Jet Blue (WeHo Book 5)

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Jet Blue (WeHo Book 5) Page 20

by Sherryl Hancock

  Jet had the shotgun in her hands; John banged on the door and yelled, “Police search warrant.” He stepped back so he could kick the door open. He and Jet moved inside, Jet had the shotgun held at the ready. There was a lot of yelling: “Let me see your hands!” and, “Get on the floor!”

  Fadiyah could hear Jet yell, “Don’t do it… Son of a bitch!” and the next thing Fadiyah saw was a black woman running out of the house holding a baseball bat, Jet was right behind her. The woman turned suddenly swinging the bat around to try and hit Jet. Jet jumped back, barely missing getting the bat in the ribs. She reached out, snatching the bat out of the woman’s hands. The woman went into a low crouch, and Jet stood there looking at her.

  “Are you seriously going to make me do this?” Jet asked the woman.

  “I can take you bitch,” the woman said.

  “Many have tried and failed, honey,” Jet said, her tone wry.

  The woman ran at Jet, who squatted down at the last possible second, and came up under the woman’s legs, flipping her over her shoulder.

  “Be smart,” Jet said, looking down at the woman. “Stay down.”

  Regardless, the woman scampered to her feet, lunging at Jet, who blocked her by bringing one arm up. She used the other to grab the woman by the back of the neck and started applying pressure.

  “I hate this shit,” Jet said. “Why did you insist on fighting me?”

  “Fuck you!” the woman spat.

  “Not likely, honey,” Jet said, as she woman dropped to her knees. “Now, you have the right to remain silent, do us all a favor and use that right. But if you don’t, anything you say can and will, and I do mean will, be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney, you’re gonna get some kid fresh out of law school trying to get his student loans forgiven by working for the public defender’s office… Good fucking luck with that.”

  Jet cuffed the woman and then hauled her to her feet, walking her over to a waiting uniformed officer. Jet then keyed her radio. “All clear?” she asked.

  “Clear,” Kashena answered on the radio.

  Jet walked over to the truck, opening the door and holding her hand to out to Fadiyah.

  “See, how much fun that was?” she asked, grinning.

  “I think you are crazy,” Fadiyah said, smiling.

  “That is highly likely.”

  That night Fadiyah ended up in Jet’s room again.

  “This is getting to be a habit,” Jet muttered, grinning.

  When Fadiyah hesitated, Jet sat up and took her hand pulling her down on the bed gently.

  “I was just kidding, Fadi,” Jet said softly.

  Fadiyah ended up sleeping in her arms once again.

  Chapter 9

  The next day, Jet took Fadiyah shopping for clothes and necessities. Fadiyah was far too bowled over by the mall. There were so many things to take in and look at that she felt overwhelmed. Jet finally decided they should try someplace more exclusive with less people. That ended up meaning West Hollywood where the shops were boutiques.

  They walked in and out of shops trying to find a place that Fadiyah felt comfortable shopping in, but Jet still sensed she was a bit freaked out. At one point she took Fadiyah’s hand squeezing it gently.

  “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, Fadi,” she said, her tone tinged with concern.

  Fadiyah squeezed her hand. “It is okay, there is just so much to look at.”

  “I know,” Jet said, grinning.

  As they turned to continue walking, Fadiyah held onto Jet’s hand, eventually moving to encircle Jet’s arm in hers as she had on the plane coming home. Jet smiled fondly, knowing that Fadiyah was trying to assimilate so many things at that point, and it had to be terrifying.

  In the end, Jet found a shop that had a private dressing room option. Fadiyah was extremely uncomfortable about strangers seeing her trying on clothes. Jet knew it had to do with the conditioning she’d received growing up that women didn’t flaunt themselves. Jet had assured her repeatedly that she was completely within reason to continue to wear a hijab and even an abaya if it made her more comfortable. Fadiyah’s response had been that she wanted to wear the kind of clothes that Jet had gotten for her in Iraq; she liked them.

  When Jet had finally gotten Fadiyah to try on clothes, she noticed that Fadiyah liked the more feminine styles, and so she started helping Fadiyah select items. Fadiyah kept trying to buy sizes that were far too big for her.

  The sales girl that had been helping them, started to get annoyed at Fadiyah’s reticence. She began making sharp comments that had Fadiyah shrinking. Jet, who’d been leaning casually against the wall, letting the ‘girls’ do all the talking, stepped in then. She moved to stand next to the sales girl, lowering her head so her lips were close to the girl’s ear.

  “If you continue to talk to her that way, I’m going to find it necessary to get rather unpleasant, do you understand me?”

  The girl looked shocked, but nodded. Jet turned her head to look the girl in the eyes, her look withering. The girl swallowed convulsively, and stepped sideways. Jet nodded, then looked over at Fadiyah who had watched the scene with a look of concern on her face.

  “I like that one,” Jet said, smiling.

  Fadiyah blinked, surprised by how quickly Jet’s mood could shift, but she appreciated Jet looking out for her. The sales girl was much more careful with her words after that and Jet was ever watchful that it stayed that way.

  At the register the clothes, shoes and other items rang up to well over $3,000. Jet pulled out her credit card without batting an eyelash. Fadiyah looked over at her.

  “How much would that be in dinar?” Fadiyah asked.

  Jet simply grinned, shaking her head.

  “Jet!” Fadiyah exclaimed. “Tell me.”

  “It doesn’t matter, Fadi.”

  “It does,” Fadiyah said, her look serious.

  “I’m not sure,” Jet said, hedging as the sales girl handed back her credit card.

  Fadiyah looked back at her, knowing she wasn’t being honest.

  “You can Google it and it’ll calculate that for you,” the sales girl said, trying to be helpful.

  Jet narrowed her eyes at the girl. “Thanks,” she said tightly.

  When she picked up the bags, and turned, she saw that Fadiyah was standing with her hands on her hips, her look pointed.

  “Let’s go,” Jet said.

  Fadiyah shook her head, refusing to move.

  “Don’t worry about it, okay?” Jet said.

  “Look it up,” Fadiyah said.




  “Because it is a lot, is it not?” Fadiyah asked.

  “To you it will seem like a lot, yes,” Jet said, nodding.

  “How much?” Fadiyah asked. “Look it up.”

  “I don’t need to look it up, I calculated these numbers in my head for more than four years.”

  “Then tell me,” Fadiyah said.

  “About three point five,” Jet said, moving around Fadiyah to start walking out of the store.

  “Three point five?” Fadiyah repeated, following Jet. “Three point five what?”

  “Million,” Jet said.

  Fadiyah stopped walking, her mouth hanging open. Jet turned around, looking back at her.

  “I told you it would seem like a lot to you,” Jet said.

  “In my lifetime we would never have had so much money, in my father’s lifetime…”

  Jet sighed, walking back to where Fadiyah stood. She set the bags down, taking Fadiyah into her arms.

  “I know that, babe,” she said, her voice soft. “But I do make that kind of money, and you need things, okay? So let me do this for you.”

  Fadiyah buried her face in Jet’s shirt. “It is so much…” she said miserably.

  “It really isn’t, Fadi, not for me,” Jet said.

  Fadiyah stood in Jet
’s arms for a few minutes, trying to reconcile her life in Iraq, versus her life in America, and it was mind boggling. Jet stood, holding her, knowing that Fadiyah was trying to make sense of everything, and accept it. She knew that Fadiyah wouldn’t like accepting charity; it had been why she’d been hesitant about telling Fadiyah how much it all cost. Fadiyah’s family had been extremely poor, with no other relatives to live with to pool resources. To Jet’s way of thinking, it was only right that she give back to this girl who saved her life. Though, getting that same girl to accept it was easier said than done.

  Later when they shopped for food, Fadiyah asked how much each item was in dinar, shocked at how expensive things were. Regardless, they got through the grocery shopping much easier, since Jet had to eat too. It was an interesting day.

  That night Fadiyah once again showed up in Jet’s room, and once again fell asleep in Jet’s arms. It was definitely becoming a habit. Jet didn’t really mind. She was glad that Fadiyah felt that comfortable with her, especially considering the whole “lesbian” thing and the fact that people from the Middle East rarely knew how to handle such an oddity as gay people. In Iraq it was a crime to be gay. As far as Iraqis were concerned, Jet was a criminal in their country. So Fadiyah staying with her, and actually being willing to be around her, even held by her, meant that Fadiyah was either not swayed by what she’d been taught, or she just didn’t apply it to Jet. Jet wasn’t sure which it was, but certainly didn’t ask.

  The next day, Jet and Fadiyah were having a movie day. Fadiyah was determined that Jet was going to rest, so she’d insisted on staying home. Jet had suggested that she begin Fadiyah’s movie education. They’d taken a break for lunch and Jet was in the kitchen making pasta when Ashley walked in the front door. Fadiyah had gone to the bathroom and didn’t see Ashley come in, but she heard the front door close. She came out of the bathroom at the same time Ashley turned into the kitchen.

  Ashley walked around the corner into the kitchen and saw Jet standing there leaning casually against the counter.

  “Jet!” Ashley exclaimed, practically throwing herself into Jet’s arms. Jet happily grabbed her up in a hug. “You’re back, you’re back…” Ashley said over again, hugging Jet tight, her head against Jet’s chest.

  “I’m back, honey,” Jet said, smiling down at Ashley tenderly.

  Ashley lifted her head then, pressing her lips to Jet’s. They kissed for a few long moments, Jet’s hand cupping Ashley’s cheek.

  “Okay, let me see it,” Ashley said, suddenly pulling away.

  Jet grinned. “I sent you a picture…”

  “Don’t get smart with me,” Ashley said, narrowing her eyes at Jet. “Let’s see,” she said, reaching up to grasp Jet’s shoulders to turn her around.

  “Okay, okay, hold on, Jesus…” Jet said, grinning. “Always trying to get my clothes off…” Reaching up, Jet pulled her shirt off then turned her back obligingly to Ashley.

  “Oh God, baby…” Ashley said, her voice full of sympathy.

  “It’s just a scratch,” Jet said, looking over her shoulder.

  “Jet Blue Mathews, scratches don’t take five stitches to close!” Ashley practically growled.

  Standing on her tip toes, Ashley pressed her lips to the wound, her hands gently touching Jet’s back. Jet turned and picked Ashley up to set her on the counter, her light green eyes now staring directly into Ashley’s.

  “I’m fine,” she told Ashley again.

  Ashley blew her breath out, shaking her head. “You could have been killed…” she whispered.

  “But I wasn’t,” Jet whispered back.

  Ashley touched Jet’s cheek, her eyes tearful.

  “No crying…” Jet told her firmly. “I’m back, and I’m fine, okay?”

  Ashley slid her hand to the back of Jet’s neck, pulling her forward and kissing her deeply. Jet tensed, pulling back slightly. “Easy babe, she’s here…” she murmured against Ashley’s lips.

  “Where?” Ashley asked.

  Jet looked over Ashley’s shoulder, seeing Fadiyah standing in the living room, looking straight at them.

  “Uh…” Jet stammered, her grin starting at the inanity of the situation.

  Ashley saw where Jet was looking and turned around, still sitting on the counter.

  “Oh,” Ashley said, looking supremely embarrassed. “Wow, um, hi,” she said smiling at Fadiyah.

  Jet slid her hands around Ashley’s hips, pulling her off the counter gently and setting her on her feet, then she gestured for Ashley to precede her. Ashley walked toward the living room, her eyes meeting Fadiyah’s and sensing caution there.

  She started to extend her hand to the other woman, but Jet’s hand on her shoulder stopped her. Ashley had started to extend her left hand, which was an insult to people from the Middle East. Ashley glanced back at Jet. Jet’s eyes were on Fadiyah who had actually backed up a step.

  “What?” Ashley asked, seeing Jet’s look and Fadiyah’s reaction.

  “Asif,” Jet said to Fadiyah. “'Annaha la taelam.”

  Fadiyah nodded, her silver-gray eyes on Ashley, still very cautious.

  “What did you just say?” Ashley said, having never heard Jet speak Arabic before.

  “I apologized and told her that you don’t know their traditions,” Jet said.

  Ashley looked at Fadiyah. “That’s true, I don’t.”

  “Ladayk alearabiat w tahsin,” Fadiyah said to Jet with a sparkle in her eyes, telling Jet that her Arabic was improving, which had Jet chuckling.

  “Shukraan,” Jet said, inclining her head.

  “It is okay,” Fadiyah said to Ashley. “We extend right hands to greet people, as it is believed that the left hand is unclean.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” Ashley said, grimacing. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  “It is okay. It is as Jet says, that you do not know our customs,” Fadiyah said, a small smile on her face.

  “I understand that you are the reason we still have Jet, though,” Ashley said, her voice sincere. “Thank you for that.”

  “It was my honor,” Fadiyah said, inclining her head, her eyes on Jet.

  Ashley smiled, nodding, then glanced back into the kitchen.

  “Uh, Jet…” Ashley said, pointing to the stove where the pasta was attempting to boil over.

  “Ah crap!” Jet strode back into the kitchen, turning the fire down just in time to keep the pot from boiling over.

  “Score another one for Mathews’ culinary skills,” Ashley said, grinning and winking over at Fadiyah. “I’m going to go put my stuff away.” With that Ashley went upstairs.

  Fadiyah and Jet sat down to eat a few minutes later, while Ashley was still upstairs.

  “She is very beautiful,” Fadiyah said.

  Jet nodded, “I’m sorry if you got a little too much of an eyeful when she came in, she didn’t see you…”

  “It is okay,” Fadiyah said. “This is your home, and she is your girlfriend, it is right that she kiss you.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend,” Jet said, wondering how many times she was going to have to say that to convince everyone.

  “She kissed you like she is,” Fadiyah said, her smile knowing.

  Jet hesitated, and then blew her breath out, shaking her head. “I’m just going to shut up now, because I know I’m not going to win this conversation.”

  Fadiyah suppressed a smile and only nodded. “So very wise,” she said.

  Ashley came back downstairs, having changed into shorts and a loose fitting tank top. To Fadiyah, Ashley was the consummate American beauty with her blue eyes, blond highlights in her hair and her perfect tan and makeup. Fadiyah felt absolutely frumpy next to the girl. It also became very obvious to her that Jet and Ashley were close. Ashley joined them for the movies they were watching. Jet had selected a series of eighties movies.

  Jet sat on the chaise lounge end of the sectional, with her legs extending out in front of her. Ashley sat next to Jet and Fadiyah sat on the
other side of Ashley. They were watching The Breakfast Club. During the course of the movie, Jet and Ashley exchanged comments about who was like who from their high school.

  “No, that’s Amber Shelly,” Ashley said, indicating the character played by Molly Ringwold, a spoiled rich girl.

  “Nah,” Jet said, shaking her head, “ore like Amanda.”

  “Oh my God, you’re right,” Ashley said, grinning. “She even had red hair like that.”

  “It was dyed,” Jet said.

  “How do you know?” Ashley asked, her look pointed.

  Jet just looked back at her, a grin on her lips.

  “Oh my God, you didn’t!” Ashley said.

  Jet made a sucking sound through her teeth. “Let’s just say the carpet doesn’t match the drapes and leave it at that…”

  “Jet!” Ashley said, shocked and tossed a pillow at Jet.

  “Hey…” Jet said, laughing. “She was into bad girls, what can I say?”

  “I thought you didn’t do anything like that in high school,” Ashley said.

  “Who said it was high school?” Jet asked, her look teasing.

  Ashley shook her head, looking over at Fadiyah who was watching the conversation with an amused look on her face.

  Eventually, Ashley ended up in Jet’s arms. Jet had turned so she could sit between her legs, leaning back against Jet’s chest. At one intermission, Jet moved to stand, stretching and moving her neck around.

  “Gonna go smoke,” she said. “The next one should be either Footloose or Flashdance.”

  “Any preference?” Ashley asked, as Jet walked toward the back door.

  “Jennifer Beals is hot…” Jet said, grinning as she walked out of the door.

  Ashley looked over at Fadiyah. “And that’s a way to grade movies too.”

  “Which?” Fadiyah asked.

  “The hot female factor,” Ashley said, grinning. “Jet’s kind of a womanizer.”

  “Womanizer?” Fadiyah asked her look confused.

  “Well,” Ashley said, trying to think of a nice way to put it, “Jet is kind of popular with women.”

  “Popular?” Fadiyah queried.

  “Yeah, they like her a lot.”

  “Because of the butch thing?” Fadiyah asked, using Jet’s terminology.


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