Kit And Kisses

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Kit And Kisses Page 9

by Smith, Karen Rose

  "I didn't say that."

  "You didn't have to." Concentrating her attention on the toys before her, she picked out a ball with a bell in the center.

  Kit was so different from any woman he'd ever dated. She demanded complete honesty from anyone she dealt with. And he was beginning to realize she demanded it most from herself. He'd offended her and he wasn't sure what to do next.

  After Deedee finished her shift, Grey drove them to Kit's. There was tension between the two women and tension between him and Kit. It didn't make for a very comfortable ride. But when they reached Kit's apartment and got out of his car, Deedee gazed at the house before her and said, "It's big."

  Kit came up beside her. "I only live in the downstairs. But there's plenty of room for me and the two cats. My sister used to live here with me."

  "You have a sister?"

  "Her name's Maggie."

  "Why'd she move out?"

  "Because she bought a house."

  "Were you lonely?"

  "At first, I was very lonely. But she and I talk on the phone and visit often. I know she's around if I need her."

  Deedee remained silent and Grey wondered what she was thinking.

  "Would you like to meet my cats?" Kit asked.

  "I want to see the butterflies first."

  "Then let's go around back."

  Grey had never been in Kit's backyard in the daytime. As they rounded the corner of the house, they walked under a white wooden trellis draped with a climbing rose, brilliant red and fragrant. Deedee fingered one of the blooms before she followed Kit down the walk.

  The early evening sun bathed the bed of flowers down the west side of the yard. The bright splashes of color were just out of reach of the shade of the maple and a weeping cherry and made a stark contrast against the green hedge separating Kit's yard from her neighbor's. Even from here, Grey could see butterflies darting and hovering over the purple, orange, yellow, and red flowers.

  Deedee took a few steps closer to the bed. "Look at all of them!"

  Small and large butterflies, copper, yellow, black, and white flittered above the flowers. Grey was amazed at the number of them as much as his sister.

  "They're all looking for nectar—that's their main food," Kit explained.

  "What varieties do you have planted here?" Grey asked as he looked at the assortment of flowers.

  "Zinnias, snapdragons, cone flowers, Queen Anne's lace, cosmos, and asters. I started with the butterfly bushes in the back, and each year I add something new. I try to plant a variety of heights because some butterflies like to soar and others like to stay low."

  "Which are which?" Deedee asked, looking on in awe.

  Kit pointed and described each type of flower. She did it patiently and simply. Grey knew she wasn't pretending.

  Deedee gestured across the yard at the white and red impatiens. "Why don't you have that kind of flower on this side?"

  "Because that side of the yard gets shade and impatiens like shade. All of the flowers on this side like sun. Sun is important to attract butterflies. If their wing muscles aren't warm, they don't fly. That's why you don't see them much when the sun's not out."

  Deedee tugged on Grey's arm. "They're on those rocks and their wings are open!"

  "They like to rest and perch there. That's why I put the rocks in the garden."

  A wooden chair sat near the garden, one with a long back that sank almost to the ground. "Do you spend much time here?" Grey asked gently.

  Kit studied the profusion of color, the butterflies dipping and soaring and lighting on a cone flower's pink petals. "After work, when I need to wind down. I come down here and just watch their wings, absorb the colors, let the warmth seep into my soul."

  "Can I watch for a while?" Deedee asked.

  Kit smiled at the younger woman's hopeful expression, her obvious pleasure at seeing the garden. "Sure. I'll get us something to drink and make some sandwiches. Ham and cheese okay?"

  Deedee dropped onto the ground, crossing her legs under her and nodding. Grey put his hand on her shoulder. "I'll help Kit. We'll be right back."

  She nodded again, totally engrossed by the flowers and the wings fluttering among them.

  Grey followed Kit into the house and let the awkward silence linger only until she'd taken the ham and cheese from the refrigerator. "You're doing everything right."

  "I'm not trying to do everything right," she said curtly.

  He took her by the shoulders. "I know."

  Kit restlessly moved under his hands. "Tell me something, Grey. What if Deedee doesn't like me?"

  "She will."

  With a toss of her head, she murmured, "I'm being realistic."

  "So am I." Seeing his answer hadn't satisfied or comforted Kit, he told her the truth. "I don't know. You know what Deedee means to me, the responsibility I feel for her."

  "I understand but..."

  "Kit, I can't give you all the answers. All we can do is take one day at a time and explore this thing together."

  The crystal blue of her eyes warmed. "So you think this will be an adventure?"

  He chuckled, relieved the tension between them had eased. "With you and Deedee it couldn't be anything else." He slid his hands to Kit's neck and stroked her cheeks with his thumbs. When she trembled, he backed away.

  Deedee was sitting in the yard, waiting for them.


  As soon as Grey stepped away, Kit realized why he had backed off. One of these times that they started with a kiss, they wouldn't end with a kiss. And with his sister waiting in the back yard...

  She asked, "How do you feel about parties?"

  He shrugged. "I haven't been to any in a while. Why? Are you planning one?"

  "Yes. My living room furniture is supposed to arrive on Friday and I'm throwing a bash to celebrate on Saturday. It's casual. Eric and Maggie will be here and co-workers from Sunrise. You met some of them when you came to The Music Box. Are you interested?"

  His green gaze darkened with desire. "I'm very interested. A party sounds like fun."

  The idea of Grey meeting her friends pleased Kit. Trent had always backed off. The more people in her life, the more questions they'd ask about him and his business dealings. Unfortunately, she hadn't asked enough questions or analyzed his answers closely enough. Hence, her caution with Grey. Yet the voice of caution was getting softer and softer and she realized trust was beginning to grow.


  Late Friday afternoon, Kit stood in her living room and closed her cell phone, angry with the distributor who hadn't gotten her furniture to the store, angry with the store because they hadn't informed her about the delay before today. Now she had a party planned and no furniture. Lovely.

  Suddenly she thought of Grey. She'd been thinking of him a lot, day and night, even in her dreams. Particularly in her dreams. Deedee had kept her distance Monday evening but her sullenness had lessened. Grey had dropped over Tuesday and Thursday and they'd played bocci in Kit's backyard, exchanging kisses for every point scored. That had been his suggestion. She had to smile thinking about it...the temptation...the anticipation.

  But now she was thinking of Grey for practical reasons as she dialed the store.

  Grey himself answered. "Are you calling to ask for a rematch?" he teased. "I think you still owe me for a few points."

  "I paid in full, Corey. In fact, I think I'm paid up through the next three games."

  He laughed. "Then we'll have to switch to another game. Are you free tonight?"

  "I have to get ready for the party and that's why I'm calling. My living room furniture never arrived. The store's telling me it's delayed until next week. But everything else is set for tomorrow night. I wondered if you might have a display table and some folding chairs. They won't look as good..."

  "I have tables and chairs. But they might look better outside. What if we put up a canopy or two and had an outside bash? I have
strings of lanterns we can hang around the edges."

  "I was planning to let everyone spill outside because of the hot weather, but your idea sounds terrific. I'll be glad to pay you for the lights, renting the tables and the canopies..."

  There was silence for a moment. "No payment, Kit."


  "Can't I do you a favor? After all you've done for the store?"

  "I get paid for the work I do at your store."

  "I think we've gone past public relations expert and client, haven't we?"

  He was right. She always did her best for her clients. But in the case of Corey's Hardware she wanted the store to succeed as much as he did. "Yes, we have. I'll accept your favor."

  "I'll be over tomorrow morning to put up the canopies and the lights. Is eight too early?"

  "Eight is fine."


  Saturday morning, Grey set up the canopies while Kit washed and cut vegetables, made dozens of small sandwiches, and mixed dips. It was ten thirty, when he came into the kitchen, wiping the sweat from his brow. "That sun's getting hot."

  Kit took a pitcher of iced tea from the refrigerator and poured him a glass. "Here you go."

  He lifted the tumbler and drank. Kit watched his neck muscles, admired his tan, and remembered the strength of his body, the curling chest hair, his flat stomach. He'd look great in anything. Or nothing? a little devil inside her asked.

  She put the tea in the refrigerator. "Would you like to stay for lunch?"

  He set the empty glass on the counter. "I'd like to, but I can't. I have to get back to the store. I'm short-handed this morning. Larry isn't coming in until three and I told Gus I'd be back by eleven. Do you want me to come early this evening to help you set up?"

  "Eric and Maggie are coming around seven thirty. You can come whenever you'd like."

  Grey stepped closer to her, lifting her chin with his knuckle. "I'd stay here all day if I could, but thanks to you, one person in the store on Saturday isn't enough. You could give me something to get me through the day, though, and something I'll remember until tonight."

  "And what would that be?" she asked breathlessly as his arms came around her.

  "This," he murmured as his lips found hers.

  Kissing Grey was becoming as natural as breathing. She fit against him so perfectly, his hand felt so right as it urged her closer. Welcoming his tongue, she tasted lemon from the tea, felt the damp heat from his morning's work, and inhaled his scent that could intoxicate her if she let it. For a few moments, she let herself be swept away.

  But she could still hear that soft little voice in her head that whispered, You don't know him very well. Be careful. Bracing her hands on his chest, she gently pushed back.

  Grey accepted her nonverbal signal. Backing away, he gently stroked her cheek. She could see the pulse at his throat beating as rapidly as hers.

  "I'll see you tonight," he said, his voice husky.

  She nodded, knowing her words would be shaky if she tried to speak. When he left her kitchen, she knew her feelings for him were getting serious. Very serious.

  Was she ready for that?


  Saturday evening around nine, with the party in full swing, Kit refilled the pretzel basket and checked the potato chips. She noticed Grey standing by the porch with Bruce, deep in conversation.

  "Greyson Corey is much sexier than Trent Higgins."

  Kit knew the voice before her gaze swept over the svelte red-head who worked in the office next to hers. Natalie Richards could make honey drip from her mouth if she wanted to woo a client. But her tongue could cut mortally if that same client or a co-worker displeased her. Kit stayed away from the woman as much as she could, but because of propriety, she'd invited her along with everyone else at Sunrise.

  "He's more than a client, isn't he?" Natalie asked with a knowing smile.

  Kit shrugged. "Grey's become a friend."

  "I saw that kiss in the kitchen when you went in for more soda. It looked like more than friendship to me. Do you think that's wise when you're handling his account?"

  "My wisdom or lack of it is really none of your concern." From experience, Kit knew exchanging barbs with Natalie would serve no earthly purpose.

  Natalie took another more exacting look at Grey then offered, "I'd be careful if I were you. He could be attentive because he's interested, or because you'll do a better job for him if he is. You wouldn't want to get used again."

  "Natalie, I'd suggest you try a sandwich and give your mouth something to do. It might keep you out of trouble."

  As Natalie narrowed her eyes for a comeback, Kit moved away and plucked a can of soda from the cooler on the ground. Straightening, she popped the top but looked deep into the night rather than sipping it.

  "Don't let her put doubts in your head about Grey."

  Kit's hand went to her chest. "Eric, you startled me."

  Her brother-in-law casually leaned against the end of one table, crossing one foot over the other. "That's because you were too deep in thought. Anyone who listens to that woman for a minute can tells she's a—"

  "I know what she is. I have to work with her."

  Eric pushed his hands into his pockets. "Grey is what he seems."

  "I had the wool pulled over my eyes before."

  "Kit, you have got to stop comparing every man you meet to Trent Higgins. You look for a hidden agenda. Grey doesn't have one."

  Kit swirled the soda can around in her hand. "I'd like to believe that."

  "Would you? Or are you more interested in protecting yourself from getting hurt again?"

  Despite the run-in with Natalie and wrestling with her own doubts, Kit smiled. "I can always count on you to ask the tough questions."

  "What else is a brother-in-law for?" Eric pushed up from the table and slung his arm around Kit's shoulders. "I understand there's a CD player on the porch. Let's put on some music and get this party jumping."

  Grey spotted Eric and Kit as they approached the steps. He'd watched Kit with all types of men tonight—friends, co-workers. He'd recognized the appreciation and admiration as their gazes passed over her turquoise knit top and shorts. Rob showed lots of appreciation. It was obvious he was interested in more than looking.

  Grey had been gripped by an entirely new feeling—jealousy. He couldn't remember ever feeling that with Susan. It made him realize his interest in Kit was going far beyond friendship, maybe even far beyond hormones.

  Was he ready for that? Was Deedee? There was only one way to find out. He needed to get Kit and Deedee together again.


  Sunday afternoon, Grey's hand brushed Kit's as he handed her the napkins. His fingers held hers for a long moment and he smiled.

  To remember they were on a picnic so she and Deedee could become friends, Kit focused on the food in the picnic basket. But as she looked up into Deedee's wary and interested gaze, she knew she had a ways to go in gaining Grey's sister's confidence. Although Deedee had enjoyed Kit's butterfly garden and made friends with Byron and Keats, it was clear she was uncertain about Kit's relationship with Grey.

  Today she'd stuck to him like the proverbial glue, insisting on sitting next to him in the truck while managing to keep at least an inch between herself and Kit in the close quarters of the cab. Kit wasn't the only one afraid to trust.

  Yet she was hopeful. She and Deedee had connected on their love for animals, and Deedeeb s had promised to go with Kit on her next visit to the pediatrics unit at the hospital. Common ground. They could start with that.

  "Deedee, would you like a turkey sandwich or fried chicken?"

  "Both," the young woman answered with certainty.

  Grey chuckled. "I don't know, Dee. We have potato salad and pickled eggs, and chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Can you manage all that?"

  "We have fresh strawberries for dessert, too." Kit winked at Deedee. "They're healthier than cookies."

  Deedee looked from her brother to Kit. "Grey likes cookies."

  Kit smiled. "Yes, he does. That's why we bought them. Do you like fruit?"

  "I like bananas on my cereal."

  "What about strawberries?"

  "They're okay."

  Kit shrugged. "You can have whatever you want. That's why we brought so much so we'd be sure to have something you like."

  Deedee cocked her head and stared at Kit for a few moments, considering what she'd said. Then she decided, "I want a chicken leg first."

  Grey put a plate on the blanket in front of her. "A leg it is."

  Deedee didn't look at Kit while she ate but directed all of her comments to her brother. Kit understood what the young woman was doing. She believed that if she shut Kit out, Kit would get mad and walk away. What she didn't know was that Kit never backed down from a challenge.

  She spoke to Deedee in the same tone in which she spoke to Grey with no trace of annoyance. "Deedee, has Grey told you I'm helping him bring more business into his store?"

  "He said you were a friend."

  "I am. But I'm helping him with the store, too."

  Deedee looked to Grey for confirmation, and he nodded.

  Kit crossed her legs under her and balanced a plate on her lap. "We're going to have a special day soon to let everyone know what a great store Corey's Hardware is. Would you like to come and help us?"

  Her interest piqued, Deedee brought her gaze to Kit's. "Help do what?"

  "I need someone reliable to serve punch to all the customers. You'd have to fill the cups and hand them out. Would you like to do that?"

  Deedee glanced at the cup by her plate which held lemonade. "I like to help Grey."

  "We'll have to find out what your schedule is at work," Grey remarked and Kit couldn't tell if he was pleased with her suggestion or not.

  After a few moments when everybody concentrated on their food, Deedee set her piece of chicken on her plate and said to her brother, "Tanya says I have to ask you something."


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