and a multitude of attractions. You can certainly tell, by the names that; many settlers have tried to retain ties to their home, on planet Earth.

  There was a full reception line, at the landing pad to receive George and Marie. Someone must have believed it was necessary to pay this kind of deference to a full Admiral in charge of the largest field deployed Tactical Command in the Federation. After paying protocol its due, they made their way to the C&C offices, immediately following a stop at Steven Nichols' Quadrant headquarters, to pay their respects and spend a few moments. Stephenson's office still retained all the musty oak trim and musky leather. It seemed stuffy, dark and old compared to his own. Marie joined the meeting for a short period; later, excusing herself to pay a visit to her departmental headquarters’ offices.

  “George and Marie, welcome; and, come right in!’ Stephenson yelped the moment he saw them enter his main door; allowing no opportunity for them to pay the respects protocol demands. ‘How are you two?” he asked with genuine concern.

  “Hi, Bill. We are fine. How are you? And how are you, Grace?” He looked each directly in the eye as he offered a warm handshake and smile.

  “We're all right.’ Grace answered for both. ‘How are you, Marie? It must be hell living in the constant tension of a war zone, all the time.” She observed as she took a good look at the Vice Admiral. Marie Bryant is a classical beauty. Dark hair, clear blue eyes, fair skin and a selectively impish manner, make her incredibly appealing to all.

  “I’m fine. It’s not so bad. The Inscrutables keep their distance, for the most part; so, day to day activity isn’t much different than any other command. I spend my time running Counselling. It’s gotten big; so, I am always busy. When time permits, George and I spend our time together.” She added.

  “How’s Atina?” Grace asked.

  “She’s just heading into the terrible twos. In one way, George and I are lucky. Between our stewards and the incredible daycare on the Valhalla, we have people to tolerate her little moments.' She signaled quotation marks in the air; then continued. 'On the other hand, we don’t get the time we’d like with her. Oh, she spends time with each of us, every day; but, it’d be nice if it were more. I guess all working parents feel that way. She can be so cute.” Marie trailed off as if she recalled some endearing little moment.

  “And, what do you think, dad?” Grace directed the question at George.

  “Oh, she’s a real little Admiral, alright. She orders us around like we are her subordinates.” He responds with a laugh.

  “Anyway, I better get going.’ Marie interjected; then, explained. ‘I need to look in on my department here – maybe spread a little good cheer.”

  They all said goodbye to her and saw Marie off at the door.

  “So what’s happening, out there?” Bill directed a head-wag in the general direction of the front line between Bootes and Draco.

  “Oh, you know –
same old – same old. The Inscrutables move – we counter – they move again. We need the okay to cross over into CauDo space. Right now, we can only defend and counter attack. And, any response has to stop, at the border. This thing could go on forever; if, we can’t go after them.” George prophesied.

  “I know your issues. That's not the reason we called you in.' Bill paused as if composing his thoughts. 'Anyway George, things are a real mess in our assembly. The representatives have effectively formed parties. They are underground, backroom, disparate groups that try to distort their desires into shared goals. Instead, they have a political platform they won’t back away from. Nothing gets done. Of course, party politics is forbidden, under the constitution; so, they avoid the light-of-day. We've actually had some of Kurt's people spying on them to confirm the suspicions. We don't want to charge anyone; but, we need to know what's going on; so, we can address it."

  "How many were in the group that called for my help?" George inquired.

  "Just over six hundred representatives who either weren't aligned or were; and, felt they had enough of the whole thing. The general consensus among them seems to be that; if they negotiate their way past these hurdles, it will happen again - in the near future." Grace responded.

  "Yes, and it seems they feel that representatives have to look after their constituents' interests and the Federation; and, those forming parties are locked on agendas. They often tie one issue to another; instead of allowing the unopposed one to just move through the system. So, nothing's getting done." Bill added.

  "Are any of them or Cabinet Members on Rigil, right now?" George asked.

  "I don't know for sure. Of course, the Secretary of Defense is here a lot. It's the nature of his position. All the assembly representatives are here on a regular basis for legislative sessions. But, I'm not sure who else is here, at the moment. They all travel home and to regions with issues between sittings." Bill replied.

  "Can you find out fairly quickly?" George queried.

  "Why do you ask?" Admiral Tonaka inquired quizzically.

  "Because I have an idea. But, I think I need to explain it to the two of you, Marie, Steven Nichols, the Secretary of Defense and as many representatives as we can find hanging around. We'll need all of their support. And, we'll need to get both Admirals Brubacher here, quickly; if this little meeting comes together." As George responded, he noted how Grace seemed ageless. She is quite diminutive. Her sparkling brown eyes and pleasant smile are exquisitely framed in her slightly rounded face with tucked-back ears. Though her dominant Japanese heritage is apparent, she projects the multi-racial origins most humans share. She hasn't the extreme beauty of Marie, Helena or Olivia; but, she is still a very handsome package. She has the kind of warm smile that makes you want to return it.


  Meanwhile, Marie had made her way down one level and along the corridor to the other end of the building. She primped a little before entering the door marked OFSA Counselling Services Department Headquarters.

  There was a flurry, as people jumped to attention and saluted.

  "Stand easy. As you were! I did not come here to disrupt anyone. We were on Rigil; so, I thought I'd stop and see how everyone is." The Vice Admiral explained with a very sincere wide smile.

  Her core staff is aboard the Valhalla and its sister ship the FSS Jötnar; but, OFSA Headquarters holds a significant contingent under the command of Commodore Steven Hillier. Fifty were delegated to actual clinical work with local personnel. Another four hundred fifty liaised with all other necessary departments like personnel, payroll and medical.

  Marie spent two hours in quiet, friendly discourse with all her people on Rigil.


  I was on the Examiner on April 16, when I received the following orders.

  Command Action Order #CC-59-62314




  From:F. Adm. W. Stephenson; F. Adm. G. Tonaka C&C OFSA

  To:Adm. K. Brubacher Inspector General; Adm. H Brubacher D.C.IGB

  Re:Special Headquarter Meeting

  Date:April 15, 2259


  You are ordered and required to report to this office at the earliest possible moment, for a meeting with the C&C, Secretary of Defense, Commander Mobile Fifth RAC, Commander Quadrant 2, Commander Quadrant 3, various and sundry members of the Orion Representative Assembly.

  Further, you are ordered and required to make best possible speed for the above meeting.

  F. Adm. W Stephenson

  F. Adm. G. Tonaka

  I immediately knew, from the guest list; that, it was something important; and, we weren't being hung from a yardarm. I contacted Helena. She had read it and was on her way to me.

  I called Dave Angstrom and ordered my standard travel pack; asking him to request the same of Helena's staff. I advised him we'd need my personal team aboard the Admiral's craft.

  I contacted Urquhart and had him report to me. After showing him our orders, I placed him in command of IGB and wrote orders and memos supporting that within the Command. Then, I contacted the Captain of my craft sending directives for a flight to Rigil - in half an hour.

  Less than an hour after receiving the orders, we were in a vortex heading for Rigil at forty-five percent of light-speed. That exceeded maximum velocity OFSA vessels typically ordered in emergencies; but, was well within the ship's shakedown results. We would experience significant time-dilation; but, it sounded necessary.

  I sent a memo to the C&C, from the craft.


  From:Adm. K Brubacher Inspector General; Adm. H. Brubacher D.C. IGB.

  To:OFSA C&C; Fifth Mobile RAC Commander

  Re:Command Action Order Number CC-59-62314

  Date: April 16, 2259


  In route to you - will arrive Wednesday, April 20, 2259; 1400 hours.

  Adm. K Brubacher

  Adm. H Brubacher.

  Chapter 5 Flogging a Scheme

  Friday, April 15, 2259

  "A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus." Martin Luther King, Jr.

  At sixteen hundred, all those currently on Rigil, who had shown concern, met in the small amphitheater, a few floors below the C&C offices; an expansive enough space to accommodate everyone. To Bryant's surprise, the Secretary of Defense and one hundred twenty-one members of the assembly joined the original group; along with, the other Flag Officers George requested be present. George was at the lectern at center stage.

  "Welcome, everyone. I asked you all here; because you have all expressed concern over the turn the Orion Legislative Assembly has taken. You have all voiced your opinion that; you would like to see the Empire reestablished. And, you have asked that I develop a plan and find a way to enable it.

  First of all, let me make clear that; the Empire is dead! The Delnikov family doesn't want, nor did they ever desire, absolute control over our Sovereignty. At the time the Empire was established, it was considered the only way, and Edward I was the only person capable of doing the job. So, making Edward Delnikov Emperor is out of the question." George stopped for an interruption.

  "It was you who came up with the current constitutional plan; so, everyone here thinks you can solve their problems.” Bill explained.

  “Maybe I can. When we left Fifth Mobile, I didn’t have a clue what I could do; but, by the time we arrived here, an idea struck me. It was Marie who triggered it. She made a remark that; there is always alternatives; and that; there should be a middle ground, somewhere. That is why you are all here. I am going to try and sell you on the plan. Then, you will all have some work to do. The hardest person to convince will be King Edward. Though it won’t make him absolute ruler, again; the idea requires significant extra involvement, on his part.”
George offered.

  “How so?” Grace interjected.

  “Well, Edward doesn’t want to be an absolute ruler; and a lot of us don’t want a dictator either. But a majority of the Assembly seems to think it’s the only thing that will work. So, I propose we split the difference.” George said with a laugh.

  “How can you split the difference. The King is either absolute ruler; or, just a figurehead.” Bill interposed.

  “It’s not quite as unqualified as that.’ George explained. ‘The constitution determines the level of participation of all the parties. Whatever we write into it dictates how much power each faction has. So, I propose changing it. We eliminate the office of the President. The Royal Ruler becomes an automatic sitting member of the Assembly.

  Right now, the Assembly has one thousand members. Each of them has one vote. We rewrite the constitution so the other assembly member votes total only fifty-five percent of those that can be generated, and the Monarch holds the other forty-five percent. Mathematically, the legislators would have their thousand ballots, and the king would have eight hundred eighteen. That means he would need only ninety-two supporting members to force or reject a piece of legislation. It also portends the legislature could overrule Edward if ninety-one percent of them vote in unison. So, no one has absolute power; but, Edward has the most, by far - enough to steer things towards acceptable outcomes. But, it also means that no future monarch could just rule by decree.

  And, we make Edward head of state. We maintain the rest of the constitution as it is. Signature of the head of state on a piece of legislation is symbolic, only. Edward can sign the bills when he has time; and, really doesn’t have to do any more work than any other legislator. For that matter, they could use a stamp to apply his signature. As head of state, he would pick the cabinet. They would work at his pleasure; after, the Assembly confirms their appointments. The King would also occupy the role of Commander in Chief of the Military and Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the Realm, in place of the President.


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