Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 124

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  "Well, I was considering that maybe Kurt could oversee the proofing, so the ships move from the yards to assignments much faster."

  "I'll do it! But, I think you're just trying to piss everyone off volunteering us for all this extra duty. I'll have to let Elasima know. He can run Zeta for a month." I could hear myself whining.

  "So, let's formulate a motion. A suggestion has been placed before the Commission to adopt the new designs. When pre-production is complete, we will divert all manufacturing and assembly to these Covert Supply Class Vessels. Fleet Admiral Nichols will oversee their production. Fleet Admiral Brubacher will manage their space worthiness. And, we will elevate Vice Admiral Svjosloki to Admiral level ten and assign him as OFSA Chief of Aeronautics and Engineering. All in favor?" Grace called out.

  All hands rose though some were less enthusiastic than others.

  She slammed the gavel on its sound block. "The motion carries. And this does not require any additional funding or authorizations and falls within our authority. That was arranged when we had the R&R changed. We will advise the CIC and SOD, but we do not require their assent.' She slammed the mallet again. 'Let's get the Vice Admiral in here, again. Kurt, can you present the offer to him. He's your man, right now."

  "Yes, of course," I responded.

  Grace's DC marched to the door and opened it. He nodded to Svjosloki who returned to the room and took his seat.

  "First, I'd like to explain that we have agreed to adopt your new design. And Fleet Admiral Nichols will oversee production while Fleet Admiral Brubacher manages the testing and trials. That will speed up the entire process. You will need to get designs to the manufacturing plants as quickly as possible and advise them and the assembly yards throughout the whole operation." Grace explained to Gojen. Then, she nodded to me.

  "Gojen, we've asked you to leave so we could discuss you. You have been a major contributor to the OFSA over the past many years. So we would like you to take the position of OFSA Chief of Aeronautics and Engineering. You can run the operation from the Examiner. Other service-wide departmental commands are managed from mobile Headquarters. Or, you can move to Rigil after a few months to help pick your Zeta replacement and aid that person in becoming acclimated. The choice would be yours. You would be promoted to level ten Admiral. And, you'd get your own Admiral's Craft because the OFSA COAE needs to travel a lot. You'd have a large staff and expansive offices on either Rigil or the Examiner. And, a Grade 10 makes twenty percent more than a Vice Admiral. I have to be honest. I hate losing you. But, you are too valuable to keep you in Zeta when you could be so useful to the entire service.' I paused to let him digest what I had related. Then, I added. Do you need some time to think about it?"

  There was a pause of a couple of minutes as he considered what I had offered.

  "No, sir. I can decide now. I would like to take the promotion and reassignment. But, I'd like to stay aboard the Examiner. I'll have to figure out how to coordinate between there and the staff at Rigil." He responded.

  "Okay. The ceremony and celebration will be tomorrow. Congratulations Admiral!" Grace offered a handshake as the rest of us gathered around to congratulate the man.

  "I will need you to pick a replacement for Zeta. And, that Officer will want your help for a few months. But, after that, you'll have the near-impossible task of divorcing yourself from our operation - except when the two Commands need to coordinate." I mentioned when the others had finally backed away.

  "I have a recommendation, in mind. And, I should be able to stay out of her hair once she's indoctrinated." Gojen responded.


  On Tuesday, May 24, 2270, Gojen Svjosloki became an Admiral and OFSA COAE in the elaborate customary ceremony. It was followed by one hell of a bash in the Rigil Headquarters and aboard the Examiner.


  Wednesday saw him in meetings with the full Rigil staff. After an hour of familiarization, he presented them with the animations and explanations. He opened the session to questions and discussion. When all difficulties had been resolved, he demanded the hull designs and die plans by the following Monday.

  The schematic files went to the production plant and die-makers on Monday. They did the conversion to CAM and began preparing for production of the hull panels by Tuesday. After receiving the stamping dies, the first few samples arrived at the assembly yard on Friday for trials. After satisfactory fitting of representative parts, they were approved for release to all the shipyards.


  While Gojen was in his meeting on May 25, Stephen Nichols was in flight to 44 Bootis. It was the yard best suited to increased production rates because it had a pool of available skilled workers on the planet. But, he ordered all the production plants and assembly yards into round-the-clock production. He required they stop all current construction and begin production of the Modified Supply Craft skeletons, immediately. They discussed and planned for the designed interior changes. He would advise me when the first unit was three days from assembly completion.


  May 30, 2270, was a historic day for both Commander Mu Megret and Commander Nedrif Elantham. The Taipei was returned to Megret after almost two months in space-dock. The ship needed conduits and cooling lines throughout - not to mention the one AMPE engine and the surrounding superstructure. There had also been damage to many of her electronic systems. Outnumbered three to one for around two hours, the Taipei had taken a real pounding. The extensive damage had been assessed as so heavy, it was decided by Vice Admiral Boets that the vessel should have its full overhaul. Admiral Laft had approved. The entire crew was first granted a month's leave, then moved to the Rigil Academy for training on the new systems incorporated in the rebuild. During the construction, Megret was busy selecting midshipmen and graduate crewpersons for assignment to fill positions created by death or disability. He made many trips to Rigil's OFSA Medical Complex to visit those recuperating from battle injuries. When Megret finally stepped aboard the Taipei, he was shocked. It was like taking command of a new vessel. Their first assigned duty was to execute a shake-down. They would spend the next two weeks proofing the Taipei.

  For Ned, it was a little different. He was being recognized for his rescue of the Taipei. Logs and control records indicated he had pushed the Shenzhen to its limits traveling at forty-five percent in FTL to get to Megret on time. And, it was also evident that though the Taipei had fought shrewdly and valiantly, the timely appearance of Nedrif Elantham and his crew saved nearly a thousand people and the warship from total destruction. The final detail was his spontaneous inventive maneuver that stressed his ship to its strictures but placed it in a position so unobstructed, he was able to destroy all three opponents.

  For that, he and his command were awarded the Orion Federation Medal of Valour. And, Nedrif received the King David Award for Tactical Excellence, which includes a substantial monetary reward. He was also promoted to Captain and replaced Shannon McLaoch as Squad Leader. Meanwhile, she was promoted to Commodore in command of a Task Force.

  For her part, Admiral Laft, along with Commodore McLaoch and Vice Admiral Boets put a little pressure on the newly minted Captain. They pressed until he agreed to take the War College Program because Laft saw him as potential Flag material.

  Chapter 6 ISIE New Tactics

  Wednesday, June 22, 2270

  "A good military leader owes his success to his troops." Admiral G.T. Bryant

  Now that it was possible to keep a Sub under cloak and in uninterrupted deep covert missions indefinitely, Sparks modified the ISIE agent's assignments in cooperati
on with Admiral Savign whose people would have to facilitate the operations. They would now enter any GPHC Base ships under cloak to enable agents to plant monitoring devices inside. It would not be an ideal source of intelligence since the Subs can only navigate in the orb hangar bays. But, they might pick up some information, and it's better than not having any. They would be able to plant listening devices while inside. And, with the addition of the covert supply vessel, Savign could keep an invisible team within close proximity of a Base Station for extended periods.

  So, Admiral Savign set about developing the first assignment. First, she sought advice from Sparks on which Marine SF contingent would be the best for the first assignment. He chose the ten-man force headed by Lieutenant Colonel Velky Kaule. General Sparks has confidence in Kaule since his efficient completion of his planetary assignment on HAT-P-11E when he successfully destroyed the most important military equipment manufacturing facilities the "Inscrutable" possessed. It helped to end a very protracted war. Kaule was promoted from Major to Lieutenant Colonel after heading that operation. He now commanded a battalion of seven hundred Marines spread over a seventy ship fleet of SOCC subs and ran his own assignments from his home vessel the FSS Nautica.

  So, Savigne chose the Nautica for the first penetration operation. A single GPHC protected by a flotilla of two hundred eighty-four warships was located in the 15 Sagitta system. This stellar organization's central star is a yellow-orange that has a large hot brown dwarf orbiting it on a seventy-eight-year long path. Both bodies have satellites, but 15 Sagitta B is the parent of a barren earth-type planet with a habitable moon. The Isesinis Orb is parked in a stationary orbit of this sphere.

  Savign found the earlier reconnaissance reports of this formation's location and traffic particularly interesting. It was relatively distant from inhabited and occupied systems and enjoyed a lot of visiting traffic that included several ships resembling Federation civilian craft. The last point had really piqued her curiosity. Who in the hell from the Orion Federation would be associating with these heartless monsters?

  So she dispatched the Nautica to the target. Its orders were to spend as much time inside the orb as feasible and the rest of the visit nearby, compiling all the intelligence they could gather. Meanwhile, Kaule and his team were to conduct as many EVA's as possible to place as many monitoring devices as possible.

  Savigne was waiting to see the results. If Nautica and the FS Marines were effective, she would schedule many more of these capers.


  Commander Ignot advised the Fleet Commander of Nautica's arrival at the GPHC target on Monday, June 27, 2270. Ignot is a ten year veteran of the OFSA and served the last seven aboard covert vessels. He was promoted and assigned to his current Command a year ago. At six foot five inches and two hundred forty-five pounds, Ignot is a big man for a human - especially within the confines of a Sub. In his travels throughout the ship, he's always ducking superstructure, piping, and conduits that others don't even consider. The CSS Provider, a covert class supply ship, was placed under his authority only a few days before departure. It could provide for the sub and itself for six months if necessary, and except for FTL mode or unless ordered otherwise, it is always six hundred meters off the starboard aft corner of the Nautica. It also provided the extra accommodation needed for Colonel Kaule's enhanced unit. Aside from the usual ten SF Marines carried on the Nautica, the Provider held the other fifteen that made up the full SF platoon.

  Ignot advises the Provider they will observe just off the GPHC for a day before resupplying the Nautica. It will then slip inside the orb for reconnaissance and exit for another resupply a week later. He commands the Provider's master to withdraw his craft to a position five kilometers away from the Polyhedron for the period the Sub is inside the Orb.

  Over the next twenty-four hours, they watch as Isesinis ships enter and exit on a regular basis. But, they are astonished at how soon they get to observe an Orion Federation registered civilian shuttle gain access. Not long after, a different one leaves. Over the day, this is repeated a half dozen times as the Nautica sensor station records the activity - including images of the crafts and their registry numbers.

  Once inside the GPHC, the Nautica crew observes and records humans disembarking and boarding these transports. Ignot and Kaule conference to discuss their mutual feeling that two of the Orion citizens look familiar. But, the interior lighting within the Orb is extremely bright forcing humans to wear filtering eye protection. Between their beards and sunglasses, it is hard to be sure of identities. Near the end of the first day, a unique character disembarked a small transport. The Isesinis all wore silver, green, or red armor - except this person. His was dark graphite-gray with white markings, and he seemed to be very well protected, accompanied by a large staff, and he strode with an arrogant swagger. He slipped quickly into deeper regions of the Base Ship and didn't reemerge for five days. Whoever he is, he is obviously stationed on this vessel.

  On Thursday, the Nautica moved to within ten feet of a hangar wall and held there for four hours as Kaule and his people conducted missions to place monitoring equipment. They repeated this process at each wall over the following days and on the ceiling on the sixth day. On Tuesday, July 5, 2270, they followed a big Isesinis Carrier Class warship out the massive bay doors, and then signaled the Provider.

  The two ships withdrew to a point one hundred fifty kilometers from the giant Headquarters. One day was spent resting and the next restocking the Nautica. Then, another two were consumed just relaxing. On Saturday, July 9, they slid to within two kilometers for another two days of monitoring. Then, the Nautica re-entered the Orb and conducted four days of EVAs to determine all the surveillance equipment was still intact and untouched. On Saturday, July 16, 2070, the Nautica and Provider withdrew beyond the system's heliosphere to file reports and take two weeks for R&R. This type of operation is extremely draining.


  When Admiral Savign received the Nautica's report on July 22, she was ecstatic. Though the Nautica and Colonel Kaule were not aware of it, she believed, they had located Kilkos on their very first mission. In fact, she was sure of it. He was the only person wearing the distinctive armor that passed through the Orb in a two-week period. She sent all the image files of the human visitors to her ISIE intelligence contingent aboard her flagship the Carrier FSS Sleuth for identification. Savign had found some of the people vaguely familiar as she viewed the videos. But, eyewear, bright background lighting, and beards made identification nearly impossible. Perhaps intelligence would have better luck.

  But she copied the file for presentation to the C&C Commission. Then, she sent a memo requesting they convene a meeting.


  "This meeting is called to order!' Grace yelled as she slammed her gavel on its base. 'So what's so important, Admiral Savign?" She asked.

  "I believe the nature of the information I have is Ultra Secret." She responded.

  "Clear the Room!" Grace yelled as she pounded the little wooden hammer into its base. There was a delay of a few minutes as the gallery emptied.

  "This is now a US session!' Grace barked as she thwacked the mallet on its block, again. 'Please continue, Admiral Savigne." She added.

  "I have a report of interest to the entire Commission. It's from the Nautica which is conducting our first long-stay intense surveillance mission. The target is a formation at 15 Sagitta. It is of unusual configuration with a single Base Ship and a two hundred eighty-four vessel protection flotilla. The unoccupied system and the amount of traffic to and from this contingent led me to believe I should target it first.' Savigne paused to activate the projector and tapped the appropriate icon on her datapad. The video began to play. She stopped it at the fig
ure dressed in graphite armor with white markings. 'We need to confirm, but I believe that's Kilkos. Over a two-week period, he is the only person wearing that armor. And, he's protected by a six-person security force and accompanied by a large staff.' She restarted the presentation which focused on the human visitors. 'There seems to be a lot of human participation. I.S.I.E. intelligence is analyzing this and attempting to identify these individuals. So, I would say this all needed viewing by the Commission." Savign finished. There was a substantial silence.

  "So, when do you think you'll have I.S.I.E.s conclusion?" I ask.

  "It could take a week. They are also examining the audio tracks. There is dialogue. We are hoping to pick up something relating to our suspected Governor. And, we might get voice identification on the humans if we can't get visual." Savign explains.

  "Good job, Admiral!" Steven Nichols admiration was palpable.

  "It's a team effort."

  "Yes, but your leadership is evident. You selected the target based on you logical examination of evidence. And - yes, your people deserve a pat on the back."

  "Have you other targets in mind?" Grace directed at the SOCC chief.

  "Yes. But, we're limited until we receive more CSS class ships and fill them up. The Isesinis formation at 82 Eridani has taken a strange turn. There are four of the GPHC base ships and fifteen hundred warships there. They may be massing to attack us. We need to get in there. I'm dispatching one of the covert hunting packs there, next week with their own cloaked supply vessel. We should begin to receive some information about five days after their departure. The group at Sagitta was ordered to report weekly, but I will have the Eridani deployment touch base with us every three days. And, we need to keep the pressure on 15 Sagitta in case it is the leadership, and they discuss the Eridani force."

  "It does seem you have it all under control. Keep us informed Admiral." George inserts.


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