Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 90

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  "Communications, this order is for all subs; including our own.' He eyed the Exec as he continued. 'All ships weapons' holds are rescinded. You are cleared to engage incoming enemy forces. Remember, we are working in packs. Do not stray from your squad!" He finished and drifted into momentary thought.

  Stephenson knew his people should be ready. Each sub is stocked with twelve spears and eight torpedoes; so, each pack had eighty powerful weapons to direct at the enemy. When those are exhausted, they still have their particle guns; used at the risk of divulging the sub's position. The best time for particle cannons is when attacking exit thresholds - while the enemy is still in vortices and unable to see. But, the packs were close enough together that; help should arrive before expending all ammunition. He quickly returned to the moment at hand.

  Now, they face the intense pressure of watching and waiting for exit apertures to appear on their sensors. The subs have the element of surprise and their cloaks; but, it is still a nerve-wracking task.

  They were rewarded an hour and a half after the order had been released. Pack five indicated nearly a hundred apertures were forming, in front of them. All ships altered course to meet the incursion. There was a flurry of cannon fire from the three packs closest the arrival fleet. Bits and pieces of destroyed ships and fighters were spewed into the region from the fabric of space-time; as twenty-seven conduits and their incoming vessels were destroyed.

  All the subs employ a zig-zag pattern followed by a straight run and another zig-zag when attacking. A continuous zig-zag or direct path would be incredibly dangerous. Though undetectable a good Weapon's Officer would be able to predict such a course; and, pick off the sub.

  As the subs fire on the Inscrutable ships, the enemy return scattered fire in a spray throughout the region; in hopes of a lucky hit. But the SOCC forces pile on. In moments, the adversarial force is eliminated.


  Major Kaule is again seated at the main console; after enjoying a spectacular breakfast of eggs, toast, fresh melon slices, and coffee. He followed that with a short rest period and some exercise, over the past three hours.

  As he examines the various strike sites, he can see that fine dust is still being drawn upward; but, visibility is clear enough to see the ground-level devastation. Each location is the same. They are massive craters filling with the water from the aquifers under each locale. The destruction is much more complete than imagined. The cavernous construction and the proximal subterranean water multiplied the effects. He captures stills of the incoming video from each location; opens a communication's line; and, transmits them to the Group Commander. They have successfully completed their mission.


  Admiral Stevens' forces are almost like a decoy, for all the other OFSA ships. Due to the trajectory, the Nine and Twelve combination made contact, first; thus, receiving return fire first. So, all enemy vessels are focused on them; as IGB opens up from above and below and Ten launches its attack from the flanks. For a while, we are ignored; as the Admiral's Force takes a beating; but the onslaught from the peripheries is impossible to disregard. As some enemy turn to face us, they are momentarily vulnerable. A third of their flotilla is destroyed in this instant in a brilliant flare that takes more with it, in a chain reaction.

  An hour after we struck, we have lost a Carrier, two frigates, and twenty-one raptors.

  By the end of hour two, our losses are at two Carriers, two Cruisers, five frigates and ninety-six raptors. But, the enemy has lost over six hundred warships and six thousand fighters; many still in their hangar bays, when the attack began.

  The fight goes on. Hour after hour, the tallies rise - on both sides. It is a bloodbath.

  Day two sees us reinforcing our forces to replace the eleven Carriers, ten Cruisers, twenty-two frigates and two hundred seventy Raptors we've lost. We are also carefully re-provisioning from our supply ships hanging off the flanks of the battle; with Theatre Ten forces between them and the enemy.

  At fifteen hundred on day two, I contact Savign in the open asking if any mined ships remain in the field.

  She advises there are still two hundred and three engaged in battle. I inform George. We order all ships to back off one hundred fifty kilometers; while intensifying weapons' fire. I give the order. Over two hundred enemy ships go up at once; followed by secondary explosions as others, too close, follow.

  When the light dims, and the region begins to clear a little, it is apparent the enemy are now down to less than a hundred vessels. They keep attempting jumps; but, fail as we fire on the thresholds.

  I assume the order was given. Thank goodness our Fleets were still back. The remaining ships activate their self-destruct. It is over. There are no remnants here. But, we have now lost a total of fourteen Carriers, thirteen Cruisers, thirty-one frigates and three hundred fifteen fighters and pilots. During mop-up we tally one hundred thirty-three thousand two hundred eight dead OFSA personnel and civilians including contractors, spouses and family members; and, those dead on ships not destroyed. There are also more than fifty-five thousand injured to be treated by the five hospital ships we have. It's not enough. Our doctors tell us we could use two more facilities. We call for help from Quadrant Two. All forces are ordered back to our staging area just thirty-seven hours, after initiating the action.


  We've been back on our side of the line for a day, now. There is no time to mourn, yet. We spend the period debriefing all senior Commanders. When they're gone, we sit with our COS to compose a report to be sent in the clear.


  From:Flt. Adm. G.T. Bryant Fifth Mobile RAC; Adm. K. Brubacher IGB Commander

  To:OFSA C&C Rigil Campus; Orion Federation CIC; Orion Federation SOD

  Re:Endangered border region at Dec 48º, RA 15h - 17h - status

  Date:June 4, 2262


  We are recovering from the defensive battle of May 8 and our six-pronged counter attack of June 1 - 3, 2262. Both were exhausting endeavors resulting in wins; but, at great cost in human life and OFSA assets. Since we previously reported on the May 8 battle, we will stick to the facts pertaining to this last, and we hope final, battle.

  Our Losses

  We tally our combined (both Quadrant Commands) human losses at one hundred thirty-three thousand two hundred eight dead. Over fifty-five thousand battle injuries are being treated by our five Theatre Command Mobile Hospitals and two on loan from Theatre Two. Most of those are recoverable injuries; but, nearly nineteen hundred are in critical condition. Our total deaths could rise further, still.

  OFSA combined force assets lost a total fourteen Carriers, thirteen Cruisers, thirty-one frigates and three hundred fifteen fighters.

  Enemy Losses

  Since previous losses incurred by the enemy have been reported in earlier documents, we will concentrate on those of this final battle. Though we have never been sure of the numbers of personnel attached to enemy warships; we have a good estimate; resulting from the single vessel recovered by us nearly two years ago. So, though these numbers are an estimate, they bear a modicum of accuracy. We estimate enemy personnel losses in this battle at one million, twelve thousand five hundred officers and enlisted personnel in space-borne fleets; and, somewhere in the vicinity of half a million, on their home world.

  Enemy combined losses, unreported previously, consist of fourteen hundred forty-six warships; including, ninety-eight intercepted by SOCC forces; over fourteen thousand fighter craft; twenty-two production and assembly facilities on the Inscrutables' homeworld; and, six space-borne ship building docks in orbit around their planet.


  From the battle results; and those of covert forces at the enemy home world, we are pleased to report that we both feel
this enemy is fully defeated, for the moment. We also believe their ability to make war, in space, has been curtailed for a great deal of time to come. However, we do not believe this is the last time the Orion Federation will ever see this enemy. Their ability to recover, rebuild, redeploy and attack is unquestioned, by us; but, represents a threat that is at least a couple of decades, in the future.


  All forces who participated in the three-year action against the Inscrutables, in whole or in part, should be awarded an operational medal, honoring them for service in this endeavor.

  All deceased forces should be honored in a special memorial service.

  Those forces "killed in action" should receive an appropriate OFSA medal of distinction.

  All injured forces should be given an appropriate OFSA medal of distinction.

  All IGB / Fifth Mobile senior subordinate commanders should receive the OFSA order of Merit.

  Admiral Thomas Stevens Commander Theatre Nine Fifth Mobile RAC should be awarded the OFSA Medal of Tactical Merit.

  Additional citations, awards, and merits recommended and awarded at the Local Command Level should receive the recognition of the OFSA and the Orion Federation.

  All forces engaged in actions relating to the "Inscrutables" threat should be ordered to stand down.

  All Fleets not belonging, but attached, to Mobile Fifth RAC should be returned to their original responsibilities.

  All Mobile Fifth RAC and IGB Forces should stand down; and, should be permitted to make their way to Rigil and avail themselves of its sunny beaches and facilities for a one-month period.

  A special Memorial Day should be enacted by the legislature to honor this event.

  The SOCC command should be redeployed as a permanent one. Its value is incalculable.

  SOCC should be expanded to a command of three hundred eighty-four, in four sub-commands.

  SOCC vessels be taken from other Commands and not replaced within those jurisdictions.

  That each OFSA Fleet is assigned two "Subs" instead of four.

  Rear Admiral Savign should be promoted to Admiral (10) in command of SOCC.

  Four SOCC "Fleet Commands" should be created each responsible for one-fourth of the force.

  This completed war has been daunting and exhausting spanning more than two and a half years. Both Fifth Mobile and IGB are wearied and in mourning. Regardless, we thank you for the opportunity you presented to us; to defend our great Federation.

  G. T. Bryant Fleet Admiral

  K. Brubacher Admiral


  The two commands take up distinctly separate positions; incorporating all their forces; that are in close proximity to each other. Aside from monitoring communications and sensors, we sit idle with skeleton crews manning all other functions. Our object is to "stop for breath" before moving on to whatever the C&C orders.

  Today, we are honoring our dead. There are over eleven hundred burials, and a memorial for those lost in battle, but not recoverable. We will have a plaque made; enshrining June 6 as the commemoration date for those who fell in battle on June 1 and June 2, 2262. We announce a stand-down.


  June is always a wonderful month on Rigil. And this June 14 may be the nicest ever. By July, the Okeechobee beaches are almost too hot to enjoy.

  Bryant and I and George, Marie and Atina are all carefully enjoying the sun and water. I have removed Bryants clothes and diaper, a couple of times; to dip him in the water he seems to love so much. George and Marie are quite attentive to Atina; who is playing alone, but in reach, at the water's edge.

  Anyone coming into orbit at Rigil would be stunned. Nearly fifteen hundred vessels are currently circling the globe; including, a thousand from IGB and Fifth Mobile, alone. Another forty of our ships are lined-up at the eight space docks for repairs. It is a stunning scene.

  The Federation, CIC, SOD and OFSA C&C have accepted our recommendations. They will be establishing SOCC as a permanent agency, within IGB; who would use these specific tactics most often. Savign is to be promoted. Others will follow as she establishes her new administration chain. She has asked Simmons to stay on as a Fleet Commander, at the rank of Vice Admiral. The awards we recommended were also sanctioned. There is also one to be granted to both of us. George and I will receive the King Edward I medal for meritorious conduct. We have also been ordered here and are to stand down for a month.

  Meanwhile, shipyards all over the Federation, are filling our replacement needs. We are both in a position to advance well-trained people to vacancies created by death; and, can trade back and forth to acquire particular talents; so, we are drawing only fresh graduates to fill Officers positions. The crew's a different story. We ask to invoke the expansion method of acquiring personnel. For every six persons we each need; we will only get one newbie. The other positions will be filled by experienced people.


  We've been here for more than two weeks, now. It's been great. I am rested; and, I've had more uninterrupted time to confront Helena's death. I feel; I will be able to do my job; and, look after Bryant's needs, much better. He'll be a full three months old in a week. He is more conscious of me and everything around him, every day.

  Yesterday, the Grays and the CauDo petitioned for full membership in the Federation. Argat made a statement saying that they came to that decision; because of Admiral Bryant's effort to foster trust between the Grays and the Federation. Though he never spelled out what the information was, Argat referred to intelligence Bryant shared with him, in private. At any rate, we are looking at one hell of a major expansion, for the OFSA to be able to patrol the over eight million cubic light-years of territory. The C&C are investigating modifying the entire command structure, and the OFSA R&R, to make it capable of managing such an unwieldy organization.


  I'm glad nothing world shattering occurred since we got here. Today is June 30, my last on land, for a while. We'll still be in orbit for a few days; but, I have to be aboard, this evening. We've all been doing other things for the past few days; but, George, Marie, Atina, Bryant and I are all spending this last day on the beach. We've run into a few familiar faces on the shore.

  The Rigil C&C called us in for the day, yesterday. They are examining the use of a Commission to manage the OFSA. The C&C would be stationed in Fifth Mobile RAC, in each former Quadrant Command, in IGB, and a pair at the Rigil HQ. All those "Headquarters" commands except Rigil will become tactical field operations, run out of supercarrier stations; and, would be sub-divided into Regional "Quadrant" Commands run by Four Star (level 11) Admirals each managing two Theatre Commands controlled by grade ten Admirals. From Theatre down, the structure would be the same as it is now. The nine C&C would run their own Commands within a "Guiding Principle" established by the total C&C committee of the OFSA. These rules would be determined at quarterly meetings of the Commission. The panel of five-star Fleet Admirals and a Marine Marshall would elect a Chief of Staff and Deputy to interface with government and ensure all policy is adhered to. Quadrant and Regional budgets, objectives and responsibilities would be determined by the Regional C&C. But, I can say, for sure that; neither George or I will accept election as Chief or Deputy Chief, for many years. We both want to be tied to Field Tactical Commands. The top Marine General would now be a full five star Marshall and sit on the commission. At a projected strength of nearly one and three-quarter million Marines, it is considered an absolute necessity to give them full representation at the policy level. Five Stars will rotate in and out of Commands; depending on who occupies the Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief positions; since these two officers will always fill the Rigil seats. The Planning Committee would be attended by all the level twelv
e and eleven admirals. This structure would allow expansion to up to four times the current strength.

  At fifteen hundred, data pads start enunciating. I am surprised; when they turn out to be for different purposes. Fifth is needed for a border incursion. IGB is required for rebellions on two Federation planets. George and I will have to send our forces ahead, without us. Too much will be happening here, very soon. I'll have to tell those stories; after, I've had access to Fifth Mobile logs again.


  Righteous Reign 2 - Righteous Rule©

  Author T.J. MacDonald

  Righteous Reign Episode 3

  Rampant Rampage


  T. J. MacDonald

  ©Copyright 2017 Thomas J. MacDonald

  All rights reserved.

  Righteous Reign, Righteous Reign II - Righteous Rule, and Righteous Reign Episode 3 - Rampant Rampage are registered for copyright, in Canada, under the terms of the Berne Convention and the Universal Copyright Convention.

  To my brother Louis, his wife Teresa, and my sister Linda and her beautiful daughters.

  Episode 3 - Forward

  As I recount this part of the George Bryant saga much is still happening. It is only partially told in the past tense; because I felt the need to relate it while things are still unfolding.

  These are desperate times borne of our deeply held belief we lived in a panacea. Everything seemed perfect, until the Isesinis arrived and executed some kind of Rampant Rampage to acquire our entire Federation. Now, we are just a band of rebels fighting a guerilla war.

  But, Fleet Admiral Bryant has a plan. It may not end this struggle; but, it will put a big dent in our adversary's forces - if it succeeds.

  George's story is one of leadership. Though he's a man of deep feelings, strong convictions, and impeccable ethics, he is also a tactical genius who has always been able to plan and wage wars on a galactic scale.


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