by Don Norman
A slip leads me to close the wrong window.
Suppose I intended to type the word We, but instead of typing Shift + W for the first character, I typed Command + W (or Control + W), the keyboard command for closing a window. Because I expected the screen to display an uppercase W, when a dialog box appeared, asking whether I really wanted to delete the file, I would be surprised, which would immediately alert me to the slip. I would cancel the action (an alternative thoughtfully provided by the dialog box) and retype the Shift + W, carefully this time.
A mistake leads me to close the wrong window.
Now suppose I really intended to close a window. I often use a temporary file in a window to keep notes about the chapter I am working on. When I am finished with it, I close it without saving its contents—after all, I am finished. But because I usually have multiple windows open, it is very easy to close the wrong one. The computer assumes that all commands apply to the active window—the one where the last actions had been performed (and which contains the text cursor). But if I reviewed the temporary window prior to closing it, my visual attention is focused upon that window, and when I decide to close it, I forget that it is not the active window from the computer’s point of view. So I issue the command to shut the window, the computer presents me with a dialog box, asking for confirmation, and I accept it, choosing the option not to save my work. Because the dialog box was expected, I didn’t bother to read it. As a result, I closed the wrong window and worse, did not save any of the typing, possibly losing considerable work. Warning messages are surprisingly ineffective against mistakes (even nice requests, such as the one shown in Chapter 4, Figure 4.6, page 143).
Was this a mistake or a slip? Both. Issuing the “close” command while the wrong window was active is a memory-lapse slip. But deciding not to read the dialog box and accepting it without saving the contents is a mistake (two mistakes, actually).
What can a designer do? Several things:
•Make the item being acted upon more prominent. That is, change the appearance of the actual object being acted upon to be more visible: enlarge it, or perhaps change its color.
•Make the operation reversible. If the person saves the content, no harm is done except the annoyance of having to reopen the file. If the person elects Don’t Save, the system could secretly save the contents, and the next time the person opened the file, it could ask whether it should restore it to the latest condition.
Electronic systems have another advantage over mechanical ones: they can check to make sure that the requested operation is sensible.
It is amazing that in today’s world, medical personnel can accidentally request a radiation dose a thousand times larger than normal and have the equipment meekly comply. In some cases, it isn’t even possible for the operator to notice the error.
Similarly, errors in stating monetary sums can lead to disastrous results, even though a quick glance at the amount would indicate that something was badly off. For example, there are roughly 1,000 Korean won to the US dollar. Suppose I wanted to transfer $1,000 into a Korean bank account in won ($1,000 is roughly ₩1,000,000). But suppose I enter the Korean number into the dollar field. Oops—I’m trying to transfer a million dollars. Intelligent systems would take note of the normal size of my transactions, querying if the amount was considerably larger than normal. For me, it would query the million-dollar request. Less intelligent systems would blindly follow instructions, even though I did not have a million dollars in my account (in fact, I would probably be charged a fee for overdrawing my account).
Sensibility checks, of course, are also the answer to the serious errors caused when inappropriate values are entered into hospital medication and X-ray systems or in financial transactions, as discussed earlier in this chapter.
Slips most frequently occur when the conscious mind is distracted, either by some other event or simply because the action being performed is so well learned that it can be done automatically, without conscious attention. As a result, the person does not pay sufficient attention to the action or its consequences. It might therefore seem that one way to minimize slips is to ensure that people always pay close, conscious attention to the acts being done.
Bad idea. Skilled behavior is subconscious, which means it is fast, effortless, and usually accurate. Because it is so automatic, we can type at high speeds even while the conscious mind is occupied composing the words. This is why we can walk and talk while navigating traffic and obstacles. If we had to pay conscious attention to every little thing we did, we would accomplish far less in our lives. The information processing structures of the brain automatically regulate how much conscious attention is being paid to a task: conversations automatically pause when crossing the street amid busy traffic. Don’t count on it, though: if too much attention is focused on something else, the fact that the traffic is getting dangerous might not be noted.
Many slips can be minimized by ensuring that the actions and their controls are as dissimilar as possible, or at least, as physically far apart as possible. Mode errors can be eliminated by the simple expedient of eliminating most modes and, if this is not possible, by making the modes very visible and distinct from one another.
The best way of mitigating slips is to provide perceptible feedback about the nature of the action being performed, then very perceptible feedback describing the new resulting state, coupled with a mechanism that allows the error to be undone. For example, the use of machine-readable codes has led to a dramatic reduction in the delivery of wrong medications to patients. Prescriptions sent to the pharmacy are given electronic codes, so the pharmacist can scan both the prescription and the resulting medication to ensure they are the same. Then, the nursing staff at the hospital scans both the label of the medication and the tag worn around the patient’s wrist to ensure that the medication is being given to the correct individual. Moreover, the computer system can flag repeated administration of the same medication. These scans do increase the workload, but only slightly. Other kinds of errors are still possible, but these simple steps have already been proven worthwhile.
Common engineering and design practices seem as if they are deliberately intended to cause slips. Rows of identical controls or meters is a sure recipe for description-similarity errors. Internal modes that are not very conspicuously marked are a clear driver of mode errors. Situations with numerous interruptions, yet where the design assumes undivided attention, are a clear enabler of memory lapses—and almost no equipment today is designed to support the numerous interruptions that so many situations entail. And failure to provide assistance and visible reminders for performing infrequent procedures that are similar to much more frequent ones leads to capture errors, where the more frequent actions are performed rather than the correct ones for the situation. Procedures should be designed so that the initial steps are as dissimilar as possible.
The important message is that good design can prevent slips and mistakes. Design can save lives.
Fortunately, most errors do not lead to accidents. Accidents often have numerous contributing causes, no single one of which is the root cause of the incident.
FIGURE 5.3.Reason’s Swiss Cheese Model of Accidents. Accidents usually have multiple causes, whereby had any single one of those causes not happened, the accident would not have occurred. The British accident researcher James Reason describes this through the metaphor of slices of Swiss cheese: unless the holes all line up perfectly, there will be no accident. This metaphor provides two lessons: First, do not try to find “the” cause of an accident; Second, we can decrease accidents and make systems more resilient by designing them to have extra precautions against error (more slices of cheese), less opportunities for slips, mistakes, or equipment failure (less holes), and very different mechanisms in the different subparts of the system (trying to ensure that the holes do not l
ine up). (Drawing based upon one by Reason, 1990.)
James Reason likes to explain this by invoking the metaphor of multiple slices of Swiss cheese, the cheese famous for being riddled with holes (Figure 5.3). If each slice of cheese represents a condition in the task being done, an accident can happen only if holes in all four slices of cheese are lined up just right. In well-designed systems, there can be many equipment failures, many errors, but they will not lead to an accident unless they all line up precisely. Any leakage—passageway through a hole—is most likely blocked at the next level. Well-designed systems are resilient against failure.
This is why the attempt to find “the” cause of an accident is usually doomed to fail. Accident investigators, the press, government officials, and the everyday citizen like to find simple explanations for the cause of an accident. “See, if the hole in slice A had been slightly higher, we would not have had the accident. So throw away slice A and replace it.” Of course, the same can be said for slices B, C, and D (and in real accidents, the number of cheese slices would sometimes measure in the tens or hundreds). It is relatively easy to find some action or decision that, had it been different, would have prevented the accident. But that does not mean that this was the cause of the accident. It is only one of the many causes: all the items have to line up.
You can see this in most accidents by the “if only” statements. “If only I hadn’t decided to take a shortcut, I wouldn’t have had the accident.” “If only it hadn’t been raining, my brakes would have worked.” “If only I had looked to the left, I would have seen the car sooner.” Yes, all those statements are true, but none of them is “the” cause of the accident. Usually, there is no single cause. Yes, journalists and lawyers, as well as the public, like to know the cause so someone can be blamed and punished. But reputable investigating agencies know that there is not a single cause, which is why their investigations take so long. Their responsibility is to understand the system and make changes that would reduce the chance of the same sequence of events leading to a future accident.
The Swiss cheese metaphor suggests several ways to reduce accidents:
•Add more slices of cheese.
•Reduce the number of holes (or make the existing holes smaller).
•Alert the human operators when several holes have lined up.
Each of these has operational implications. More slices of cheese means mores lines of defense, such as the requirement in aviation and other industries for checklists, where one person reads the items, another does the operation, and the first person checks the operation to confirm it was done appropriately.
Reducing the number of critical safety points where error can occur is like reducing the number or size of the holes in the Swiss cheese. Properly designed equipment will reduce the opportunity for slips and mistakes, which is like reducing the number of holes and making the ones that remain smaller. This is precisely how the safety level of commercial aviation has been dramatically improved. Deborah Hersman, chair of the National Transportation Safety Board, described the design philosophy as:
U.S. airlines carry about two million people through the skies safely every day, which has been achieved in large part through design redundancy and layers of defense.
Design redundancy and layers of defense: that’s Swiss cheese. The metaphor illustrates the futility of trying to find the one underlying cause of an accident (usually some person) and punishing the culprit. Instead, we need to think about systems, about all the interacting factors that lead to human error and then to accidents, and devise ways to make the systems, as a whole, more reliable.
When Good Design Isn’t Enough
I am sometimes asked whether it is really right to say that people are never at fault, that it is always bad design. That’s a sensible question. And yes, of course, sometimes it is the person who is at fault.
Even competent people can lose competency if sleep deprived, fatigued, or under the influence of drugs. This is why we have laws banning pilots from flying if they have been drinking within some specified period and why we limit the number of hours they can fly without rest. Most professions that involve the risk of death or injury have similar regulations about drinking, sleep, and drugs. But everyday jobs do not have these restrictions. Hospitals often require their staff to go without sleep for durations that far exceed the safety requirements of airlines. Why? Would you be happy having a sleep-deprived physician operating on you? Why is sleep deprivation considered dangerous in one situation and ignored in another?
Some activities have height, age, or strength requirements. Others require considerable skills or technical knowledge: people not trained or not competent should not be doing them. That is why many activities require government-approved training and licensing. Some examples are automobile driving, airplane piloting, and medical practice. All require instructional courses and tests. In aviation, it isn’t sufficient to be trained: pilots must also keep in practice by flying some minimum number of hours per month.
Drunk driving is still a major cause of automobile accidents: this is clearly the fault of the drinker. Lack of sleep is another major culprit in vehicle accidents. But because people occasionally are at fault does not justify the attitude that assumes they are always at fault. The far greater percentage of accidents is the result of poor design, either of equipment or, as is often the case in industrial accidents, of the procedures to be followed.
As noted in the discussion of deliberate violations earlier in this chapter (page 169), people will sometimes deliberately violate procedures and rules, perhaps because they cannot get their jobs done otherwise, perhaps because they believe there are extenuating circumstances, and sometimes because they are taking the gamble that the relatively low probability of failure does not apply to them. Unfortunately, if someone does a dangerous activity that only results in injury or death one time in a million, that can lead to hundreds of deaths annually across the world, with its 7 billion people. One of my favorite examples in aviation is of a pilot who, after experiencing low oil-pressure readings in all three of his engines, stated that it must be an instrument failure because it was a one-in-a-million chance that the readings were true. He was right in his assessment, but unfortunately, he was the one. In the United States alone there were roughly 9 million flights in 2012. So, a one-in-a-million chance could translate into nine incidents.
Sometimes, people really are at fault.
Resilience Engineering
In industrial applications, accidents in large, complex systems such as oil wells, oil refineries, chemical processing plants, electrical power systems, transportation, and medical services can have major impacts on the company and the surrounding community. Sometimes the problems do not arise in the organization but outside it, such as when fierce storms, earthquakes, or tidal waves demolish large parts of the existing infrastructure. In either case, the question is how to design and manage these systems so that they can restore services with a minimum of disruption and damage. An important approach is resilience engineering, with the goal of designing systems, procedures, management, and the training of people so they are able to respond to problems as they arise. It strives to ensure that the design of all these things—the equipment, procedures, and communication both among workers and also externally to management and the public—are continually being assessed, tested, and improved.
Thus, major computer providers can deliberately cause errors in their systems to test how well the company can respond. This is done by deliberately shutting down critical facilities to ensure that the backup systems and redundancies actually work. Although it might seem dangerous to do this while the systems are online, serving real customers, the only way to test these large, complex systems is by doing so. Small tests and simulations do not carry the complexity, stress levels, and unexpected events that characterize real system failures.
As Erik Hollnagel, David Woods, and Nancy Leveson, the authors
of an early influential series of books on the topic, have skillfully summarized:
Resilience engineering is a paradigm for safety management that focuses on how to help people cope with complexity under pressure to achieve success. It strongly contrasts with what is typical today—a paradigm of tabulating error as if it were a thing, followed by interventions to reduce this count. A resilient organisation treats safety as a core value, not a commodity that can be counted. Indeed, safety shows itself only by the events that do not happen! Rather than view past success as a reason to ramp down investments, such organisations continue to invest in anticipating the changing potential for failure because they appreciate that their knowledge of the gaps is imperfect and that their environment constantly changes. One measure of resilience is therefore the ability to create foresight—to anticipate the changing shape of risk, before failure and harm occurs. (Reprinted by permission of the publishers. Hollnagel, Woods, & Leveson, 2006, p. 6.)
The Paradox of Automation
Machines are getting smarter. More and more tasks are becoming fully automated. As this happens, there is a tendency to believe that many of the difficulties involved with human control will go away. Across the world, automobile accidents kill and injure tens of millions of people every year. When we finally have widespread adoption of self-driving cars, the accident and casualty rate will probably be dramatically reduced, just as automation in factories and aviation have increased efficiency while lowering both error and the rate of injury.