On the Rocks: An MM Gay Contemporary Romance

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On the Rocks: An MM Gay Contemporary Romance Page 4

by Meg Morie

  I didn’t answer, not wanting to talk to him about this anymore. I was sick of hearing about my dad. It wasn’t the first time he had interfered in my love life, and I doubted that it would be the last.

  When he left, I didn’t get in the shower though I did turn the hot water on. I had better things to do with my time then sit around and watch a small television with some old cop that wouldn’t give me what I needed. He had awakened something in me, and I wasn’t going to be able to sleep until it was taken care of. I had places to be. I wasn’t afraid of anyone or anything. I knew that Jack didn’t need to be here. It was okay to play along, but not when my balls hurt so badly from not getting it.

  I left the room and went the opposite way of the hotel office. I saw some bright lights in the distance as we were pulling up that gave me hope of a good time. It had to be better than sitting around with Jack, especially when he had turned out to be nothing more than a tease.

  Chapter 7


  This new job was going to be the death of me for sure. Tommy was more than a handful. I had expected that it was going to be a mess, but I never realized how much of a mess it was really going to be. He was not what I had expected, and the fact that he was flirting nonstop was hard for me to process. All I could think about was the fact that I hadn’t been with anyone in a long time. Even Annika was trying to set me up with people, telling me about some girl she knew at her yoga class, but I think we both knew that I wasn’t looking for that.

  Annika had known before I did that I liked guys. She had come to me about it, and at the time I had been pissed off. I told her that I wasn’t gay and that she should watch what she said, but she was right. Annika was always right and even now I knew that a woman wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted a hot little guy like Tommy that I could pound into submission, but not this guy. It wasn’t going to work, and the last thing I wanted to do was complicate things.

  I took my time getting some ice. I needed to get my own body to calm down after I had told Tommy that he was the one that needed to take a cold shower. I needed one myself if I was going to keep feeling this way. Working with Tommy was harder than I had ever expected, and I had worried about all of the wrong things.

  There wasn’t any coffee in the office when I got there, but the receptionist lady showed me where everything was to make my own. I thanked her and took another ten minutes or so to make a fresh pot of coffee. The way I was feeling right now, I wasn’t going to be able to get much sleep. I don’t know if I wanted to with Tommy lying next to me on the other bed. I knew what I was going to think about all night, and it certainly wasn’t going to be my job.

  When I got back to the hotel room, the door was unlocked like I left it, and I could hear the water going off in the shower. I sat down and found a movie to watch that didn’t seem so bad. It wasn’t until about twenty minutes later when I hadn’t heard a peep out of Tommy that I started to wonder what was going on. He had been in there a long time and motels like this didn’t have that much hot water. I had a sinking feeling in my gut that propelled me forward to check the door knob.

  It was unlocked, and I pushed it in. I called Tommy’s name out a couple of times before I moved in, but it was clear that he was no longer in the room. He had taken off while I was away. I had been gone a long time, so there was no telling where he was.

  I should have called Nick and told him that I had lost his kid, but I wasn’t ready to go down that route just yet. I hadn’t had custody of him for a couple of hours, and I had already lost him. It didn’t look good by any stretch of the imagination, and I was not blind to that.

  Cursing as I left the room, I got to the car and was thankful that he hadn’t decided to take that. He would have been able to get further away if that was the case. At least he was only on foot and could only go so fast. Where would a guy like Tommy go if he was feeling like he had to run away?

  All that came to mind was how horny he was. When I saw the bright pink and green neon signs, I just knew that was where I would find a horny twenty-one-year-old man. He was on the prowl, and there was a place nearby that would be the perfect place for him.

  The place was called Skins and from the poster and moving men on the sign, it was clear to me that it wasn’t women’s skins that were being shown here. It was male flesh that was on display. I had never been to such a place. I would have never chosen to go to a place like this, but I had to go. I don’t know what I was thinking. I was just thinking that whatever was in the gay bar couldn’t be as bad as the man that I would have to call if something happened to his kid. If that were the case, I wouldn’t be able to help Adam and Annika at all. Most likely I would have to take them off somewhere. I wouldn’t ruin everything.

  I squared my shoulders and prepared myself for the unknown. Just because I had been with guys before, I had never gone to a place like this. When I walked in, it was almost as bad as I had made it in my head. The lights were bright, and the strobes moved around the room messing with my eyes. Then there were half-naked men walking around on the bar, strutting their stuff and making a total mockery of the place.

  My cock that was finally down for the count was up and at attention again. It had been too long since I had seen this sort of thing, and last time I did, it was in my bedroom, at home, in private. Why anyone want to do such things in public, I will never know.

  I scanned the room, trying to ignore all the flesh on display. It was hard to miss it when there was just so much of it, but I didn’t want to get sidetracked. There was a reason that I was here, and it was to find and retrieve Nick’s son. That’s it.

  The bartender asked me if I wanted anything as I sidled up to the bar. There was a young man walking on the bar, bending down and shaking his ass in everyone’s face. I stopped him before he got to me and sent him back the way he came. I wasn’t here for fun. I was here to get some work done.

  “What can I get for you?”

  “Nothing. I am just looking for someone.”

  “You have to buy if you are going to stay and watch.”

  He was talking about all the young men on the bar and around it, but I really wasn’t here for that. I was here for so much more than that, and the men running around weren’t even my type. I had never been into the hard body type. I liked men like Tommy. I liked them a little effeminate and with a smaller body. Tommy was just the kind of guy that I liked, even though he was off-limits.

  “Not really much to see. Give me whiskey, straight up.”

  The bartender smiled at me, and I could see the interest in his eyes, but I tried to ignore it as best I could. I wasn’t here for that. If I wanted to get off, I had a hot little man that wanted to give it all to me. It was hard enough to turn away from Tommy. I wasn’t going to let it bother me anymore that it already did. I just had to find Tommy and get him back to the hotel before anyone knew that he was missing. If something happened to him, I would never forgive myself. I knew for a fact that my employer wouldn’t forgive easily either.

  Then I saw Tommy from across the room, and I was filled with mixed feelings. I was relieved that he was okay, but I didn’t like the man that was hanging on his arm and on every word that was coming out of his mouth. Why did I feel a rush of anger and jealousy when I saw the two of them together?

  Chapter 8


  I should have gone to Tommy and gotten him away from the sandy-haired man that was about my age. Tommy was on the guy’s lap in front of me, and my own hard-on twitched with the view. That is what was offered to me not too long ago, and I had passed it up. Now seeing it in person being done to someone else, I wanted it to be my lap that he was on.

  I watched the two of them for a minute. It was a guilty pleasure that I knew better about, but I liked seeing them together. It was good to see that someone was having some fun. I watched the man put his hands under the table, and Tommy’s eyes closed a little with need. It wasn’t that hard to figure out what it was that they were doing.

y’s hand disappeared under the table as well, and the man whose lap he was on started to have the same facial expressions of bliss that Tommy had. The two were playing with each other, and I was frozen in place by the sight. It was a huge turn on, and that was part of the reason that I didn’t break it up and take Tommy immediately back with me. It wasn’t because I wanted to let him have some fun, far from it. It was because I couldn’t take my eyes off his face. I wanted to be the one that made him feel that way. I wanted Tommy to be on my lap, feeling how hard he had gotten me.

  When the two of them started to get up, my radar went on. I couldn’t lose Tommy if I was too busy watching him go at it with someone else. It wasn’t right, and the last thing that I wanted to do was that. I was finally able to move my feet a little bit, and I followed them to the back room. It was a strange new place and when they headed for the bathrooms, I knew I was going to have to intersect this right now or it was going to turn into something else altogether.

  Moving a little faster, I pushed into the bathroom, expecting to see them there. Tommy had his back against the sink and his eyes closed. His new friend was on his knees in front of him, slobbering up and down on Tommy’s hard cock. It was long and thick, making me want what I couldn’t have. I didn’t want the moment to end. Instead I went to one of the stalls and moved into it quickly. I didn’t want to be seen and spoil the moment. He was still in my line of sight from some holes that were fashioned into the sides of the stalls.

  My mind didn’t even question why they were there as I watched the guy pleasure Tommy. He was moving faster and faster on his cock, and Tommy was enjoying every minute of it. What struck me the most was how loud Tommy was and how vocal. Every move of the man’s mouth on his cock elicited such a response, and at one point before he came, I was sure that he had said my name.

  I knew that I had most likely heard it because I wanted to hear it, but I wasn’t sure. I wanted to be sure, so I stayed and waited to see what happened next. The man wanted Tommy to let him have his fun, but Tommy didn’t seem as willing as he had been to get his cock sucked.

  “No, Billy, I don’t think I am going to do that. I have to get back out there.”

  “You are just going to leave me hanging?”

  Tommy giggled. “From the looks of that thing, you aren’t hanging very much at all. I don’t have time for that. You are really good with your mouth though.”

  The man was pissed, and for a few minutes I thought I was going to have to step in and save him from the guy. But Tommy just flitted out with the guy’s dick still out. Seconds later, the hard piece of meat came through the hole of the stall I was in, and I had to pull back not to get the head of it in my eye. It was small, and I could see why Tommy didn’t want to mess with it. It waggled in my face.

  “Come on, I know you are in here. I saw you come in when I was sucking off that fucking twink. Finish me off for the show.”

  I was going to do no such thing, and I was saved by other people coming in. Another man wasn’t so picky, and I heard Billy talking to him. There were soon sounds telling me that Billy was going to be taken care of. Worked for me.

  Getting out of there, I looked back once and was surprised how busy such a bathroom was. I never knew that places like this really existed. I don’t know why I never believed stories of glory holes and the like, but apparently, they were true. No matter how hard it was to try to imagine it, it was right there in front of me.

  I had to pull my thoughts from what I just witnessed though. I had to get Tommy back to the room before he was seen or worse. He was supposed to be in my care, and his father would not like where his son and I had ended up. I knew that I wasn’t going to tell him, but there were a lot of people around, and any one of them could know Nick or any of the rest of the Corrello family. It was a numbers game, one that I didn’t want to play.

  Tommy was back at the bar, drinking another shot of something green and smiling at another man that sat down next to him. He was flirting again, and my temper flared as I walked up to him.

  “Tommy, we need to go.”

  The man next to him gave me a look that told me to buzz off, but I wasn’t going to. When he stood up and told me that I was bothering Tommy, I looked to Tommy.

  “Let’s go. You know you are not supposed to be here. You don’t want me to hurt your little friend, do you?”

  Tommy just grinned because his new friend was a muscle-bound meathead from the look of it, and Tommy must have thought that he would get the best of me. He obviously thought that I would be bothered by such a guy, but I wasn’t. Not in any way, shape or form. When the guy moved toward me as I was looking at Tommy, I pushed him back and warned him once that he needed to stay the hell out of it. He didn’t know what he was getting into, but I promised him that he wasn’t going to want to.

  “Just stay out of it man. Sit down, drink your beer, and save yourself from a lot of pain that you don’t have to put upon yourself.”

  I felt the hand on my shoulder, and I shrugged at Tommy before turning around and sending the guy’s face into the dense wood of the bar. I heard a crack that gave me more satisfaction than I think I was supposed to feel, but I didn’t care. After everything that had gone on and the state of my insides at the moment, I was done playing games. Tommy was going to do as I said, and I was showing him that I wasn’t messing around anymore. If I had to smash some guy’s face to do it, I wasn’t going to worry about it all that much.

  “Now, Tommy. We have to get back now before the cops are called.”

  He giggled and still refused to get up and out of here. “You are the cops.”

  “Not anymore, I am not. Let’s get the hell out of here.”

  The guy that had stood in my way was now on his back with his hand over his head. I felt bad for an instant, but getting Tommy out of here was my number one priority. I had to get him out of here and back to the hotel. There was way too much attention on the two of us, and no matter how hard I tried to play it off, too many people had seen what I had done. Too many witnesses that could know Nick.

  My display finally got Tommy moving, and I was at least thankful for that. He was a handful and fairly tipsy, but then again, he had just watched me knock down a very big guy. That seemed to be enough to at least get him thinking in another direction. “Fine, Jack. All you had to do was ask. You didn’t have to hit him.”

  As he said it, Tommy was smiling, and I couldn’t help but massively enjoy it. He liked that I got jealous, and the flirting eyes were back on me now. I groaned and tried not to let it bother me too much. This damn kid was a handful and a half. I would be happy when this assignment was over. I hoped that Nick had more work, but anything had to be better than watching his kid.

  Chapter 9


  The drive home was quiet. Jack was pissed off, and he still had hits of adrenaline going off inside of him. I could see it in the way he couldn’t stay still and his constant tapping of his finger on the steering wheel. I knew that he was mad at me for taking off, but I didn’t see the point of his anger. It was clear that he hadn’t taken too long to find me. I should have stayed at the hotel, but he was making it miserable on purpose. I hoped that he would see that I would be fine and back off. Now I knew that I had been very wrong in my assessment.

  “Are you really just not going to talk to me? It is going to be hard in that tiny little motel room that you insist we stay in.”

  “It will be easy.”

  He was still mad, and I wanted to lighten the mood. He was killing my buzz, and since I knew that we would be at the hotel soon, I wanted to get him there quicker. There was no reason for him to be so upset about everything. I just went out for a drink, that’s all. When I tried to impress that very fact upon him, Jack didn’t want to hear it.

  “I don’t think you quite realize how dangerous this all is, Tommy. You are running around like it is no big deal. Three of your father’s men have been killed. They are the high-ups. Someone is trying to take down your f
amily and as the heir, you are in the line of fire. I don’t know how else to impress this upon you. He doesn’t want anything to happen to you, and neither do I.”

  “My dad worries about his legacy, that’s all. He never did care about me. It would kill his reputation if his son was killed on his watch. Don’t ever think that this is nothing more than a ploy to protect his ego, that’s it.”

  “You are pretty damn cynical for being so young.”

  “It happens when you grow up in my family.”

  Jack was silent, and I had put myself in a foul mood. I didn’t really get what I was looking for at the bar, but once I saw Billy’s cock, I knew that I wasn’t going to get it from him. It would have just been a waste of time if I would have gone down that route. Jack had ended it with the new guy. I hadn’t even got his name yet, but his confidence told me that he was working with more than his friend. I bet if I would have been given some more time, I would have found out that it was the case.

  “So, did my dad make sure to tell you that I was supposed to be cock-blocked as well?”

  Jack just shook his head. “You shouldn’t be picking up random guys at some bar. That can’t be safe.”

  “You are old school. It is the way it is now. I know that you probably hide who you are, but I refuse to. I am not going to hide who I am, no matter what.”

  “It’s not hiding who you are, Tommy. It is more about just keeping a lid on it and not drawing so much attention to yourself. Because of who your father is, you put yourself at unneeded risk. I don’t understand why you don’t get it. You’re a smart guy. People are dying around you, and all you are worried about is getting your dick sucked by some random guy in a bathroom.”


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