The Rancher's Nanny

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The Rancher's Nanny Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  He saw the smile on her face.

  “I’ll never forget that story, ever,” she said.

  Caleb didn’t tell her that retelling that story to her, it was the first time he completely understood what his father had done.


  “You don’t want to go as a cowgirl?” Maddie asked.

  “That’s not scary, and I want to see what all the fuss is about. A princess,” Paige said, wrinkling her nose as she even said the word.

  “You know being a princess is not a bad thing,” she said.

  “But they have to stay pretty and clean all the time. That’s boring, and prince charming, gross. I’d rather kiss a frog.”

  “You do know that a frog can turn into a prince as well,” Maddie said.

  “Ew, no kissing frogs.” Paige did a yuck face and wrinkled her nose.

  Laughing, Maddie helped her into the costume that they’d bought for Paige, and then went about doing her hair, and then some light makeup, which was more like face paints.

  The town was having a Halloween party, and Paige had begged for them all to go. Mike and Martha were taking their little ones trick-or-treating.

  Paige jumped off her chair and rushed toward the mirror.

  Maddie couldn’t stop laughing as Paige slapped her hands against her face and gasped in terror.

  “I look like a nightmare.”

  “You look beautiful.”

  “Come on, Maddie. What are you going to be?” Paige asked.

  She walked into the closet, and stared at the dress that Caleb had brought for her. Her favorite fairy tale, Belle. The yellow ballgown was for adult dress-up. She slipped it on, and was surprised that it had fit. She’d already pinned up her hair and done her makeup. Halloween had never been a fun night for her before this.

  Emily had always gotten her friends to bully her, and to take away the candy she’d gone trick-or-treating with.

  Her heart raced as Paige demanded to see her outfit.

  Leaving her closet, her heart stopped when she saw the sexy lumberjack standing behind their little princess.

  “You look beautiful,” he said.

  Turning toward the mirror, she felt like a princess. The dress she wore had been made for an adult, and sexed up a little. Her tits were pushed up, pressed together, enhancing her large cleavage. It also clung to every single one of her size eighteen curves.

  “And you’re?” she asked, trying not to think of how he made her ache all over. Her heart pounded as she watched him. He held an axe over his shoulder, and she saw he’d kept the safety on.

  “I’m the zombie lumberjack,” he said. “Come back from the dead to hunt all se—pretty princesses.”

  “She is so pretty, Daddy. Why couldn’t you dress as a prince?” Paige asked.

  “Because a princess always needs a real man in her life.” He winked at her, and it made Maddie’s stomach tighten.

  “Come on, let’s get this show on the road,” he said.

  They all climbed into his truck and headed toward town.

  It was the first time that they’d made it a full Halloween event. Every single shop in town had decorations, and there were stalls for candy. She saw kids walking around in packs, going trick-or-treating. The town party was already in full swing.

  Once they’d parked, she held onto Paige’s hand as they walked toward Mike and his gang.

  After they made a plan for trick-or-treating, Paige stayed by her side. Caleb didn’t leave her either, and she was very much aware of him at her back, looking every bit the sexy lumberjack.

  “Do you do Halloween often?” she asked.

  Paige pulled out of her hand, and she watched how she bobbed for apples with her cousins. She didn’t let the little girl out of her sight.

  “Not much. We carve a pumpkin, and we have some candy while watching some television normally,” he said. “She’s always wanted to go trick-or-treating. I’ve just never had the time.”

  Paige had begged her to get Caleb to agree to go to the town party. Halloween had fallen on a Friday, and with school out for the weekend, it had been a lot of fun. Maddie hadn’t even needed to ask Caleb.

  When she got home, he already had their costumes. Of course, he had to replace Paige’s because she wanted to go as a princess rather than a cowgirl. Every year she’d wanted to go as a cowgirl, only this time she’d wanted to go as something different.

  “I love my dress,” Maddie said, running a hand over the fabric.

  His hand moved to her waist, and he pulled her back against him. “I can’t wait to take it off you.” His fingers stroked over her hip, and for a few seconds, she closed her eyes, basking in his touch.

  She’d become addicted to his touch, and her nipples tightened, the hard buds pressing against the padding of her dress.

  “I’m not going to lie, I wanted to get you this really sexy maid’s outfit that showed everything off. It would barely cover your tits, and bending down would show off your ass.” He quickly pressed a kiss to her neck.

  She didn’t care that they were in town. She was under his thrall as he spoke. “What stopped you?”

  “I bought it, but I decided I wanted to be the one to see you in it, and only me. No other man is ever going to know how sexy you are when you come, or how tight your cunt gets wrapped around my cock.” His hand squeezed her hip. “They’re not going to know how you love to be fucked, or how dirty you like to get.”

  Heat flooded her pussy, and she bit down on her lip. Just a few words and she was putty in his hands.

  Paige grabbed an apple, and Caleb pulled away just a little. “I got one. I got one. I got one.” She held up an apple.

  Pushing all of her erotic thoughts from her mind, she smiled at Paige. “Eat it then.” She hugged Paige close just before she ran off again. For the next hour, with Caleb by her side, Maddie was very much aware of the heat of him at her back. She didn’t want to linger, but she also didn’t want to run off and spoil Paige’s night.

  She’d been looking forward to it so much.

  Paige had an entire full bag of candy, and they made their way back toward the center of town to enjoy the small disco that was taking place. Martha and Mike had taken Paige to start the disco while she and Caleb put the candy in the truck for later. Maddie and Caleb came to a stop as Emily and Chad stood in front of them.

  “Well, well, well, if it’s not my little sister,” Emily said.

  “Hello, Maddie,” Chad said.

  She looked toward Chad, and saw her ex smile at her. He also looked pained as he spoke to her.

  Turning her attention back to Emily, she smiled. “Happy Halloween,” she said.

  Caleb stepped up close to her back, and knowing he was there filled her with comfort. It was only then that Maddie realized that she wasn’t comfortable being with Emily. Her big sister had always found some way in which to hurt her.

  Emily was dressed as a maid, and with her slender body, she looked good, which only made Maddie’s arousal at Caleb’s suggestions earlier evaporate. There was no way she’d ever look good in something like that.

  “You’re Caleb Pole, right?” Emily asked, completely ignoring Maddie.

  She watched as Emily left Chad’s side, and actually began to flirt with Caleb, right there, in front of him.

  Glancing at Chad, she saw the anger on his face, and was shocked by it.

  “Emily, enough of acting like a whore. He’s not interested,” Chad said.

  “How dare you speak to me like that,” Emily said.

  “Seriously, right now you’re with me, and you’re flirting with another guy as if I’m not here. Get your shit together, Em.”

  “We’re going to leave you to that,” Caleb said, taking Maddie’s hand and leading her away from the fighting couple.

  “Were you … interested?” she asked, cringing as she even asked the question.

  “You want to know if I was interested in your sister?” Caleb asked, stopping her from leaving.

  Old insecurities were a menace, and she hated that she had them in the first place. Seeing Emily with Chad, not only that but the fact her sister started to flirt with Caleb, she’d felt so fucking useless.

  “Forget I said anything.”

  She went to leave, but Caleb wouldn’t let her go. He took hold of her arm and pulled her close. “No, you don’t get to leave after asking a question like that.”

  “Let’s just get back to the party, okay? I don’t want to leave Paige for too long.”

  “She’s having fun with Mike and Martha. We’ll be there in a minute.”

  She took a deep breath, and finally looked him in the eye. “What? What is it?” she asked.

  “Are you used to people wanting your sister more than you?”

  “What kind of a question is that?”

  “What kind of a question is asking me if I was interested in your sister, when not that long ago I was balls deep inside your pussy?”

  “I don’t want to talk about this.”

  He wouldn’t let her go. “We are talking about this, and you’re not running. Not anymore.”

  “Yes, fine. Everyone who is anyone always wanted Emily. She was the pretty sister. The one they always wanted because she was the belle of the ball, or whatever it is called. I’m the one no one ever wants.” She gritted her teeth, hating the pain that struck her hard from her own words. “Can we just go back?”

  “No, we’re not going back.” He cupped her face, forcing her to look at him. “You’re my number one.”


  “You’re mine. I don’t want to throw you away or push you aside. I don’t want Emily. In fact, when I look at her I see a spiteful bitch, and I don’t want that person near me or my daughter. You’re a good woman, Maddie. You’re beautiful. Nice, kind, loving, and I don’t want anyone else but you in my bed, and you know what that makes you, right?”

  “What?” she asked.

  “It makes you mine. That’s what you are. You’re mine.” He slammed his lips down on hers, and she melted for him. The final piece of ice melted around her heart, and the love she felt for Caleb completed.

  Chapter Nine

  “It’s a little cold,” Maddie said.

  Caleb smiled and held her hips, guiding her toward the old barn that was now just a place to put old tools, and mostly used for storage.

  “You’ll warm up.”

  After their Halloween argument, everything had settled down between them. Paige was currently at school, and he’d come home for lunch to find Maddie underneath the table, her rounded ass sticking up in the air, and he couldn’t resist. Most of the ranch hands were on part-time until spring hit. The jobs around the ranch were taken care of by himself, Mike, and the few full-time staff they employed.

  He’d not encountered Emily or Chad since that night, and he was glad. Caleb had meant every single word that he’d said to Maddie that night. He didn’t like her sister, nor did he appreciate her flirting with him. The only person he wanted flirting with him was in his arms.

  The woman he was falling for, and fast.

  His little girl already loved her, and his mother did, too. Mike and Martha were huge fans of her as well. She’d worked her way into their hearts, and he didn’t want to ever let her go.

  “This is all mysterious,” she said.

  “I was hoping you’d think it was more kinky.” He’d placed a blindfold over her eyes, so she didn’t know what he had planned. This hadn’t been a spur of the moment thing either. He’d planned this for the past two weeks. Every spare second he had, he’d been cleaning out the storage barn so there was no risk of spiders or mice ruining the mood.

  “You know I had an entire day of cleaning planned,” she said.

  “You can go back to cleaning afterward. I promise. You’re going to like what I do to you.”

  “I saw the books you bought me stored under your bed in a box. I also saw that you’re reading one. Do you like reading some kinky stuff, Caleb?”

  He paused, pulling her red hair off one shoulder. Kissing her neck, he licked over her pulse, and heard her gasp. He loved that sound so much. Sliding his hands from her waist, up to cup her tits, he moaned. She wore one of his favorite lace bras.

  The padded kind were okay, but he never really got to feel her tits within his palm, and he loved touching her.

  “Let’s find out if you can handle me when I’ve read the kinky stuff you like.” He kissed her neck and opened the door. There wasn’t much light, and with her wearing the blindfold, he was the one in charge. He liked that she trusted him. Not at any point did she try to remove the blindfold or pull away from him.

  Moving her toward the ropes that he’d secured in the ceiling, he placed her where he needed her, and took one of her hands, wrapping the rope around it. He made sure it was secured tight before moving onto the next.

  “Caleb, are you a Dominant?” she asked.

  He chuckled. “No. There are no safewords or anything that you need to say. We’re just going to have a little fun. You want this to stop just tell me to stop.” Once she was secure, he pulled her hands up so that they were above her head but not too tight.

  “If you’re not a Dominant, what’s all this?”

  “I don’t like it when you hide yourself from me, and you always try to do that. I want you to stop, and the only way I can think of you doing what I want is by binding you.” He pressed a kiss to her chest, and heard her sudden indrawn breath. “Now, would you like me to continue or would you rather I take you back into the kitchen, and I’ll go about my work?”

  “No, no, I’m fine.”

  “Excellent.” Stepping away from her, for a few seconds he simply admired her. She really was a beautiful woman, and she was all his.

  Moving forward, he began to pull her shirt from her jeans, which she had tucked in. She didn’t say a word, and slowly he began to unbutton her shirt. Button by button he revealed her flesh to his eye. When they were all open, he let the fabric fall.

  She wore a sexy lace bra, which made him wonder if she wore the same style of panties. He was a sucker for her lingerie, but he liked taking them off a lot more.

  Pulling his knife out of his pocket, he ran the blade across the shoulders of her shirt, and let it drop to the floor at their feet.

  “I liked that shirt,” she said.

  “It’s okay. I’ve got plenty to replace it.” It was a man’s style shirt, and he loved it when she wore his clothing. To Caleb, it just added another part to his claiming of her.

  With only the arms of the fabric on her, he stepped back and rounded her body. The jeans she wore obstructed his view, so while he stood behind her, he reached around, and took care of the button and zipper before pulling down her jeans. She lifted first one foot, then the other, and he shoved them to one side, not wanting to look at the clothing.

  He loved it when she was naked, but she wasn’t nearly naked enough.

  The lacy bra was a beautiful shade of red, as were her panties. He didn’t want them on her though, and he removed them. On the bra, he used the blade, cutting it away from her, and the panties he did with a firm grip. She stood before him, bound, naked, and ready for anything he wanted to do.

  “I liked that underwear.”

  Once again, he moved behind her, placing a hand on her stomach. His lips to her neck making her gasp. “I’ll buy you more.” Stroking his fingers across her flesh, he teased up, caressing just beneath her tits, then down her thighs, touching everywhere but her pussy. “I love your body, Maddie.” Moving to her front, he reached behind her, cupping her ass. He squeezed the cheeks of her ass, and relished her moan as it came. The sounds she made were the sexiest he’d ever heard.

  “What are you doing to me?” she asked.

  “Are you wet for me?”


  “Then that’s what I’m doing to you, baby.” Releasing her ass, he stepped back and watched her. “You know, the only way this could be better is if I had a mirro
r to watch what I’m going to do to you.”

  “What are you going to do to me now?” she asked.

  He heard the excitement in her voice, and gripping his cock, he felt his own. He was so fucking hard. He just wanted to take her to the point where they both forgot who they were for just a few seconds.

  The thing was, no matter how many times he screwed Maddie, he couldn’t get enough of her. One time was never enough, and they’d done it nearly a hundred times, and still, he wanted more, craved more of her.

  It wasn’t just her body, or her tight cunt though. He loved spending time with her. Even when it was her time of the month, he didn’t want to rush to leave her company. What was going on between them was a lot more than just sex.

  He stepped up close to her again, and this time, he cupped her tits, pressing them together. Running each of his thumbs across her nipples, he watched as her mouth fell open just a little, and a gasp escaped her. Letting her tits go, he slowly traced down her body before he cupped her pussy.

  The fine hairs on her lips were soaking wet. Sliding a finger between her slit, he felt how wet she was. When he stroked across her clit, he relished her gasp. Moving down, he slid a single finger deep inside her, adding a second one.

  She cried out his name, and pressed her thighs together. Putting his thumb on her clit, he stroked back and forth, watching her come apart as he continued to tease her.

  “Oh … Caleb … oh my…” She bit her lip. Her head fell back, and he continued to torment her, not stopping as her arousal began to build. He felt her cunt tighten around his fingers, but he didn’t want her to come on his fingers.

  No, he wanted to explore, to push her to the very edge, and in the process, build some trust between them.

  Removing his hand from her pussy, he heard her whimper, but he didn’t care as he sucked on his fingers that had been inside her, tasting her cream.

  He couldn’t get enough, and dropping to his knees, he opened her thighs, staring up at her beautiful pussy.


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