and museum
Burrage, Lucinda
Bush, George W.
and new museum
and Till Bill
Bush, Laura
Caldwell, Arthur
Caldwell, J. Hamilton
on jury selection
on state case
California Eagle
on Bryant store incident
Howard influence on stories
version of events
Campbell, Mary Louise
and food stamp fraud
on verdict
Campbell, Maybelle
Campbell, Melvin
as Milam-Bryant accomplice
Carey, Archibald
Carlton, C. Sidney
Add Reed cross-examination
at bond hearing
on Bryant store incident
Carolyn Bryant examination
Chester Miller cross-examination
closing arguments
on defense theory
John Cothran cross-examination
Juanita Milam examination
Mose Wright cross-examination
predictions about trial
on verdict
visit with Mose Wright
Carter, Hodding
Carter, Jimmy
Carter, Maude
Carthan, Alma. See Spearman, Alma
Carthan, Annie “A. D.”
and Mose Wright meetings
Carthan, Emmett “Kid”
Carthan, Mamie. See Bradley, Mamie
Carthan, Marie
Carthan, Wiley Nash “John”
on verdict
Carvery, Lula
Castle, Latham
Caxton, Catherine
Celler, Emanuel
Central Street Station (Chicago)
Century Burial Association
and Till’s body
Chamblee, William
Chandler, Griffin
Chaney, James
Charleston, Mississippi
Chatham, Gerald
Chester Miller examination
closing arguments
criticism of
criticism of Mamie Bradley
on death penalty
and defense fund donation
Franklin Smith cross-examination
George Smith examination
Grover Duke cross-examination
on H. C. Strider
Harold Terry cross-examination
on identity of body
instructions to potential jurors
James Sanders cross-examination
John Cothran examination
Juanita Milam cross-examination
on jury selection
L. W. Boyce cross-examination
Lee McGarrh cross-examination
Lee Russell Allison cross-examination
letters received by
and Mamie Bradley at trial
Mose Wright examination
praise for
on rumors
on shed
on surprise witnesses
and verdict
Chatham, Gerald, Sr.
Cheatham, M. J.
Cherry, Bobby Frank
Cheshier, Bonnie
on new investigation
Chicago, Illinois
black population in
letters sent from
murders in
protest in
race relations in
rumors about Emmett Till
Spell investigation in
Till road dedication
and Till’s body
Chicago American
on Bryant store incident
on Spell claims
Chicago City Council Health Committee
Chicago Daily News
Chicago Daily Tribune
on Bryant store incident
and discovery of body
letter to editor
on Till abduction
Chicago Defender
on Bryant store incident
on Mose Wright’s death
on Spell claims
use in court
Chicago Sun-Times
Chiles, Joyce
criticism of
on FBI report
on grand jury
Greenwood meetings
motives of
Oxford meeting
talk with Sykes
Chrisler, William J.
on Spell investigation
Church, Marguerite S.
Citizens’ Councils
criticism of
rumors regarding
City of New Orleans (train)
Civil Rights Act of 1957
Civil Rights Congress
Civil Rights Memorial
civil rights movement
and Till case
Clark, Hubert
Clarksdale, Mississippi
black hotels in
traffic checks in
Clarksdale Press Register
Clements, Carrie
Cleveland, Mississippi
Cleveland, Ohio: Mamie Bradley speech in
Mose Wright speech in
Cleveland Call and Post
Clinton, Bill
Coburn, Tom
Cochran, Ed
Cochran, Johnnie
Cochran, Thad
Colbert, Ollie. See also Williams, Ollie
Cole, Gwin
help during investigation
Coleman, J. P.
appointment of special prosecutor
at Attala murder trial
on federal probes
and Mississippi governorship
Colin, Mattie Smith
College Press Conference
Collins, Levi “Too Tight”
in Chicago
death rumor
disappearance of
jail rumor
life after Till murder
as murder accomplice
Collins, Treola
Collins, Walter
Collins Commercial
Colon, Doris
Commission, The
and French on verdict. See also American Communist Party
Complete Photo Story of the Till Case
Compretta, Jonathon
Congressional Record
Conner, Eugene “Bull”
Contagious Disease Center
Cook, Blanche Wiesen
Corn Products Refining Company
Cothran, John
on Bryant store incident
on H. C. Strider
help in investigation
on Leflore County grand jury appearance
and Milam’s arrest
on race relations
at river site
search for Till
on Till rumors
trial testimony
Cotton, Slivy Edmunds
cotton gin fan
attached to Till
fate of
origins of
Courts, Gus
Cowles, Gardner
Cowles Magazines, Inc.
Cox, Charlie
on verdict
Crawford, John
Crawford, Jonas
Crawford, Roosevelt
on Bryant store incident
Crawford, Ruth
on Bryant store incident
Crisis, The
Crockett, Anna
and money for Mamie Bradley
and the press
talk with NAACP officials
Crook, Robert L.
defense of Bryant
Crothers, Scatman
Crowe, Chris
Cunningham, William
Current, Gloster
Curry, Connie
Curry, George
Curtis Station, Mississippi
Cushmeer, Alonzo
Dailey, Bobby
and sale of Milam pickup
Dailey, Maurice
Dailey Chevrolet
Daily Defender
Daily People’s World
Daily Southtown
Daily Utah Chronicle
Daily Worker. See also American Communist Party
Daley, Richard
telegram from
threats against
Daley, Richard M.
Daniels, Annie
Daniels, Isaac
Daniels, Woodrow
Dark Ferry Road
Dart, Tom
Davidson, Glen H.
Davis, C. Ehrlich
Davis, Gode
and alleged Till witnesses
Davis, Jefferson
Dawson, William: aid to Mamie Bradley
and Spell
Days, Drew S.
De Rochemont, Louis
Dean (attorney)
Death in the Delta
Death of Innocence
Decell, John Eldridge, III
Dees, Morris
Del Rio, James
DeLaughter, Bobby
Delta Democrat-Times
Delta Inn
and jury
Denley, Bob
Denver City Park
Deseret News
Desmond, Jim: on Mose Wright testimony
at murder trial
Detroit, Michigan: rallies held in
and rumors about Till
Detroit News
Devaney, Ed
Dexter Avenue Baptist Church
Diggs, Charles
challenge to congressional representation
and Congressional Record
criticism of
criticism of prosecution
departure from courthouse
with Howard
moves witnesses to Chicago
at murder trial
on “Shocking Story”
on verdict
during trial. See also racism
Dixon, Amos
on Till kidnapping and murder
Dogan, Harry: aid to Loggins
on Till trial
Donham, Carolyn. See Bryant, Carolyn Holloway
Donham, David
Donoghue, Edmund R.
Dorsey, L. C.
double jeopardy
Downs, Audley
Drew, Mississippi
connection to Till murder
Duck Hill, Mississippi
Duke, Grover
Dulles, John Foster
Dunaway, Edwin E.
Duncan, Steve
Dunne, Pat
Durbin, Dick
Durham, William
Dylan, Bob
East Money Church of God in Christ
attempted burial at
Eastland, James O.
and Louis Till story
Ebony magazine
Edelstein, Mort
on Spell claims
Edmund Pettus Bridge
Edwards, Shirley
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
on civil rights
on compromise
criticism of
heart attack
on jury trial amendment
letters and telegrams to
State of the Union (1956)
State of the Union (1957)
Elliott, Bobby
Elliott, Robert
Emmett Till: Sacrificial Lamb of the Civil Rights Movement
Emmett Till Foundation
Emmett Till Historic Intrepid Center
Emmett Till Historical Museum
Emmett Till Interpretive Center
Emmett Till Justice Campaign
Emmett Till Math and Science Academy
Emmett Till Memorial Bridge
Emmett Till Memorial Commission
Emmett Till Memorial Fund
Emmett Till Memorial Highway
Emmett Till Multipurpose Complex
Emmett Till National Park and Nature Trail
Emmett Till Players
performance of
Emmett Till Road
Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act
Emmett Till’s Secret Witness
Esper, Willie
Evans, Aja
Everett, Arthur: on Mose Wright testimony
at murder trial
Everett, Eva
Evers, Charles
Evers, Medgar
and Clinton Melton murder
on Mamie Bradley
murder of
at rallies
search for witnesses
on Till murder
Evers, Myrlie
Eyes on the Prize
awards for
Till segment
Falls, Jerry
false memory
Faulkner, William
Featherston, James: in Mound Bayou
search for witnesses
Federal Bureau of Investigation
criticism of
examination of murder weapon
investigation (1955)
investigation (2004)
Oxford Office
Fitzgerald, Peter
Fly, Hezekiah
Ford, Fulton
Ford, Louis
and Till’s eulogy
4 Little Girls
Franklin, William B.
Frasier, John: at bond hearing
prosecution of kidnap charges
Frederick, Grover
Gaines, Alma. See Spearman, Alma
Gaines, Tom
Garrett, Simon
at river site
Garrity, Robert J.
on FBI
trial transcript
Garroway, T. V.
Gaston, Clent
Gaston, Marsha
Gaston, Treola. See Collins, Treola
Gibbons, Samuel
Gibbs v. State of Mississippi (1955)
Glendora, Mississippi
and Clinton Melton murder
shoe incident
Till museum and park
Glisson, Susan
Goodman, Andrew
Goodman, Carolyn
Goodwin, Benny
Goolrick, Bill
Gonzales, Alberto
Gordon, Airickca
on new investigation
Gordon, June
Gordon, Ollie
at exhumation
grand jury: call to reconvene
Leflore County (1955)
Leflore County (2007)
Tallahatchie County
Gray, Vincent
Grayson, Robert, and Till Commission
Great Migration
Greenlee, Jim
and FBI report
Oxford meeting
Greenville, Mississippi
Milam home in
Greenwood, Mississippi
attitudes of residents
honors girl
Till visit to
Greenwood Commonwealth
criticism of outsiders
on grand jurors
on Milam arrest
Greenwood Morning Star
and Bryant store closure
criticism of Till case coverage
on “Shocking Story”
Groth, John
Gruenberg, Charles
Guzman, Jessie
Haddock, John H.
Hailman, John
on grand jury decision
Greenwood meetings
Oxford meeting
Halberstam, David
Hall, Mamie
on jury selection
Hambrick, Phyllis
Hamer, Fannie Lou
Hamilton, Herman
Hampton, Henry
on Till
Hansen, Kenneth
Harding, John: on “Shocking Story”
talk with Hicks
Harris, Gus
Harris, Mary Ella
Harris, Nell
Harris, Thomas
Harris, William A.
Harvey, Rhea
Harvey, Steve
Hatcher, John
Havens, Willie
Hawkins, Armis
Hawkins, Ronnique
Hayes, Taylor
Haynes, Goldie
Height, Louis
Heimowski, Frank
Held, Adolph
Helstein, Ralph
Hemphill, Willie
Henderson, Gilbert
Henderson, Harvey
closing arguments
later life and death
praise for colleague
Hennings, Thomas
Henry Clarence Strider Memorial Highway
Henry Ford Museum
Herbers, John
on Mose Wright testimony
at murder trial
Hernando, Mississippi
Herrick, Gene
Hicks, James
on accomplices
arrest of
intervention of
and jury deliberation
letter to Brownell
letter to Brownell and Hoover
in Mound Bayou
at murder trial
search for witnesses
on “Shocking Story”
at Townsend funeral
Hill, Lindsey
Hillegas, Jan
Hinant, George W., Jr.
Hines, Robert
Hodges, Robert
on body in river
trial testimony
Hodges, W. E.
Holland, George
Hollingsworth, C. A.
Holloway, Carolyn. See Bryant, Carolyn Holloway
Holloway, Frances: lives with Bryants
at trial
Holloway, James
Holloway, Thomas
Holmberg, David
Hood, Jim
Hoover, J. Edgar
dilemma of
and communist activities
on jurisdictional issues
Houck, Davis
Howard, T. R. M.
on accomplices
criticism of prosecution
defense theory regarding
house guests
investigation into Till case
move to Chicago
and rallies
role in Adams and Dixon stories
speech in Montgomery
statement to prosecutors
threats against
Hubbard, Joe Willie
Hubbell, Macklyn
Hudson-Weems, Clenora
Huff, William Henry
advice to Mamie Bradley
and lawsuit against defendants
legal counsel in Till case
resignation as Mamie Bradley’s attorney
and the press
writes officials
Hughes, Langston
Huie, William Bradford
on accomplices
on Bryant store incident
contacts Look
defends “Shocking Story”
follow-up story
as informant
Louis Till execution
meeting with John Whitten
meeting with Milam and Bryant
meeting with Till family members
payout for story
proposes story
Emmett Till Page 84