Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 133

by Thomas J. MacDonald


  At the Rigil complex, Grace went through a similar process. So, it was not until twenty-two hundred hours that we spoke. We used the new relay system so we could conference in real-time on a secure channel.

  "What the hell is going on, Kurt?" George yelped.

  "We've had a perturbing breach of security. OFN included something in the last report that set off all the alarms. I don't think the agent even realized how critical the information was.

  But, it involved large-scale enemy troop movements. The execution dates were being altered from March 10 to the twenty-fifth, if..."

  "Son of a bitch!" I was cut off by Grace.

  "So, it looks like we're being monitored, somehow?" George interrupted.

  "Yes. I think our missions are doubtful. That's why I wanted you, and Grace cleared, first. The leak has to be among the Commission members and our Tier 2 and Three Commands. We're the only ones with the information in question. We can deal with that. We'll find the source. But, this creates another problem, too." I add.

  "What's that?" George asked in a barely audible inquisitive tone.

  "OFN may be compromised. If we have someone releasing this high-level information they might know of our spy. I would guess that Kos realizes who the agent is or at least that there is one. But, we won't know until we plug the hole."

  "Can you get your infiltrator out of there?" Grace queried in a concerned manner.

  "We probably can. But, I'm not sure that's necessary, yet. The best thing is to drop it in the eavesdropper's lap to determine how to handle it."


  Lt. Commander Chak, Captain of the FSS Provider, is aware his crew is in need of a break. And, it has to be even worse for Commander Ignot and his people aboard the Nautica. The two-ship Covert Unit has been in close proximity to the Isesinis Headquarters for several months without a break, now. The only intervals resembling rests are the times they back away to resupply the sub. It's just as tense when the Provider leaves to replenish itself because the covert supply ship must make most of the trip behind enemy lines. And, it's moments like the current activity that make it worse.

  The Nautica has been ordered to make an unscheduled entry into the giant Polyhedron under the protection of its cloak. They need to drop an extraordinary communications packet for the agent who's clandestinely operating within. The two Captains are not privy to the information. Only the spy has the means to decode the cipher.


  On Wednesday, March 22, Sparks' technical investigation teams discovered two listening devices. Both were in the Rigil complex, so this makes the rest of the task a lot easier. One was in the Rigil Deputy Commander's office. The other was in the small amphitheater where we conduct expanded Commission meetings.

  General Sparks sat with his Brigade Commander constructing a directory of all who would have had access to both locations. Though it included everyone, they'd concentrate on engineering staff. The placement of the second unit made it seem as if the mole had to be a specialist because it was in an air vent over the stage. Non-maintenance personnel using a lift or ladder to work in an air duct would have drawn suspicion. Both taps were sent to labs for forensic testing, and the grate and ductwork were carefully examined. Then, Sparks had them reinstall the one in the amphitheater.

  The ISIE crime scene people struck paydirt. The agent had likely caught a hand on a screw protruding from the ductwork. There were tiny specks of blood near the device that were traced to Specialist Covess, a Gian HVAC technician holding a Leading Crewman First Class rank. Covess has been with the service for fifteen years.

  But, the one hundred ninety-eight centimeter tall Covess was able to answer for his own actions. He had an ISIE order for the installation that appeared to be signed by General Sparks, himself. The Gian was held while it was determined this was not just a ruse.

  In the meantime, the search took a turn toward the ISIE, itself. First, the document was examined thoroughly. It indicated all the correct approval and registration numbers. This meant it was definitely created by someone with access to the Command. But the diversionary manner of data routing made it seem obvious that the spy wanted it to appear Sparks had generated the order.

  It took nearly two days for programmers, network specialists, and systems people to find the beginning of the chain. The directive had been created in General Svesion's Command Offices. The particular terminal was the hub for nearly eighty personal data pads. It took another day to find the offending unit.

  When he was sure the culprit wasn't Svesion, Sparks summoned him. They examined the device owners OFSA history, finally determining that as a Lieutenant Colonel, he had been the Task Force One Marine Battalion Commander when Admiral Chan had been in charge of that operation in Phoenix Fleet. Svesion and Sparks petitioned the Secret Court located in the Examiner for an arrest warrant and detained Major General Stephen Hickock on March 25.

  Interrogation is an art. Civilized societies do not allow for enhanced means to acquire information. But, gaining the accused person's trust is the first goal. Then, questioning over any period needed to develop inconsistencies is the next step. This stage is critical because the interrogator must continuously ensure respect between the two. So, questioning occurs with adequate breaks for eight hours a day. The prisoner is not denied any needs. But, the detainee generally realizes that this will be a never-ending cycle, after the first day or two and begins to feel a type of uncertainty leading to submission. And, known information is compared to testimony in a search for inconsistencies. Finally, turning those discrepancies against the suspect usually results in the offender just giving in. And, it was this classic confrontational assault that forced the dam to break a week later.

  Hickock was not working alone. There were additional arrests within the ISIE investigation and intelligence divisions, another in engineering and one more in Svesion's offices. But, it was evident that Hickock was the ringleader.

  First, Sparks determined that only the audio tracks were being forwarded to Chan. There was no clandestine communication of documents or observations from Hickock or his compatriots. The only written transmissions were in the form of requests from Chan and responses by the Major General to the ex-Admiral. Once installation dates were compared with logs and other information, Chris was confident that OFN was not compromised.

  The five parties arrested were charged with one count of Treason and one of Espionage, each. Though it was unlikely, they could be executed under current Orion Federation law - not to mention the stronger measures allowed under the existing state of Marshal Law.


  We were finally able to meet for a Commission Meeting aboard the Examiner on Monday, March 27, 2271. The meeting was long and drawn out. Most of it led to decisions to hold off actions and planning for a few weeks. But, there was a fascinating discussion about the recent arrests and the repercussions of the espionage.

  "So, why are we meeting here?" Grace asked after opening the session.

  "Because your amphitheater and General Svesion's offices are still bugged," I explained.

  "When are the devices going to be removed?" Marine Marshal Ian Malcolm enquired.

  "I thought we shouldn't remove them. We can use them to our advantage."

  "How's that? It's pretty inconvenient not to be able to hold our sessions in the main HQ." Grace injected.

  "We can still hold Commission meetings there. We just can't use the small amphitheater for the real ones."

  "What are you getting at?" Nichols queried.

  "I am suggesting we hold fake gatherings there, at the usual times and dates. Then, we hold the real
conference elsewhere, immediately after. We feed Kil Kos all kinds of bullshit during the first one."

  "Yes, yes - that's a great idea." Tso Shah observes.

  "I thought so. We can do our cause some good with a little disinformation program of our own. It's sort of our way of having a direct contribution to the counterintelligence operation."

  "I love it! It's so devious!" Fleet Admiral Addison Blythe howled drawing a chuckle and simulated smile from Savign.

  "We'll need to script those bogus meetings, so we feed Kos what we want," I explained.

  "Do you have something in mind, now?" Grace asked.

  "Not specifically. But, I can focus on a lot of topics that deflect information OFN gives us. In the most recent communiqué, the agent has directed suspicions of espionage toward one of Chan's people and one of Kos' senior officers. I think we can confirm those mistrusts - if you know what I mean."

  "So, let's schedule a meeting in the Rigil facility for April 1 to play a good April Fools' joke on the Kil." Grace barked with a laugh.

  "There's one more item!' I shouted to regain attention. 'There is one compromised computer system in General Svesion's Command. Any orders we would like Kil Kos to see should be modified to be relevant to the Marines and should be sent through that unit - if you catch my meaning." I suggested.

  Everyone agreed.


  After we disbanded, I spent the rest of my day preparing a script. Large portions dealing with day-to-day operational crap were very generalized. But the dialogue around OFN's actions was very specific. Each C&C would have to read their part, carefully. I even added a section where we call in Svesion and Sparks to discuss the matter, for realism.

  Chapter 14 Slights of Hand

  Saturday, April 1, 2271

  "All war is based on deception." Unknown Origin

  "Come on people. Let's get this show on the road.' Grace thwacked the gavel. 'I call this session of the C&C Commission to order!' She whacked the mallet again silencing the particularly rowdy group. 'That's better. What the hell got into you all, today?" She added with a smile.

  We spent the next hour and a half discussing the mundane business of the entire organization with a goal of putting any listener to sleep with the boredom. Then, we dropped our bomb.

  "Are there any other issues that need to be discussed here?" Grace inquired.

  "Yes, I have an intelligence matter." I volunteered.

  "What's the issue, Admiral Brubacher?" Grace queried.

  "It's about our agent at 15 Sagitta. I think some of the pressure is off the Brigadier, now."

  "How's that?" Fleet Admiral Addison Blythe questions.

  "He has help, now. Someone to divert attention from him. An unhappy Isesinis Brigade Commander is covering."

  "Who's this guy? I don't trust any Isesinis."

  "May I bring in Generals Svesion and Sparks?' I requested. 'They can put this in perspective for you."

  "Certainly," Grace said as she nodded to her COS who went to the door and invited the two men into the room. Both were holding their copies of the script, as were everyone else around the table.

  "Gentlemen, don't look so nervous." I directed at them.

  "It's just that we don't get brought before this Commission usually, Admiral," Svesion explained.

  "Well, you can relax. We're not going to bite your heads off. That's our enemy's way." We all chuckled on cue.

  "What may we do for you, Admirals?" General Sparks asked.

  "General Svesion, did you authorize General Sparks to plan and execute an operation at 15 Sagitta?" I inquired.

  "Yes, sir. I asked him to see if he could get an agent in there." He answered officiously.

  "And, was he successful."

  "Yes, sir. He found a satisfactory candidate. The spy has been in place for several months."

  "General Sparks, can you please summarize your plan and the subsequent actions?"

  "Yes, sir. When the General came to me, I thought hard and long until I came up with a scheme to get a spy into that enemy Headquarters. It occurred to me that I should employ someone Admiral Chan trusted. And, that person should seem to have a beef with the Orion Federation. So I chose a Brigadier who'd been jailed for five years for disreputable conduct and who had worked directly for Admiral Chan for several years. He has been able to get information to us on a regular basis. And things are even better, now. He has help from within. Dac Sul Jek is ensuring he has some cover. He is extremely disheartened because of two reprimands he's received. And, Isesinis corrective measures are not verbal, I should explain." Sparks finished.

  "Do you consider the information accurate?" I queried.

  "Yes, sir. It's limited, so we have to be careful. Our agent does not have access to the entire picture. So, he will know of force redistribution and advise us. But, we have to be careful in case other things are happening we don't know about. So far though, his data's been spot on. Without it, we wouldn't have been able to conduct the recent assassination." Sparks responds.

  "Any other questions?" I asked my peers.

  "You're dismissed, Generals - with the thanks of this Commission.' I snapped.

  'Well? What do all of you think?" I asked the other C&C.

  "I think your people have a good operation going, there. But, you should caution your agent. I still don't trust this Dac Sul Jek guy. He could be a plant." Tso Shah argued.

  "I know it's a risk. But, lack of information caused us to cancel our operations planned for the end of last month. We have to take this chance if we're ever going to take back the Federation." I recommended.

  There was a chorus of verbal endorsements and agreements all around.

  "Is there anything else?" Grace called out and received negative head wags.

  "We're adjourned!" She hollered as she whacked the hammer on its sound block.


  We met in the large Boardroom in the Rigil Headquarters, the next day for our real meeting. Orders were issued to return to regular patrols, for the time being. Everything appeared to have returned to normal - without thoughts of our principal assault.


  Sparks requested a meeting on April 8. Svesion was with him when they appeared at my door. They tantalizingly held a datapad in the air and taunted me about its contents.

  "Wait'll you see what we have on here!" Sparks howled mischievously.

  "Stop fucking around and show me!" My frustration was apparent.

  The General placed the pad on my desk and tapped an icon. It played a half-hour video of a very slowly conducted and grisly dual execution. I muted the sound to silence the terrible screams. The whole thing reminded me of a middle ages slaying. Both parties were nearly drawn and quartered as great pains were taken to keep them conscious until the very end. It was very revolting. I did not know Jek. But, I did recognize Brigadier General Yskeni Vrosnikov.

  Now, I was fairly confident that OFN was secure and safe, for the time being. And, I could be just as sure his information would be uncompromised.


  A week later, we held another Commission meeting in Rigil's small amphitheater. During that, we discussed the tactical plan for a multi-faceted assault on the regional Headquarters Polyhedrons at 37 Gemini, 83 Leo, and Delta Pavonis. The scheme called for forces of four-hundred-fifty warships to be deployed to each location. I sent the following memo to Svesion's DC.

  From:Fleet Admiral K Brubacher Commander Zeta HQ

  To: General David Rottinger Deputy Commander Zeta Marine Army Command

  Re: Pending Actions

  Date: April 15, 2271


  I am
writing to you since General Svesion will not be available for the next couple of days. You are required to comply with the following and ensure the General is fully informed when he returns.

  On May 25, the OFSA will commence actions against Isesinis Regional Headquarters units at 37 Gemini, 83 Leo, and Delta Pavonis. Zeta Command will be specifically targeting the 83 Leo operations while Gamma will engage at 37 Gemini and Epsilon will confront the contingents at Delta Pavonis.

  Please ensure all OFSA Zeta Marine Army personnel are primed and ready for their support roles in the upcoming scuffle.

  Fleet Admiral K. Brubacher


  April 17 found the entire Commission back in the large Boardroom at Rigil for another meeting. This time, it was for planning our actual assault.

  First, I reported on current intelligence and displayed the execution video, after warning everyone in the room of its offensive nature.

  By the time the session was over, we had fundamentally adopted the original plan. The preliminary portion would begin on May 25. The three dominant thrusts would commence on May 26.

  Finally, we agreed to have Fredricka release a public statement on those murders expressing our disgust with the practice, on April 24. And, we scheduled another meeting in the large amphitheater for April 25. This timing would allow us to discuss the executions as if we came by the information through the grapevine.


  The scene on April 24 opened with Fred standing at a podium on a stage in front of the official seal of the OFSA and the Orion Federation Flag in the Briefing Room.

  "This is an official press report regarding the uncivilized nature of the Isesinis occupation of our Orion Federation. I will share portions of a video. This is an edited version of two executions - reduced in length to facilitate this venue. But, the entire presentation is available from my office, in its original unedited format. We feel this is an authentic report. It was received from a concerned Orion citizen near the site of these horrendous acts. We have verified as much as possible to determine its accuracy. We believed it was filmed with a personal device.


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