by Laura Breck
Cẻline overheard, and put the microphone to her lips. “Monica just asked Joe, ‘What the hell are you doing?’”
The crowd laughed.
Cẻline gestured toward the ceiling. “Can we get a spotlight on these two?”
Monica squinted as a bright light flooded them.
Into her microphone, Cẻline chided, “Boys, boys! A little more romantic, please!”
The spotlight turned pink, and Joe took both Monica’s hands.
Monica’s heart palpitated so hard she was glad Joe knew CPR.
“Joe is an old friend of mine.” Celine said quietly. “He has something very important to ask the beautiful Monica.” She stepped back a few paces and signaled her orchestra.
“My Heart Will Go On” began playing, and Joe went down on one knee in front of Monica.
Cẻline started to sing, and Monica immediately embarrassed herself by bursting into tears.
Joe smiled. “Be my wife, Monica.”
She glanced up at Cẻline, who smiled and nodded encouragingly.
“I would be honored to become your wife.”
He laughed. “Our life together will be absolutely amazing.” He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a ring.
“She said yes!” Cẻline narrated.
The audience erupted in cheers and applause. He slipped the ring—a large, square diamond—onto her finger, stood, and took her in his arms.
“My love.” Joe dipped her backward, kissing her thoroughly.
She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hanging on with all her strength, all her love.
Joe stood her upright, holding her so she didn’t keel over backward.
“Ladies and gentlemen.” Celine gestured toward them. “May I present the newly engaged Joe and Monica.”
Joe turned them toward the clapping audience and waved. Monica managed a shaky smile.
Cẻline made shooing motions. “Go, you two, Pierre at the door has the key to a suite for you. My gift.” She blew them a kiss.
“Thank you.” Monica smiled at her new favorite celebrity in the whole world.
Joe grabbed her purse and slung it over her shoulder, ushered her out, picked up the room key, and got her into their suite and completely undressed—except for her engagement ring—within ten minutes.
As he slid his hot manhood into her, she teared up again, looking at her ring. “Joe, I’m never going to forgive you for this.”
He smiled and nipped at her breasts. “You’re never going to forget it either, are you?”
She closed her eyes, her body arching back as he brought her to climax. “Never. Never in a million years.”
When Valerie’s phone rang at ten the next morning, she felt groggy, but when she saw Monica’s name on the ID, she immediately snapped awake. “Hello?”
Antonio stirred, opened his eyes, and stretched.
Her blood heated as his muscles flexed. She looked away and focused on her phone call.
“Hi, Monica, what’s up?” Antonio heard the name and made a face. Valerie smiled at him.
“I’m engaged!” Monica squealed.
“What?” Valerie yelled. “Engaged? Ohmigosh, congratulations!”
Antonio sat up. “Yay!”
“Is he there?” Monica had heard Antonio.
“Yes, and he’s excited for you, too.”
Antonio lay on his side and propped his head on his hand, using a finger to draw circles around her belly button. Valerie listened to Monica tell how Joe proposed then relayed the highlights to Antonio. Monica promised to let them see the video of the engagement that Cẻline had her crew make and send to their suite.
Monica had Valerie open her meeting planner and plug in the engagement party their parents were planning at the Mirage in three weeks.
“Valerie, are you sitting down?”
“Yes. What’s wrong?” Valerie looked at Antonio, and he stopped his caress.
“I’m moving to Los Angeles.”
“No.” Her sister? So far away?
“What?” Antonio asked.
“She’s moving to LA.”
Antonio smiled. “Yay!”
“I heard that, butthead!” Monica grumbled through the phone.
Valerie passed the message along with a smile. “She heard that, butthead.”
Antonio laughed and went into the bathroom.
Valerie set a lunch date with her sister later in the week to see the engagement ring and hear her wedding plans. She was sad to see her move, but kept telling herself she’d be just a few hours away by car and less by airplane.
She found Antonio in the bathroom, brushing his teeth. She snuck up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, rested her head on his back.
“You’re going to miss her.” He mumbled the words through a mouthful of toothpaste.
“Yeah. I was just thinking that.”
“I know what else you’re thinking.”
“What?” She looked over his shoulder at his reflection in the mirror.
“They haven’t known each other very long. Are they moving too fast?”
“Mm hm.”
He finished with his teeth and turned in her arms. “No?”
“Sometimes people are just at the right point in their lives to make a commitment. And they happen to coincidently be with the perfect person at that time.”
“They both want a family?”
“Desperately. I wouldn’t doubt she’s going to be married quickly and pregnant even quicker.” Which would make her an aunt.
“If she’s not already.”
She furrowed her brow. “That’s true. She might be.” Valerie gave him her slyest smile. “We’re having lunch later this week. I’ll offer to buy champagne to celebrate—it’s her favorite.”
“If she turns it down, you’ll know she’s pregnant.” He kissed her. “I like your devious side, baby.”
“Well, truth is always best, but sometimes you just have to use trickery to get it out of people.”
He looked at her with an odd expression.
The words applied to his situation, as well, so she changed the subject.
“I have some afternoon patients. How about breakfast?”
Wednesday evening, Antonio rang the doorbell, and Valerie opened the door to see him looking like a model in gray slacks and a black mock turtleneck under a dark gray jacket. He held a dozen red roses.
The Ferrari sat in the driveway, the top up so her hair wouldn’t be ruined. She’d curled it and let it cascade down her back the way he said drove him crazy and she was ready for anything in a red dress, black sandals, and a black short-sleeve jacket.
He smiled and handed her the flowers. “You look fantastic.”
“Antonio, thank you.” The scent of the roses filled her mind with romantic ideas of staying home and getting naked. “Come in while I put these in water.” As she walked toward the kitchen, she called out, “Would you like something to drink?”
“No, thanks. I thought we’d go out for a cocktail.”
She smiled as she ran water into the vase he sent her. Her wicked side had her imagining how much fun it would be to seductively change his mind about the extravagant date he’d planned for them. But since he went through all this trouble, she would behave and enjoy every minute of their evening out.
She carried the flowers to the living room.
He stepped forward and took them from her. “Where would you like these?”
She loved his chivalry. “On the coffee table, please.”
He set them down, and, when he straightened, she moved in close and kissed him, whispering against his firm, full lips, “You look fantastic tonight, too.” She put her hands on his chest under his jacket.
“I saw you touch this sweater in my closet that first night.”
“I did. I remember. It’s very sexy on you.” She ran her fingers over the soft knit shirt, feeling his mu
scles underneath.
“Do you want to stay in?” He kissed her with passion, his hands on her arms, pulling her close.
“Mmmm. And miss this fantastic date? No way.”
He guided her outside, set the alarm, and locked the door. She was flattered by his attendance on her. He opened the car door for her, helped her out of the car at the valet at Paris, and took her elbow to lead her through the casino to the Eiffel Tower elevator.
When they reached the restaurant, he guided her into the bar. “Would you care to have a cocktail here then go to Picasso for dinner?”
She unexpectedly felt butterflies in her stomach, like it was their first date again. “That sounds perfect. I haven’t been to Picasso in years.”
They were seated at a table by the window, overlooking the fountains of Bellagio. The view was magnificent, but looking down at the street far below gave her a dizzy headache.
She drank some water, and the vertigo passed. “This is so terribly romantic.”
“Hm.” He looked a little embarrassed.
“Why the face?”
“I need to take you out more. You enjoy socializing, being around people.”
She shook her head. “It must seem that way to you. The galas and fundraisers, clubbing with my friends.” She touched his hand on the table. “But I enjoy staying home…with you.”
He took her hand and squeezed it. “Bella, you know I’m a recluse. You don’t miss all this…” He gestured to The Strip. “All the nightlife?”
“I don’t. It feels like we’re settling down—in—no, wait.” She stumbled over her words. “I didn’t mean that in the traditional way.”
He started shaking then laughter rolled out of him.
She closed her eyes for a second then smiled. “I’m not in the best verbal shape tonight.”
“No, sweet, that was adorable.” He kissed her hand. “I like it when you talk about us settling down. I have to admit, I’ve been thinking along those lines myself lately.”
She shook her head. “Truly?”
The waiter interrupted with their martinis.
He lifted his glass. “To the future.”
She tapped her glass on his. “The future,” she whispered, smiling.
They drank, watching the fountains, the traffic, and the crazy busyness of The Strip.
She stared at the flashing lights of the Mirage marquis. How did their relationship progress so quickly? Talking about settling down, talking about a future. Did she really even know him yet?
“Valerie? Are you with me?”
She blinked a few times. He’d been talking to her, and she’d been deep in her own mind. “Sorry, what were we talking about?”
“What’s new in your life?”
“I’ve been meaning to tell you, I’m hosting Sloan’s bachelorette weekend in a week and a half.”
“A whole weekend? It sounds wild.”
“Not really. We’re going to dinner then club hopping on Friday. Ryan’s taking us out on a houseboat on Saturday.” She looked at him through her lashes. “If you have some time, I’d love for you to stop by and meet my friends.”
He sighed. “I’m under a deadline for this manuscript, sweet. It’s going to be difficult to find any time away from writing.”
She nodded. He’d skillfully sidestepped her suggestion. He was a private man, and she just needed to get used to it.
When they finished their cocktails, he guided her back out to the Ferrari and drove across the street to the Bellagio, which housed one of Las Vegas’ best restaurants, Picasso. He handed the valet a large bill, asking him to keep the car close and keep an eye on it.
He loved that car. He’d once told her it was his baby, and she believed it. She hoped someday to replace it in his esteem with a real baby. She shook her head. Wow, what was making her thoughts so family-oriented this evening?
They ate a gourmet dinner—she chose shrimp, and he, of course, had steak. When they were shown the dessert cart, he asked if she would like to go someplace else for an after-dinner drink.
She nodded and grinned, excited to see where they were going next. He drove north on The Strip to the Stratosphere. They took the elevator to the restaurant at the top and were seated in booth on the carousel. It moved in a slow circle, offering a 360-degree view of the valley.
“Antonio, this is so much fun. I’m having such a good time.”
“I wanted to make this evening one to remember.”
The waiter brought the restaurant’s signature dessert: a chocolate tower resembling the Stratosphere, filled with chocolate mousse. Antonio ordered a glass of port for her and a Scotch for himself, as well as two espressos.
He spooned into the mousse and held it out for her. She wrapped her lips around the treat, her eyes closed, and a moan of pure delight escaped her lips.
He leered at her. “Baby, you’re making me crazy.”
She smiled and took the spoon from him. “Try this. It’s orgasmic.” She scooped up some of the mousse and fed him.
“Mm hm. It’s good, but I’m not as enthused about chocolate as you are.” He moved closer and put his arm around her. “But I’m interested in watching you have an orgasm.”
Her cheeks warmed, and she looked at him sideways. Was he talking about public sex, like the day in the meeting room at the restaurant?
He laughed at her response. “No, sweet, I’m not thinking about doing it right here in the booth. I’m talking about the chocolate.” He shook his head. “You are getting so bad. I’m going to need to take your Cosmo magazines away from you.”
She laughed, ate more of the mousse, and sipped her espresso.
He barely touched the dessert, or his coffee and cocktail, just watched her with an odd look in his eyes. Then he shifted and pulled something out of his pocket.
It was a velvet box.
She looked into his eyes, which twinkled in the low light. He’d said twice that he wanted to make this an evening to remember. He didn’t think they were anywhere near ready to get engaged, did he?
Chapter Thirty
Valerie stared at Antonio, not wanting to look at the velvet box in his hand. Her mind worked overtime as panic began to grip her chest.
Antonio lifted an eyebrow. “Baby, calm down. It’s just earrings.”
She took a deep breath, let it out, and shook her head. Crisis averted.
He set the open jewelry box in front of her. Each earring was made of two interlocked gold hearts dangling from a large diamond stud.
“Antonio. They’re amazing.” She looked at him. “I’ve never seen anything this beautiful. Thank you!”
“Something to remind you of my love.”
“That’s so sweet.” She removed the earrings she’d worn and put on his gift. “How do they look?”
“As beautiful as you.”
She took a mirror out of her purse and looked at her ears. “They’re really spectacular. Very romantic.” She smiled, but he wasn’t smiling. She sighed, put her mirror away, and touched his thigh. “Forgive me for acting so panicky.”
“You thought I was going to give you a ring?”
“I saw the box, and, with Monica just getting engaged, I jumped to an incorrect conclusion. We’re just so new at this relationship, I couldn’t imagine why—”
“Why I would ask you to be my wife already?”
She nodded, embarrassed for assuming, but at the same time feeling instantly all mushy inside when he said those words. Be my wife.
He leaned in closer, watching her. “We’ve known each other longer than Monica and Joe.”
“Yes, but their relationship has been a lot less turbulent than ours.”
“Turbulent. Nice word for all the crap I’ve put you through.” He looked away then captured her gaze. “You would have said no if I proposed tonight?”
“I don’t know, Antonio. I really don’t.” She made a circle with her finger on his thigh. “Were you thinking about asking me?” She smiled brightly, batting her eyes
at him.
“I looked at rings after I bought the earrings for you.”
“Really? The confirmed bachelor looked at engagement rings. Was it scary?”
“Not at all.” He touched her earlobe. “Something to think about.” He put his hand on her shoulder, caressing gently.
“There are things we need to talk about first.” His demons. When his eyes met hers, she caught a second of nervousness before he looked away. Would he tell her tonight? Would he reveal his secret?
She waited. Was he ready to trust her? When he didn’t say anything, she decided she would jump right in and start the conversation, opening up the communication, and the timing was perfect. “I have something to tell you.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Okay.”
“Remember when I said I had demons of my own?”
“You know about my anxiety attacks.”
He nodded, looking intently into her eyes. “You haven’t had one since?”
“No, I’m confident I have it under control. But you saw how I reacted tonight when I thought you were going to ask me to marry you.”
“Not very flattering for me, but yes, was that panic?”
“It was but brought on by my fear of commitment.”
He sat back, looked at her, and his eyes changed expression with each different thought that went through his mind. “You’re going to have to explain that one to me.”
“When I began advancing in school, my parents made most of my choices for me. Which college to attend, which sorority to pledge, and when to come home for holidays. I never got the opportunity to make decisions the way most teenagers do.”
“Your parents didn’t realize this would be harmful?”
She smiled. “I don’t blame them at all. I was barely sixteen, heading off to college alone, and they wanted to protect me. It kept me extremely dependent on them. I was unable to make my own choices and unable to commit to anything without their approval.”
“You still have this fear?”
“I’m working to overcome it. In grad school, I spent a lot of time studying commitment issues and working with therapists to conquer my own fears.”
“This last year has been hard for you?”
“It was at first. I decided to open a new practice here in Vegas, even though my parents wanted me to partner with another doctor in an established office.”