Dirty Daddies: 2020 Anniversary Anthology

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Dirty Daddies: 2020 Anniversary Anthology Page 117

by Maren Smith

  P? Who’s P? Who the fuck is P and what has he been saying to Livia?

  “Trey, are you all right? Your eyes have gone all funny.”

  I realize I’m glowering, and make myself relax. “Sure, we can do that for you. Is there anything else you’re looking for?”

  Livia thinks for a moment. “I’m interested in nutrition, and I’ve been curious about going vegan. Is that something you can…?” She trails off, seeming to lose hope the further she gets into the sentence.

  I smile at her. “Me? Help you go vegan? I can probably do that. I’m vegan.”

  Her eyebrows shoot up and she runs her eyes over me. “But you’re so bulky.”

  I try to keep a professional mindset but it’s difficult when Livia is looking at me. I want to take her hands and press them against my chest. You can touch me. I want you to touch me. “You can build muscle with plant protein.”

  She still looks skeptical. “It’s so weird hearing you say that. I thought vegan was a dirty word these days.”

  “It kind of is, which is why it’s been rebranded as a plant-based diet, but whatever you call it, it’s good for your mind and body and I’m thrilled you want to try it.”

  It also gives me lots to work on with Livia. “Why don’t you go home and grab something you’re comfortable working out in, and let’s have our first session. I’ll talk you through some exercise and meal plans as we go.”

  “Are you sure you have time right now? I showed up out of the blue.”

  Sweetheart, I’ll clear my entire schedule for you. “I can squeeze you in, but don’t be too long.”

  She gets to her feet with a smile. “Okay. I’ll be right back.”

  Ten minutes later, Livia returns in loose joggers, runners and a T-shirt, and with her hair in a ponytail. I’ve got to stop staring at her speechlessly every time she appears in front of me. It’s so unprofessional.

  I swipe us both through into the gym and set her up on an exercise bike. She sits on it confidently and starts peddling. It seems like she’s used a gym before so that makes my job a bit easier. I plan her workout with her as she warms up, telling her how we’ll divide it up into warm-up, weights, cardio and cool down, and she takes it all in her stride.

  As we’re heading to the free weights area, we pass Dom and Amelia, who are in the middle of Amelia’s workout. From Amelia’s flushed and pouting face, she’s this close to a full-on brat melt down.

  I show Livia how I want her to do her squats and give her some weights, but her attention keeps drifting to the couple.

  Dom raises his voice. “Peaches, if you roll your eyes at me again, you’re getting a ten-minute cold shower.”

  Amelia is flat on her back with her arms spread, moaning like she’s on the brink of death. “But I’m tired, daddy.”

  “Three,” Dom says, folding his arms and staring straight ahead.

  I correct Livia’s movements, trying to get her to focus on her own workout.

  “Two.” Dom’s voice is as hard as granite.

  “Fine, if you want me to die,” Amelia announces dramatically, springs to her feet and pushes her dom out of her way.

  Oh, lord. It was nice knowing you, Amelia. Dom clamps his hand to his sub’s shoulder and steers her toward the cold shower room.

  Livia has stopped working out altogether and is staring at them. I lean down and murmur in her ear, “It’s not polite to stare at another trainee’s workout unless their trainer asks for everyone’s attention.”

  “Oh, crap! Sorry.” Livia takes a better grip on her weights and stares at the floor, as if suddenly too afraid to look at anyone else.

  “It’s all right. This place takes some getting used to. Sometimes we want you to stare, but we’ll tell you when.”

  Livia does a squat, down-up, and asks, “Do you ever tell your trainees off in front of everyone?”

  I hesitate, wanting to say no but knowing it’s better not to lie about these things. “I do, actually.”

  Livia’s eyes spark with curiosity. “What sort of things do you say?”

  I study Livia’s face carefully, wondering if what I’m going to say will scare her or intrigue her. “I say, ‘I expected this and this from you this session. We were doing so well until you decided not to meet the expectations we both set for you. Everyone here is working hard, and it’s disappointing to me that you couldn’t bring the same commitment to your own workout.’” To Livia, I’d want to say, It’s disappointing to daddy.

  Livia winces. “Ouch, that’s excruciating. What happens then?”

  “I tell my trainee apologize to everyone in the room for the disruption, then to me, and then finally to themselves.”

  “Does that work? I mean, does it get the workout back on track?”

  “It depends on the person.” On a brat, the attention is like a hit of sugar and only makes them worse. Brats get cold showers and time alone to think about what they did. On people like Livia? God, does it work. I can tell she’s a good girl who likes rules and hates causing trouble. I would only use it as a last resort though, because as she said, it’s excruciating.

  Livia does another squat and then looks up at me curiously. “Would it work on me?”

  I smile at her slowly. “Why, do you want to give it a go?”

  “No! Oh, my god. I would die.”

  “Then you’d better behave yourself, bunny rabbit.”

  Livia’s eyes grow round. “Bunny rabbit?”

  I cross my arms over the clipboard against my chest. Goddamn it, she was being so cute and receptive that I forgot we hadn’t agreed on what we’d call each other. “Sorry. I mean Livia.”

  She hesitates, adjusting her grip on the weights. “I’ve never had a cute nickname before. Didn’t the rules say we could choose what we call each other?”

  I look at her in surprise. Never? What have her ex-boyfriends called her? A deep throb of jealously and anger is making me want to ask about the worthless P and what he did to her. “What would you like me to call you?”

  Is it my imagination, or does Livia’s gaze drift to my mouth for a moment? “Livia’s fine,” she murmurs, though I could swear she’s imagining me calling her other things.

  As she goes through her cooldown on the mats, I talk her through a vegan eating program and how to go about slowly making the switch to plant-based foods.

  “What do you think about the exercise and eating plan we’ve talked about? Do you think you can stick to it for da—me?” I stop before I call myself daddy. The way her eyes catch mine makes me think she knew what I was going to say anyway.

  My heart thumps painfully as I gaze down into her beautiful flushed face. Having Livia as my trainee and not my sub is going to be torture.

  Chapter Five


  After my workout, we book my next session and Trey walks me out through the barriers. “That was a fantastic workout. You did great today.”

  He looks deep into my eyes like he did at the club, and I feel the same urge to put my arms around him and have him hold me close.

  “Thank you,” I whisper, hating to leave him but knowing I have to go. He’s my personal trainer, not my boyfriend. This is what I asked for.

  “Start introducing one or two plant-based meals a day, and we’ll check in about how it’s making you feel next time. Bye.” He smiles and waves and heads back into the gym, professional once more.

  At home, I throw out the milk, cheese and processed meats that are in my fridge. Then I go out and buy oat milk, avocados and jars of cashew butter. For dinner I eat linguine with vegan pesto and a sprinkling of nut-based cheese, and it’s surprisingly delicious. I feel buoyant, and better than I have in months.

  The memory of Trey’s smile is giving me a boost, too. Who knew a personal trainer could be so sweet and so focused at the same time? He obviously enjoys his job. He even sounded like he enjoyed the punishment side of Dom Fitness, too, and the lectures. Everyone here is working hard, and it’s disappointing to me that you
couldn’t bring the same commitment to your own workout.

  I wonder what he looks like when he talks like that. I wonder how it would feel if he talked like that to me, and I was sitting at his feet receiving a stern lecture. A warm, buzzing sensation cascades through me. Piers told me what to do all the time and I hated it. Trey makes it seem alluring.

  I eat avocado on toast with sliced tomato for breakfast, and buy a salad of sweet potato and tahini from a café next to work for lunch. I’m surprised how much vegan food there is everywhere now that I’m looking for it.

  I feel tired and heavy in the afternoon, but make it through the workday before collapsing on the couch at home. My muscles feel so sore after the workout so I guess that’s why I’m tired.

  I maintain plant-based eating all the next day, but in the afternoon I’m losing energy fast with every hour that passes. I can barely hold my head up as I’m walking along my street on the way home. There’s a buzzing in my ears and black spots swarming in front of my eyes. I don’t know what’s happening to me. Maybe I’m allergic to avocadoes.


  Strong hands grip my arms. A familiar masculine scent fills my nose. I stare at the ground and the large feet in trainers that have appeared. Trey? Trey’s got really big feet.

  “Livia, are you okay? You’re pale.”

  “Just really…tired.”

  His hands squeeze me comfortingly and he moves me a little to one side until my shoulder touches something solid. “Wait here a second, okay? I’ll be right back and then I’ll help you get home.”

  “Sure,” I say, leaning against the wall, grateful that I don’t have to move just yet.

  Trey comes back a few minutes later with a paper carry bag, and wraps his free arm around my waist to help me back onto my feet. “Come on. Take your time. Don’t push yourself or you’ll faint.”

  I will? I feel weirdly hot and cold at the same time, so maybe he’s right. We walk slowly down the street, Trey murmuring encouraging words the entire time while the world spins around me. I manage to gesture toward my building and he digs the keys out of my purse. Finally, we’re inside my apartment and the buzzing in my ears has turned into a roar.

  I collapse on the sofa with my head in my hands. “What’s happening me?”

  “Have you not been eating?”

  “No, I’ve been eating vegan food, like we talked about.”

  “I think it’s your blood sugar dropping. Here.” He passes me a paper coffee cup. “Almond milk mocha. Sip it till you feel better.”

  I take a mouthful of the sweet drink and the world steadies a little around me. After a few more sips, the sugar and caffeine work their way into my system and I’m able to sit up and look around. Trey is sitting next to me on the sofa, devouring a scone in big bites. I didn’t think a fitness freak would be into pastries.

  “That looks good,” I say enviously, suddenly dying for a scone of my own.

  “It’s heaven.” Trey passes me a paper bag. “Cranberry and orange. Got one for you, too.”

  “You’re my hero,” I gasp. I take out the scone and bite into it, and moan with pleasure. Trey’s drinking a mocha, too. “I didn’t imagine I’d see you eating like this.”

  He raises an eyebrow and swipes some crumbs from his lower lip. The gesture is so sensual that I feel like it’s my lip he’s touching. Maybe it’s not just a scone I’m hungry for.

  “You didn’t? Why’s that?”

  “You’re a personal trainer with strict plans.”

  He shrugs as if it’s no big deal. “I like to eat scones sometimes.”

  It is a big deal, though. I thought people threw themselves into a “healthy” lifestyle in an all-or-nothing way.

  “I actually allow myself three desserts or pastries a week, and I can have them whenever I like. One night of beer, too.”

  I sink back on the sofa and get comfortable as I finish my scone. “You plan for treats?”

  “Got to have nice things to look forward to.” He scrunches our empty paper bags and put them aside. “If you’re feeling better, would you like to share with me what you’ve eaten the past two days?”

  Am I imagining it, or does he seem stern all of a sudden? I finish the last bite of my scone and wash it down with a mouthful of mocha, enjoying his severe gaze. I feel cared for rather than bullied. It’s kind of lovely.

  After detailing the meals I’ve had, he looks seriously displeased. “Livia, we talked about you making these changes gradually. Your body is used to certain foods and it’s not healthy to shock it with a complete change of diet.”

  I stare down at the coffee cup I’m holding in my lap. “I didn’t mean for that to happen. I was just trying to avoid meat and dairy.”

  Trey’s still frowning, but then his brow smooths. “I should have been clearer. I’m sorry. Let’s set up a proper plan for you tomorrow during our next session.”

  I gaze at him, amazed to hear that word on his lips: Sorry. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a man say that before. “You’re kind of sweet for a dom.”

  I keep thinking about him that way. As a dom. If he’s a real dom, then I didn’t know that ones like him existed.

  The corner of Trey’s mouth lifts. “Yeah, I can be. I’m still strict, though.”

  I wish his eyes weren’t so beautifully, distractingly green, or they didn’t seem to soften as he gazes at me. “We were talking about nicknames the other day. What do you like to be called?”

  He rests his elbow along the back of the couch just behind my shoulder and props his head against the heel of his hand. “I like to be called daddy.”

  A warm feeling chases itself through me. When he brought it up at the club, the word scared me, but now that I know Trey better it doesn’t sound so dangerous. “You asked me what I thought about calling a man that when we were at the club.”

  “I like being called that all the time, from one special person.”

  “All the time?” I echo.

  He nods, his eyes on my lips. “Yes, all the time. It’s my favorite thing, Livia.”

  His voice sounds so velvety as he says my name, and I feel myself sinking toward him on the sofa. “Just out of curiosity, what would you think if I called you daddy?”

  Instead of answering, he reaches out and strokes my cheek. The touch of his fingers sends sparkles through my body. The he leans forward and plants a slow, deliberate kiss against my mouth. His lips are plush and I feel myself melting against him as he wraps both arms around me and pulls me against his body.

  “I would love for you to call me daddy, little bunny,” he whispers against my mouth. “I crave it from you.”

  I slide my hands up into his hair, and before I know it we’re falling back on the couch with Trey on top of me. His bulk is warm and grounding, and I twine one leg around him, squeezing him with my thigh. His T-shirt rides up and my fingers trace the firm lines of his abs and the hard muscles of his chest.

  Trey groans and presses his hips against mine. There’s something hard and thick against my belly, and realize it’s his cock. His very large cock, from the feel of it. I reach down and explore the length of him, vividly imagining how good his girth would feel as we had sex. I whimper against his mouth. It’s been quiet for so long, but my libido has come back with a vengeance.

  Trey hooks a finger into my top and tugs it down, and teases my nipples through the lace bra with his teeth. “Bunny, you’re just so delicious.”

  My skirt is riding up as we’re making out and moving against each other. Soon his cock is sliding against my sex over my underwear and through his sweats. He braces his hands either side of head and looks down at us. We can both see how wet I am through my underwear as he moves against me. He bites his lip and makes a nng noise of pleasure, sending waves of desire pounding though me.

  “You’re so fucking gorgeous. I’ve wanted to kiss you the moment I laid eyes on you.”

  His words make my heart sing. I want to just go with whatever is happening between
us, but I need to understand a few things first. “Does everyone call you daddy at the gym?”

  “No. If I were your daddy then you’d be the only one to call me that. Ever.” Trey’s vivid green eyes hooded and hazy as he slides a hand into my hair and claims my mouth.

  He’s in control, but I’m enjoying every touch, every word out of his mouth. Trey runs his fingers down my throat, between my breasts and over my belly. “Can I see more of you, bunny?”

  Getting naked with someone can be scary, but I feel totally safe with him. He sits up and helps me out of my top, but instead of taking off my bra he pulls the cups down.

  “You could take it off,” I point out.

  His smile is mischievous. “You look hotter this way.”

  He takes one of my nipples into his mouth and sucks hard, making me cry out and pant his name.

  As he goes on kissing and sucking me, he murmurs, “I shouldn’t be doing this. I’m breaking so many rules. Dom will fucking kill me.”

  “So, we should stop, that’s what you’re saying?” I tease. I have no intention of stopping. Judging from the way Trey is nipping me with his teeth, he doesn’t, either.

  “No way. I’ve been dying to kiss you for too long.”

  I slide his T-shirt up his torso and he helpfully reaches behind his head to pull it off in one smooth movement. I whimper at the sight of his naked chest and muscled shoulders. He’s sculpted like a Greek god. Laying beneath him, I suddenly feel self-conscious and cover myself up with his T-shirt.

  “Hey. You’re beautiful. You know that, right?”

  I gaze up at Trey. “I always used to think I was.”

  “Well, you are. But take your time, bunny. It’s heaven just being here with you.”

  I touch Trey all over his body, and slip my fingers into the waistband of his joggers. Just enough to feel the silky skin of his hips and the firm curve of his cock. Damn, this man is hot. He strokes the lace of his underwear, and his fingers skim the seam of my sex.


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