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The Design of Everyday Things

Page 27

by Don Norman

  People learn to drive cars quite successfully despite the need to master so many subcomponent tasks. Given the design of the car and the activity of driving, each task seems appropriate. Yes, we can make things better. Automatic transmissions eliminate the need for the third pedal, the clutch. Heads-up displays mean that critical instrument panel and navigation information can be displayed in the space in front of the driver, so no eye movements are required to monitor them (although it requires an attentional shift, which does take attention off the road). Someday we will replace the three different mirrors with one video display that shows objects on all sides of the car in one image, simplifying yet another action. How do we make things better? By careful study of the activities that go on during driving.

  Support the activities while being sensitive to human capabilities, and people will accept the design and learn whatever is necessary.


  One comment: there is a difference between task and activity. I emphasize the need to design for activities: designing for tasks is usually too restrictive. An activity is a high-level structure, perhaps “go shopping.” A task is a lower-level component of an activity, such as “drive to the market,” “find a shopping basket,” “use a shopping list to guide the purchases,” and so forth.

  An activity is a collected set of tasks, but all performed together toward a common high-level goal. A task is an organized, cohesive set of operations directed toward a single, low-level goal. Products have to provide support for both activities and the various tasks that are involved. Well-designed devices will package together the various tasks that are required to support an activity, making them work seamlessly with one another, making sure the work done for one does not interfere with the requirements for another.

  Activities are hierarchical, so a high-level activity (going to work) will have under it numerous lower-level ones. In turn, low-level activities spawn “tasks,” and tasks are eventually executed by basic “operations.” The American psychologists Charles Carver and Michael Scheier suggest that goals have three fundamental levels that control activities. Be-goals are at the highest, most abstract level and govern a person’s being: they determine why people act, are fundamental and long lasting, and determine one’s self-image. Of far more practical concern for everyday activity is the next level down, the do-goal, which is more akin to the goal I discuss in the seven stages of activity. Do-goals determine the plans and actions to be performed for an activity. The lowest level of this hierarchy is the motor-goal, which specifies just how the actions are performed: this is more at the level of tasks and operations rather than activities. The German psychologist Marc Hassenzahl has shown how this three-level analysis can be used to guide in the development and analysis of a person’s experience (the user experience, usually abbreviated UX) in interacting with products.

  Focusing upon tasks is too limiting. Apple’s success with its music player, the iPod, was because Apple supported the entire activity involved in listening to music: discovering it, purchasing it, getting it into the music player, developing playlists (that could be shared), and listening to the music. Apple also allowed other companies to add to the capabilities of the system with external speakers, microphones, all sorts of accessories. Apple made it possible to send the music throughout the home, to be listened to on those other companies’ sound systems. Apple’s success was due to its combination of two factors: brilliant design plus support for the entire activity of music enjoyment.

  Design for individuals and the results may be wonderful for the particular people they were designed for, but a mismatch for others. Design for activities and the result will be usable by everyone. A major benefit is that if the design requirements are consistent with their activities, people will tolerate complexity and the requirements to learn something new: as long as the complexity and the new things to be learned feel appropriate to the task, they will feel natural and be viewed as reasonable.


  The traditional design process is linear, sometimes called the waterfall method because progress goes in a single direction, and once decisions have been made, it is difficult or impossible to go back. This is in contrast to the iterative method of human-centered design, where the process is circular, with continual refinement, continual change, and encouragement of backtracking, rethinking early decisions. Many software developers experiment with variations on the theme, variously called by such names as Scrum and Agile.

  Linear, waterfall methods make logical sense. It makes sense that design research should precede design, design precede engineering development, engineering precede manufacturing, and so on. Iteration makes sense in helping to clarify the problem statement and requirements; but when projects are large, involving considerable people, time, and budget, it would be horribly expensive to allow iteration to last too long. On the other hand, proponents of iterative development have seen far too many project teams rush to develop requirements that later prove to be faulty, sometimes wasting huge amounts of money as a result. Numerous large projects have failed at a cost of multiple billions of dollars.

  The most traditional waterfall methods are called gated methods because they have a linear set of phases or stages, with a gate blocking transition from one stage to the next. The gate is a management review during which progress is evaluated and the decision to proceed to the next stage is made.

  Which method is superior? As is invariably the case where fierce debate is involved, both have virtues and both have deficits. In design, one of the most difficult activities is to get the specifications right: in other words, to determine that the correct problem is being solved. Iterative methods are designed to defer the formation of rigid specifications, to start off by diverging across a large set of possible requirements or problem statements before convergence, then again diverging across a large number of potential solutions before converging. Early prototypes have to be tested through real interaction with the target population in order to refine the requirements.

  The iterative method, however, is best suited for the early design phases of a product, not for the later stages. It also has difficulty scaling its procedures to handle large projects. It is extremely difficult to deploy successfully on projects that involve hundreds or even thousands of developers, take years to complete, and cost in the millions or billions of dollars. These large projects include complex consumer goods and large programming jobs, such as automobiles; operating systems for computers, tablets, and phones; and word processors and spreadsheets.

  Decision gates give management much better control over the process than they have in the iterative methods. However, they are cumbersome. The management reviews at each of the gates can take considerable time, both in preparation for them and then in the decision time after the presentations. Weeks can be wasted because of the difficulty of scheduling all the senior executives from the different divisions of the company who wish to have a say.

  Many groups are experimenting with different ways of managing the product development process. The best methods combine the benefits of both iteration and stage reviews. Iteration occurs inside the stages, between the gates. The goal is to have the best of both worlds: iterative experimentation to refine the problem and the solution, coupled with management reviews at the gates.

  The trick is to delay precise specification of the product requirements until some iterative testing with rapidly deployed prototypes has been done, while still keeping tight control over schedule, budget, and quality. It may appear impossible to prototype some large projects (for example, large transportation systems), but even there a lot can be done. The prototypes might be scaled objects, constructed by model makers or 3-D printing methods. Even well-rendered drawings and videos of cartoons or simple animation sketches can be useful. Virtual reality computer aids allow people to envision themselves using the final product, and in the case of a building, to envision living or worki
ng within it. All of these methods can provide rapid feedback before much time or money has been expended.

  The hardest part of the development of complex products is management: organizing and communicating and synchronizing the many different people, groups, and departmental divisions that are required to make it happen. Large projects are especially difficult, not only because of the problem of managing so many different people and groups, but also because the projects’ long time horizon introduces new difficulties. In the many years it takes to go from project formulation to completion, the requirements and technologies will probably change, making some of the proposed work irrelevant and obsolete; the people who will make use of the results might very well change; and the people involved in executing the project definitely will change.

  Some people will leave the project, perhaps because of illness or injury, retirement or promotion. Some will change companies and others will move on to other jobs in the same company. Whatever the reason, considerable time is lost finding replacements and then bringing them up to the full knowledge and skill level required. Sometimes this is not even possible because critical knowledge about project decisions and methods are in the form we call implicit knowledge; that is, within the heads of the workers. When workers leave, their implicit knowledge goes with them. The management of large projects is a difficult challenge.

  What I Just Told You? It Doesn’t Really Work That Way

  The preceding sections describe the human-centered design process for product development. But there is an old joke about the difference between theory and practice:

  In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.

  In practice, there is.

  The HCD process describes the ideal. But the reality of life within a business often forces people to behave quite differently from that ideal. One disenchanted member of the design team for a consumer products company told me that although his company professes to believe in user experience and to follow human-centered design, in practice there are only two drivers of new products:

  1.Adding features to match the competition

  2.Adding some feature driven by a new technology

  “Do we look for human needs?” he asked, rhetorically. “No,” he answered himself.

  This is typical: market-driven pressures plus an engineering-driven company yield ever-increasing features, complexity, and confusion. But even companies that do intend to search for human needs are thwarted by the severe challenges of the product development process, in particular, the challenges of insufficient time and insufficient money. In fact, having watched many products succumb to these challenges, I propose a “Law of Product Development”:


  The day a product development process starts, it is behind schedule and above budget.

  Product launches are always accompanied by schedules and budgets. Usually the schedule is driven by outside considerations, including holidays, special product announcement opportunities, and even factory schedules. One product I worked on was given the unrealistic timeline of four weeks because the factory in Spain would then go on vacation, and when the workers returned, it would be too late to get the product out in time for the Christmas buying season.

  Moreover, product development takes time even to get started. People are never sitting around with nothing to do, waiting to be called for the product. No, they must be recruited, vetted, and then transitioned off their current jobs. This all takes time, time that is seldom scheduled.

  So imagine a design team being told that it is about to work on a new product. “Wonderful,” cries the team; “we’ll immediately send out our design researchers to study target customers.” “How long will that take?” asks the product manager. “Oh, we can do it quickly: a week or two to make the arrangements, and then two weeks in the field. Perhaps a week to distill the findings. Four or five weeks.” “Sorry,” says the product manager, “we don’t have time. For that matter, we don’t have the budget to send a team into the field for two weeks.” “But it’s essential if we really want to understand the customer,” argues the design team. “You’re absolutely right,” says the product manager, “but we’re behind schedule: we can’t afford either the time or the money. Next time. Next time we will do it right.” Except there is never a next time, because when the next time comes around, the same arguments get repeated: that product also starts behind schedule and over budget.

  Product development involves an incredible mix of disciplines, from designers to engineers and programmers, manufacturing, packaging, sales, marketing, and service. And more. The product has to appeal to the current customer base as well as to expand beyond to new customers. Patents create a minefield for designers and engineers, for today it is almost impossible to design or build anything that doesn’t conflict with patents, which means redesign to work one’s way through the mines.

  Each of the separate disciplines has a different view of the product, each has different but specific requirements to be met. Often the requirements posed by each discipline are contradictory or incompatible with those of the other disciplines. But all of them are correct when viewed from their respective perspective. In most companies, however, the disciplines work separately, design passing its results to engineering and programming, which modify the requirements to fit their needs. They then pass their results to manufacturing, which does further modification, then marketing requests changes. It’s a mess.

  What is the solution?

  The way to handle the time crunch that eliminates the ability to do good up-front design research is to separate that process from the product team: have design researchers always out in the field, always studying potential products and customers. Then, when the product team is launched, the designers can say, “We already examined this case, so here are our recommendations.” The same argument applies to market researchers.

  The clash of disciplines can be resolved by multidisciplinary teams whose participants learn to understand and respect the requirements of one another. Good product development teams work as harmonious groups, with representatives from all the relevant disciplines present at all times. If all the viewpoints and requirements can be understood by all participants, it is often possible to think of creative solutions that satisfy most of the issues. Note that working with these teams is also a challenge. Everyone speaks a different technical language. Each discipline thinks it is the most important part of the process. Quite often, each discipline thinks the others are stupid, that they are making inane requests. It takes a skilled product manager to create mutual understanding and respect. But it can be done.

  The design practices described by the double-diamond and the human-centered design process are the ideal. Even though the ideal can seldom be met in practice, it is always good to aim for the ideal, but to be realistic about the time and budgetary challenges. These can be overcome, but only if they are recognized and designed into the process. Multidisciplinary teams allow for enhanced communication and collaboration, often saving both time and money.

  The Design Challenge

  It is difficult to do good design. That is why it is such a rich, engaging profession with results that can be powerful and effective. Designers are asked to figure out how to manage complex things, to manage the interaction of technology and people. Good designers are quick learners, for today they might be asked to design a camera; tomorrow, to design a transportation system or a company’s organizational structure. How can one person work across so many different domains? Because the fundamental principles of designing for people are the same across all domains. People are the same, and so the design principles are the same.

  Designers are only one part of the complex chain of processes and different professions involved in producing a product. Although the theme of this book is the importance of satisfying the needs of the people who will ultimately use the product, other aspects of the product are important; for example, its enginee
ring effectiveness, which includes its capabilities, reliability, and serviceability; its cost; and its financial viability, which usually means profitability. Will people buy it? Each of these aspects poses its own set of requirements, sometimes ones that appear to be in opposition to those of the other aspects. Schedule and budget are often the two most severe constraints.

  Designers try hard to determine people’s real needs and to fulfill them, whereas marketing is concerned with determining what people will actually buy. What people need and what they buy are two different things, but both are important. It doesn’t matter how great the product is if nobody buys it. Similarly, if a company’s products are not profitable, the company might very well go out of business. In dysfunctional companies, each division of the company is skeptical of the value added to the product by the other divisions.

  In a properly run organization, team members coming from all the various aspects of the product cycle get together to share their requirements and to work harmoniously to design and produce a product that satisfies them, or at least that does so with acceptable compromises. In dysfunctional companies, each team works in isolation, often arguing with the other teams, often watching its designs or specifications get changed by others in what each team considers an unreasonable way. Producing a good product requires a lot more than good technical skills: it requires a harmonious, smoothly functioning, cooperative and respectful organization.

  The design process must address numerous constraints. In the sections that follow, I examine these other factors.


  Designers must please their clients, who are not always the end users. Consider major household appliances, such as stoves, refrigerators, dishwashers, and clothes washers and dryers; and even faucets and thermostats for heating and air-conditioning systems. They are often purchased by housing developers or landlords. In businesses, purchasing departments make decisions for large companies; and owners or managers, for small companies. In all these cases, the purchaser is probably interested primarily in price, perhaps in size or appearance, almost certainly not in usability. And once devices are purchased and installed, the purchaser has no further interest in them. The manufacturer has to attend to the requirements of these decision makers, because these are the people who actually buy the product. Yes, the needs of the eventual users are important, but to the business, they seem of secondary importance.


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