Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 73

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  "I may have a little surprise for you; before, we firm up the planning." I directed at Fleet Admiral Bryant; as the meeting was breaking up.

  "What's that, Kurt?' Curiosity was evident in his voice.

  "Something you said makes me think I can give us another little advantage. But, I'm not certain, yet. I'll let you know if it pans out. We're going to be close, for a while. So, if we need to meet to refine planning, it won't be so hard. I'll contact you when I'm sure.' I responded.

  'Can I ask you a question; that, everyone else seemed to avoid?" I asked him.

  "Sure. I'll answer whatever I can." He responded with a smile.

  "Why do you want to attack after the May 8, 2262, fight? Why not just before it? The enemy won't expect it, then, either. And, you won't have suffered the losses of their attack before you launch." I observed.

  "Yes, I agree that; there is an undeniable attraction to launching, before the Inscrutables attack. But, I think we can hurt them so bad on May 8 that; they'll be reeling when we unleash our battleships, immediately after. If I'm right, we can take out four to six hundred warships; making our attack a lot easier. And, I believe we can defend theirs well enough.

  As a tactical Commander, you know that acceptable battle losses are anything under one-fifth. But, based on their tactics, technology, and linear thought process, I think, we can keep those numbers below five percent in their strike. Our casualties may be higher during the counter-attack; but, they would be whether we went before or after. I think, I can reduce them; if, we go after." He responded.

  I knew he could be right or wrong. Tacticians don't often agree on specifics like this; but, when they make their plans, they usually expect to execute in a way that shifts battles towards the desired outcome. You only really know if you're right, after combat.

  Chapter 12 Tending All the Little Details

  Friday, November 2, 2260

  "Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake."– S.G. Tartakower

  When I returned to my own command, I immediately called on help to acquire the surprise I promised George.

  Command Action Message #IGB62-E1367*

  Internal & Unclassified

  From:Admiral Kurt Brubacher Commander Inspector General Branch

  To:Inspector General Branch Stellar Mapping - Lieutenant G Baldezeki

  C.C.Admiral H. Brubacher Deputy Commander IGB

  Date:November 2, 2260


  I am trying to locate a planetary system that meets the following specifications.

  a) Falls between R.A. 20h, 0m, and RA 11h, 0m, Dec. +40º to +60º,

  b) Is positioned no less than 119 Ly from Sol; but, no farther than 160 Ly

  c) Orbits an orange or orange/red – red dwarf

  d) Orbits at a distance giving it a period of precisely three hundred four days.

  e) Has an axial period of exactly twenty-four hours

  Please compile a list of systems falling within these parameters and present all results to me by no later than fourteen hundred hours November 3, 2260

  Thank you.

  Admiral Kurt Brubacher

  It had occurred to me when I was speaking with George, in the pub, after the April planning meeting, that; his theory of our enemy living on a planet with a three hundred and four-day period might be enough to locate the Inscrutables home world; or, at least narrow the field.

  I sent orders to all my senior subordinate commanders to either be in my office or participate in a communications link, for a meeting, at seventeen hundred on November 3.

  Just before fourteen hundred, the next day, I received a memo from Baldezeki. The report showed only eight star systems that were even close to the outlined parameters. He advised me; they are still searching all available information channels, just in case; but, identified HAT-P-11e as the only system he could find, so far, that met all the specifications I laid out. Its position is RA 19h, 50m, 50.25s, Dec +48º, 4’, 51.1” at one hundred twenty-two light-years. A small planetary object orbits a red dwarf at a distance of one hundred twenty-seven million kilometers; giving it an orbital period of three hundred four days. Long range spectroscopic observation shows it has an oxygen based atmosphere containing water vapor; and, scans indicate it generates a robust magnetic field and exhibits a twenty-four-hour orbital rotation on its axis. This may not be the Inscrutables home world; but, we will watch to see. It seems the likely target; though it's position is not as close to the front as I had imagined. It is nearly a one-month flight; at the velocities employed by the Inscrutables.

  By sixteen fifty-five hours, all my senior commanders were either in my office; or, on my communication system for the seventeen hundred meeting. Helen, my two Theatre Commanders, the Marine Army Commander, the Marine ISIE core commander and the Examiner's CAG were all in attendance. During the subsequent meeting, I was handed two surprises. The first is that; Colonel Shellots was the best person to lead my SF Marines for the combined mission with Fifth. The second was that Commodore Savign was the best qualified Flag ranked officer with covert vessel command experience to handle the mining undertaking; and, the preliminary training involved. It makes me happy. I know and trust both officers. I was handed both files along with those of two possible alternate selections. I quickly scanned the four folders.

  Since the Shenzhen, Shellots completed SF training; and, has been running a special forces regiment for some time. Nearly a thousand special forces Marines will be involved in the mining mission. He is the best man for the job.

  Likewise, Savign had left the Shenzhen, after one year, to take command of a sub. She already had her fighter pilot wings; so, when the captaincy of IGB’s ESS Inquisitor came up, she posted for it, was transferred to IGB, promoted and assigned. The Inquisitor is a Carrier Class vessel in my Theatre Eleven command. A year after taking Command of the Inquisitor, Helena had recommended her for elevation to Commodore and assignment as the Commander Inquisitor Group. My old Exec has been extremely busy over the last three years.

  By the time the meeting adjourned, I had explained the nature of our mission with Mobile Fifth; and, had Helena cut orders to both Savign and Shellots that detached them from their current obligations and assigned them as the Commanders of their individual operations in the coming offensive. They need rank increases to be able to command both IGB and Fifth personnel. We set the promotion ceremony to coincide with the stop we're making to meet Mobile Fifth's detached subs to combine the two flotillas. It makes it easier; actually knowing the people I am putting in charge. Both are exceptional officers.

  I sent a memo to George.





  From:Adm. K. Brubacher Commander Inspector General Branch

  To: Flt. Adm. G.T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  C.C.OFSA Office of C&C

  Re:Bootes / Draco Battlefront

  Date:November 2, 2260


  This communiqué is to advise you of my decisions regarding the two officers who will command the Special Operations of our impending engagement.

  I have chosen Commodore Savign, a Gian, for the position of Commander Covert Vessel Operations. I first

  served with her when she was my first officer on the Shenzhen. By that time, she already possessed her flight wings and had experienced twelve months' duty as a Raptor pilot. She commanded the Shenzhen for a year; after, my move to the Loki. Savign requested reassignment to a Sub and was posted to the three-month training program. Following graduation, she moved to IGB in command of a covert vessel for eighteen months; after which, she was elevated to Captain and took command of the ESS Inquisitor Carrier Class Vessel. She completed the War College program with top marks amongst those entering in the same period. A year ago, she was promoted to Commodore in command of the Inquisitor Group. In IGB she has been responsible for conducting and controlling the type o
f covert strategic missions we are looking at here. This officer has demonstrated exceptional tactical ability and excellent management skills. I will grant a field promotion of Commodore Savign to the rank of Rear Admiral, for the duration of this mission. If she does as well as I believe she will, I will entertain making this permanent and placing her in charge of a Task Force Command.

  I have chosen Colonel Zefrem Shellots for command of the Tactical Special Forces Mission. He has been leading SF covert and boarding missions like this in IGB, for nearly two years. I first met him aboard the Shenzhen; when, as an investigator, he advised me regarding a piracy operation. He was elevated to Major in a Mobile Fifth Command, on my recommendation, based on his performance aboard the Shenzhen. As a major, Zefrem attended the SF training program and graduated first in his group of inductees. He has led SF deployments, since that time. He came to IGB in early 2260 and has led several aggressive boarding assaults in this command. He was promoted to Lt. Colonel, when first assigned here and elevated to full Colonel and Regimental Commander in January of this year. He completed the war college program with excellent marks. Colonel Shellots currently leads an SF Regiment within IGB; and has overall command responsibility for many offensive tactical missions every year; including, the EVA covert operations we are proposing, here. Zefrem thinks on his feet and is an excellent field tactician. I will grant him a field promotion to Brigadier for the duration of this mission; and, will reflect on placing him in command of a brigade permanently, on successful completion of the operation.

  As we discussed, please advise your covert force commanders they will be reporting to these two people for both the training and operational phases of this mission. Both parties should remain at ranks subordinate to Rear Admiral Savign and Brigadier General Shellots.

  I hope this meets your expectations.

  Admiral Kurt Brubacher

  Inspector General

  Tracer I.D. #IGB60-L@1-67*

  We are in constant communications with the other three supercarriers attached to IGB, and chatter between them and subordinates is continuous and on-going. So, it’s not unusual for us to send coded instructions within the command during a jump. I snap off the orders to both Savign and Shellots.

  MEMO #IGB62-CO681(KB)




  From:Admiral Kurt Brubacher Commander Inspector General Branch

  To:Commodore Savign Commander - IGB, Theatre Ten, TF-1, Inquisitor Group

  C.C.Admiral Helena Brubacher IGB D.C.; Flt. Adm. G. T. Bryant

  Re:Reassignment offer

  Date:November 2, 2260

  Commodore Savign,

  IGB and Fifth Mobile RAC will participate in a joint tactical operation in May of 2262. A major component of this mission will be the amalgamation of all covert vessels currently in operation within the two Quadrant Commands, to perform three assignments critical to the success of the entire undertaking. Joining these two groups into the "Special Operations Covert Corps" (SOCC) will result in a sizeable operation requiring its own command structure.

  The Commander of this organization will need time to develop a leadership group, train the embedded personnel and formulate tactical plans necessary to meet the objectives of the mission. This contingent will employ nearly ninety-six thousand personnel operating one hundred ninety-two vessels. A large contingent of SF Marines will be attached and distributed throughout the Corps. The Brigadier controlling these troops will be directed by, and report to, the Corps Commander.

  The actual amalgamation of covert ships from these two Quadrant Commands is slated for a time shortly after selection and posting of the Corps Commander. The interval between then and the execution date of the mission provides adequate time to build a Chain of Command and Staff; conceive a training plan; and, fashion and refine a tactical plan.

  The SOCC will be a provisional force to be initiated immediately; and, slated to be dissolved sometime in June of 2262. It follows that; the Corps Commander position is also temporary; but, like all special operations, it may lead to a permanent elevation in another command.

  In light of the above; and, based on your experience and impeccable OFSA record, I would like to offer you a temporary elevation in rank to Rear Admiral, in command of the new SOCC, effective immediately.

  Command of the Marine contingent is being offered to Colonel Zefrem Shellots who will be temporarily elevated to Brigadier General, for the duration of the operation.

  Other than Colonel Shellots, you will be at liberty to select and appoint your own command structure; except, the most senior officers joining you from Fifth Mobile RAC. We initially felt that IGB and Fifth Mobile RAC vessels would operate structurally as separate Task Forces, under your command; but, you would be free to divide your Corps, and delegate authority, in a more balanced manner, if desired. However, the Fifth Mobile RAC command structure must be incorporated within yours. You may even wish to consider making the Fifth Mobile Commander your deputy for this operation; but, that will be your decision.

  I sincerely hope you accept this rare opportunity. The context of this communication must remain strictly confidential.

  Thank you.

  Admiral Kurt Brubacher

  Tracer I.D. #IGB60-C#1-127*

  I checked incoming mail, after sending out the memo. There is one to General Sparks that I am copied on. It originates from a Major Heinz Prüfer; the officer in charge of the Draco Fleet homicide inquiry. There is another from Vice Admiral Firth looking for reciprocation on expenses incurred in hosting our investigation team there. It is normal for us to cover expenses such as food and lodging. We would have to pay for it if those people were back within our operations. But, as I examine the itemizations, I am astounded. It appears Mary Firth or her COS, is attempting to gouge us.





  From:Adm. K. Brubacher Commander Inspector General Branch

  To: Vice Admiral Mary Firth Commander Draco Fleet

  C.C.Admiral Stephen Nichols Quadrant 3 Command; Admiral Shagotha Theatre Five


  Re:Your Memo of Nov 1, 2260, regarding expenses

  Date:November 3, 2260

  Vice Admiral Firth,

  I am in receipt of your message requesting reimbursement for expenses incurred by your fleet in housing our investigative team. Several line items are extremely questionable. I would suggest you review the claim and resubmit it; if and when you are sure of its veracity. Any unusual expense items should be accompanied by explanatory notations describing origins and need.

  I remind you, that; IGB conducts the audits of all Fleets in the service. Should we find, in such an examination, that; the accounting in your billing was in error, your overcharges would be reversed, anyway. Of course, a reversal like that is not the most serious situation; but, being cited for faulty accounting practices would be.

  While IGB is prepared to cover all reasonable and acceptable costs you incur on our behalf, we are not about to be overcharged while attempting to resolve an issue within your Fleet.

  Admiral Kurt Brubacher

  Inspector General

  Tracer I.D. #IGB60-M*2-09$

  While there are many misunderstandings between commands in a service the size of the OFSA, it surprised me that Admiral Firth would forward such an obviously flawed request for reimbursement to the auditing authority of the organization. I marked the request "Hold for Approval by IGB Commander" and copied it to my COS.

  I spent a few minutes going over the report from the investigators. They have built a solid psychological profile. Based on it, they are laying a trap for the perpetrator. I am somewhat uncomfortable with it. It involves making one of our investigators a target. I never like this method; but, they are professionals, who know what they're doing; and, have done this many times before. None the
less, I am uneasy with it and compose a memo to the Major expressing my anxiety; and, asking for extreme caution in protecting the agent. I send a copy to Christopher Sparks.

  The next day, I received the following memo.

  MEMO #T10TF1-AO099(AC)




  From:Commodore Savign Commander - IGB, Theatre Ten, TF-1, Inquisitor Group

  To:Admiral Kurt Brubacher Commander Inspector General Branch

  C.C.Admiral Helena Brubacher IGB D.C.; Flt. Adm. G. T. Bryant

  Re:Reassignment offer

  Date:November 3, 2260

  Admiral Brubacher,

  Thank you for your generous offer and show of confidence in me. It is deeply appreciated.

  I accept your offer of temporary elevation to the rank of Rear Admiral and assignment as Commander of SOCC based on the conditions and descriptions included in your memo to me; and, I look forward to hearing more detail concerning the need for, and objectives of, this unique covert force. The entire idea is most intriguing; and, has left me imagining all sorts of things.

  Commodore Savign

  Tracer I.D. #IGB60-T10#2-11%

  After reading Savign's response, I took a few moments to compose a reply to her.

  MEMO #IGB62-CO692(KB)


  From:Admiral Kurt Brubacher Commander Inspector General Branch

  To:Commodore Savign Commander - IGB, Theatre Ten, TF-1, Inquisitor Group

  C.C.Admiral Helena Brubacher IGB D.C.; Flt. Adm. G. T. Bryant

  Re:Reassignment offer

  Date:November 3, 2260

  Commodore Savign,

  Please report to my office at sixteen hundred hours, Thursday, November 8, 2260.

  Admiral Kurt Brubacher

  I sent an offer similar to Savign's to Colonel Shellots.

  Two days later, I received a memo from Fleet Admiral Bryant.






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