Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 83

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  Down on deck four, I pick up flowers and a card; then, head to the jeweler; and, pick out eye-catching diamond earrings, for her. A ring would only remind her of the swelling she has experienced.

  "Hi honey; I'm home." I perform my best impression of the star, in a nearly three-hundred-year-old comedy show, we love to watch; as, Helena breaks into laughter. It never seems to get tired. But, I will have to watch out, in a couple of weeks; when, she is really exhausted from the pregnancy. I understand that most women do not have much of a sense of humor left, at that point in the gestation cycle.

  We enjoy a scrumptious meal and a quiet but tender evening, together; and, she loves the gifts.

  "I wish; I could get this over with." Are the last words from her mouth, before she just falls quickly to sleep.

  "Yeah, honey... me too... I hate to see you suffering." I whisper; as she snuggles against my hand; gently rubbing her back.


  There is a knock at the door; then Helena's voice. "You're IGB Commanders reporting as ordered, sir." She snaps in a steady voice that belies last night's exhaustion.

  "Everyone get in here and take a load off. This will take a little time. There are coffee, beverages and sweet rolls on the bar. Help yourselves and grab a seat at the other end; and, relax." I offer with bluster.

  It's about ten minutes before all are seated and comfortable.

  "How's everyone this morning?" I ask.

  There is a chorus of fines and okays; along with, positive nods all around.

  "Good. I need you to know how pleased I am with all the practice runs. I was also impressed with your May 8, simulations and orders. I put together the masters; and, I sent them off to George. He approved them, as is, with an exception that doesn't really apply to us. He does not want any ships in the principal attack field to employ the new fighter technology. He wishes to keep it a surprise.

  As far as the general orders go, I have three sets prepared.' I stop as I run the simulation; projecting it to the wall, over my desk. Depending on which of the multitude of attack formations and targets the enemy chooses, we will need to be in two or three places. There are three different choices for our opening move; so, the overall plans take us to the proper selections; and deploy our forces, for battle, as discussed. I will give each of you a copy of all the directives. Each pick is numbered. Once I evaluate the trajectories of the incoming vessels, I will call the orders we will use, by number; providing the exact projected enemy assault positions; and their estimated arrival times. In the orders, I specify your departure by jump time. You must plan your trips to reach your site, thirty to sixty seconds, after the enemy. And you must plot your course to arrive just ten or fifteen kilometers above them; but, right on top of them. If it is a two location opening diversion or feint, each Theatre will handle one position. If it is a three position strategy, you will each provide two Fleets; and, Helena will take the four to the smallest deployment; and direct each of you Theatre Commanders as to which part of the orders in force you are executing.

  We are not bound by George's fighter limitations; so each Carrier will launch ten Raptors in route. That means we will have forty to fifty Raptors, in space, as we exit. They should be blasting their guns to unclog your path; as you gain your foothold and launch your fighter craft.

  You are all to hold communications to the Examiner open; so, we have a direct line. When I signal the battle plan, I will also send our trajectory and projected position. If at any time, you think, you are being overwhelmed; contact me. I will have Savign send the signal to detonate the mines on the hulls of the ships, in your field of operations. Savign will be sending me a list of the mines going to each location. If that happens, you cannot stop firing. There are two reasons.

  First, we cannot be sure that; all the enemy ships deployed to your location are mined.

  Second, we do not want any vessels getting back to the border with that knowledge. It could ruin our counter attack.

  George has forbidden the use of the mines in the main battle; so, the enemy does not become aware of them.

  If you're unsure of the interpretation of an order, based on actual events on the field, run the simulation. But, always remember that; you are on site and quite tactically capable. If you have to vary or employ a little creative strategy; that is your prerogative. You may find that; you are too busy to watch a video presentation.

  These sites should be relatively small in numbers. We expect a hundred to a hundred and fifty vessels in the feints and diversions. And, they will land with fighters deployed. The primary battle will probably see an enemy force of seven to eight hundred enemy ships. Your objective is to destroy everything in your region. Fifth Mobile Forces are just trying to destroy what they can; as, they concentrate on repelling the invasion, with as few losses, as possible.

  When you deliver your orders, make sure that you hold back some vessels in reserve; landing them just short of the battlefield. Bring them into the zone; even if, you think you destroyed everything; to cover your withdrawal.

  As far as rules of engagement go; the following rules will apply.

  You are to initiate an open communications beam with the Examiner, at all times.

  Departmental damage and casualty reports will be fed on the open line, continuously.

  You are to report to me every hour; until your battle is finished.

  You are to use Raptors to repel their fighters and help defend your vessels.

  You are to contact me to employ the mines; if, you feel you are overwhelmed; or, have lost ten percent of your forces, or more.

  You are not to risk taking a vessel or captives. This enemy has a penchant for self-destruction; so, our people could be killed in an attempted capture.

  You are not to allow an enemy vessel or fighter to leave the battlefield. It would constitute a failure of the May 18 operation before it starts.

  You are not to leave any of our force on the field. The dead will be recovered during each mop-up phase.

  Listen to your people. Sometimes they see or detect things we miss. But, always remember that; you are in charge. These people look to you for leadership and confidence. Stay calm; and, think your way through any difficulties. You should all have a lot of self-assurance. Whether you know it or not, I know each of you is the best in the OFSA. Let your certainty show. We all have uncertainties during battles. Don't let that show. Make your decisions sound firm. Your people should want to absorb confidence from you. It will have a calming effect.

  If we end up employing a two site plan, Helena will decide; if, she stays with the Examiner or goes with one of the Theatres. If we use a three location scenario, she will decide if she takes our B command vessel the Interrogator; or, if she will make one of the Fleet carriers her flagship; and, will advise us all of her choices.

  Two of the three site scenarios and one of the two-location possibilities land enemy forces in relatively close locations. So, the Examiner will move between them; but, should be comparatively close to you. The rest are more widespread battles; so, the Examiner will still be central; but, somewhat distant to each of you. Our two hospital ships will stay with the Examiner; protected by their own flotilla; and, ours. That will give you centralized, elite, trauma care for your wounded.

  Your orders commence, immediately. They include drills and practices timed to interlock with the rehearsals for the other operation. Any preparations involving in-vortex fighter launches should be conducted three light years back of our main forces; so, the technique remains undetected, by the enemy.

  Work smart. Work your people hard. But, be fair. Give them rest. You'll get more out of them, that way. Are there any questions?" I finish my presentation.

  The three look to each other. Then there are all negative head wags.

  "Okay, I will transmit your orders; and, upload the correct encryption app to you; along with all pertinent files," I say; as I negotiate my data
pad and tap the appropriate icons.

  "There's one more thing that's not exactly part of the orders. Helena will have our child, anytime, now. If she is not back in the saddle by the attack date, your deputy will take on your duties Admiral Urquhart; and, you will take over her part of the plan. So, you have to be aware of her role, orders, and thinking in all of this. Are you okay with that?" I ask.

  "Yes, sir. I believe I am up for it." He responds with a smile and a nod.

  "Good, that's it for business. We can just relax and chat; while you finish your coffee." I suggest.

  One at a time they leave the office. All aspects of the plans for the rest of the year are now in play.


  Alone again, I notice an e-mail arrived from Savign; while, I was briefing my Admirals.





  From:R. Admiral Savign Commander IGB SOCC

  To:Admiral Kurt Brubacher Commander IGB

  CC:Flt. Adm. G. T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC; Adm. H Brubacher


  Date:March 9, 2262


  All our vehicles have made their trips to their new homes.

  Group 1 found their friends at home, where you thought they would be.

  Group 2 finished practicing their music project and are on the way to the concert.

  Group 3 is visiting their friends. We have all gotten to know them a lot better. The Group delivered three hundred twelve Christmas presents, so far.

  Group 4 is in position by my house. They are practicing all the musical pieces.

  R. Adm. Savign Commander IGB SOCC

  That Savign is a gem. She has coded the encrypted memo; in case, the enemy has breached our security. Her progress has been amazing. I will recommend her for a Fleet Command assignment.

  My Annunciator sounds again.





  From:Flt. Adm. G.T. Bryant C&C / Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  To:Admiral K. Brubacher Commander IGB

  CC:Adm. H. Brubacher D.C. IGB

  Re:Savign's report dated March 9, 2262

  Date:March 10, 2262

  Admiral Brubacher,

  I just read Savign's report. It's not really my business; but, she should be a Fleet Commander.

  Your friend.

  George Bryant.

  "Great minds think alike." I think to myself; as I laugh aloud.

  Chapter 20 These Eyes

  Monday, March 24, 2262

  "Having a baby dragged me, kicking and screaming, from the world of self-absorption."

  Paul Reiser

  There will be no work for me, today. I am spending the day supporting my wife and getting to know my new son, both attended in our expansive sickbay. I know I am biased, already; but, he is a rare one. In this day and age, the races have mixed into one homogenized blend; except for a fraction of the population that grew up in small remote regions, just redeveloping, after the mini ice age, a couple of centuries ago. So, we are very unique; representing about five percent of the world; while, all the rest is a beautiful blend of all the best features from the five primary races they originate from.

  We are calling him Bryant Edward Brubacher, in honor of George and our King. I am astonished at how this process leads to perfect noses, ears, fingers, and toes. Short blonde hair and intense blue eyes are probably permanent. Both families are fair all the way back several generations. A little premature, he was still over thirty-six centimeters and three point three kilograms. He is actually beautiful.

  Helena is doing fairly well. Labor lasted over eleven hours. She was in a shock-like state after. Shivering and chattering, she required several layers of blankets to restore the feeling of warmth to her. Then, she fell into a deep sleep. She seemed almost unconscious. The doc says not to worry. Childbirth affects most women that way. They say her vitals are good.

  Anyway, I held Bryant for quite a while; as Helena slept. Then, a nurse placed him in a hospital bassinet against the wall to Helena's left. She took vitals and left the room; mumbling that they appear stable. I can't help noticing her ashen skin tone. Alone, emotions welled up in me. I was happy and worried for my family - all at the same time. Tears streamed down my cheeks for half an hour; before, I got myself under control.

  A while later, Bryant stirs; then belts out a wail. I know he might be in need and am about to call for help; but, he just drifts back to sleep. It must have been a gas pain. We have taken classes together; before the big event; so, I can change a diaper; or administer a bottle; but, I am full of uncertainty.

  Three hours after the birth, mother and son seem to be sleeping peacefully. There is nothing for me to do. I decide to go take a shower, change and return to my office for half an hour to see what's doing. There's no real action, at the moment. And, I have no e-mail except a video file of a three-century-old television sci-fi episode that's been forwarded by Bill Stephenson's Chief of Staff. No one expects me at work, today. They all know what's going on.


  I am so confused. I alternate between moments of hysterical remorse; followed by, those of logical thoughts; then, times of near panic. I paid a brief visit to my office, yesterday; just to check on things. While there, my data pad started enunciating, one message after another. Helena was in trouble.

  I raced to the medical bay; but, I was too late. She was gone - the sheet pulled up over her face. I pulled it back as Bryant wailed. I kissed her forehead, eyes, and lips; then, gently brushed her bangs to fashion the style she likes, with my hand. Silent screams tore through me as tears spilled from my eyes and fell on her face. Helena - my beautiful, loving, funny Helena; how could you leave me - and our handsome little boy.

  I turned and lifted him gently from the bassinet; placing him on her still form. I had been through wrenching experiences regularly, for the past twenty years; but, nothing could compare to this. My mind was racing, in desperation; trying to make sense of all this. A part of me was hollowing out. Intensely, violent, convulsive spasms seized my abdomen; climbed to the pit of my gut; then replicated the cycle, repeatedly. I gasped desperately. Air would not reach the bottom recesses of my lungs. Panic-mode had set in. I could feel a cavernous emptiness trying to take over.

  The angelic image of Bryant's face returns me to the reality of life. I cannot withdraw. I cannot let anxiety rule. I must be one hundred percent present - for him. I know, I will not be able to avoid my sorrow; but, I cannot let it consume me. Our lovely boy will need me more than if his mother was still there, for him.

  The scene remains as is, for half an hour; before, I pick up my son; and, turn around. The room is full of doctors, nurses, and attendants. Tears course down everyone's cheeks. Helena was a big part of all our lives - especially those at the Quadrant Command. I gently hug the little body closer.

  "What happened?" A scarcely audible, hoarse whisper barely escapes my lips. It's followed by a very prolonged silence as the medical team struggles to regain their own composure.

  "We aren't sure. We think Helena hemorrhaged. We were in the room in seconds; when the monitors alarmed. And, her vitals had been checked only ten minutes earlier. But, she was gone so quickly; there was nothing we could do. We need to perform an autopsy to be sure, Admiral; if, you can muster the strength to give us permission." The doctor responds.

  "Yes; of course. I need to know, too." I reply through choked sobs.

  The doctor turns a pad to me. It is the permission to perform the examination. I punch in my authorization code, robotically.

  "Sir, this is Rear Admiral Savage. She is in charge of IGB Counseling Services. You may want to talk to her; or, some of her
people." The doctor offers.

  "Yes, of course.' I pause to think. 'Just not now. I need to make some internal sense out of this, first. Then I will seek out help to deal with it. I need to know how it happened, before attempting to reign-in my emotions. And, I am familiar with Admiral Savage. I know how to get in touch." I respond.

  "Just call as soon as you feel you'd like to talk. Your new son will need you. We can help." Savage whispers as she gently grasps my hand. Then, she turns to the door.

  "When can I take Bryant, home?" I murmur; as I shift my gaze back to the doctor.

  "Tomorrow morning. He is as healthy as a horse, despite his early arrival. Admiral, I don't mean to push you; but, would you like us to advise Headquarters? They will need to know as soon as possible; and, it would be an extremely daunting task for you to take on, now." The doctor offered.

  "Yes, I know it will be hard. But, I think I should do it. Putting it down into written words may help me accept it and make some sense out of it; but, thank you." My calm response takes real exertion. I am screaming inside. This must be a nightmare!


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