Looking for Lainey - A gripping psychological thriller

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Looking for Lainey - A gripping psychological thriller Page 11

by Kristen Middleton

  “I know. I just pray they find her before it’s too late.”

  “I’m so sorry, Babe,” he said softly.

  “Me, too.” Sniffling, she headed to the bathroom and grabbed a tissue. “Anyway, when are you coming home?”

  “That’s what I was calling you about. I’m on the road right now and should be back in a couple of hours.”

  She sighed in relief. “Thank, God.” Although he’d only been gone for a couple of days, Beth felt lost without him. Especially now.

  “Keep me in the loop if you hear anything else, okay?”

  “Will do. I love you.”

  “Love you, too. I’ll see you soon,” he replied.

  They hung up and Beth splashed some cold water on her face. Grabbing a towel, she stared at her reflection in the mirror, wondering if the person who’d taken Lainey had stood where she now stood. Looked into the same mirror. Used her towels. The thought made her feel violated.

  A loud knock on the door made Beth jump.

  “You okay in there?” Tom asked.

  “Yes,” she said, relaxing. “You scared the daylights out of me.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m starving and was thinking about picking up some Asian food. Would you like some, too?”

  She still wasn’t very hungry but knew that she needed to stay healthy. At least for Lainey.

  She opened the door. “Sure.”

  Tom stared down at her with concern. “You okay?”

  “I won’t be until we find her,” she said softly.

  “I know. I feel like we’re both trapped in a nightmare together. This all seems so... surreal.” Tom’s eyes filled with tears. “I can’t even imagine what our baby is going through.”

  “We’ll find her,” she replied, touching his shoulder.

  Their eyes met and Beth could see the longing in his eyes. And not just for the return of their daughter. She removed her hand, the moment suddenly feeling a little too intimate. Too uncomfortable.

  “Thanks for going to get food, by the way,” she said, taking a step back.

  “Of course.” Shoving his hands into his pockets, he sighed. “I thought that maybe we could talk, too, when I get back. There are some things that I’d like to get off of my chest.”

  Beth’s stomach knotted up. She’d seen the look in Tom’s eyes and suspected that he wanted to talk about the two of them. But, it was too late. She was engaged to someone else. As much as she still cared deeply for Tom, it was over between them. It had to be.

  “What things?” she asked nervously.

  He pulled out his car keys. “We can discuss it when I get back, if that’s okay? I think I’ll do better on a full stomach.”

  She forced a smile to her face. “Sure. Of course.”

  “By the way, what did Mike have to say?” he asked as they began walking down the hallway.

  “He’s returning earlier than planned.”

  His shoulders sagged. “Oh,” he replied, sounding disappointed. “When is he getting back?”

  “In a couple of hours.”

  “Hopefully, he’s finally getting his priorities straight,” Tom mumbled. “I mean, who leaves the woman he loves at a time like this? I sure in the hell wouldn’t.”

  Beth wanted to argue that Tom had no right to point fingers. He hadn’t exactly put her and Lainey as a top priority when he’d been gambling. But, now was not the time to rehash the past and she was emotionally drained. So she held her tongue.

  “So, do you still like shrimp Lo Mein?” he asked in the living room.

  She smiled. “Yeah.”

  “Okay. By the way, I have to run a couple of errands before I get back. It shouldn’t take me too long,” he replied, walking to the front door.

  “Sounds good,” she said.

  Tom opened the door and stole another look her way before leaving. She wondered if he still planned on having the conversation with her and hoped not. They were both already hurting and she didn’t need to cause him anymore pain.

  Chapter 23


  TARA’S GUT TOLD her that she’d made a terrible mistake by involving the friendly, old couple. Even though Edgar had a gun, nobody was as evil and ruthless as Yury and Kurt. The two, kind strangers would probably get killed and it would be her fault.

  Upset and angry with herself, Tara hurried over to the window and peered down below. Sure enough, Kurt’s vehicle was parked outside. She backed away, wondering what to do. She knew that hiding in the closet and waiting for the inevitable, which would be their captors finding them, wasn’t in their best interests.

  I have to think of something.

  The sound of splintering wood made her jump.

  Terrified, Tara rushed back into the closet.

  “What was that noise?” asked Lainey, staring at her wide-eyed.

  Tara guided them toward the back of the closet. “They’re getting into the house. Get behind the clothing. I’ll hide you.”

  Tara knew that it was only a matter of time before they’d be found and she needed to do something quickly.

  The children did as Tara instructed and she did her best to cover them up with Wilma’s long dresses.

  “What are you going to do?” Sammy asked.

  “I’m going to try and lead them away,” she whispered, pushing a box of old clothing in front of them to help conceal their feet. “Whatever you do, don’t leave the closet unless I come for you. Okay?”

  Realizing what she was saying, Lainey gasped. “No. Stay here with us,” she begged, peeking out at her from between the clothing. “If they catch you, they’ll hurt you.”

  “Don’t worry about me,” Tara said. “Just do what I say and please don’t leave the closet, no matter what you hear.”

  Lainey looked terrified. “But-”

  A loud crash and then the sound of a gun firing made them all freeze. Following the noise, they heard Wilma crying out her husband’s name.

  “They shot her!” Sammy sobbed.

  “No,” moaned Lainey.

  Tara wasn’t sure who’d been shot, but something told her that if she didn’t act soon, the next bullet might be headed her way.

  “Please, you guys. You have to stay quiet,” she pleaded. “And don’t you dare come out. Do you understand?”

  They both answered “yes”.

  Taking a deep breath, Tara slipped out of the closet and quietly crept toward the bedroom door. As she took her last step, the floor-board creaked loudly.

  Her stomach dropped.

  Terrified, she waited for someone to come charging through the doorway.

  “Oh no, my poor Edgar!” screamed Wilma shrilly from downstairs. “You horrible, horrible, man! You shot my husband!”

  Trembling, Tara opened the door as quietly as possible. As she stepped out of the bedroom, she could hear Kurt and Yury threatening to kill Wilma if she didn’t give them up.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she sobbed. “Please, let me call an ambulance. My husband is dying.”

  “Tell us where those kids are first,” demanded Kurt. “We saw their footsteps leading to your porch. We know they’re here. Where are they, upstairs?”

  “I don’t know who you’re talking about. What kids?” lied Wilma.

  There was a loud slapping noise and the older woman gasped in pain.

  “You still going to play games?” Yury asked angrily.

  The woman didn’t answer. She just continued to cry.

  Tara’s guilt ate her up inside. They were going to kill Wilma and she was to blame. It made her want to do something. Anything, to help her. But then she remembered the excruciating pain Yury had inflicted on Tara the last time she’d escaped. This time, he’d surely torture and kill her. Along with Wilma.

  Yury grunted. “Stupid, old bat. Kurt, go and check upstairs. I’ll take a look down below.”

  “What about her?”

  In answer, Tara heard another gunshot, startling her.

  “There. Anymore
questions?” Yury replied in a satisfied voice.

  Tears filled Tara’s eyes as she realized what he’d done. She covered her mouth in horror.

  Kurt swore. “You could have warned me,” he snapped. “Now I have blood on my shoes.”

  “Pfft. Your fault for standing so close,” replied Yury. “Now, go upstairs.”

  Panicking, Tara backed away from the staircase and ran to the other bedroom. She quietly shut the door and went over to the window. Looking outside, she sighed in relief. If she was careful, she could crawl down to the lower part of the roof, to the veranda. From there, she decided that she should be able to make it to the patio below without getting hurt. At least she hoped. Regardless, it was her only option.

  “Children! We know you’re here. You’d better get your asses out here before someone else gets hurt!” hollered Kurt, his voice getting closer.

  Praying that Lainey and Sammy wouldn’t obey him, she threw open the window, knocked out the screen, and climbed out, making as much noise as possible. Just as Tara hoped, Kurt followed the sounds to her.

  “Hey, get back here!” he growled angrily, sticking his head out of the window as she climbed and slid down the wet, slippery roof.

  Ignoring him, Tara continued her descent until she was hanging from one of the veranda beams. Taking a deep breath, she dropped to her feet, landing hard but without injury.

  Kurt pointed his gun down at her. “Stop, right there and don’t move.”

  Tara needed him to believe that the children were already outside. She turned toward the woods and cupped her mouth. “Keep running, you guys! Don’t stop!”

  Falling for it, Kurt swore and disappeared back inside.

  Sighing in relief, she took off around to the back, praying that Kurt would assume she’d followed Sammy and Lainey away from the house.

  Chapter 24


  HAWK STARED AT Kurt’s text message in anger. Both of the children had escaped and he knew that if by some miracle, they made it to the police, he was royally screwed. Desperate to make sure that didn’t happen, he raced to the farmhouse, hoping that by the time he arrived, Yury and Kurt would have the situation under control. Unfortunately, when he walked inside, the only person around was Dina.

  “What happened to you?” he asked, noticing that she was holding a rag against the side of her head. There was also dried blood under her nose.

  “Bitch hit me in head with lamp,” she snapped and then began complaining in Russian.

  “Tara hit you?” he asked, a little surprised that she’d gotten the better hand of Dina.


  He sighed. Kurt always had a soft spot for Tara which he’d warned him about before.

  “This is all Kurt’s fault,” Dina said, glaring at him. “He let her get away with too much and now... they are gone.”

  Dina hated Tara. He wasn’t exactly sure why, considering both had once been kidnapped as children. And if anything, Tara was more of a prisoner than Dina, who could now come and go with permission. It didn’t mean that she was free, however. So, why she hated Tara, who had far less freedom than she did, was beyond him.

  “How did they escape?” he asked. “By foot?”

  “Yes. Kurt and Yury will bring them back.”

  Not so sure about that, he turned and headed back out to his truck. He was furious at the turn of events. Not only was he in danger of getting arrested, but he hadn’t yet been paid for abducting Lainey and Sammy. Then there was the matter of the snoopy psychic, Carissa Jones. He’d seen her on television a couple of times and knew that the woman was either very lucky or truly did have a gift. If it was the latter and she was able to connect him to the kidnapping, shit could really hit the fan. He couldn’t have that.

  Starting up his vehicle, he turned it around and began driving slowly away from the house, almost wishing he’d never gotten involved in the trafficking racket in the first place. But, he was good at what he did and the money he received made the dangers associated with the kidnapping tolerable. Unfortunately, it was getting harder and harder to get his hands on the kind of merchandise Yury wanted and... not any old child would do. They had to have that special ‘look’. One of innocence and beauty. The kind of look that made the rich freaks open up their wallets. Like beautiful, delicate little Lainey.

  Sighing in irritation, he regretted ever showing Yury his cell phone. But, the Russian had insisted on going through it to see what kind of man they were doing business with. Upon seeing a picture of Lainey, he’d started asking questions.

  “She would bring us a huge payday,” the Russian had said, handing him back his wallet. “And, would prove your loyalty to us.”

  “Are you insane?” he’d replied, shocked at the request.

  “Everyone has a price. Give me yours.”

  At first, he’d scoffed at the very idea of giving them Lainey. But then Yury had made a ridiculous offer. One a guy like him, who already had a first class ticket to Hell, could not refuse.

  Chapter 25


  WHEN THEY ARRIVED back at Beth’s place, they found her alone.

  “So, what did you learn?” she asked, letting them in. “I’ve been waiting on pins and needles.”

  “Sorry,” Carissa said as they stepped into her living room. “I wanted to talk to you in person.” She looked around. “Where’s Tom?”

  Beth waved her hand. “Oh, he had a couple of errands to run and then was going to bring back some Chinese food.”

  “Where’s William?” asked Dustin.

  “He’s out with Helen visiting her daughter. Why?” she asked. Her eyes it up. “Did you learn something new?”

  “Actually, I think so,” Carissa said softly.

  There was an awkward tension in the air. Beth’s eyes darted back and forth from Carissa to Dustin. She smiled nervously. “Well, what is it? I’m going crazy here.”

  “You should probably sit down,” Carissa said.

  “You’re making me nervous,” Beth said, walking over to the sofa. “Somehow, I don’t feel as if you’re about to give me good news.”

  Carissa followed her over and sat down next to her. “Sorry. I, um,” she let out a sigh, “I think I’ve finally figured out who the man was at Walmart.”

  Beth looked relieved. “Was it that repairman, Bernie?”

  Carissa shook her head. “I think that it’s someone close to you.” She cleared her throat. “How long have you known Mike?”

  “Mike?” Beth repeated, staring at her in disbelief. “My Mike? You don’t think...“ She put a hand against her chest. “No way. He would never be involved in something like this.”

  “Let’s hope that you’re right,” Dustin said.

  Carissa agreed. She didn’t want to outright accuse him of anything without proof.

  “I am right,” Beth said angrily.

  “Do you have a picture of Mike?” Carissa replied, wishing that she didn’t feel so strongly about Beth’s fiancé. But, she’d sensed earlier on that the person might be close to Beth and she’d already ruled out Tom. She just needed something to confirm her suspicions and then figure out where to go from there.

  “Yes, I do,” Beth said, reaching over to grab her phone from the end table. She began scrolling through her photos. “I still think you’re way off course, though. Mike is a kind and loving man. He loves Lainey and would never do her any harm. Besides,” she glanced up, “he has a son of his own. How could a man like that be involved in something so sordid?”

  Carissa wanted to tell her about the serial killer she’d once met who’d also been a family man. His children had loved him dearly and had no idea of the true monster he’d been. Nor his wife, who’d been shocked when he’d been arrested for murder and later found guilty of torturing and killing six women. But, she didn’t think it would help the situation.

  “I’m sorry. It’s always possible that my visions aren’t totally clear or I’m reading them wrong. But, if Mike is involved, and
we don’t check him out, your daughter could be lost to us forever.”

  Sighing, Beth turned her phone around and showed Carissa a picture of him. “This is Mike. I don’t have many of him, unfortunately. He hates having his picture taken.”

  “May I?” Carissa asked politely.

  “Go ahead,” Beth replied, holding the cell phone out to her.

  She took it and stared at the man in the photo. He reminded her a little of the actor, Ted Danson, in his younger years. He certainly didn’t look like a child predator, but evil came in many different forms.

  “Well?” asked Dustin, sitting across from them.

  Carissa looked at him. “I don’t know but... I really think we need to check him out.”

  Beth’s face turned stormy. “I don’t believe it. I won’t believe it.”

  “I understand how difficult this is and I hope, for your sake, that I’m wrong and he’s not involved,” Carissa said softly, handing her the phone back.

  “You are wrong. In fact, he’s coming home soon. You can see for yourself that Mike is one of the sweetest men in the world. He loves me. He loves Lainey,” Beth replied, looking about ready to burst into tears.

  “I’m sorry, Beth. You might be right about him, but I also know that you’d move mountains to find your daughter. I think it’s important to put aside your feelings until we know for sure that he isn’t involved.”

  She let out a ragged sigh. “Fine.”

  “Where exactly was Mike when Lainey was kidnapped?” Dustin asked.

  “Colorado,” Beth said, leaning back in the sofa. “As I mentioned before, he was at an art convention.”

  “Do you know the name of the hotel where he stayed?” Carissa asked.

  “I think he said it was The Hilton,” she replied.

  “Why don’t you give me Mike’s cell phone number and we’ll have Jeremy do some digging. By the way, did he ever mention the name Yury Popov?” asked Dustin.

  “No,” she replied, watching as he took out a pen and small notepad. “Why? Who is he?”


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