Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition Page 149

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  Those small blessings turned the battle by midnight. After losing nearly ten thousand, Das Kil Stip ordered his people to withdraw.

  Marine losses from the Isesinis attack were pegged at two hundred eleven dead and four hundred fifty-two injured. And it took until two hundred on the twenty-first to replace the antenna that had been destroyed by an incoming missile. By eight o'clock in the morning, Shellots ordered his reserves to return to their ships. The remaining troops would begin to push outward expanding their control. The goal was to reach a radius of ten kilometers from their Headquarters by sixteen hundred on April 23. Then, they'd begin columnar thrusts to other cities with essential military facilities.

  Meanwhile, Corps One's Intelligence Office was sweeping up local government personnel and interrogating them.Some were brought up to the Bryant where I attended the questioning with Admiral Marie Bryant in tow. I still trusted her to have the best instincts regarding interview subjects. On April 22, we learned where the Emperor was holed up. He was in an underground tunnel we'd never have found on our own.


  Like all the Kils, the Emperor was quite tall and relatively handsome. His family came from the same tribe. We knew we had him when we located an Isesinis in glittering gold armor. This was totally unique attire. We questioned him for a while, but it was like talking to a stone. So, we advised him he'd be charged with war crimes and tried in a legal court of law. He was also told he could face the death penalty.

  Each of Fifth Mobile's Supercarriers holds a full contingent of courtrooms and each Fleet's Carriers contain a Circuit Court. So, there'd be no delay in charging him. We learned he was known as Kire Fask. Kire equates to the title of Emperor on Earth and Fask is his family name. He showed his surprise when the indictments contained that information on April 22. We placed him under heavy guard in an Admiral's suite and kept him supplied with meals prepared by captured Isesinis cooks using homegrown foods.

  On our first of several visits, I did all the talking. He never uttered a single word. And, Marie sat in silence observing his reactions. But, he began to communicate the fifth time I arrived at his door.

  "Are you trying to kill me with kindness?" He inquired as he waved a hand indicating his quarters.

  "No. But, you're the leader of a world. No matter how I personally feel about you, I prefer to show you the respect a person holding such an office should receive."

  "What do you mean?"

  "By what?" I was uncertain what he was inquiring about.

  "When you said no matter how you feel."

  "I have great contempt for you. I'd like to kill you where you stand. Unprovoked, you invaded our Federation which tries to live in peace. Millions have died - including my best friend."

  "I see. You hate me. But, you're a man of honor. So, you wait to hold this sham trial before you kill me."

  "It's not a sham. We'll investigate thoroughly. You will have a real defense. Your attorneys will be privy to all aspects of the investigation. It's a civilian trial, so a jury of twelve will determine your guilt under the rules of law enforced by a Judge. You don't have to trust it now. But, you'll see it in action and know it is real justice. It's not the kind your people meted out. In our society, every accused deserves the right to a fair trial."

  "It all sounds good. But, I'll believe it when I see it."

  "Don't worry. You will."


  "That's hard to say. We need to seize and analyze a lot of documents on the surface and interview over a hundred people who worked for you. It'll probably take two to three months to determine a course of action."

  "Who was this ...best friend?"

  "He was the man responsible for defeating Kil Kos. His name was George Bryant. He was an Admiral in charge of the force I now command."

  "Did you know him a long time?

  "He took me from the Military Academy nearly twenty years ago and kept an eye on my career, since then. I was at his wedding. He was at mine. Our children play together and are like cousins. His wife is an Admiral, too. She is the one with me when you are interrogated. She has a special knack for knowing the truth."

  "So, is your plan to enslave my world?"

  "No, just disable its ability to wage an offensive interstellar war. We'll leave when we're sure. And we'll make sure your people can still defend themselves in space and on the planet. We don't take other worlds by force. Our Federation has a hundred and twenty voluntary members."

  "I know your people like peace. What if I promise to never attack you again?"

  "It's too late for you. We have accepted treaties with those who've attacked us before. But, they conducted honorable wars. Your people committed genocide and murder. And, it appears they did those things on your orders. War is bad enough, in the first place. Millions die in these space conflicts. But to kill those who are helpless is criminal. Civilians and prisoners of war should be protected. Kil Kos destroyed an entire planet with all its inhabitants. And, he summarily executed prisoners."

  "I see. So, you place a high value on honor?"

  "Our entire Federation does. And, our allies do, too."

  "What allies?"

  "Several non-member neighbors are friendly to us. We have treaties with them. Not all are democracies, but they're all honorable."

  "I think you will be surprised if you do an honest investigation. Genocide and murder are not the policy of the Isesinis. I went to school with Kos. He was always brilliant but sociopathic. It is not my policy to kill prisoners or annihilate helpless worlds. Enslaving them is another matter. It enriches my Empire."

  "Who decided to attack the Orion Federation?"

  "I did - of course. But, we have a legislated policy for the rules of engagement. It does not include criminal or dishonorable behavior."

  "Then why employ those like Kos?"

  "You will understand if you get to know our society. Kos is from a very powerful family. His appointment ensured my position. And he had the skills, education, and experience that qualified him for the post."

  "Do you mind if Admiral Marie Bryant accompanies me on my next visit?"

  "Not at all. I'd like to meet this empath."

  I excused myself and left his quarters. But, I stood thinking for a few minutes as I leaned against his corridor doorframe. There'd been a ring of truth hidden within his disdain.

  I contacted Elasima asking him to send a large contingent to us. We'd need his investigative team. Then, I spoke with Marie. She'd join me for another visit the day after tomorrow.

  Chapter 29 Real Justice

  Tuesday, April 30, 2272

  "At his best man is the noblest animal. Separated from law and justice, he is the worst." Aristotle

  Elasima arrived with his Zeta Command at nine hundred this morning. He shuttled over, and we sat with Marie and my team to discuss the situation. By this time, we'd pacified the planet and disabled its offensive capabilities. The planetary military is aware they are expected to maintain order, and we are not there to enslave them or their world. They seem to be cooperating, now.

  "El I'm glad you came and brought the works. We have the Emperor aboard. The problem is that I'm not sure he's really a war criminal. For sure Kil Kos was. But, this ruler may have been out of the loop. We need you to really dig in and find out. We'll keep the peace and protect your forces so they can turn over every stone that might be hiding evidence. You're welcome to interview Kire Fask, yourself."

  "How do you feel, Marie?" El inquired.

  "I attended several discussions with the Kire. As much as I'd like to blame him for George's death, I believe him. I think the war crimes are all on Kil Kos."

  "Then there's no point in an IGB interview. I better get a move on." El said as he rose and left the room.


  A week later, all Isesinis
legislation, government documents, and communications were in the IGB's possession. Seven days after that, it was all recorded, translated, and the originals returned to the surface.

  As Elisma's people worked at the examination, Mobile Fifth continued to fan out to military-industrial installations all over the planet's single continent. This creates a thinning effect that has to be countered by constant air and armor support. But, it was no longer necessary to fire on anyone. Isesinis forces could see the Raptors overhead and the tanks on the ground. And, the enemy knew that though only a single Battalion may make a visit, they were supported by the rest of their Division - and those by much more. Each tour was accompanied by an Engineering team who were there to determine the type of production handled by any particular plant.


  On Wednesday, July 3, 2272, Elasima was ready to make a determination. By then, we had successfully disabled most of the ground-based facilities producing materials used in the execution of space battles. But, we left enough intact for the Isesinis to be able to defend against an attack from an outside force. El asked to meet.

  "I want you to look this over. We have thousands of documents. They support these. But the ones I'm showing you are the principal directives. In effect, it is patriotic to capture another society. But the Kire is right. They don't condone genocide or needless murder because it reduces the enslaved population. Some people won't be very pleased. I'm going to recommend we don't charge the Kire. He can't oversee someone more than a hundred light years away. He sets the policy and has to hope his people will listen. I don't believe we'd win in court.

  After you've examined this material, I'd like you to show it to Marie. Then, I think the three of us should make the recommendation together. The C&C and the King will listen if it's the three of us."

  "Leave it with me El. In the meantime, why don't you stay for dinner? And invite all my old friends. I wouldn't mind seeing the gang again. Let's make it Corps level Commanders and above."

  "Okay, Kurt. What time?"

  "Have everyone show for eighteen hundred with their significant other and any children. I'll bring my team. And, I'll invite Marie and Atina. I'll bring Fred and Bryant along, too. We'll meet in the Admiral's Mess."

  Thank goodness the FSS Bryant's Flag dining is so big. Corps-level includes all the Fleet Commanders and above, so there were over two hundred and fifty in attendance including spouses, dates, and children. The galley chef prepared a menu that included a choice of Prime Rib or barbecued Seafood Skewers, braized or mashed potatoes, a vegetable medley and a variety of pastries and squares - all gluten-free though no one ever realized that. They had distinctive entrees of chicken strips, macaroni and cheese, or hot dogs with fries for those children who didn't want the regular fare. Dinner was served with my favorite Gamay and Reisling wines, both bottled by Cave Springs Wineries on Earth. The entire meal was preceded by a garden salad or vegetable soup and accompanied by a variety of coffees and teas. All in all, it was a splendid affair.


  The next day, El, Marie, and I sat in my office as I placed the call home. We were right on top of recently installed communications relays, so conversation was instant even though we're one hundred sixty light years apart. Grace, Three Tier-One Commanders, the Secretary of Defense and King David were on the other end of the line.

  "Kurt, to what do we owe the pleasure of this call?" David asked.

  "I'm sure you're up on our reports. The planet is pacified, and we're almost done neutralizing it as a threat. But, we've conducted quite an investigation into the war. I'll let Admiral Elasima elaborate."

  "I've sent these documents to you ahead of this meeting. I hope that you had enough time to look them over. I don't want to shock you with my recommendation."

  "What recommendation is that, Admiral?" Grace inquired.

  "I'm recommending we don't file charges against the Isesinis Emperor. It's apparent from these and a thousand more that he does not condone war crimes."

  "How do you feel about this, Kurt?" David queried.

  "I concur, sir. That's why I called for El. I felt that way before he arrived. So, I wanted another pair of eyes to examine the whole thing. And, IGB has the resources and skills to ferret out the truth."

  "And you Marie; how do you feel about it?"

  "I'm the individual here that lost the most personally. So, it's not easy to say this. But I agree. George would not want me to seek revenge for what he'd consider an honest mistake. He'd want justice for war crimes. But, there's no evidence of that here. Kil Kos is the war criminal, not the Emperor."

  "How do your investigators feel, El?"

  "They don't believe we should file, sir. They think we'd lose in court."

  "And the JAG prosecutors?" David asked.

  "They say there's not enough to file on here either, sir."

  'What about precedence?"

  "Sir, we have not filed against our last three attackers because they did not commit what we define as war crimes. Historically, it goes back to when the United States did not charge the Emperor of Japan at the end of World War 2."

  "How do you all feel?" The King asked those on his end of the line. Each nodded agreement.

  "That's it then. Let the Kire go."

  "Thank you all. This seemed like a tough decision because of all that happened. That's why we wanted to include all of you." I observed.


  "Kire Fask, I'd like to inform you of the results of our examination."

  "What have you found?"

  "That you were right."

  "I don't believe it." The man was startled.

  "We found what you said we'd find. We are dropping all charges. We don't believe we'd win a case against you in our courts."

  "You are very honorable. My people respect that more than anything. My offer of a treaty is still open."

  "Will you stay aboard for negotiations? We'd lift house arrest. You could travel about the ship with only minor security restrictions."

  "Yes, I'll stay. And, despite the previous constraints, you have been exceptional hosts. I've wanted for nothing but family since I've been here."

  "Would you like to bring them up here. They're welcome to see our ship."

  "Yes, that would be acceptable."

  "Would you come with me? I'd like to show you our Command Center."

  "I'd enjoy that."

  We navigated the corridors, hallways, and elevators until we arrived on the Flag Bridge.

  "This is a massive ship." The Kire observed.

  "Nine of these make up the main Command. There are seventy-two Fleets of sixteen vessels and another thirty-six individual autonomous ships not including supply vessels, hospital ships, and security flotillas."

  "There are more ships than that here."

  "Yes, sir. There is a second Command here. They have thirty-six Fleets and are the law enforcement organization of the Federation. They were here to conduct your investigation. And, there is another group you cannot see." I waved through the observation window as I finished the statement.

  Three of my covert Frigates and three of Savign's cloaked Subs turned off their cloaks.

  "You have invisible ships?" He was astonished.

  "In effect - yes we do. They have cloaking shields that redirect energy making them appear invisible. Nearly a thousand of those were aligned against you. And, our communications are instantaneous anywhere in space. We have learned how to use its natural sub-strata."

  "So we were destined to lose the war."

  "I don't know about that. You almost won it." I offered.

  "No, we won the opening round. You were destined to win the war. What about joining your Federation?"

  "I'm not sure you'd want to. We require you to adopt a democrati
c form of government."

  "How does that work?

  "Your people elect representatives to write laws and maintain the military. There is no Emperor or dictator."

  "But, you have a King."

  "Yes, but he does not exercise absolute rule. He governs with a Representative Assembly elected by the people. But, we could sign a treaty - agree to peaceful relations - trade with each other if you want - and even protect each other from common enemies."

  "Yes, that would be better than membership. I'd lose my job if we join your Federation."

  "You don't have to lose it. Make the same arrangement we have with our King. He holds forty-nine percent of the voting power. So, he can often make things happen with very little support. But, he can be overruled. And, such strength keeps the Assembly honest. He has such a big block of votes they don't become politicized. We were an Empire, too. You could be King instead of Emperor."

  "This would take time to think over. In the meantime, we should sit down and come to terms on a peace agreement."

  "How about a day to spend with your family. Then, we begin meetings the day after tomorrow."

  "That sounds good to me."

  "In the meantime, I will authorize your reception of our communications channels. There is news of particular interest to you."

  "I don't see how Orion Federation News could affect me."

  "Kil Kos' trial is just starting. There have been numerous hearings and motions. And, the pretrial arguments were held a while back. The actual hearing begins today."

  "We may watch some. But, I am not sure I care about Kos. He handled things very badly."

  "Do you mean battle tactics?"

  "No. I am referring to his personal decisions and actions. Destroying an entire populated planet and killing prisoners is not our way. But, I will probably watch a little."


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