Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 105

by Thomas J. MacDonald





  From:Admiral A. Urquhart Commander Zeta T-1

  To:F. Admiral K. Brubacher Zeta HQ Commander

  C.C.Admiral Savign Zeta-SF-SOCC Commander

  Re:TAM #ZETA-0333401

  Date:September 27, 2267


  Part 1 complete. No damage or casualties. On to part 2



  It's sixteen thirty on September 27, and Andy's now sitting watching a quarter light-year from Zulu 3. Again the ships approach in the same manner with the exception that, this time they approach the upper and lower hulls toward the stern of the ships. They rain hell upon the enemy again without respite. Two go out in the first few instants. The third and final one takes a little longer. But, it's gone within a couple of minutes. The tactics and technology have worked effectively.





  From:Admiral A. Urquhart Commander Zeta T-1

  To:F. Admiral K. Brubacher Zeta HQ Commander

  C.C.Admiral Savign Zeta-SF-SOCC Commander

  Re:TAM #ZETA-0333401

  Date:September 27, 2267


  Part 2 complete. Success. No losses. On the way home.



  "Andy, you and your people, did a great job." I offered as Admiral Urquahart sat in the chair across the desk from me.

  "Yes sir, but, your work made it possible. The weapons worked. The few hits we took showed the shields work. And, your analysis and subsequent tactics were spot-on. We had a couple of minor injuries from concussive shocks. But no one died, and no ships were lost."

  "Don't sell yourself short. You and your people did the job."

  "I hate to say this. But, after what the Isesinis did to us, it was fun to see these bastards going up in smoke. How long do you think it'll take for them to realize they've lost some ships?"

  "If they're anything like us, they know by now. Those ships haven't checked in."

  "You know who really deserves the credit?' The question was rhetorical. "Vice Admiral Svjosloki made it all possible. That guy's another Einstein!" Andy sniggers.

  "He's pretty smart, for sure. Are you ready for the next one? Savign is lining up bigger targets for next week. You might want to bring another Fleet or two into the mix, if any more are modified, by then."

  "I'm ready. I have half a Theatre prepared. Those additional two Fleets should be ready by then. As we move up, I can add more and more power." He finished as he raised his glass of Scotch. I met the gesture, and we gulped the last down and rose. He left.





  From:F. Admiral K Brubacher Zeta HQ Commander

  To:Epsilon HQ Commander, Gamma HQ Commander, CIC

  C.C.Limited Distribution

  Re:TAM #ZETA-0333401

  Date:September 27, 2267

  My friends,

  Today we executed two raids in reference to the above TAM. Both were unqualified successes. A few injuries. No losses. All preparations worked well.

  We're back in the game.

  F. Admiral K. Brubacher


  A short while later, I received the first reply.




  From:King David I Orion Federation CIC

  To:F. Admiral K Brubacher C&C / Zeta HQ Commander

  C.C.Epsilon HQ Commander, Gamma HQ Commander,

  Re:TAM #ZETA-0333401

  Date:September 27, 2267


  Congratulations to you and your team. I know an incredible amount of work went into this achievement. Your research, planning, preparations, and execution have been impeccable.

  Good Job!

  Your Freind

  David Delnikov

  A short while later, I received two more along similar lines from George and Steven.

  Then, I called a meeting of all Tier 2 and 3 Commanders.


  I got busy and didn't enter my office until almost meeting time. Everyone was seated with a drink in hand and smiling. All rose and saluted me; including Grace and Bill who were surprisingly in attendance. I returned the gesture.

  "Hope you don't mind, old friend. We thought we'd crash your party." Bill said with wry smile.

  "I thought you weren't cleared for full duty?" I queried.

  "Doc cleared me this afternoon. Says I could dig ditches with a hand shovel, now!" He chuckled.

  "Good, because we need you. Besides... we kind of like having you around." Everyone chuckled.

  "Bill and I wanted to congratulate you all. You've taken a bad situation and showed us a way out." Grace announced.

  Everyone nodded and mumbled their thanks.

  "There's always been too much humility in your senior group Kurt. It's contagious, and I think they caught it from you. You've all done a great job. We're buying the drinks after this meeting. And make sure that Engineer... Vos... you know - the new Vice Admiral. Anyway, make sure he's there. He's been great for the service." Bill blustered.

  I nodded. Then, I took over; directing my attention to my subordinates.

  "I called you all in because we need a bigger victory for all our people. We need something the Orion Federation can see, and the enemy won't dismiss. I don't want to do another raid for our own gratification.

  Savign, I want your people to look for something with twenty or thirty enemy ships. In fact, find two targets; so we have options.

  How are the modifications going? Andy, can you have an entire Theatre ready? You can hit them with six Fleets and still have two in reserve. And, what do you think of taking along our new friends?"

  "I can have a Tier 3 ready. Our techs are doing all the prep work, and Gojen moves the ships in and out of the Spiel docks quickly. As far as our friends go, the Polemista organize and fight in a similar manner to us. They have proven they can work with us. I can take a couple of Fleets along. For this mission, we can have them fight with us. We can give them opportunities to Command their own units in the next stage."

  "Greg, do you want to take a Theatre along and observe? You haven't been involved with this side of things, yet. I want to get you into the real action, soon. So, it wouldn't be bad to take a look."

  "Sure, my people would love an outing. It would be a respite from the monotony." Astinov responds.

  "Have any of your ships been modified, yet?"

  "Yes sir, I've got half a Theatre, now."

  "Good. I don't want to send you along if you're totally vulnerable. Okay, we'll break it up and head down to the pub. Who's up for darts or snooker?" I direct over my shoulder with a sly smile as I head toward the door.

  "Stick to darts. The guys a hustler!" Bill whispers loud enough for me to overhear.

  "I'm in for darts!" A slew of voices c


  Early, on Thursday, September 26, 2267, fourteen ships from Musca and thirteen from Libra Fleets arrived at our vetting area severely battered. They were hit by an Isesinis contingent while trying to make their way to us. Three of the Libra Carriers and most of its senior Command Chain had been destroyed. Musca had lost two Frigates, but was otherwise intact. Every ship was damaged in one fashion or another. But, one image, in particular, stuck in my mind. The Fleet Flagship, FSS Belarus, had extensive burns and a massive dent on the port side of its bow. But, what was so unusual was to see two of its giant gun placements hanging over the precipice created by the upper edge of the depression. They were only suspended by hydraulic, electrical, and cooling lines, and could have broken free at any time while in FTL mode. They more than likely would have penetrated a portal and killed anyone inside. We never travel with anything damaged inside the protection of our shields. The Belarus must have been desperate to make a hasty getaway.

  Officers and crew were operating in a sort of automatic state. Many appeared to be in a zombie-like condition; reflexively carrying out necessary operations. The blank stares of some seemed to peer through others towards some other reality. A small percentage appeared more aware but were still mechanical in the execution of duties and their personal interactions. According to Vice Admiral Marie Bryant and her Counselling Department, these people were experiencing the numbness that comes from a sudden severe shock. From the little bit of disjointed information we did get, she felt they had been attacked abruptly and unexpectedly and suffered great losses in a very short span of time. Most were in the early stages of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the next twenty-four hours were critical to their recovery.She suggested we not try to debrief them too quickly. Instead, we should permit them to absorb the fact they were relatively safe and secure, now. They should be allowed to rest and sleep, and those that required medical intervention should be treated, immediately.

  We drafted skeleton crews from throughout our various operations to man the vessels and relieved all Musca and Libra personnel. They were relocated to several Headquarters Supercarriers. The most seriously injured were transported to Tier Three Mobile Hospitals.

  So, it was not until late on Friday when some began to relate their stories without prompting or prodding by us. According to Marie and Admiral Savage, it was best if we just let the details spill from them without our intervention. It was Musca's Vice Admiral Engava and Rear Admiral Glish who filled in most of the details for us. I knew both of these Officers. They had served aboard the FSS Shenzhen when I was the ship's Captain. In fact, they attended a course I taught in July 2255. Both had been young exuberant newly commissioned Ensigns with great potential. It was satisfying for me to see their careers had come so far.

  Anyway, the story was that they had been in hiding near 16 Cygni on the far side of the Orion Federation, since the Isesinis invasion. At first, they were separate, but then they accidentally discovered each other. Both Fleets had suffered damage and crew losses but were relatively intact from the initial encounters. After several months, they found they were running low on basic food supplies and weapons, and had even considered disembarking to live out their lives on a habitable planet. Just when things seemed hopeless with no other course of action, they received one of our transmitted messages.

  The two Fleet Commanders spent several days discussing the best way to reach Zeta HQ; finally deciding to risk a direct route across the Federation. It would be the shortest but the most dangerous. However, it could allow them to reach us without resorting to rationing. At first, the fact weapons were so depleted was the greatest impediment until they realized the devices were useless against this enemy, anyway. So, they plotted as direct a course as possible that would allow them to travel across the least active regions of the Realm. Stops were planned at locations in open space away from planetary systems and trade routes. In all, it would be a one hundred forty light-year journey requiring six - five days long, seven Parsec jumps at twenty percent maximum FTL velocity. With a days rest at each stop, it would take a total of thirty-five days to reach our hiding place. But, the alternative was an almost two-hundred light-year trip with the first nearly fifty in enemy territory. All they could hope for was that space is so expansive their conduits and layovers would not encounter Isesinis contingents. They departed on Wednesday, July 3, 2267.

  But they didn't get their wish. At two early planned stops, they landed on large enemy flotillas and successfully executed "skip-offs" to avoid a conflict. But the experiences were hair-raising and took them well out of the way extending the voyage even farther. They considered heading back beyond the border; but, decided it was just as dangerous since they had already traveled too far. That was when they finally decided to initiate apportioning food. It was obvious they would not make it to Zeta in the original time allotted.

  Optimism rose as the next several stops were unoccupied by Isesinis forces. But the euphoria morphed into a nightmare at their last stop in Federation space. At a position on vector RA 88.8575680º x DEC. -26.52179º at 112 Ly from Sol they were badly mangled by a group of thirty-five Isesinis craft. This formation must have detected their exit thresholds. They were ready and waiting for the two Fleets when they reentered normal space. Five warships were destroyed and seven others harshly battered in the thirty seconds it took to implement another "skip-off."

  Some surviving ships were so badly ravaged their crews felt it risky to perform even short jumps. So, the remaining distance was covered in a series of quick, two light-year hops. Between these launches, those vessels took the time to examine systems to determine if they would hold up to the next one.

  At each stop until crossing the border, they feared further assaults. Across the boundary, crews were transferred between vessels leaving the most severely damaged with only skeleton attendance for the last parsec. Those ships were so crippled their ability to make the destination was questionable. It took nearly a week to finish that final leg of the journey. All the while, the crews of the most severely impaired craft feared sudden annihilation from partially stressed and crippled reactors. But, those valiant people were determined to save them; so, they could be repaired and returned to action. It had taken them eighty-five days to run the gauntlet.

  Late in the evening on September 27, I sent Savign the coordinates of the encounter described by Vice Admiral Engava after verifying them in her ship's log.

  A couple of days later I received an urgent memo.




  From:Admiral Savign Zeta - SF - SOCC Commander

  To:Admiral K. Brubacher Zeta HQ Commander

  C.CZeta Tier 2 Commanders

  Re:Ripe Fruit

  Date:September 29, 2267


  We have located two possible marks of higher significance at the following locations.

  RA 89.2535678º x DEC. -25.935354º @ 114 Ly - 32 bullseyes.

  RA 89.2535679º x DEC. -26.673251º @ 112 Ly - 35 bogies.

  Group two could be the offenders you described in you memo of September 27.

  Admiral Savign

  I sent the following out.




  From:F. Admiral K. Brubacher Zeta Commander

  To:Adm. A. Urquhart Commander Zeta T1, Adm. Savign Commander Zeta-SF

  C.C.Adm. G. Astinove Zeta T2 Commander, CIC

  Re:Action Order

  Date: Sept. 29, 2267

  Admiral Urquhart,

  You are ordered and required to execute the following in reference to Savign's e-mail of Sept 29, 2267, regarding "ripe fruit."

  Make best possible
speed to a position of your choosing within one-half light-year of RA 89.2535678º x DEC. -25.935354º @ 114 Ly

  You are to observe the enemy formation there and develop plans to attack this contingent.

  Bring as much power to bear against this first target to disrupt, disorganize and destroy as much of that force as possible. Complete demolition of this group is the preferred outcome.

  If successful on item 1, 2, and 3, repeat the same process on target two at RA 89.2535679º x DEC. -26.673251º @ 112 Ly as soon after the first as possible.

  Return to our home base taking all precautions to ensure your security

  Zeta T2-1 is to follow and stand in nearby space as an observer. However, if the need arises they may use converted vessels to participate in either or both engagements.

  (Please note that all positions indicated are vector coordinates relative to the location of the Sol system.)

  Good Luck!!

  Fleet Admiral Kurt Brubacher

  Chapter 15 First Big Triumph

  Sunday, October 1, 2267

  "In the military, as in any organization, giving the order might be the easiest part. Execution is the real game." Gen. Russel Honore

  Andy Urquhart is studying the monitors in the command center on the flag bridge of the FSS Inquisitor. That in itself is an onerous chore; since SOCC has deployed several hundred sensor drones. Various perspectives are fed to a multitude of screens. All the information has to be analyzed for its tactical importance.

  The Inquisitor is parked at "station keeping" just outside normal sensor range, a quarter light-year from the targeted site. As he observes, Andy sees thirty-five enemy vessels going about their regular routine without a care in the world. They are organized into a thin disc-like formation. His force of ninety-six warships has not emerged into the region, yet.

  Studying the enemy is quite enthralling. There is considerable activity. Some vessels are practicing fighter craft quick-launch techniques. Others are engaged in operations like resupply; with small ships shuttling back and forth between the bigger ones. Still, others seem busy with picket duty designed to protect their perimeter. In general, they are just going about the daily business of an occupying force that is protecting a captured region surrounding it. But, they do not seem too aware of the space above and below their flotilla. The contingent did not appear to have deployed in the layers the OFSA would employ to protect all avenues of approach. This is a common deficit in tactical planning that Fleet Admiral Bryant discusses in depth when teaching as a guest lecturer. He stresses the need for three-dimensional thinking and the lack of it by many military leaders.


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