by Z. Stefani
“Ex- co-worker.” Julian corrected her.
“Ex- coworker, stalks in the shadows, waiting to catch me when I’m not paying attention.”
“He’s not going to get you, I’m not leaving your side until he’s dead or behind bars.” he vowed as he pulled her closer to him.
“He said that if I did get away, he would get me.”
“I’m not going to let him get you, trust me.”
“I know.”
“I want to see you bow guns.” Julian said and she nodded with excitement.
She took him to the back of her closet, to what looked like an ordinary wall. She hit a small button under the ledge and it slid back to reveal an arsenal of bow guns.
“Very impressive.” he said looking at the eclectic mix of bow guns.”
“I know, look at this one.” she smiled grabbing a large, red, bow gun. “I won every contest in college with this beauty, no one could beat me.”
“I bet you did,” he smiled thinking about that competitive drive of hers, “and I’m sure there was trail of bodies from those who opposed you.”
“Of course there was, this is one of the most powerful bows I have.” she grinned wickedly.
“You should have put Heaven on it instead.” he said pointing to her last name displayed in silver letters.
“It is heavenly, isn’t it?”
“Not as heavenly as you,” he grabbed her hips, “you look so sexy holding that thing.” he kissed her lips.
“Do I?” she whispered against his lips.
“You do, but I want to see some skin,” he kissed her lips again then stepped back, “and I want to see you dance.”
“No way,” she shook her head and chuckled, “I told you my mother lied to you, I can’t dance.”
“And I told you that you had to prove it to me.” he grabbed her hand and led her out of her closet.
“No, Julian I’m telling you I can’t dance!” she tried to explain but he would hear none of it, instead he turned on her radio and sat down in the red chair by the window.
“I am not doing this.” she stood there shaking her head with her hands crossed over her chest.
“You better start moving those hips Princess.” he grinned, reaching out and slapping the side of her hip which she immediately moved to the side. “See you can do dance, come on.”
“No.” she protested, even though her hips were beginning to sway to the beat. Julian sat back in the chair and watched her as she moved her hips from side to side, swaying in perfect beat to the music. She took a sip from the wine bottle and dipped her hips down a little then popped them from side to side.
“I didn’t know you could do that.” Julian said going to the edge of his seat watching he move her hips in a manner so sinful he was liable to attack her on the spot. When she turned around and lightly clapped her behind, he lost his mind and pulled her back to him. He kissed her shoulder as his hand slipped under her skirt and into her panties to feel her bare flesh. “Keep moving your hips.” he whispered against her shoulder before sucking on the skin.
“Like this?” she asked as she slowly swayed her hips from side to side.
“Just like that baby.” he murmured as he slid his finger inside of her. She arched her back, dancing on his long finger as he thrust it in and then out of her quivering sex.
“I was so worried about you.” He whispered as he slid her skirt up to her waist then pulled her panties down, pressing his face against her flesh as he spoke. “Bend over for me, baby.”
He spread her cheeks and ran his tongue straight down the middle, making her knees wiggle. He slid his tongue back up, sliding it around her sensitive nub before he plunged it into her opening, making the muscles in her legs jerk. He grabbed her thighs, pulling her back against his face as he thrust his tongue in and out of her sex.
She felt her body begin to shake and her jelly filled knees began to get weak. She reached down and put her tip toes on the floor, fearing she would fall over and she moaned loudly when his tongue slid deeper inside of her. Julian was holding her legs tightly as he pressed his face closer to her sex, unable to get close enough. She cried out as he smashed his face against her pulsating sex, his long tongue thrusting in and out in a frenzy. Just when she was sure she would crumble over on the floor, she felt it begin to flutter, and braced herself as the powerful orgasm tore through her body.
She completely let go and realized that Julian was holding her too tightly to fall, she cried out hard as she felt it peak before it subsided. He finally removed his mouth and pulled her back on his lap, sliding her directly onto his erection. She cried out as she felt her body begin to re-stir, his thick member wakening her from her erotically-charged daze. His fingers bit into her hips as he slid her up his member, and then slowly back down. She felt the thrill begin to re-sparkle inside of her and within moments, her rag doll composure was replaced by a turbulent twist of her hips. She rode him, her back slapping against his chest as she arched, the orgasm ripping through her as it ripped from him. He held her hips tight as he spewed his seed deep inside of her.
“Heaven, wake up baby.” Julian carefully woke her up.
“What’s wrong?” she asked as she sat up abruptly.
“Nothing is wrong, they found a body at Gavin’s place.”
“Is it Gavin?” she asked with hope.
“Detective Rogers is not sure, the body is burned beyond recognition, but he will call me as soon as he finds out.”
“Did he happen to mention where they found the body?”
“In the basement.” He replied.
“Oh Julian, that has to be Gavin! When I ran out, he was still unconscious on the floor and there was no one else in the basement with me. Now he can’t hurt us.” She whispered before hugging Julian. He held her in his arms for a moment, but he was not as confident as she was.
Julian closed his cell phone and walked over to Heaven.
“It’s time to go.”
“What’s wrong?”
“That was Fritz on the phone, the corpse they found in house was not Gavin, it was an older woman’s body.
“So he’s on the loose.” it was more of a statement than question. They turned to see Sybille and Coco walking over to them, Maude followed behind them, carrying a box.
“Ayden just called me about Gavin Grant.” Sybille said as Maude sat the box on the table next to them, “the body recovered from the fire wasn’t his.”
“Yeah, Fritz just called Julian.”
“I’m taking her to my house, she will be safe there with me.”
“Until he’s caught, I want you to move in with me.” Julian said once they were in the car.
“I don’t know.” She shook her head, she feared staying with Julian would make Gavin want to kill him even more.
“It’s not up for debate Heaven. My place has ten times the security than your place does, it’s impenetrable.” he said in a tone that let her know arguing was useless, she knew when he set his mind to something, he was determined to see it through.
“Fine, where are we going?”
“To my friend Bard’s.”
“Who is Bard?”
“Bard sells guns.”
Julian took her to a large gun store and led her to the door outback. The door opened when a tall, slim man with shaggy blonde hair and a tropical print shirt stood with a huge smile on his face.
“Dude, where have you been? I haven’t seen you in almost two years now!” he hugged Julian. “I missed you bro!”
“How’s molly?”
“She’s doing well, she’ll be pissed she missed you though. We just had another baby, which makes four now.” he chuckled.
“Four?” Julian said in shock. He had been surprised not long after college when Bard had settled down with Molly so quickly and set up house in a matter of months. Bard was a stoner with a penchant for hippie chicks and guns. In school, he wa
s voted least likely to settle down and had never entertained a serious relationship until the day he met Molly.
“Yes four," he smiled proudly.
“Heaven this is Bard a friend from way back.”
“Way, way back.” he nodded with a grin.
“Bard this is Heaven, my fiancée.” he said without thinking, he hadn’t even realized what he said until he saw Bard and Heaven’s reaction. Heaven was trying to cover her surprise with her ever-ready poker face, but Bard’s face was contorted in shock.
“You know I had heard that hell froze over last winter, but I wasn’t sure.” Bard joked as his smile widened.
“Hell is now rock-solid ice.”
“It is a tremendous pleasure to meet you Heaven,” Bard bowed before her, “any friend of King’s is definitely a friend of mine.”
“Likewise.” Heaven grinned, amused by the man’s antics.
“I’m so glad to see you bro and I am so glad you came to me!” Bard smiled, his eyes turning into short slits. “I got something you’re going to love.” he pulled out a 9 millimeter gun, “I got a brand new glock, with your name all over it.”
“It’s perfect, I want It.” he smiled taking the gun.
“I’ll throw in an extra clip too.”
“And I’m going to need one for her as well.” Julian motioned towards Heaven.
“Oh yes, you got to love a hot babe with a firearm, you should see Molly with hers. I have the perfect thing for you.” he disappeared below the counter and a few moments later her stood up and laid down a dainty pearl handled gun. Heaven looked at the prissy gun with a frown, sure it was cute, but it didn’t have the power she was looking for.
“What is this? What am I supposed to do with that?” she looked at him like he was daft.
“It’s a purse size gun with an authentic pearl handle. All you do is hold it up and squeeze the trigger like this.” he smiled.
“Are you kidding me? It would take every bullet in that gun to even knock someone down. I need more power than that. I want a 357 magnum, hollow tip bullets and do you have small bow guns?” she asked, stunning Bard, whose smile spread across his face so hard she feared the corners of his mouth would split.
“You’re amazing, I think I love you,” he chuckled and Heaven shook her head, “my wife would definitely love you too. Molly really appreciates a girl who knows her guns. We’ll have to get together again soon, King.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Julian nodded.
“You got yourself a Molotov this time King, you’re a lucky man.” he smiled in awe.
“That I am.” Julian grinned looking at Heaven, who could not resist planting a kiss on his cheek.
“And here, a gift from me to you.” Bard laid the pearl handled gun in a cute little box.
“Thank you Bard.” Heaven smiled taking the box.
“And don’t forget to send us a wedding invitation, King.” Bard wagged his finger at him.
“You’re on top of the list.” he nodded before they left the store with their new weapons.
“So what are you going to tell your buddy Bard when he finds out the engagement was a hoax?”
“Why would he think it as a hoax?”
“Because it is.”
“Is it?” he asked raising his brows, but Heaven was unsure of how to answer him.
Fritz walked through his home setting up the new security system and a few cameras to record what was going on outside. Julian put most of his staff on vacation for the next week, deciding to keep only staff members he trusted beyond a shadow of a doubt. The cook the butler, and Alice stayed behind to help and keep their eyes out for any trouble.
When they arrived at his house, Julian took her straight out to the back yard where he had set up a large bull’s-eye along with a brand new bow and arrow.
“This is beautiful!” Heaven said looking at the top-of-the-line bow and arrow. “How the hell did you get this model, they don’t even come out until next year?”
“I know how comfortable you are with this particular weapon and I wanted you to have the best.” he answered. She grabbed him and hugged him tightly. “And you need to brush up on your skills.”
“Are you kidding me?” she scoffed then aimed the arrow and shot directly in the center of the bulls-eye. “I never need to brush up.”
“I should have known.”
“You’re damn right you should have.” she grinned, enjoying his sincere smile. She leaned into him and whispered in his ear. “Thank you for helping me through this.”
“Like you have a choice, I’m not letting you out of my sight until this is over.” he grinned.
“What if it’s never over, what if they don’t catch him?”
“The same thing that’s going to happen when they do catch him, you’re making this your permanent residence.”
“I am not moving in with you.”
“You already did.”
“This is temporary!” she argued.
“No it’s not! You’re staying here end of conversation.” he snapped at her.
“Fine.” She answered with a smile.
Heaven took a long relaxing bath and was ready to spend some quality time with her fake fiancé. When she came out she saw a black leather suitcase on the bed and Julian was dressed in black from head to toe.
“Where are you going?” she asked, no liking the idea of him leaving.
“To grab something from the store, your mothers on her way over.”
“Why is my mother coming?” she shook her head walking over to him.
“To sit with you until I get back.”
“You’re just going to the store, my gun can sit with me until you get back. I’ll call my mom and cancel.”
“No, I’ll be gone for a few hours.”
“We’re going to look for Gavin.”
“Excuse me? Did you just say you were going to look for Gavin Grant?” she shook her head in astonishment.
“That’s stupid!” she snapped at him as she walked over to the bed and opened the suitcase to see at least a dozen handguns. “What’s with all the guns?” she asked already knowing the answer but wanting to hear him say it.
“I’m going to kill Gavin.”
“Are you crazy? You can’t go out on some vigilante murder mission and kill a man in some random public area! That’s premeditation, you’ll go straight to prison!”
“I’ll take that chance.”
“On the other hand, if he comes here-”
“If he comes here I will shoot him dead.”
“And you have every legal right too.” she nodded.
“I can’t just sit around here and wait for him to come to me, I need to find him first.” he explained, and then grabbed his suitcase.
“I don’t want you to go.”
“I have to at least go look for him. You have guns hidden all over this place. Your mom is bringing her gun and her security guard, Alice, cook and the butler are armed as well.” he bent down to kiss her lips.
“Don’t go.” She pleaded.
“You’re safe here and I won’t be long.”
Heaven was sitting up in bed with her back against the headboard, trying to read a magazine to distract her from Julian’s stupid mission.
He finally walked in a few hours later and Heaven sat straight up, her back as straight as an arrow as he walked towards her.
“Did you find him?” were the first words out of her mouth.
“No, but we’re going to go back out tomorrow.” he informed her and she frowned.
The house itself wasn’t necessarily on lock down, just Julian and Heaven were.
“I want you in my sight at all times.” he said, his hand on her butt, slipping into the waistband of her skirt, “I mean it.”
“I know.” she nodded, in all honesty, she didn’t want to leave his side either, she felt s
afer with him than anyone else. “Let’s go away.” she suggested and he nodded.
“As soon as they find Gavin we will.” he bent down and kissed her lips.
“I say we go now.”
“I want to catch Gavin first.” Julian was on a hunt for blood and there was no stopping him at this point.