Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 81

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  "Not always this much, son; but, usually it requires a lot. War is a complicated business. The bigger the threat, or the enemy force, or the battlefront; the more intricate it becomes. We only exercise such care; because, our ultimate goal is to win; without suffering any casualties of our own. I know that is impossible; but, each and every death and injury scars my soul. Other Commanders talk of acceptable losses. None are acceptable. War is a terrible thing! It 'd be great if, all these aggressors would pick up and move to another galaxy. I'd be happy if, the OFSA only had to police our territory - not defend it." George responded.

  "So, you hate war, sir?" The young man asked.

  "More than anything. It is a curse. I used to think it was mankind's scourge; but, now I know, it's the misfortune of all intelligent species. I only wage war; because I have a knack for winning without losing a lot of people and assets. I feel I can use the ability to reduce the carnage that seems to be inevitable. There are others like me. Fleet Admiral Tonaka, Admiral Steven Nichols, Admiral Kurt Brubacher are all people who are great strategic and tactical planners. And there are others that haven't been tested strategically; but, have demonstrated the same tactical skills. We all long to save as many live as possible in these unwanted confrontations." George explained.

  "I am really surprised. The people who wage our wars are the ones who really hate it. I guess that works, though. If these conflicts are inevitable; and, you can save the lives you do; I suppose that works for all of us. Thank you, sir." The counselor seemed quiet, thoughtful and a little sad as he turned to walk away. He spent the next half hour alone, in a corner of the lounge aboard Admiral Bryant's craft.

  The rest of the visit went well. On the final day, King Edward expressed an interest in taking the matter to the Assembly to have an actual "War Authorization Act" ratified. He felt it would be wise; since the full government would then have both understanding and input. It would also mean a budget for this express purpose; instead of, dipping into the OFSA current account; as had always been the pattern. That would basically take care of about seventy percent of both IGB and Fifth Mobiles' operating budgets, during the period; until after the threat was repelled; and, it would take care of funding of any capital assets lost in battle. This would allow normal operations and planned expansions to go on, without taxing the budget of the service.

  We did not need this endorsement. Under existing law and OFSA R&R, we were required to take action against the Inscrutables. This would just make it a hell of a lot easier.

  We all spent September 2, 2261, together, just preparing the legislation. Since George had done this before, it was a terrific experience, for the rest of us. The document was worded to answer most questions; without, generating any security breaches. Each committee member was briefed on what constituted safe discussion points; and, what needed to be kept close to avoid tipping off the enemy. The six Representatives had been given almost all the facts; so, they could handle their responsibilities; because each had been intensively investigated and cleared by IGB. They had security authorization levels just below that of the C&C and Kurt Brubacher, and at the same classification as the other four Quadrant Level Commanders.

  Since September 2 was the last day of their visit, the Valhalla's hangars were prepared for another major festivity arranged by Moe. The semi-circular head table was complete with all the visiting dignitaries, all the C&C and, all the next level of subordinate commanders and each person's partner, Chief of Staff or Deputy. It was the largest head table the Asgard had ever seen; glinting brightly from the reflections of all the stars, decorations, and lanyards adorning all the dress uniforms seated at the table.

  Chapter 18 And the Beat Goes On

  Sunday, December 22, 2261

  "A lot of my work is a matter of reacting to surprises in life." Alexander Wang

  We've been months developing and practicing techniques and deployments, we will use in the coming skirmish. But, amongst all this action, we've had to take the time to develop battle plans and counter-measures for the confrontation expected on May 8, 2262. So, needless to say, we have all been extremely busy. And, scattered amongst it all are the deliveries of new vessels and personnel, needed to complete the current stage of expansion supported in the plan approved, some time ago.

  It is uncommon to be able to achieve such stratagems, for a preemptive operation; because it is very unusual to know that; you are about to be assailed. In this case, we believed, we knew both the when and how of the matter. We would be assaulted on May 8. The main raid would come at our assembly area; and, we would encounter one or more ploys or ruses designed to distract us from that main incursion.

  Back on October 1, we received a copy of the approved War Authority Act 1. It was titled that way; because, the Assembly believes they may have to approve other such actions, in the future. So, though they only echoed the approvals legislation already provided; they had given us a generous additional budget to deal with the threat; while maintaining our other responsibilities. I am using my two newest Fleets to conduct limited Fleet, Theatre, and Planetary examinations; while rotating them into their reserve battle practice, as often as possible. Everyone in IGB is getting tired.

  A week ago, I received an interesting communiqué from Savign.





  From:R. Admiral Savign Commander IGB SOCC

  To:Admiral Kurt Brubacher Commander IGB

  CC:Flt. Adm. G. T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC; Adm. H Brubacher

  Re:Alteration to Plan - proposed

  Date:December 15, 2261


  We have successfully tracked the trajectory of sixty vessels both entering and exiting the battle zone; since, Flt. Adm. Bryant's reconnaissance authorization of August 21, 2261. We have trailed this path, midway; stopping at several points to monitor; in case, the enemy was changing direction, at some point.

  I am pleased to report, with a degree of certainty at 99.9992% that; the force branded as the Inscrutables indeed appears to be supplied and relieved from HAT-P-11e.

  Since SOCC Group One has been practicing covert monitoring and SF deployments on the Orion Federation facing side of Nu Draconis and appears ready, I believe I should release them to head to HAT-P-11e, now. It will allow us to remove the last minuscule percentage of doubt from the equation. My plan is to have them jump to the planet and monitor covertly. They would travel to a point two light-years away, to communicate with us, in ten days; providing the final confirmation. Then, they would return to complete the original mission.

  It also appears that; Group Three is as ready as can be expected. Continued practice may build complacency into their daily routine. So, I am suggesting, we advance the launch of their mission; allowing them to begin monitoring and mining, after a one-week rest period.

  This will permit them to observe and prepare more vessels than previously projected. It will also mean the majority of the battleships that may come into play in the expected May 8, 2262, strike will be boobytrapped. This would provide you an additional relief valve to reduce casualties in that encounter.

  R. Adm. Savign Commander IGB SOCC

  My immediate reaction was to approve her suggestions; but, I took the time to get George on the horn; just in case, there was some negative, he could see. The only reservation he had was about using the Limpets in the principal fight of May 8, 2262. This would be observed by enemy forces remaining in CauDo space as a reserve; possibly, giving away the mining for the May 18 counter-attack. But, he was in agreement with using them in any wider feints or diversionary attacks the enemy may attempt. Otherwise, he liked Savign's suggestion. So, I responded to her accordingly.





  From:Admiral Kurt Brubacher Commander IGB

  To:R. Adm
iral Savign Commander IGB SOCC

  CC:Flt. Adm. G. T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC; Adm. H Brubacher

  Re:Alteration to Plan - proposed

  Date:December 15, 2261


  I have discussed your communication of the above with Flt. Adm. Bryant. We are both very positive about the status you report regarding SOCC training; and, your suggestions concerning the advancement of the mission.

  I am approving your recommendations, with the following provisos.

  Assuming you will keep very precise records of the ship markings you mine, you are to track those that appear headed for diversionary or feint roles in the attack expected May 8, 2262; versus those that seem to be trekking to the central confrontation. This should be obvious by the size of the formation, their trajectory and the time of the release of the deployments.

  You will detonate only mines of those vessels that are part of diversionary or feint missions; and, only upon my direct request; or, that of Flt. Admiral Bryant.

  Your suggestion to give your forces a week's rest, before engaging in these operations, is approved. You and your personnel have earned it. Let them know how pleased we are with their progress.

  As usual, you have exceeded our expectations.

  Admiral Kurt Brubacher Commander IGB

  George contacted me by video-com a few minutes after I released my memo. He suggested we all stand down, for a week; since everyone was probably tired.

  A particularly interesting message arrived with my mail, immediately after our chat.





  From:Commander Gojen Svjosloki FSS Examiner Chief Engineer

  To:Admiral K. Brubacher Commander IGB

  CC:Commander Aerospace Group FSS Examiner

  Re:Raptor Upgrades?

  Date:December 15, 2261


  I have overseen an informal research team, including our Aerospace engineers and our Hangar Deck Maintenance Chief, that has been considering the possibility of bolstering Raptor airframe integrity; so, they may be released into space, to travel in FTL mode. As you are aware, the fighters employ all three engine types used on our larger vessels; so, FTL flight is only a matter of reinforcing these vessels to withstand the forces of both thresholds and the vortex.

  We have been at this little venture for nearly a year; and, have developed one prototype that should be capable of meeting the objectives.

  We have walked a tenuous tightrope to keep the improvements to a minimum to avoid taxing Raptor systems, or exceeding its existing footprint.

  We found that a seven and one-half percent increase in the tri-layer shielding force would permit such travel. So, we developed improvements that would increase Raptor shield potency by twelve percent, to give us some leeway.

  Enhancements amount to increasing power supplies feeding both the RF Inductance Emitters and the RF Ion Regulators. Two avionics changes were also made to improve FTL navigation via the shield shaping we employ on the larger vessels.

  A Casimir antenna array with servo motors and heating lines was added to the fighter's exterior. Servo controller, pumping center, fluid storage and piping and power supply were incorporated within the structure of the Raptor.

  Simulations indicate this fighter craft would easily survive countless jumps; and, would present the pilot with a tolerable ride.

  We see this as an improvement with major potential. Fighter Craft could be launched for battle before exiting an event horizon; permitting Groups maximum defense and offensive power, immediately.

  We would like your permission to run one unmanned test; followed by a manned test if the first is successful.

  Commander Gojen Svjosloki





  From:Admiral K. Brubacher Commander IGB

  To:Commander Gojen Svjosloki FSS Examiner Chief Engineer

  CC:Commander Aerospace Group FSS Examiner; Flt. Adm. G. T. Bryant

  Re:Raptor Upgrades?

  Date:December 15, 2261

  Commander Svjosloki,

  Since I am fairly well educated, and experienced in this particular field, you have piqued my curiosity. We have launched fighters within a vortex, in the past, at great risk; since these were not adapted to that particular application. A true FTL Raptor would add a considerable advantage to both our offensive and defensive strengths.

  I would like to study the designs; and, the simulation results; before, we advance this project. Pending my satisfaction and approval, we would then run the unmanned test and examine all results together. If I am satisfied to that point, we will ask for pilot volunteers to attempt the next phase of the testing. I am concerned with the sensor reflection the Casimir Emitter would add to the vessel's silhouette.

  After one live test, I would like to do a second unmanned one; where, it is launched within an FTL vortex, created by a Carrier. Should this be successful, it may be possible to use these fighters in this way without the Casimir. If this trial is fruitful, we will attempt a second manned flight; and investigate using these vessels launched during FTL without Casimir Emitters. Once satisfied, we would try one more manned mission, before proceeding to get approval from the C&C.

  Your initiative and creativity are truly appreciated. I would like to meet to discuss this matter and view all pertinent details.

  Please report to my office at seventeen hundred hours, today.

  Admiral Kurt Brubacher

  Ten minutes after hitting the send icon, I received a slew of memos. Svjosloki confirmed. My CAG asked to be included. George said he'd be at the meeting, with his CAG.

  Svjosloki was really nervous when it all started. I had to stop and calm him down. He was not used to being in the presences of a Fleet Admiral, Admiral and two Rear Admirals. It really unnerved him. We took ten minutes, poured everyone a drink; and sat and just "shot the shit" for a while; impressing the informality behind closed doors on the wracked Commander.

  In the end, we agreed that we only wanted the Raptors to be able to initiate FTL flight; if, launching from a Carrier inside a vortex didn't work. No one doubted that the integrity improvements would protect the fighters; but, everyone preferred they did not incorporate the Casimir Emitter; because, launching inside a wormhole was tactically superior. We would still run the proposed first unmanned test to prove the craft's worthiness; and, the second one to prove a Raptor pilot could withstand FTL forces in such a small ship. After that, we would remove the Casimir and concentrate on Carrier based FTL launches. George did the math, on the spot; determining, we would only be able to use rear facing launchers. We would have to find a method to launch the little warships in reverse; so, they would be forward facing and could use their own power in the wormhole, afterward. They would have to get to power quickly; so, their velocity continued to match the mothership; or, they could destabilize the entire conduit.

  After a little thinking, we designed a turnbuckle and hook assembly for the rear of a Raptor; so, it could be dragged out the back of the launch tube at a quarter the power typically used for forward launching, using a Casimir in open space. This would effectively "drop" the ships from the Carrier. A sensor signal detecting launches at the end of each launcher would be used to bring each Raptor's engines to full power; until the pilot is satisfied and reduces it to whatever the current velocity of the Carrier is. The shield control programming would be altered to shape the screen to allow for the wake of the main ship in the conduit.

  We agreed that; we could reduce the risk of failure by having a second fighter equipped accordingly. There was a chance of a failure by something easily managed that wasn't foreseen; so a duplicate was a wise investment. We could also minimize risk to pilot and craft by dropping probes out the launchers during a jump and reading feedback from acc
elerometers, inertial sensors, and its internal gyroscope. If, we know enough about dealing with the forces, before the first launch; we could shape the shields to protect the pilot and craft, right from the beginning.

  We would make all the other engineering changes, and scientific explorations, while attempting the two test flights. We'd modify a second Raptor while in that part of the process Then, we'd remove the Casimir and all its paraphernalia and concentrate on Carrier launches. Five unmanned tests would be done to allow us to perfect the technique. We would not go to the C&C for approval. George and I both had the authority to approve the changes; so, they would be okayed locally, in both Commands. Once proven, in battle, we'd advise the C&C and the Secretary of Defense and recommend deployment of the changes, throughout the service.

  By the time the meeting was over, Gojen had all his authorizations, requisitions and a schedule to run on. He left the room beaming, from ear-to-ear.

  "Well, that went well!" I observed.

  "Yes, it did. I am always amazed at the dedication and initiative our people show. Not to mention their loyalty to their commanders.' George added; as we left to head for his docking port. 'If this works, we'll have to recommend that officer for an award." He added.


  The first unmanned Raptor FTL test was scheduled for December 22, 2261; and, today is the day. Testing of the wormhole forces with probes has gone very well. It has allowed for the programming of the shields to continually reshape them; as the vessel drops from its carrier and accelerates up to speed.

  In the meantime, most crews are on a stand-down; and, enjoying working only their regular shifts; without, the stress of practicing several times every day.

  I saunter down to the hangar deck and observe the drone Raptor's launch, at the scheduled time of fourteen hundred, today. It goes extremely well; thanks to the skill of the pilot operating the remote controls. He decides, the part of the flight within the vortex should be autonomously controlled. Drone pilots have never before manipulated a vehicle within a conduit; so, he feels it more likely to succeed if he manages take-off and landing and the vessel controls its own path in FTL. It works like a dream; creating a guideline for future testing.


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