Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 71

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  At twenty-one hundred on Sunday, September 9, 2260, all Theatre Nine and Ten front line vessels opened up with particle weapons fire; as ninety-one exit points began forming in front of them. With so many guns focused on them, only seventeen emerged; as space itself exhaled the smoke that had been the enemy. It took just two hours to finish off the remaining Inscrutables.

  The Midgard rigged the enemy ship for towing; then, the combined force jumped back to the main battlefront staging area. The Battle of Nu Draconis was over.


  Theatre Nine had recovered a fighter craft and pilot's body in April of 2259 and three more since that time. They had also finally retrieved an empty warship in the battle that took place at Nu Draconis. Its self-destruct had failed to operate properly; after, some of the crew ejected. This had been most unusual behavior. To that point, in time, every ship destroyed in an auto-destruct sequence had gone with all hands aboard; probably, to prevent just such a failure.

  Admiral Stevens headed the examination of the captured enemy warship, himself. He cut orders to engineering to place teams on the ship to restore its structure to the point it could sustain an environment; then reestablish atmosphere, gravity, and lighting to the vessel.

  When that was completed, tech parties were sent to crawl through it; examining surviving systems microscopically. In just under two weeks, all the information that could be gleaned from the carcass was in the hands of scientists and engineers, intent on understanding it all.

  I studied all the reports with great interest. This species reminded me of the ancient mythological chimera; with both human and insectoid attributes – probably a warrior race like the Spiel; but, that wasn’t certain without interviews of live captives. However, unlike the Spiel, the Inscrutables appeared to have absorbed all their technology, from others. Their vessels were a hodgepodge from all species proximal to them. I considered this fact, intensely. In the end, I concluded; the only way this could have happened was if, they had been subjugated by an advanced species for a long enough period to have learned how the sophisticated systems work. Then, they would have had to have rebelled; and, absorbed it all. Once out in space, capturing and adapting additional complex equipment and weapons would have become simpler; as they advanced. Now, their ships contained very progressive systems jury-rigged to operate together in unconventional ways. Arrangements of Gray, Spiel, CauDo and even Orion Federation, along with many unrecognizable technologies, were melded together to create a powerful, albeit awkward, warship. They had taken the basic structural design from the CauDo; so, the warships were not all that sturdy. Propulsion had been absorbed from the Grays and navigation from the Orion Federation; which meant the ships could never be used at their full capacities; because of the structural weaknesses. Communication and sensor systems were based on engineering in use by the Gray, CauDo, Spiel and Federation; before, the technological advance Admiral Bryant had conceived and advocated.

  The report explained a lot. From it, I understood why the Inscrutables conducted maneuvers slowly; and, why they could field such large numbers. If you only had to invest in manufacturing these crafts, and never had to spend on development, you could construct and assemble quite a fleet at a very low cost. It reminded me of what I read about the United States production of the inferior M2, and M3 Sherman tanks during the second world war. Sheer numbers gave the weapon system an enormous advantage. The development of several different series of M4 Sherman Tanks narrowed; but, did not close; the technology gap.

  From the examination of the captured vessel, it was unmistakeable; the Inscrutables did not think like any other species the Orion Federation had encountered. Though a considerable portion of the ship's data system was damaged by the failed, self-destruct attempt, Theatre Nine's engineers were able to restore it; by supplementing with parts scavenged from the battlefield wreckages. The Inscrutables' linear thought process was reflected in their computer system; which, stored volumes of very detailed data, about the Orion Federation, along with the programming and data needed to navigate in open space. Logs confirmed they were a warring species, like the Spiel; but, did not fight to enslave or dominate. They pursued confrontations for the sole purpose of acquiring more advanced technology. Records indicated they were downright proud of never developing any of the technology they enjoyed the fruits of.

  Another characteristic that seemed to prove itself out, from the examination of the ship was that; the Inscrutables were a hive society. Ninety-five percent of the crew were garrisoned in one large barracks and ate together at stations surrounding sleeping cradles. There seemed to only be separate quarters for a dozen senior officers; one of which was elaborately decked-out and equipped with tactical and operational computer stations. An elaborate rack and harness system was the focal point of this room; which was surrounded by a hatchery and nursery.

  Among the remaining reports of that day was one forwarded by the Draco Fleet Marine Division Commander. It originated from our twenty-member criminal investigation team, aboard the flagship. The report detailed, what appeared to be, a gruesome, ritualistic murder. They also suspected that another death; thought to be the result of battle, was in fact related to the one in this account. Crime scene photos and autopsy statements were included, along with, forensic laboratory journals. The victim had been strangled to unconsciousness; then, bludgeoned slowly to death. Nearly every bone in the torso, limbs, and skull were fractured. The battering had continued, after death. Twenty-one of the one hundred fifty blows were inflicted after bodily functions had stopped.

  I summoned Sparks.

  "Lieutenant General Sparks reporting as ordered, sir!" He barked from my doorway as he stood rigidly at attention, a few minutes later.

  "Come in and relax, Chris. I have something unusual for you." I advised; as I handed my pad to him with the report on the screen. There was silence as he read and examined it and the supplementary information.

  "You're right. It is unusual. We've worked on lots of these cases on member worlds; but, never one that was perpetrated on an OFSA vessel, or in an OFSA installation. And, the General's right. It looks like the other death is related. I will send one of the Special Criminal Investigation Units. I don't know if you remember; but, you signed an authorization for me to create ten of those teams, to fill a need we identified, about a year ago. They are thirty-five member groups; including ten investigators, five forensic laboratory people, and twenty enforcement officers. Three of the agents are forensic psychologists. Five are crime scene specialists. The other two are a field qualified pathologist and pathology technician. They land on site fully equipped to conduct evidence recovery and evaluation. And, each of these teams maintains a secure link to I.S.I.E. aboard the Examiner. They are attached to the Investigative Regimental Command of ISIE; so, I will send orders on down through the chain, along with, this file, Admiral. We'll dispatch them, immediately; but, if this is serial in nature, they could be away for several months." Sparks finished.

  "That's great, Chris. Make sure I'm copied on everything. I'd like to follow this one. I have forwarded a copy of your warrant to Admiral Shagotha; who is now the Theatre Five Commander. You should report to her on her command vessel, first. She will make sure; you are well received by Vice Admiral Mary Firth when you land on the Israel; the Draco Fleet Flag Ship. Admiral Firth will guarantee you cooperation throughout her Fleet." I said as I rose; indicating I was terminating the meeting.

  Chapter 10 Getting All Our Ducks in a Row

  Sunday, October 28, 2260

  "In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

  From December 2259 to October 2260, both George and I spent a great deal of our time traveling to the monthly planning meetings. It was during the April 2260 gathering that; I suggested we move to quarterly engagements. At first, the proposal was treated like heresy; only to be accepted befor
e the June consultation. The July 2260 encounter was the first of the quarterly ones.

  In October, we all sat for dinner, as usual; enjoying a little cognac, dessert and coffee as we chatted after; until Grace brought the meeting to order. Because of the war, it had become the standard for Fifth Mobile to report and offer projections, after everyone else. George's statement always took considerable time; as did discussions of battle tactics and future plans. Almost every meeting had included a "new" plan for the additional expansion of Fifth Mobile.

  And so it was that Quadrants One, through Four filed reports and projections followed by discussions, on the first evening of that October get-together. The C&C suggested we break until morning; when, I would report for IGB; then, Fifth Mobile RAC would be discussed. We all called our spouses and headed down to the pub, on the first level.

  It was like a family reunion. All the old gang was present, along with a few new ones. George and Marie Bryant, Bill Stephenson, Admiral Blackman, Grace Tonaka and her life-partner, Steven and Olivia Nichols, Tsoh and Sasha Shah and Helena and I enjoyed the gathering; though, a few others were missing.

  At eight hundred the next morning, we met for breakfast; then, the C&C brought the meeting to order; asking for my report. It took me an hour to articulate the investigations, audits, and examinations we had completed. Then, I reviewed the enforcement, security and intelligence operations for them. Of specific interest to them was the analysis I presented on the homicides in Draco Fleet. There were four, now; all evidence indicating a particularly brutal and shared modus operandi. It was definitely the OFSA's first recorded case of a serial killer; particularly unsettling, considering the stringent requirements and testing for entry into the service. The most unnerving feature of the crimes was that they were being perpetrated in such a closed environment; attaching an almost tangible element of terror to the attacks. All the fatalities had occurred aboard the Frigate ESS Kyoto. It was part of the Israel Group in Draco Fleet.

  The third item on my agenda was year-to-date operating and capital budget expenditures. Next, I went over IGB expansion - where it was at - what was still coming. Finally, I reviewed my projections for the next quarter. Then, it was George's turn.

  "Well George, how's Fifth Mobile?" Grace asked

  "Oh, you know - same old; same old.' He said with a chuckle and went on. 'As you know, we had received enough vessels, by the last meeting, to begin formation of Fifth's third Theatre Command. Each of the other two was sitting on fourteen fleets when another pair arrived; so, we took a couple from each along with the twin new ones and consolidated Theatre Twelve; just before Kurt was dividing to form-up Theatre Thirteen. Then, there was my promotion; and, the decision to make Fifth a Headquarters Grade Command and turn the three Theatres into Quadrant Level Commands; so, they could be subdivided further; if, there were any more expansions. So, my three Admirals are all Level eleven; but, we haven't formally adopted a Quadrant Command structure for them; until, it is actually needed. It is all just semantics without the in-between commands. But, it is probably a future inevitability; and the three are all at level eleven; but, I resist including them at these meetings; since, it would deplete our Mobile Fifth Command structure to bring us all here, at the same time. Besides, I hold Fifth's HQ level planning meetings; and, relay everything here, anyway.

  Anyway, the integration of the last two Fleets has gone smoothly, and Coquinas is handling his new responsibilities very well. So, if we need to bump each of them to sixteen Fleets, there won't be a management issue; though, coming up with six level ten Admirals may be problematic. I may have to look at completing the plan in two stages; promoting three new Admirals to run a Command remote to the sister Theatre; which would still be managed by the Quadrant Commander. Then, complete the job; when, three more candidates appear.

  Tactically we're very sound. Tom handled the last Inscrutables incursion exquisitely. He never lost a ship, and the contingent lost nineteen Raptors in total. In return, he took out over a hundred enemy vessels; and, retrieved one intact for examination. Pal came charging to the rescue; when an enemy support flotilla jumped; while, we were in route to Nu Draconis. She deferred to Tom who continued in command. But, by the time the relief arrived, he had destroyed all the original vessels; so, it was just a matter of our double-sized force dealing with the ones that showed up late. I offered no advice. I delegated to my subs; and, was more than a little pleased with the outcome.

  Now, we're back to original positions on the field; making almost daily tactical moves in response to our antagonists.

  Budget-wise, we are on target with both capital and operating budgets. We are expecting two new Fleets in a month; which will bring Theatre Twelve to eight. It should reach full strength by mid-2262." He finished.

  "Great George. Have you got anything else?" Bill piped in with the loaded question. We all knew what George would have to say.

  "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.' His said emphatically; then continued. 'No one should be asked to go on in this fashion. The Federation and the OFSA is asking Mobile Fifth RAC to defend against this perplexing enemy; but, won't allow us the use of a counter-offensive to finish them off. You are asking my people to put their lives in harm's way without giving them a satisfactory means to rid themselves of the threat. You can grow Fifth to any size you want; but, we won't be able to finish off the Inscrutables; unless we counterstrike. You all know that! You all have excellent tactical skills. And, you are asking Fifth Mobile's entire senior team to plan and fight battles without all the tools available. It just isn't right!" He was interrupted by Bill Stephenson.

  "So, are you asking to be relieved or have Fifth Mobile removed from this situation?" Bill inquired.

  "Of course not!' Bryant snapped. 'I'm just saying we need to be able to counter attack." George added in a softer tone.

  "You know what the problem is. The King, the legislature, the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense do not want to annoy the CauDo by launching a protracted battle in their territory." Grace chimed in.rid

  "Screw the CauDo! This enemy isn't going to show them any respect; if, they succeed at taking a chunk of territory from us. They're next! It makes sense to consolidate the regions between any space they take from us and their home world. That puts the CauDo in the middle. Don't they realize that?" George asked in frustration.

  "Of course they realize the danger; but, they're scared to death. They're putting off the inevitable; because, if and when it comes, they will lose." Grace insinuated into the discussion.

  "Then, we need a few more sets of tactical eyes to look at this problem from a fresh perspective; because we can't go on like this. Each attack has been a test. They are testing the way we react to different situations. There is only one test left. They need to see how we respond to diversions and feints. The attack after that will be the big one. So, knowing that; and, taking into consideration the fact that; we don't want to ruffle any neighbor's feathers; we need a plan that we can use. I can't see a way; and, neither can my Admirals. Without the ability to counter-attack, we're stumped." George explained.

  "Are you saying; you can't do this?" Bill asked.

  "Of course not. No one sees every option in every tactical situation faced in the field. You always need advice and help from others. Stephen was instrumental in tactical planning in the last war. You know that. It's never just me. It takes teamwork.

  I'm just saying that; I need an idea we don't see, at the moment. I need a fresh perspective. I can do the difficult planning and execute the operation; but, someone needs to suggest an idea or two here. Do you understand what I'm asking for?"

  "I do. You're asking for a little help; not someone to take over the war. You just want someone to opine from a different perspective." I interjected.

  "Exactly!" Bryant said emphatically; as he pointed at me.

  "I have an idea that should work, George," I responded. The entire group sat forward in their chairs.

  "What's that, Kurt? Wha
t do you see that can help me?" George asked quietly.

  "First, I have a couple of questions. If we did cross the border, how long could we engage the enemy without incurring a break in relations with the CauDo? And, second; are you willing to teach your people a couple of new tricks IGB developed to execute our responsibilities?" I asked the group.

  "Two full days in their territory is all the CauDo will stand. We know that from experience. Even two days or less will lead to a protest; but, we can smooth that over." Bill responded; then, looked over at George.

  "Yes, we would learn whatever it takes to complete a tactical assignment," George added.

  "Good, then you and I must talk. We can present a more comprehensive plan to the Planning Committee; after, we discuss it. It's a sketchy plan, right now. We'll be able to fill it in together. So, the Committee will hear a more complete version of it." I said to everyone.

  "Is that okay with you, George?' Grace asked as Bryant nodded his assent. 'How much time do you need?' She added.

  "The plan is fairly detailed, already. I think I can present it to George; then, we can change and expand it in a few hours. We should be able to reveal it early tomorrow afternoon." I responded as I watched George nod his assent.

  Grace and Bill exchanged nods.

  "Good. We are adjourned, until after lunch, tomorrow." Grace snapped as we all rose from our seats.


  Down in the pub, George, Bill and I sat in quiet conversation, over a beverage. Bill came along; because, he felt the C&C should all be present; but, Grace could not make it. Antonin, her life-partner was receiving a special science award for developing a new method for culturing bacterial growth at a faster rate. The technique would allow integration with potential Federation members much quicker than what was now available; not to mention, its value in developing vaccines and tests for human illnesses.


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