Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 94

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  "How are your people doing, Admiral. There were two extensive expansions separated by a major war. It seems they've had no rest for a few years?"

  "It may appear that way; but, my Senior Commanders and I endeavor to keep them as revitalized as possible. We are always scheduling examinations and audits near one of the better vacation planets. Once there, we grant leaves to all unassigned personnel. And we usually stay over a few days; so, investigation teams can relax, after their duty. We have operated that way for most of IGB's existence. During the war, we used only a couple of specific worlds; so, we could stay close to the front. But, we've always practiced the rotating leaves on a regular basis, for the most part."

  "That sounds like a very considered plan. I think your people probably appreciate it."

  "I hope so. But, I only do it because I appreciate them. Our personnel have earned it. Everyone in Zeta Command gives one hundred percent - all the time. If you could examine our logs, you'd be shocked at how infrequent discipline is required. We seldom have to correct anyone in a noteworthy fashion. They are professionals."

  "How's your senior team doing, Admiral?"

  "Same as last year. I have the best anyone could desire. And, Elasima and Rho are the glue that binds the whole damn thing together."

  "How are the CauDo doing, now?"

  "They have become fully engaged Federation members. Ship part production and assembly facilities are being built there. And, they have considerable representation within the OFSA, now. It is a pleasant surprise."

  "And the Grays? How are they?"

  "They've been good members since the expansion. And, they were even good partners before it. The Grays do their part. We must do ours for them. They add a lot to the Federation Assembly - and its government. They are natural leaders, innovators, and managers."

  "During the interview for the previous year, you discussed SOCC. How're they doing?"

  "For explanatory reasons, SOCC stands for Special Operations Covert Corps. They use what we call "subs" to conduct missions. These vessels use cloaking shields that make them appear invisible to eyes and sensors. They are employed in very sensitive missions and carry contingents of Special Forces Marines to execute unique orders.

  SOCC is now a force two hundred and forty of these exceptional ships divided into three Fleets of eighty units. These Fleets are further split into two Task Forces of forty. Each craft is manned by four hundred eighty and carries twelve of these SF Marines. SOCC is run by Admiral Savign.

  The operation is part of Zeta Command. It is now up to full strength."

  Upon completion of this interview, Admiral Brubacher and I went out for the evening. We have been seeing each other for some time now. However, I will endeavor to maintain my objectivity in future professional dealings with him.

  Fredricka Whitehead


  Sad news came at this time. Admiral Oliver Blackman succumbed to a lifelong battle with an autoimmune disease. We still cannot cure this type of problem, regardless of the medical advances our scientists have made. He was just sixty-six years old. He had a distinguished career which ended at the rank of Fleet Admiral in charge of Gamma Command. We all knew him well; but, Stephenson and Bryant were especially close to him. He loved baseball. He hated his first name and preferred to be called by the nickname "Blackie" in conversations with friends. I took the news kind of personally. I had observed how poorly Blackie looked a few years back. He had been deteriorating near the end. It is a significant loss to the OFSA and the Federation.

  My "Yacht" was suitable for the group; so I took Roh, El, Greg, Can, and Anna Arce along with me to Rigil. The funeral was held on Tuesday, November 4. It was as impressive as Helena's. Blackie received full military honors. His remains were placed in orbit around Rigil. He loved the Cosmos.

  Then, we continued on to Earth for a memorial. King Edward honored Oliver. He had given forty-six years to the service. Admiral Blackman was a bit blustery at times. But, he was really a loveable guy. He had been crucial in Fleet Admiral Bryant's early rapid rise in the service.

  We spent a few days there visiting friends or family. Then, we moved back to Rigil for a few meetings, a promotion ceremony and a few days on the beaches. We finally returned to our formation on November 15, 2264.


  By this time, I was seeing Fredricka on a regular basis. There is an inherent conflict of interest in a military leader dating a journalist. I take great pains to separate the two lives. These interviews were conducted only after they were no longer security issues. None of this was ever discussed before that time. Though they have been rewritten as if done then, no other details of importance have been altered.

  Fred is a beautiful woman. Tall, slim and elegant she has a beautiful face endowed with big almond shaped brown eyes, a thin nose, wide mouth and the high cheekbones of a model. She may have the nicest set of teeth I've ever seen. Her hair is always worn Cleopatra style. And, every day she dresses as if she were on her way to a formal event.

  Like a lot of others, Fredricka finds me and those of my ilk enigmas. The fact I can be a person who is gentle and yearns for peace, yet be a tactical planner of wars really confuses her. On several occasions, I voiced an opinion that war is the curse of intelligent species, and if it's going to happen, it should be controlled by those who can end it quickly in the interest of saving lives.

  She says, it seems, that the OFSA are all people of honor. I hope she's right.

  Chapter 5 Tough Slugging

  Friday, May 12, 2265

  "War remains the decisive human failure." John Kenneth Galbraith

  Before starting the next segment I took a short break. First I checked on Bryant who was sleeping peacefully. I grabbed another coffee, then sat and mulled over what I'd seen so far. In all those episodes had consumed three quarters of an hour; though they represented over three hours of interviews. Fredricka and her team had managed to capture what was important without dragging it all out. And, the setting added to the atmosphere. We relaxed in my conversation pit like two friends just enjoying a discussion. It all seemed so natural.

  I clicked on the icon to start the next installment.


  Byline - Fredricka Whitehead OFSA Zeta HQ Associated Press Pool Reporter

  This is the fourth article in a series about the expansion of our Federation and the OFSA. As a result of a long war, two worlds outside the Federation petitioned for membership. The Federation has expanded its borders to meet the obligation. This episode focuses on the increase in the size of Zeta Command, Admiral Kurt Brubacher's Headquarters Command, between January 1 and December 31, 2265. These interviews took place after the events referred to, and are viewed in hindsight.

  "Another year has gone by Sir. You've been busy. And you have something especially important that you'd like to mention..." I trailed off so he could just pick up the thought.

  "Yes Fredricka, it deeply saddens me that this is the second year in a row we've lost someone dear to us. Last year it was Admiral Blackman. This year it was King Edward.

  We were personal friends, and I can tell you that he was a warm and generous person. I will miss him. On the other hand, I know his son, David, quite well. He is a person of character. He will be a great King. I want to convey my condolences to the family for their loss. And, I want to send King David my best wishes and my promise of absolute loyalty to him and his Federation."

  "How's the expansion going, Admiral Brubacher?"

  "At this time last year Zeta 1-2 was complete, and we had just promoted the leadership of Zeta 2-2 in preparation for the incoming assets and people. We received four Fleets, this year. T
hat newest operation is now at half strength. By this time next year, all expansions will be complete except Epsilon's. It will take a year longer for George to reach his target. Mobile Fifth RAC was always twice the size of the other Commands. That ratio will be maintained for the new Epsilon operation.

  Things have gone smoothly. And every day, each Command is finding it a little easier to meet obligations than the day before. But, it hasn't been that bad. As long as I can remember, the OFSA has been growing; so, we're all kind of used to it.

  "How are things going with our newest Federation members?"

  "Both the Grays and CauDo have actually helped us accelerate the delivery of ships and people for this project. The dates I gave you a moment ago may be off. We may actually complete the inflation of the OFSA earlier. But, it's too early to be more detailed.

  There are two more petitioners within the new territory. We have been back and forth to their worlds to help harmonize their system with ours. They are also promising members. And, we investigated five more applicants who are not approved, yet."

  "How is your team holding up?"

  "They're always solid, steady and dependable. They understand the responsibilities and welcome them. In fact, one of these interviews should include all my senior team. It'd be good for people to hear their perspective."

  "We'll do that for the last segment. How's your son?"

  "He turned three this year. It's an amazing transition. He is more focused and cooperative. He is developing some compelling interests. We still play a lot. But, it's very creative, now. He constructs fairly intricate story lines as part of this amusement. And, he still likes to be told a bedtime story. Those are great moments. He sees pictures of Helena and knows she's his mother. But, he doesn't seem disturbed that she's not around. At least he doesn't show it."

  "What about Helena? I mean how are you doing?

  "Helena has been gone three and a half years, now. Sometimes, it still hurts as bad as the day she died. But, more frequently she is a lovely memory, and I don't associate that pain with it as often. She will always be in my heart. We were real soul mates. Even if I fall in love again and remarry, she will always have a very protected place within me. I think it would be impossible to displace a person you loved so much."

  "Of course Admiral Brubacher. I don't think anyone would expect that."

  Admiral Brubacher brushed a tear from the corner of his left eye as he finished his last statement. For those unaware, Helena was Admiral Helena Brubacher (nee Leeds). She was IGBs Deputy Commander, at the time of her passing. Before that, she was a Theatre Commander and a Fleet Commander. In all, she served the OFSA for thirteen years. The two Officers met and married in the service of the OFSA.

  Fredricka Whitehead


  I received notice on Saturday that the King had passed away Friday, May 12, 2265. In the same message, I was advised there would be a state funeral on the following Saturday, May 20, to allow people from around the Realm to reach Earth. David's coronation would be on Monday, May 22. I checked for news feeds. It was heavily covered by all journalistic organizations. Many rehashed Edward's life in beautifully produced documentaries. Most did speculative pieces on David with supporting stories about his life.

  We were working on various examinations and investigations with 58 Eridani as our central point. I was there with a small contingent from both Tier 2 Commands and my security force conducting a planetary audit. Urquhart had Tier 2-1 at Rana, just over seventeen light-years distance. They were completing a regular examination of the former Beta Command, including its subsidiary authorities. It was needed to protect the new HQ Commander; though no one believed there would be any serious anomalies from Blackman's administration. Greg Astinov's Tier 2-2 Command was conducting a planetary inspection at Gamma Lepus, fifteen light-years from us. I notified the sub-commands. I sent a flight plan to both those Commanders. It directed them to member worlds on their direct path to Sol. I ordered them to make their best possible time to Earth; stopping at the designated planets along the way to pick up passengers. Then, I instructed the Captain of my personal craft and my security flotilla to follow the same pattern making pickups along our path to home from our current location. It would stretch a forty-three and a half light-year trip to twenty parsecs with five stops along the route. Each contingent could finish their voyage in five days at forty percent. This would be uncomfortable for the guests, but we would return to our positions at a more leisurely pace upon completion of the events. It was the best strategy I could think of to help many world leaders get to the funeral and coronation, on time.


  King Edward's state funeral was a very elaborate affair. We barely made it in time to pay our respects at his casket viewing. We were all a bit woozy and disoriented from the trip.

  It was held in the grand entrance of Earth's Representative Assembly building. Six pallbearers slow-marched the casket to a horse-drawn gilded "State Coach" carriage where it was loaded and drawn slowly through the streets of downtown Wildwood Florida, the center of the entire Federation. The caravan included six additional "Landau" hansoms bearing family and close friends. George, Bill, Grace and I rode in the one three back of the lead. The King's hearse completed its journey at the Royal Residence on the outskirts, where there was a burial ceremony and a twenty-one gun salute. The Secretary of Defense presented a lengthy and colorful eulogy. Several close friends gave short orations. The remains were placed in a vault within the family mausoleum.

  On Monday, David climbed the steps to the central dais within the same grand entrance of the same Representative Assembly to the fanfare of long herald trumpets. He joined the Supreme Court's Chief Justice there. He swore the oath of office and was crowned King David 1, as all legislative power was symbolically transferred to him in the royal scepter. He was given a scroll transferring ownership of all Edward's holdings and estates to him.

  Then, the Coronation Party made its way to the Assembly balcony. David made a short speech. The crowd cheered. Then, they chanted the traditional "long live the King" as twenty-one ancient nineteenth century Armstrong five-pounder cannons fired blanks in slow succession.

  Exiting the Assembly Hall the party made their way to the guilded Royal Landau. David sat flanked by his mother and sister. Once more, a caravan of six more followed and again I was in the one three back of the King's. We followed the same route to the Residence. Doors were ajar and wide. Six IGB Marines in full Mess Uniforms lined each side of the walkway and stairs. King David climbed the steps, entered, and took his throne in the salon. He maintained the formality of a King seated on his throne, trimmed in royal robes, with a scepter in hand for only the time it took to click the official photos. Then, he threw off the royal cape, laid the shaft of authority on the throne and called out, "Let's get the party going. It's time to have some fun."

  All the invited guests were treated to quite a shindig. Each of those from the first six carriages was taken aside and assured that King David valued them as much as King Edward did. David whispered that he had a special place in his heart for me when we were alone and that though he had shown levity, he was deeply pained by his father's death. The King explained that Edward thought of George Bryant and me as his best friends and most trusted associates. He felt the same way. His sincere tone touched me so deeply, tears came to my eyes. I knew then, I could love this King as much as I did Edward.

  But, David was young and vibrant which gave him a slightly more gregarious style. Even so, I saw tears in his eyes several times. Despite his bright exterior, he was still mourning deeply. He was expected to hold the coronation gala, though he had just faced his father's death. He asked a few of us to stay over, after the party. We had a wonderful time just enjoying a personal visit with our fr
iend and new King, David Delnikov.


  It was exciting to be back on Rigil the Thursday following King David's crowning. During the stopover, we all had time for the beaches and Rigil New York. But, we were summoned for an official event.

  The new King officially claimed his position as CIC. He assured all that he had been at his father's side for the last many years and understood the OFSA. He conveyed his feelings that the OFSA was the most important entity in the Federation. He knew that service members risked their lives daily for Federation citizens and the Crown. It protects the members and their people and ensures the security of the realm. He would do everything in his power to safeguard its position and status, and guarantee it always had everything it needed to meet its responsibilities. In summary, he declared that the CIC was just one member of a very close-knit team and it was his duty to preserve that feeling of "family." The CIC security access codes were passed to him, and he was advised to change them immediately. Though we answer directly to his Secretary of Defense, our new boss had arrived.


  The trip back to 58 Pegasus was leisurely. We traveled at the unheard of pace of fifteen percent between each stop and spent a day or two on those worlds visiting, unofficially. Many worlds have their unique natural, recreational formations like mountains, lakes, and deserts. We enjoyed some on several planets. At each port, we apologized for the breakneck trip to the funeral. Without exception, every leader seemed to understand it was necessary to get to Earth on time. We arrived back at our work area on Monday, June 5, 2265. It took only a couple of days to complete the nearly finished review.


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