The Fan Letter

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The Fan Letter Page 15

by Nancy Temple Rodrigue

  “Interesting triangle,” Tom commented, intrigued.

  “Her memory returns when Jack and Andrew arrive to rescue her, guns in hand,” Leslie finished, out of breath and a little embarrassed that she talked so long.

  “So, you gave the Professor a love scene? That's a first!” Eddie laughed.

  “Actually, he gets three or four and a touching farewell,” Leslie explained, turning red again for some reason.

  “Does Jack get his wife back?” Tom wanted to know.

  “Oh, yes. Jane, of course, is very confused as her memory returns, but she would never leave Jack.”

  “Of course she wouldn't,” Tom declared, lifting his chin. “That Jack is one terrific guy.”

  Leslie steeled herself to meet his direct look and gave a small smile. “Yes, he is,” she responded quietly.

  When they were done eating the foursome returned to the sofa and chairs. Tom sat next to Leslie on one end of the sofa as Eddie sat across from them in one of the chairs. Janice sat at the opposite side of the sofa so she could watch everyone easier. She didn't want to miss a thing.

  “So,” Tom started when they were finally settled. “Tell us about your adventures traveling. I enjoy going to exotic places myself when I'm not filming.”

  Leslie shook her head slightly and looked at Janice. “I wouldn't call it adventuresome, but it was enjoyable. I've been to seven islands in the Caribbean, and I spent five days shopping in Manhattan, but I prefer shopping in the Caribbean.”

  “My wife's appearing on Broadway,” Eddie told them. You wouldn't go back to New York? She seems to like the pace of the city when she's there.”

  “Oh, I really liked New York,” Leslie was quick to insist. “My agent wants me to come in the spring to meet the publishers. But, I do prefer St. Thomas and Martinique.”

  Tom looked interested. “When are you going?”

  “To New York? I don't know for sure,” Leslie frowned slightly and looked back at Janice. “Maybe in April. I'm kind of leery about just Janice and myself going. I was in a group before.”

  “Take someone else with you,” Tom suggested.

  Janice piped up here to make a point in Leslie's behalf. “There isn't anyone else, really. All our friends are either married or broke. Or both,” she added with a laugh. “We'll just have to stick together.”

  Eddie glanced at Tom's face and changed the subject. “What are you planning on doing next with your stories, Leslie?”

  Leslie looked away from Tom's face. “Next? I'd like to turn them into scripts and submit them, but I'm not sure how.”

  Tom looked surprised. “Haven't you ever seen a script?”

  “Not a real one,” Leslie replied and then grinned. “I'm planning on having all my friends send copies of my novel to Majestic with letters extolling the wonderful storyline! I'm hoping there'll be interest in it before I start another rewrite to try and turn it into a script.”

  Eddie nodded at this strategy, not knowing for certain if she was completely serious. “Public opinion carries some weight. You'll want to contact Richard Avery. He's the head of the studio. If your work is good and enough fans show interest, something could happen.”

  “It's good,” Tom said quietly, studying Leslie's face as she listened intently to Eddie's words. Janice continued to observe Tom and smiled contentedly to herself at his scrutiny of Leslie.

  “Thanks,” Leslie said brightly. “That's good to hear from a professional.” She glanced at her watch. It was almost ten o'clock. “Oh, my, it's getting late, Jan. We shouldn't have taken up so much of your time,” she apologized as she stood from the sofa and looked around for her purse.

  “No, don't go yet,” Tom hurriedly said, standing as if to block her. “We don't often get a chance to talk to people like this.”

  “We have a two hour drive home,” was the reluctant argument from Leslie. She glanced at Janice for back-up. Janice was still seated, her arms across the back of the sofa, settling in for the duration. “Jan?”

  “I'm fine. So we get home a little late,” she shrugged, knowing this was a once-in-a-lifetime chance for her friend. “No one is waiting for either of us. We both live alone,” she added with a smile.

  Leslie threw her a “What-are-you-doing?” look and turned back suddenly when Tom picked up one of her hands. “Please stay for a while. If nothing else, we can arrange for you to have a room here. If it gets too late, that is,” he told them as he pulled Leslie back onto the seat on the sofa.

  It was Eddie who stood next. “Well, after that meal and sitting for so long, I need some exercise. If that crowd is gone, I'm going down to the main lobby.”

  Janice perked up at this. “I'll go with you,” she suddenly interjected, seeing a perfect opportunity to leave Tom and Leslie alone for a few minutes.

  Hesitating for a fraction of a second, not seeing any other polite option, Eddie offered his arm. “That would be charming. We'll be back in a few minutes.”

  Leslie's eyes grew alarmed as Janice strolled out the door with Eddie Chase. “You two are full of surprises. I wish I had a camera. No one will ever believe this,” she muttered as she turned back to Tom. He had kicked off his shoes and had his feet up on the coffee table.

  He shrugged. “Eddie's the energetic one. He likes to work out and jog and keep active. Plus, he has a son to run after.”

  “And what about you?”

  “Me? No, I don't run around after his son,” he teased and was rewarded with a wide smile. “I don't know. I try to keep in shape, but I'm not a fanatic about it. Tell me about yourself, Leslie Nelson. Where are you from? What do you do in your boutique?”

  So they talked on and on about their lives and found similarities in likes and dislikes. They told of pranks and jokes at both of their workplaces. Talking about their private lives, there were past loves mentioned and what they were both looking for in a partner. The television show came up and the possibility for Leslie's character in the next season. They went back to traveling and the destinations they would most like to reach. Never once was Phillip mentioned.

  Eddie and Janice had returned after an hour only to be quickly, surreptitiously waved away by Tom. Leslie hadn't even noticed the door opening, being so caught up in their discussion and the moment. Somewhat concerned but not wanting to argue with his friend in front of the ladies, Eddie had no choice but to take Janice to his suite as the hour was so late. Always the trooper, she turned on the television and promptly fell asleep on the sofa. Eddie brought in a bedspread to cover her. Returning to his bedroom, he went to sleep himself, wondering what in the world Tom was doing.

  Leslie awoke suddenly. There was a man's arm around her shoulder, and she was leaning against someone's chest. Her own arm was encircling a waist. Her shoes were off with her feet tucked up under her wrinkled dress.

  She looked up at Tom Young who was still asleep, his head back against the cushion of the sofa. Alarmed, she tried to get out of his arms as quietly as she could without awakening him. However his eyes opened and were momentarily shocked to see someone in his arms. He was quick to recover and quietly murmured, “Morning,” with a grin as she sat away from him looking extremely embarrassed.

  “I…I can't believe we fell asleep like that,” she muttered as she smoothed down her messy dress and pushed absently at her hair.

  Tom stretched his cramped arms. “Where's your friend? It's five a.m.”

  Leslie stood awkwardly and looked around. Her nerves were making her shaky. “I don't know. Maybe in the bedroom?” She checked all three shut doors before she found the right room. “No. Is she with Eddie still?” she gasped at the thought.

  “Maybe,” Tom shrugged as if he didn't care one way or the other. “She'll be all right. Eddie's a happily married man. Everything's fine. What's wrong?” he asked as her face was far from calm.

  “I can't believe this happened! What about your reputation if someone found out? This is terrible,” she exclaimed getting herself even more upset.

>   Tom reached out to her and put his hands on her arms to calm her. “No, it's not terrible…unless you had a really terrible time,” he added with a small grin. “We fell asleep on the sofa after a most enjoyable evening. That's all.” He put a finger under her chin and raised her face so he could see her eyes. He gave her a sincere smile. “I can't remember the last time I enjoyed an evening so much. You're different from most women I meet. And you're certainly not like most of the fans. You're funny and serious and shy and bold all mixed together.”

  Leslie didn't know what to say. She was staring into his amber eyes. Her embarrassment had fled at his kind words. He bent down and lightly kissed her cheek. Her hand went up and touched the spot where his lips had been.

  “I guess I enjoyed it, too,” she almost whispered. “I must look a fright,” she claimed wiping at her eyes and looking down.

  Tom grinned showing his even white teeth. “Well, you do look like a raccoon.”

  “Oh!” That was the last thing she wanted to hear and tried to cover her eyes with her hands.

  He laughed and pulled her hands down. “I like raccoons,” he told her and lifted her face again. This time he gently kissed her lips.

  “No, don't,” she whispered, turning her head and trying to push away as all the years of brow-beating took over her actions. “I'm nobody. You deserve….”

  “Shh,” he cut her off, not relinquishing his hold. “You're not a nobody. I think you're special and I'd like to see you again sometime.”

  “I live in Amherst. You live down in Los Angeles. That's over three hundred miles away. You're just being nice,” she argued weakly, her heart pounding at his words.

  “Just leave your address and phone number. You'll see. I don't spend the night with just anyone,” he added lightly. He was surprised to see her eyes widen.

  “We…we didn't spend the night together! Don't say it that way!”

  Tom was touched by her protestations. That was all the other women usually wanted from him. He now knew for sure that this one was different. “Okay, I won't. Sorry. Are you going to stay for the convention today? You're already here. We could have lunch together,” he offered, hoping.

  “No, I have to get home. If my parents knew I wasn't home they would worry.” She saw the dubious look on his face. “I know I'm not fifteen,” she smiled, knowing how it sounded. “But they still worry. Plus, I've taken up too much of your time.”

  “All right,” he sighed, relenting. “Do you believe what I told you?” he asked, suddenly getting serious again.

  Leslie turned away from his look. “Well, you are a good actor. I think you're trying to make me feel better.”

  Tom shook his head as he reached for her hands. “My, you're stubborn, too!” he claimed and grinned at the frown she gave him.

  “Am not,” she sniffed.

  “Then kiss me,” he murmured, bending down to her lips. He brought her close in an embrace as one hand touched her back and the other dropped below her waist and pushed her even closer.

  The ringing of the phone disrupted his convincing Leslie. It was Eddie inquiring what the heck was going on. Tom explained what had happened and asked about Janice. Eddie had already called Cindy to bring over some make-up for the visitors. When Leslie overheard that, she asked for the same help.

  When Janice arrived with the needed cosmetics, the two women retreated into one of the bathrooms to make their repairs. Eddie then assaulted Tom.

  “Whatintheheck are you doing, Tom!? Are you nuts,” he demanded in a low voice.

  “It wasn't like that, Eddie,” Tom shot back angrily. “We talked all night and fell asleep on the sofa. That's it. Her face is still dented from the buttons on my shirt if you care to check.”

  “I don't care to check. It was bad enough that you invited them to dinner, but this is terrible. What if the papers pick this up? I'm married, you know!”

  “Oh, is that what you're worried about? Yourself?” Tom charged. “Well, this has nothing to do with you. I…I like Leslie. A lot. Her reaction was the same as yours, by the way,” he added, trying to end the argument before the women walked into the middle of it. “It wasn't planned. We just fell asleep. Don't worry about Linda. I'll tell her everything if you think it's necessary.”

  Eddie attempted to smooth his own ruffled feathers. “She already thinks you're a terrible liar. I doubt that would help. I just don't want anyone hurt by gossip. You know how bad it can be.”

  Tom nodded quietly as he looked at the closed bathroom door. “I know. We've all been burned…. This one is different, Eddie. And she's going home just as fast as she can.”

  Eddie gazed at Tom but said nothing. He could tell Tom meant what he had said. Tom did seem affected by this woman. Maybe he had been too harsh with his criticism. “Do you know how to reach her again if you wanted to?”

  “Not yet,” he sighed. “But, I will. Even if I have to ask Phillip.”

  The bathroom door opened and the two women emerged looking somewhat repaired and refreshed.

  “We really need to go,” Janice spoke first.

  Leslie walked shyly up to Tom. She didn't seem to know what she should do or say to him. “Thank you for the dinner and the…the interesting evening.” She extended her hand.

  Tom, torn between being amused and hurt, took the offered hand and kissed it. Then he surprised all of them by using that hand to pull Leslie towards him and kissed her on the lips. “No, thank you,” he told her. “I meant what I said. I will see you again.”

  Leslie said nothing as she took up her purse and her signed book. Janice brightly said good-bye to the actors, mentally high-fiving herself. They left the suite without looking back.


  Phillip Beck looked up from the current trade sheet. The article had been about the most successful model in Europe—Sarah Beck. France was even more enthusiastic than Japan had been. Davey's face, the paper reported, was becoming as well known as his mother's. But now there was a new angle for the model; a new opportunity had opened. For, the paper reported, she was pregnant. Three months along. Europeans had a more relaxed attitude towards expecting women and realized the body was natural and beautiful. Pregnancy was natural and beautiful. Her career would continue and flourish throughout her term and her development would be followed by all. By the time the baby came into the world, he or she would be welcomed and loved by all of Europe—for Sarah belonged to them now and the baby would belong to them, also.

  Phillip felt old and tired for the first time in his life. He had just turned forty-one alone. He still worked steadily and Majestic was talking about making some big changes next season in “The Time Police.” But that didn't interest him right now.

  Upset and lonely, he wanted his family back. Fighting down his anger and repulsion, he dialed the number Martin had given him weeks ago. He had to try again.

  Sarah answered the phone. “Bonsoir.”

  “Sarah? It's Phillip,” he started reluctantly, suddenly unsure of what he was going to say or how he would be received.

  “Yes?” she asked, reserved and cool. “What can I do for you?”

  He silently shook his head. He should have known. “I wanted to see how you and Davey are. How's my son?” he asked, stressing the last two words.

  “He's really grown, Phillip. He's learning French faster than he picked up Japanese. This has been so educational for him.”

  “Can I talk to Davey? I'd like to say hello,” Phillip told her hopefully.

  “Marty took him to the Louvre. I didn't feel up to going,” was her evasive reply.

  Phillip's jaw tightened. “Oh? Why not? Are you ill?” he pointedly asked.

  He could sense her hesitation. “Well, not sick, exactly. You see, I'm…well…I'm expecting.”

  He wouldn't let her off easily. “Expecting what? A pizza? A phone call from your husband?”

  Sarah exploded. “Oh, for Pete's sake, Phillip! I'm expecting a baby! What did you think?”

  “So, who
is the fortunate father?”

  Sarah swallowed. “I'm pretty far along. Who do you think the father is, silly?”

  “That's funny. The papers say you are only three months along. I think I would remember coming to Japan, if you will pardon the pun,” he asserted hotly.

  “All right! It's not yours. You knew all along. It's Marty's baby and…and we're both thrilled about it. Davey calls it his baby already,” she added just to hurt him.

  It worked. Phillip closed his eyes. “What about us, Sarah? When are you coming home?”

  Sarah tried to appeal to his business sense. “I wouldn't have any career in this condition back there. I'd have to shut myself up in a dark room!”

  “Is that all you care about? Your career? What about our family life? What about me? What about Davey?” he asked quietly, his emotions spent.

  “Don't whine, Phillip. It isn't manly,” she sighed. “All I can say is that my career is here. Sweden has contacted Marty and we are considering it.”

  Phillip was quiet. “So, you aren't coming back to Los Angeles. I want to see my son, Sarah! I have rights.”

  “I spoke to a lawyer already, too. She has spent a lot of time with us as a family. She has questioned Davey. He barely remembers another man in his life other than Marty. He's happy here, Phillip,” she told him, less unkindly than he expected. “He accepts Marty. If you get back into the picture, that means he will have to fly back and forth from Europe to America for a few days of visitation. I think its best he stays here. When he gets older and has questions, then you can come back in the picture.”

  “No way! There's no way you are going to take my son away from me. I want him back here in the U.S. right now! There's no way I'm going to give him up, Sarah. That's cruel, even for you,” he told her, his heart clenching.


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