Mercury Decending (Mercury Black Authority Book 3)

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Mercury Decending (Mercury Black Authority Book 3) Page 8

by Finian Blake

  “I am sure she could have made him crazy. Alex never talks about the past so I have no idea of what he did back then.” Anna was glad to see that Laurita was not as well informed as she thought she was. Laurita was not suffering from pour self-image.

  They walked down to the restaurant where Paul promised that he would meet them at in about an hour. Anna ordered a carafe of Sangria for both of them and had the bartender pour two extra shots of brandy in the mix. Anna filled her own glass half way. She poured both glasses full soft peddling her drink while pushing Laurita to drink. By the time Paul arrived to pick them up, Laurita was feeling no pain. She swayed to the car heavily leaning on Anna and curled up next to her in the back seat.

  “I did everything for Juan. I can pull this off. Do you really think that Alex can find out who canceled out our U K operation? That one cost us millions and Juan would not let me look into what happened.”

  “It is not as risky as smuggling. I am sure that he would never turn you down.”

  Laurita perked up, “You could do it. I could make you a rich woman. He got you out. You don’t need him anymore. You have what it takes. I would put you in charge of the new set up if you could do Susan and her crew.” Anna knew that it was the liquor talking. “Haven’t you wanted to be your own woman?”

  “Sometimes it is better to have a front. Alex is a good front like a bumper on a car something has to take the damage. Everybody thought that I was Gregory’s driver. I haven’t come all this way to work for someone else at the very least I would have to be a partner.” Laurita was beginning to think that Anna was manipulating Alex. This was an unanticipated line of thought. Could she turn Anna?

  Laurita turned moody. “He does have talent, but I can never forgive him for what he did to my father.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You will learn when he tells us his story this afternoon.” Laurita’s voice took on a tone of brooding.

  The Mercedes pulled up to the front door with Paul helping them in with their purchases. Alex was swimming in the pool. She bent down by the edge as Alex swam over to her. Anna parted her knees giving him a view of his favorite sight. She stroked his cheek gently.

  “Come up stairs with me. I have a surprise for you.” Alex jumped out of the water with Anna helping him to dry off. They walked back to the guest wing.

  “I would like you to stay up here until I come and get you, otherwise you will ruin the surprise.” Anna went to his bag and pulled out a pair of thin silk boxer shorts. “Put these on and wait for me.”

  She dumped her bag out on the bed and loaded her sexy purchases into the empty bag. Alex noticed that many of her purchases were sexual triggers for him.

  Anna left the room, with Alex wondering what was going to happen. She was extremely inventive and never failed to stimulate him. Anna went down stairs. She had the housekeeper make up two food trays a shrimp tray with some cocktail sauce and a tray with a selection of fruit to mix Sangria.” Afterward she went up to Laurita’s room, helping her dress for the afternoon. She had Laurita put on the transparent maroon bra, panties and garters. Anna looked amongst the perfume and found a rose scent which she applied liberally to Laurita’s legs and feet. She took the hose out of their foil boxes, and carried everything down to the pool house. Anna hid the hose and shoes under pillows in strategic spots. When all was ready she went back to the guest room grabbing Alex behind the neck with both of her hands.

  “I need you to go along with whatever I say with no questions asked. Keep your ears open, and your mouth shut.” Alex knew that Anna had something cooking, but could not imagine what it was. He decided to go along with the program. As they walked to the pool house Anna whispered. “No matter what you think make a big fuss over the color of her outfit.”

  Laurita came down to the pool house in the maroon silk robe that Anna bought for her. While Anna was in the toilet changing, Alex was reclining in the conversation pit in his black silk boxers. Alex’s eyes popped out when he saw the maroon outfit. “That is my favorite color. You look fantastic.” He was wondering if Anna clean lost her mind. He caught the scent of roses that was Dianne’s favorite scent pouring three glasses of Sangria handing Laurita one.

  She protested, “I don’t think I should have this I am still tipsy from lunch.”

  “You are not driving. We can sleep it off right here.” Alex took a long drink stroking her leg. “Anna seems to have disappeared. Where did she go?”

  Laurita stroked his chest, “She wanted to surprise you with her purchases.” The door to the toilet opened and Anna emerged. Her lingerie was bright red. She wore a bright red quarter cup bra and transparent panty with a garter belt. Anna took a glass from Alex and took a sip sliding seductively into a pile of pillows. She refilled Laurita’s glass, and pushed Alex back into the pillows lying back putting her legs across his lap handing Alex a pair of red shoes and hose.

  “I need some help to finish dressing.” Alex eagerly complied. He kissed her feet and legs as he complied with her request. “You can see by his erection that Alex is a leg man. When you were teasing him before, you were using the wrong body part.”

  When he was finished, Anna took Laurita’s leg by the ankle draping a maroon stocking over her foot, pushing the foot over to Alex.

  “Laurita needs help too.” Alex started to dress her left leg. While he was doing her bidding, Laurita put her lips next to Anna’s ear.

  “Why are you wearing red when maroon is his favorite color?” Laurita thought she was whispering, but he could hear her plainly. Anna put her lips to her ear, and spoke just as loud.

  “This is your afternoon. I want him to pay attention to you. You wanted to see the other ninety percent of the iceberg, well here it is.” Anna took Laurita’s right leg and he did the same thing. Alex was getting into the performance. He kissed her foot as he started to roll the stocking up her leg. Laurita sipped her drink, and purred to Anna, “I should have tried this years ago Mooney would have killed him for this.” Anna kissed her stroking her body seductively. Alex went to remove her panty. Anna put her steel heel on his wrist.

  “I believe that you owe us a story. You only get to play when you are finished.” She placed the tip of Laurita’s steel heel in his lap and pushed on her knee forcing him to lay back down and putting her feet in his lap.

  Laurita smiled at his distressed condition she put her lips to Anna’s ear and whispered, “You do not need him. You can do it all. I will do him for you right now and we can make a truck load of money between us. I will give you Susan’s operation, and with your talent I am sure that you can get the other whores to fall in line. You may have to kill a few but we can make some money if we sell the snuff.” Alex’s expression did not change. He acted as if he had not heard a word. Anna cupped her breast kissing Laurita passionately. Laurita recoiled slightly, since she wanted to give Anna the impression that she had never been with a woman.

  Anna said, “I need him. He needs to get us more information about the Inn. I also need to get his account numbers. There is a lot of money on the line and I want all of it.” Both women giggled. Anna put her heel against his nipple and pushed causing Alex to cry out in pain.

  “I believe you owe us a story.” Anna demanded. “I would be disappointed if you left anything out. You were wondering how I kept him in line well this is how I do it.” Anna wanted to see how far she would go to advance her plan. “Now that we know each other, may I call you Rita?”

  “Rita is what papa used to call me. I would love to hear that name again. I haven’t heard it since…” She pushed her heel against Alex smiling at his pain.

  “Easy Rita we need his help. I hope you will fill in any omissions that he makes. It is really your story. He needs to get it right.” Rita looked at Alex, and seeing that his expression had not changed. She whispered in Anna’s ear. “Do you think he heard us?” Anna whispered back.

  “You can do him when I get the numbers of his bank accounts.” Alex’s expression did
not change.

  “He did not hear us. Anna, I want Susan’s tits.” His expression still did not change. Anna put a grape between her teeth and kissed it into Rita’s mouth. She refilled Rita’s glass and moved the appetizers to their laps. They prodded him with their heels while they laughed at his discomfort. “Alex darling, you will be very uncomfortable if you do not start.”



  The old man reclined on the lounge chair by the pool. His skin dark olive from sunbathing, at six foot three, and two hundred ten pounds he carried the weight easily. At sixty he was not buff, but he was fit. Mooney lifted his right arm and extended his middle finger to the Bell Jet Ranger helicopter that circled low overhead. There was a man with a camera hanging out of each door with the long lenses making the cameras obvious. The FBI markings on the helicopters left no doubt as to who was snapping the pictures. The Hacienda was far enough from Mexico City that there was no problem with the air space. He knew that they were going to keep some kind of surveillance on him. Mooney almost enjoyed it. A jet ranger helicopter two pilots and two camera men plus the car outside the gate with two agents had to be a hell of an expense. The Mexican Government may allow it but they were surely not paying for it. The helicopter had to refuel so Mooney could schedule appointments during refueling. He had his surprise for them today. He ordered a hooker to wait on him pool side. Mooney changed his name to Julio when he moved down to Mexico. Everybody knew who he was, but the game demanded it. He was at the top the rackets, and he was tired of the hassle in the states. He did not want to leave the states, but he had an eight man tail on him twenty-four seven. He could not take a piss without them knowing how much, and what color it was.

  Julio drained the last of his drink holding up his glass and a shapely young lady walked out handing him another drink. She had long hair that went half way down to her waist. Her full hips were covered by a thong bikini bottom that just barely covered the essentials. She was topless with her firm breasts standing out prominently without assistance. She tugged his swim trunks off, making a great show of giving Julio oral sex. After she was finished she played with him until he was hard again straddling Mooney starting to hump. She kept humping for thirty minutes. He was not in her. It would be a good show when they reviewed the surveillance films. It would give those FBI jerk offs something to jerk off to. Julio waved his limp penis at the helicopter and lifted his glass in a toast. He walked over to a table spreading the umbrella and had a seat in the shade. The pilot of the helicopter dropped low allowing his rotor wash to destroy the umbrella and blow Julio’s lunch off of the table.

  Julio had the Hacienda swept electronically twice a day. He had one room that was certified clean and the important stuff was delivered by messenger there. Julio would do his business by phone and then transmit the key parts by messenger. There would be a bullshit written message and then the messenger would memorize the key parts relaying them personally. The problem was getting the messenger through. People would frequently visit him, but few of them were messengers. The boys in Chicago would frequently send people that had legal problems so that they could work deals with the FBI for their cooperation and enter the witness protection plan. He would make other deals possible, because he ate up all of the surveillance resources. All he had to do is announce a trip somewhere, and they had to move people to cover him. Mooney would stroll through the vast open air market having casual conversations with several people causing the FBI to use several people to follow him. The main operation would then proceed without any coverage from the different agencies. The FBI was not supposed to do this in foreign countries, but the CIA provided minimal cooperation rightly claiming that they had better uses for their agents. The fact that he was working for them also had something to do with it. Mooney would take contracts from the CIA to do things that they could not be associated with.

  Julio was a master at playing the game. His big mistake was arranging contracts for the Government. It started with a contract with the CIA to assassinate both of the Castro brothers and moved to other covert problems that they did not want an official agency to handle. He would arrange to perform any service that the government could not admit to. An assassination here, a revolution there, and delivering guns to insurgents he thought these little services would get him some slack from the Government. After all it was their business and they did not want anybody to find out what was really going on. That had been a mistaken notion on Julio’s part. The phone rang in the Hacienda, and Julio walked inside to answer it.

  “The Minister of the Interior will see you tomorrow.”

  “Excellent, I need to get out for a while. What time would Minister Rodriguez be available?” Julio was glad it was time for an outing. He frequently stayed home, but when he did go out he made several stops. He liked to make his tails work. There would be seven stops going there, and six on the way back over a different route, plus Julio would have the driver stop anytime that he was in the mood stopping at random roadside food stands just to complicate things. The driver never tried to lose the tail. He would race ahead until the tail could easily be lost and would then slow down until they caught up to him with this activity causing more than a few accidents. Julio had people standing in line to have accidents with the FBI since they had to pay all of the costs of the incident immediately along with personal damages. The ease of tailing his car made the tail sloppy. This was a once a week exercise. He would go to the Minister of the Interior and protest the FBI surveillance once again. Each time Julio would be told that he was not a Mexican citizen. He would pay off to stay in the country and he would promise the Minister to be a good guest by not breaking any of the laws of Mexico.

  Julio had a twenty-year-old house keeper that did the cleaning and cooking. Laurita was a passable cook, spoke excellent English and was extremely attractive. She was the sixth of ten children, but she was the youngest daughter having four younger brothers. As the youngest girl, it was Laurita’s duty to take care of her father and brothers. Her mother died in child birth with her youngest brother when she was six. Shortly after her twelfth birthday Laurita’s last older sister got married, and it became her duty to take care of her father and her brothers. She did the cooking and cleaning for all of the family that remained at home. The first son was married and had three children. Her nearest sister was twenty-two and working in a clothing shop. She was due to get married in a few months. Being the youngest daughter Laurita inherited all of the household duties. Her younger brother died before he was a year old. Laurita’s father worked as a school teacher, and made her continue her lessons at home. He affectionately called her Rita insisting that she learn English from the time she could speak. Juan knew that she could do well working with tourists if her English was good. She worked hard taking care of her family, and finishing her schooling. As a teacher, this was the one thing that Juan could do for her. Laurita was up at five and worked until the chores were done, before going to work at the Hacienda, so with luck she would get five hours of sleep a day. Her sister helped until she married, and then all of the house work was Laurita’s to do. Laurita’s father, Juan, loved her dearly and she was totally devoted to him.

  It took Laurita an hour each way on the bus and then she had to walk for twenty minutes to the hacienda. If she had a car it would have been a twenty-minute trip. In the beginning when Julio needed her to work late, he would have his chauffer drive her home. Julio put up with her schedule because of her English. Laurita spoke a formal Castilian Spanish since her father would not let her use any slang. He wanted her to be seen as an educated young lady. He insisted on her using proper Spanish pronunciation so that it sounded like she was from Spain. She spoke English with a LA accent learning to do her work in a meticulous manner because she could not afford to do things twice.

  Eventually Julio started sending the car for her in both directions which gave her two more hours a day. He developed a fatherly fondness for her. Laurita was easy to look at. She was
five foot five with wide set hips and a narrow waist. He guessed that her breasts were a B cup. Laurita’s thick raven hair went to her shoulders and her clothes were always modest, clean and neatly pressed. After she had been with him for several months he sent her shopping with the chauffer to buy the groceries and other supplies. Julio allowed her to by extra food, which she took home, since her father Juan’s medical bills kept the family strapped for cash. Julio often felt like hitting on her but did not want to risk losing her services. Laurita took great pride in being a good girl, because her father drummed into her head that gentlemen would not marry whores. Julio could order out for a piece of ass anytime, but finding help the caliber of Laurita was almost impossible.

  Laurita also had toughness to her. When the FBI tried to squeeze her for information, she stood her ground. “I will tell you anything you want to know if you pay my salary for the rest of my life, move my family back to the States, and give us full citizenship.”

  The FBI would answer, “We cannot do that.”

  “In that case fuck off. I am not losing my job to make you some damn hero so my family will starve. You can bet that I take care of my family.” After a few attempts they gave up. The FBI tried to have the Minister put some pressure on her. They were firmly told that she was a Mexican citizen, and that it would be impossible.

  Julio liked fresh food, so he always let her take the leftover food home. Poppa was happy, but her brothers were tired of leftover food. She started to eat with Julio because he liked the casual conversation with dinner. He seemed more like an uncle than a boss. Laurita knew that he was an American gangster, but he never seemed bad to her. Julio was always helping her family in ways that really counted. When her father needed to go to the doctor across the city Julio sent his car, so that Juan would not be weakened by the long trip. He never propositioned her, or asked her for sex as her father feared that Julio would do. He sent the car for her so many times that the FBI stopped following it at her commute times to save on man power. Laurita worked for Julio seven days a week. On the weekends she would come in just to cook one meal a day. It helped the family budget out and he paid her well. Recently Julio started having packages go to her house, and she would deliver them to him with the groceries. Things were inconvenient for him with all of the surveillance, but he enjoyed aggravating the FBI or as he liked to call them ‘Fucking Bunch of Idiots’. Julio made it a point to tax their resources as much as he could. He was an astute business man, and realized that even the FBI’s budget had limits which he pushed to the extreme.


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