by Meg Morie
“Nick says that no one knows about that place.”
“They do, everyone does, and I don’t think we should go there. If you really want to keep us safe, you will keep us as far away from that place as possible. Trust me, Jack. It is not a good place for us, and I want you to get home to see your son again.”
I didn’t want him to see how certain I was. I was sure of what was going on, but I knew that it was going to have to be toned down with my reasoning.
“Why are you panicking, Tommy? It is like you know what is going to happen. After what happened at the safe house, I am starting to wonder if you are psychic of something.”
I shook my head that I wasn’t psychic. “It’s not that, Jack. I just have a really bad feeling about all of this, and I know that if we go there, we are going to share the same fate as Dinal.”
“You don’t seem that upset about it.”
“Most of these guys made my life a living hell. Dinal was the worst one of them all. So, no, I guess you could say that I don’t give a damn if something happened to him. Sometimes tragedy is a blessing in disguise.”
Jack just nodded, and he was still looking outside like someone was going to come at any minute. I wanted to tell him that it was going to be okay, but he was the one that was supposed to be making me feel better.
“I don’t know if we should go somewhere else, Tommy. This is getting serious. I know you pretend that you aren’t bothered by it, but you should be. How could you not be?”
“I just know that I don’t want to go to the house in Kent. That place has bad karma, and I don’t care if you take me to another crummy motel. Anywhere but there.”
I was being obstinate, and I knew that. I knew that he was going to look at me strangely, he already did, but it was for our own benefit. This was almost over, and I had known for a long time that it would most likely end in Kent. I just had to make sure that I could convince him to keep us away from there. Jack was too big to strong arm, so I was just going to have to make him see my side.
“I think you are too used to getting your way, Tommy. You are too used to being Nick’s kid and everyone listening to you.”
“Do you really think that we would be alive right now if we had stayed at the safe house?”
Jack nodded that he didn’t think so. “No, not really. They cleared the place out, and it looks like they had enough surprise that no one was able to even make it into the basement. I don’t think it would have worked out well for us. Do you really think that the same thing is going to happen in Kent?”
I told him that I did. I didn’t tell him why or how I was so sure of it. If he wanted to blame it on my gut, I was okay with that. It didn’t matter why he believed me just that he did. All that mattered was that we got the hell out of here and went somewhere where my dad didn’t know where I was. It was all I could think about and when Jack finally agreed to it, I was this close to launching into his arms and thanking him. I even got a little teary-eyed and I had to brush the tear away.
“What’s the matter, Tommy? I told you that I would take you somewhere else. I thought that is what you wanted?”
“It is. I just… I didn’t think you would believe me. No one ever does. It is like I am never a part of anything, and you haven’t known me two days, but you have faith in me, Jack. That means a lot to me. More than you will ever know.”
I hated that I had gotten so emotional. I hated that part of me. I wish that I could just turn it off like everyone else seemed to. It made me wonder if they felt everything as strongly as I did. If they did, how could they be able to function when I was so unable to?
Composing myself, we paid the bill. and Jack started up the car. We were quiet on the way up, and I know that it was because I didn’t know what to say and my emotional outbursts most likely left him uncomfortable. Most men like Jack were so stoic, and it was impossible to ever really know what they were thinking.
“You know, Tommy, I am glad you had that feeling about the safe house. I don’t think that they would have stopped until we were all dead. You saved me, and now I get to see my son again. You are the one saving us, not me.”
If he only knew how true it was.
“My mother always told me to listen to my gut. It would always be right.”
“I have never met her, but she sounds like a smart woman.”
“You will meet her soon enough. I think you will like her. She is nothing like my dad, even though he has spent many years trying to beat her into being something else. When this is all over, you will see the difference.”
“You know you talk in riddles a lot, Tommy.”
I looked out the window and didn’t agree or disagree. There was a part of me that wanted to tell him everything, but then there was another part of me that knew better. We were just going to have to see it through and see what came out the other side. I wasn’t happy about any of this, but I knew that if we stayed away from Kent, everything would be okay.
“Can we stop at a gas station when we get back on the main road? I have to pee so badly.”
“You just went.”
“Yeah, but I really have to go. I drank too much pop.”
Jack didn’t look happy about it, but he agreed. In the end, how could he refuse me?
Chapter 16
I waited in the car for Tommy to use the restroom. He had been in there for several minutes and like before, he was shoving something into his pocket as he was walking back to the car. It made me think of his phone. Someone had called him before his own dad had known about the safe house. I knew that something was going on. Now I also knew that I was going to have to find out who the hell he was calling and who called him. Then I had a feeling I would know exactly what was going on. The mystery was all starting to come to me even if I didn’t want to believe it.
When he got back out to the car, he had a grin on his face and that bothered me a little bit. I asked him about it, and Tommy just played it off like he was happy to use the restroom.
“So where are we going?”
Something told me to keep it to myself. I wasn’t ready to say my accusations out loud, but I did know that I didn’t trust him all the way. Tommy wasn’t telling me the truth, and that much I knew for sure. There was something going on that I wasn’t privy to, and I wanted to know what it was. But I was a patient man. I would figure it out soon enough; I always do. They didn’t call me a bulldog at the precinct for nothing. Apparently, I never let anything go.
“Nowhere that you know of. Take a rest. We are going to be driving for a little while, and you look like you need some sleep.”
It was getting late and starting to get dark. I was at a loss as to where to go or what to do, but at the moment I just wanted to drive. It was when I got all my good ideas, and I needed that badly right now. Looking over at the man next to me, I felt compelled to keep him safe, no matter what. Whatever I found out, it didn’t matter. I had a job and a duty, and I was going to make sure that I did it, no matter what.
When I finally stopped, Tommy was leaning against my shoulder, completely out of it. He slept fitfully, and I was again reminded of what he told me about his life with the Correllos. If anyone deserved a second chance, it was Tommy. He had been through enough.
“We’re here, kid. It is time to get up.”
He gave me a dirty look before he tried to figure out where we were. The hotel was a lot nicer, and I hoped that he noticed. After the grief he had given me the last time around, I didn’t want him to think that I was a cheapskate. I was getting paid well if he was still alive when this was all over, and I could afford a more upscale place. I also wanted it to be a nice place for us to spend some time together and to get some sleep. It had been one hell of a long day, and I was ready to crash out myself.
“I see you sprang for a nicer hotel. Good. I was worried about having to check the bed for bugs like the last one.”
“It is a lot nicer, so come on, let’s get our stuff upstairs. I am read
y to take a shower and get some rest.”
Tommy was getting wide-eyed. He was waking up, and I think that what was going on started to play on his mind. Maybe now he would finally get what kind of danger he was in; we were both in. I never did know why he wasn’t as worried about it as I was. It seemed like he should have been. This was a lot for even a guy like him to process.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I am good. Thanks for getting us out of there.”
“You going to tell me what’s really going on?”
For a second I thought that Tommy was going to do just that, but he silently shook his head instead and said that he wasn’t.
“I think you have it all under wraps pretty good here, Jack. I don’t know what is going on, but I know that I feel safe with you.”
His words got to me, as did the vulnerability that he showed me earlier. How was I supposed to just turn my back or accuse him now?
“Well I am glad, Tommy. That is my job.”
I opened the door to our room with the key I had gotten at the front, and I turned to Tommy, opening it wide so that he could get in first.
“Nice, this is very nice. You have certainly moved up in the world, Jack. I hope my dad is paying you well to work with me.”
“He paid plenty. I am not worried about the money, Tommy; I am worried about keeping you safe. I knew when I took this job that you weren’t really involved in the family business. Now that I know you, you are the one I want to protect. You don’t deserve this life, and I am happy to help, no matter how much I get in the end.”
Tommy was getting emotional again, and he moved up to me, hugging me to him. At first it was sweet, and I took it that way, but very soon it was obvious that he was thinking it was more than that, and I was swept up in the way he held me against him. It felt like heaven, and I wanted more.
“Kiss me, Jack. I have wanted you to kiss me since we first met. Please do me the honor.”
“You know that we shouldn’t do this, Tommy. It’s wrong.”
“If it’s wrong, Jack, then I don’t want to be right. I feel so close to you, and you make me want so much more. I am glad it was you my father chose.”
He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. At first, I was going to tell him no. That it was wrong, much the same as I had said before, but Tommy was right. It didn’t feel wrong to kiss him, and it didn’t feel wrong for him to press himself against me, kissing me the way that he was. How could any of this be wrong when it felt so right to have him in my arms?
I deepened his kiss, pushing my tongue in between his lips till he made a whimpering sound that drove me insane. I didn’t know how else to describe it, but something came over me, and there was just no stopping it. All of the pent-up need that I had that wasn’t relieved at the bar was gone. I needed more, and it was Tommy that I wanted so badly. He was all I could think about, and as his slim body melted into mine, it made it even harder to push him away. If I didn’t know any better, I would think that Tommy knew exactly what it was that he was doing to me. The grin on his face just made it that much clearer that I was right.
But it was too late. He had hooked me in, and there was no way that I was going to be thrown back. I wanted him just as badly as he wanted me, and it seemed like we had waited long enough. Life was short, and I wanted to do what I knew would make me happy.
The kiss was enough to get my body going, and I moved towards the bed with him. Tommy didn’t put up a fight, just allowed me to push him back. He fell back onto the bed, and I pulled my shirt over my head. I wanted to feel him, and all the heat that he generated with his body was burning me up. We hadn’t been in the room two minutes, and I already felt like I was going to suffocate from the burning need inside of me. Tommy may have been a lot of things, but according to my body, he was all that I needed. That was it.
I moved to kiss him as his body rose up to smash against the hard length in my pants. I made a groaning noise, it felt too good, and I heard Tommy giggle as I pulled my lips away and started to kiss his neck. His skin was soft and so damn hot. He tasted sweet to my senses, and I loved the way he whimpered as I nibbled on his shoulder. The man was sexy as hell, and as he squirmed underneath me, I just wanted more.
My hands went to his lean chest and rubbed against the skin under his shirt. There was a little bit of hair sparingly tossed around, and it felt perfect. I pinched one of his nipples to get him to open those big brown eyes of his. I wanted to watch his reaction, the pleasure going across his face, far more than I wanted to hear it. Tommy was in his moment of bliss, and when I pushed my hand down his pants and gripped him hard, he groaned and his face contorted, as if he was in pain. I stopped, afraid that I had hurt him, but he lifted his chest up and tried to put it right back in my hands. I knew then that he was going to like it just as I did--intense. I was raging in my pants and I didn’t know how much longer I was going to be able to hold it all back.
Tommy was hard, as hard as I was, and I moved my face down to his jeans. I nibbled at the long length that was captured by the pants and I teased the sides of it with my teeth. Tommy whimpered and groaned, his hips gyrating against me, trying his best to entice me. I was already enticed, but I was also trying to slow myself down. I didn’t know how long we had together, but now I wanted to make the best of what time we did have.
I opened his pants and fished his cock out as quickly as I could. I had already seen it once, and this time I got to put my lips around it and suckle him in. It was perfect, and the more I tried to fight the urge, the more I wanted from him. I pushed him down to the back of my throat, looking up at the expression on his face. He felt good, and I loved that I was the cause of all his intense emotions.
His hand went to the back of my head, and he whimpered as I suckled on him harder and with more force. His hips twisted, and it was almost like he was fighting back the waves of pleasure. I liked the challenge and only when he was gripping the sides of the sheets on the bed did I give him a moment to relax.
Tommy sighed, and I chuckled as I slammed him back down my throat and then made a gagging sound as I took him as deep as I could. I tried to settle my throat, but it did no good. He was too big for me to take all of him and when he started to shoot into me, I swallowed quickly so I didn’t lose it. It was an easy thing to do with a man like this.
When I came up for air, there was nothing that I wanted but more. Tommy was feeling the same way. He slid out of his pants and started to take his shirt off. I watched his body appear, and I have to say it was exactly what I was looking for. His cock was hard again, and I knew then that Tommy was going to be the death of me. I had thought of a fiery demise in which I was shot by a mobster, but now I realized that the real danger was the man that looked at me now.
Tommy crooked his finger towards me in a come-hither move, and I wanted to do just that. Everything he did just brought me back to the bed faster than before. I remembered how picky Tommy was about cock, and I hoped that mine would meet the challenge. I had never really thought about it before and when Tommy’s eyes got wide and he smiled up at me as his hand grasped the hard shaft, I was lost in the moment.
“I don’t want to wait anymore, Jack.”
I knew that he had been left unsatisfied before, and I knew what it was that he needed. His grin was all that was required, and it didn’t take any time for him to position me at his opening. I pushed in slowly, closing my eyes to the pleasure of being suffocated by his sheath. I looked down, watching my cock feed into his hot hole, and just the look alone was enough to push me over the edge.
I had to stop once I got to the end of the line, and I gritted my teeth to avoid losing it too soon. I felt like I had been waiting forever for this moment. He just felt too damn good, and I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to deal with it.
“Does that feel good, Jack?”
I grunted as he tightened up around me. I felt like I was going to be cut in two, and I moved out in defense of saving my length.
sp; “Fuck yeah, it feels good, Tommy. I think you know that.”
He grinned and told me to fuck him harder. They were just the words that I needed to set me off on a course that I couldn’t stop. Sawing into him faster and faster, it wasn’t long before I was gritting my teeth again to the tightness that surrounded me. He felt amazing, and once he started to erupt in front of me, that was the moment that was my greatest relief. I didn’t want to stop until I knew that he was fully satisfied and that was what I needed to end my own torture.
I filled him with my hot, sticky seed and waited for him to take more. His body convulsed as I filled him, and I loved the way he sounded to my ears. We were both in the throes of pleasure, and I held him down tightly, penetrating him fully long before I was done. My cock was getting hard as his insides milked me, and he whimpered as I started to move inside of him again.
“What are you doing, old man?”
He groaned as I pushed in deep.
“Did you really think one time was going to be enough, Tommy? As horny as you have had me for the last couple of days, it is going to take more than blasting in you once. I am going to fuck you till you pass out. Then I am going to wake you up and fuck you some more.”
His eyes got wide and I started to move faster. He wasn’t going to ever call me old man again. Of that at least, I was sure.
Chapter 17
It felt good to be in his arms. Jack was sleeping, but I was unable to get a moment’s rest. I wasn’t thinking about anything else but what was going on between us. It was something special, and the more I was with Jack, the more I knew I was supposed to be. We were meant to be together and I didn’t want this moment to end.
Everything had just gotten out of control. I don’t know what I was thinking when I started all of this, but it had taken on its own shape, and I was unable to stop it now. It was like a huge snowball that just picked up speed and got bigger as time went on. There was no going back, even if I wanted to. I think I did. I know I did , but, at the end of the day, I was unable to. There must be another way, there always was, but now it was too late.