Heller’s Decision

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Heller’s Decision Page 10

by JD Nixon


  “Yes, really. No matter how painful it might prove to be for me.”

  “Mum will be so thrilled.” Then I had a dark thought. “Brian will probably be there. Will that be an issue? Because you’re not coming if it will be.”

  “If by ‘issue’, you are gently asking me if I would cause any trouble for him, then the answer is no. I will respect the sanctity of your parents’ house and I told you before that I consider the matter between us to be finished.”

  “Thank you.” I only hoped Brian felt the same.

  Another silence engulfed us and by his even, regular breathing, I wondered if he’d fallen asleep.

  “Heller?” I asked softly, not wanting to wake him if he had.

  “Hmm?” Of course he wasn’t asleep – it was as if he never slept.

  “You should think about setting up a page for yourself on ‘Bookface’ too,” I giggled.

  “Why on earth would I want to do that?”

  “You could post photos of yourself working out. It would be a very popular page. I bet lots of people would want to friend you. Especially women.”

  “Why would other people want to ‘friend’ me? I have no desire to be friendly with people.”

  “You lead a very different kind of life to most people. And there’s still a lot of interest in you from that TV interview you did. Heaps of people would want to know more about you and what you’re doing during the day.”

  “I don’t care to let people know what I’m doing during the day. Why would you even suggest that? It’s my own private business.”

  “Oh, I give up! It’s not worth arguing with you about some things. It just ends in frustration.”

  “Does that mean you’ll now sleep with me tonight?”

  “No! And may I point out the huge leap of logic you just made between unrelated topics?”

  “There’s always logic in my thinking. You mentioned frustration and I’m very frustrated from lack of sex.”

  “Heller! It hasn’t even been one night,” I laughed helplessly. “Stop carrying on about it so much.”

  “You’re such a cruel woman, Matilda. I never suspected that about you before. Don’t you know that certain unpleasant things happen to men when they don’t have sex for extended periods of time?”

  “Number one, that’s total bullshit. And number two, by anyone’s measure, one night hardly constitutes an extended period of time.”

  “You’re not thinking about me, my sweet.”

  “Poor, poor you,” I laughed again. “Will it be easier if I promise to make up for it tomorrow night?”

  “Is that an unbreakable promise?”

  “Yes. I promise.”

  “I will hold you to that no matter what.”

  “No matter what,” I agreed, yawning.

  We settled down and slept.

  Chapter 9

  The next morning, before I went downstairs to meet Bick in the security section, Heller reminded me of my promise to him about later that night.

  “All right, all right! I won’t forget,” I said, hurrying to get ready because I’d slept through my alarm. He’d been up for hours, done a workout, had breakfast and called three clients, or so he smugly informed me as I raced around my flat pulling on clothes and throwing dry cereal down my throat. I quickly kissed him goodbye on the cheek as I flew out the door, flinging over my shoulder, “I hope your man bits don’t fall off today because you haven’t had any sex for so long!”

  Laughing, I ran down the stairs.

  “So do I,” he called after me. “But you’ll regret it more than I will if they do.”

  I turned back to wave one last time, screeching to a halt at the sight of him casually leaning against my doorway, smiling, his teeth white and eyes glacial blue in his tanned face. My heart ached badly. He was such a spectacularly beautiful man and I’d never dared dream for even a moment that someone as extraordinary as him would ever be interested in someone as ordinary as me. I marched back up the stairs and threw myself on him, forcing him to kiss me properly. And for once I didn’t even care about the cameras.

  “What’s that for?” he asked, taking a much-needed breath.

  “Because I love you so much.” And that just led to another breathtaking kiss. I was in the process of pushing him away, conscious of keeping Bick waiting, when Daniel came out of his flat.

  He groaned. “Oh God! Are you two at it again? Isn’t anywhere around here safe from the sight of you? Not even outside my own flat?”

  “Sorry, Danny.” I planted a quick kiss on his lips too and bolted down the stairs.

  When I stepped through the doorway into the security section, the atmosphere was noticeably chillier than the previous day. No doubt the men had been firmly put in their place by Heller and I wondered exactly what he’d threatened them with if they didn’t immediately and permanently destroy any copies they had of that footage of us. Whatever the punishment was, I didn’t think any of the men would have disobeyed him. I couldn’t help noticing with a sinking heart that some of the sideways glances that slid my way were openly resentful in nature.

  Just as I left with Bick, one of the men said to another in a voice loud enough for us to hear, “It doesn’t take long for some men to become pussy-whipped.”

  I turned to confront him to ask, if that was his opinion, why didn’t he just go upstairs right now and say that directly to Heller’s face instead of behind his back. But as if guessing my intent, Bick propelled me out of the doorway with a hand on the small of my back before I managed to say a word.

  At the same time, Clive snapped out in his gravelly voice to the men in general, “Get out to your jobs and stop hanging around here gossiping.” And then specifically to the man who’d dared to say that about Heller, “And that means you too. So get your head out of your arse and get moving or you’ll be late. And you’d be better served keeping your opinions about the boss to yourself if you want a future here.”

  The man flushed and shot me a strongly aggrieved look, as if it was my fault he’d been singled out. I sighed to myself knowing I’d just made another good friend at Heller’s. But I wouldn’t say anything to Heller. It was difficult to ever forget what had happened to the last Heller’s man who’d taken an intense dislike to me. It had been a frightening and sickening experience for everyone, but especially for him.

  In the 4WD, Bick shook his head in exasperation. “It wouldn’t have been a good idea to speak out then, Tilly. It would only have inflamed things. Let it die down on its own.”

  “It’s not my fault all this happened,” I said quietly. “I’m not the one who distributed the footage.”

  “Yeah, but to a lot of the guys it would have just been a bit of harmless fun. They weren’t expecting Heller, and Clive as well, to ream them over it.” He hesitated, searching my face. “Maybe you shouldn’t have said anything about it to Heller and just let the men have their joke.”

  “Sure,” I replied with bitterness. “Just like all the other times I’ve done that. Maybe I’m tired of being nothing but a laughing stock around here.”

  “You have to expect to be treated differently.”

  “Why?” I asked hotly.

  “Because you’re female and you’re screwing the boss. That makes you different to the rest of us twice over, whether you want to be or not.”

  “It’s not fair. And I haven’t always been screwing the boss, so that’s just an excuse.”

  “Look, Tilly. Think about how many men volunteered to join Heller when the team went to that farm place to rescue you. To me, that indicates the men don’t dislike you or resent you at all. In fact, they hold you in enough esteem to want to risk their own lives to help rescue you. I personally think that all the guys here . . . well, most of the guys, think of you as a sister. And like a sister, sure they’re going to tease you, but it’s not done in any kind of mean way. And aren’t they always there when you need them?”

  “Yeah, I guess so. I’d never tho
ught about it like that before. You’ve really given me a lot to chew over, but it’s made me feel better about it already. Thanks, Bick.” I leaned over to kiss his cheek, and the expression of terror on his face would have been amusing, had I not known it was real. I wondered if Heller had installed cameras in his vehicles too. I suppose I’d find out later tonight, I sighed to myself.

  And on that sour note, we arrived at the hotel again. Roger’s jaw was bruising up, but nobody would notice because Barb had once more chosen to wear leather – a whole herd of cattle must have died to make her wardrobe. This time it was a canary yellow, tiny micro-dress barely covering her butt and nowhere even close to covering her boobs, teamed with matching yellow knee-high boots with towering heels. She’d tied her black hair into two schoolgirl plaits, a hairstyle incongruous with her heavy, slutty makeup. Every eye, including Bick’s from the 4WD outside, tracked her swaying hips and buoyant butt as she crossed the foyer, confident and sassy. I followed behind her like a lump of clay trapped in her glittering stardust trail.

  Bick showed more caution in guarding Roger and Barb today, especially as we were forced again to escort them past the PRON booth. The suits lounged around inside, but we passed by safely with nothing more harmful happening than them laughing to themselves and making snide remarks not quite loud enough for us to hear.

  But at our booth, the four of us stopped short in shock as we took in its tattered ruins. It had been badly vandalised, slashed viciously in brutal anger, the barriers kicked over.

  “Oh, shit,” said Bick softly, and held up his hand to Barb and Roger to stop them. He approached the tent, carefully pulling the trashed entrance flap aside. It was an absolute wreck inside, the furniture smashed, everything else broken, including the TV. Fortunately, the couple packed everything valuable away each night, so their DVD stock and money remained safe and secure. Barb clamped her hand to her mouth in shock, her head buried in Roger’s shoulder. Just only now turning up for work, the thick-necks came running in alarm, Garrett close behind them. Mr Hairpiece puffed towards us slowly, his face an unhealthy shade of red.

  “Ms Biggen, Mr Harder, my apologies, my apologies,” gushed Garrett, sensing a publicity disaster in the making. “It must be some rotten kids responsible. They’ll find their way in anywhere.”

  “We’re supposed to have twenty-four hour security here,” Mr Hairpiece glared unjustly at the thick-necks.

  “Should have hired Heller’s,” Bick muttered under his breath, earning himself a fierce glance from Mr Hairpiece as well.

  “We’ll set up another booth for you immediately,” soothed Garrett. He pulled out his phone and barked into it gruffly. After a few minutes, he gestured us to follow him to the other side of the expo. For the next fifteen minutes, we all worked in overdrive to set up the new booth and open it for the impatient crowd of fans. Mr Hairpiece offered to give us extra thick-necks, but Barb and Roger refused, having admirably recovered their composure. None of us said aloud what we were all thinking – it was surely PRON Productions who’d been responsible for the destruction.

  Bick rang Clive to let him know what had happened and from what I could hear of the conversation, it sounded as though Clive offered him another man as backup. Bick declined, citing Barb and Roger’s apparent lack of desire in having more security, but promised to keep Clive informed of developments.

  Bick and I both smiled when we spotted Benjy again, dancing up a treat in his penis costume. When he stopped for a break, I called him over.

  “Hey Benjy, I’ll give you ten bucks to dance over to PRON Productions and tell us how their sales are going.”

  “Thanks, Tilly!” he said, and I pulled two fives out of my purse to give him.

  We waited for a while until he danced his decidedly non-erotic way back to us. He dripped with sweat by then, the crush of the crowd increasing the humidity in the poorly air-conditioned centre.

  “Empty,” gasped Benjy. “Not a soul there. They looked pretty pissed off about it too.”

  Bick’s and my eyes met.

  “What Roger said yesterday about them must be taking its toll,” I commented.

  “Hence the vandalism,” he agreed.

  “Hope nothing else happens with them today.”

  “You’re not on your own with that hope, Tilly.”

  Barb and Roger’s first presentation went off well and somehow they’d managed to dredge up yet even more so-called favourite scenes of them performing methodical, robotic sex. But strangely enough, one of the scenes gave me inspiration for that special ‘something’ I’d promised Heller tonight. So at lunchtime, when Barb and Roger were occupied eating, I took a stroll around the other booths.

  As I wandered up and down the aisles looking at the merchandise for sale, Trent called me to let me know he could fit in an interview with Barb and Roger on tonight’s show.

  “I’m telling you this because I presume you’re actually planning on returning to the station to work for me one day. Or are you too far caught up in porn wonderland?”

  “Hey! I’ve been working hard all weekend, unlike some so-called celebrities who’ve probably been swanning around, drinking champagne and big-noting themselves.”

  He laughed. “I was drinking scotch neat while I big-noted myself, thanks very much for asking. And I haven’t seen any evidence of all this ‘hard work’ you’ve allegedly been doing.”

  “I like to be thorough in my research,” I said virtuously. “I’m making a lot of notes.”

  “Of which I’ve seen none for a good while. I’m not even convinced you’re really working.”

  “I’m working my butt off,” I insisted, browsing through a very interesting collection of skimpy lingerie. I held up a hanger and considered the tiny fragments of material on it. I wonder if Heller would like this? I thought. Then I noticed the price and hurriedly replaced it on the rack. Trent didn’t pay me that much.

  “Sure you are. I think you’re just there now for the expo because you’re a sex maniac.”

  “Who spilled the beans?” I giggled.

  “I saw it scrawled somewhere on a bathroom wall. And I’m only regretful I never got the chance to find out first hand if it’s true.”

  I giggled again. Trent was so much fun to work for, in a way that Heller could never be. “If that’s your only regret in life, you’ve done well.”

  “I’ll also regret hiring you if you don’t send me your notes very soon. Otherwise I’ll have no questions to ask my guests.”

  “There’s been some trouble here,” I warned and became serious for a few minutes, stepping into a quiet spot to fill him in.

  He didn’t say anything for a little while. “Tilly, that’s gold. Thanks. I want you to escort the guests to the studio tonight and I’ll let you shadow them again tomorrow in case something else happens. Tomorrow’s the last day of Seductively Sextravagant, right?”


  “Okay, guess I can spare you that long. Just remember to send me those notes and I’ll see you later tonight. It will have to be a live interview.”

  “Sorry.” No TV host liked those – interviewees were often very unpredictable.

  I shopped for a bit longer, finally finding what I needed. On my return to the booth, I refused to let Bick peek inside my shopping bag.

  “Then I won’t show you what I’ve bought either,” he declared.

  “Something for you and Dixie?” I asked with a smile.

  “None of your business, Miss Nosy.”

  “Aw, come on. Just a little look.”

  “You show me yours and I’ll show you mine.”

  “You’ll show Matilda your what, Barnes?” asked Heller in a dangerous voice.

  Bick and I both jumped in fright. Shit! From where did he materialise? Farrell stood behind him, arms crossed, his eyes settled on us as well. Both were dressed in their Heller’s uniform. Bick and I had been so focussed on teasing each other, we hadn’t noticed them approaching.

  “His purchases,” I
said, my heart galloping. I glanced at Bick, whose posture had stiffened nervously. “We wanted to see what each other had bought.”

  Heller’s eyes narrowed as he looked between the two of us, as if not quite believing me. Shit! I thought. He scrutinised my features closely and I worried that I looked guilty of something, even though I knew I wasn’t. For once.

  But then he noticed the shopping bags near us and a small smile crossed his lips. “And what have you bought in a place such as this, my sweet?”

  I relaxed, releasing a breath I hadn’t even realised I’d been holding. My eyes flicked to Farrell uncomfortably, his face still expressionless. “You’ll have to wait to find out.”

  “Something for us tonight?”

  “Maybe,” I said in a small voice, embarrassed about the other men hearing our conversation. I wondered whether anything I’d previously discussed with him about keeping our private life exactly that had any impact on him. I seriously began to think I’d been wasting my breath.

  “I’m filled with anticipation.” He placed his hand on the back of my neck and gently began to stroke my skin, a strangely intimate and intense sensation.

  “Is something the matter, Heller? Did you come to tell me something?” I asked, hoping I didn’t sound too blunt or that I wanted to get rid of him.

  “We were in the area. I wanted to check out these PRON people for myself. Where are they?” Barb and Roger had finished lunch by then and were ready to open the booth again, so I didn’t want to take Farrell and him there myself. I needed to discuss with them the interview with Trent.

  “You could get Benjy to take you there. He knows where they are,” I suggested helpfully, indicating the giant penis. Heller stared at the young entertainer.

  “I’m not going anywhere with that,” he said flatly, so I rummaged around for a scrap of paper and drew them a mud map. They strode away, no backwards glances.

  “Oh, God,” Bick whispered. “I thought my heart was going to stop when I saw him there.”


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