Finding Kyler (The Kennedy Boys #1)

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Finding Kyler (The Kennedy Boys #1) Page 4

by Siobhan Davis

  All eyes are on us.

  She steps back, holding me at arm’s length. “Wow, I see my husband wasn’t exaggerating. You are stunning. Totally gorgeous.” Unease prickles my skin as she peruses my body. “Could you remove your sweater?”

  Hello? WTF?

  This family is so weird. With a capital W.

  My eyes dart to hers as someone shouts out, “Now we’re talking.”

  “Kalvin!” James reprimands his son, and a low chuckle rings out in the room.

  “What?” I staple my arms over my chest, making my intent clear.

  “Alex.” James’ tone is exasperated. “Leave the poor girl, alone. She only just got here!”

  “Relax, sweetheart.” She pats my arm. “I’m only trying to gauge your dimensions so Courtney can organize your closet.”

  “You could just ask,” I suggest. “And Courtney is …?”

  “My personal assistant,” Alex confirms. “She’ll organize some things for you. Here’s her business card.” She thrusts a white, black, and red embossed card into my hand. “Email her your sizes and requirements tomorrow. I already have a few items in mind. With your figure, and your height, you can carry off most any look.” She taps a finger against her lips as she ponders something. “Have you ever considered modeling, honey?”

  A chorus of groans echoes in the room. “Mom! Seriously?” One of the triplets climbs out of his seat and crosses the floor. “Do you have to ask every person you come into contact with?” He stops in front of me, mock-bowing at the waist. Lifting my hand to his lips, he deposits a light kiss on my skin. “I’m Keaton.” He straightens up. “And you’re hot.” He flashes a cheeky grin, and I can’t help but reciprocate.

  “Um, thanks?”

  “And that’s Kent and Keanu,” he adds, pointing at the other two triplets who have yet to make a move. The stylishly groomed one gives me a quick wave while the sullen-faced boy barely tips his head in my direction. “Don’t take their lack of enthusiasm too personally,” Keaton explains. “Keanu, a.k.a. ‘The Poser’ is far too obsessed with himself and ‘The Delinquent’— that’s Kent—is probably too busy plotting his next criminal activity.” Kent scowls at his brother with barely contained annoyance.

  I’m trying to figure out if Keaton is joking or serious when the boy lounging beside Kyler pushes off the counter and saunters toward me. I notice a faint purplish mark on the side of his neck as he stands directly in front of me. Reaching out, he rubs locks of my hair between his fingers. I jerk back out of his reach. “What’s with the hair?”

  “What’s with the hickey?” I retort, flicking my fingers in the direction of his marked skin. He tosses me a lazy smirk, as Keaton chuckles.

  “Kalvin! Stop,” Alex says, staging an intervention. “You’re being very rude.”

  “We weren’t the one asking for her bra size.” Kalvin sends me a wolfish grin as he zones in on my chest. “C cup, if I had to guess. Of course”—he gives me a flirtatious wink—“I’d be more accurate if you let me feel.” He cups his hands suggestively. Keaton shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

  I moisten my dry lips. “In your dreams, sunshine.”

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart”— he strokes my arm in a languid manner—“you’ll definitely be featuring in a few wet dreams.”

  Ugh. TMI.

  James wrestles Kalvin away from me. “That’s enough! I will not listen to any more of that disgusting talk. Sit down, and don’t even attempt to speak to your cousin until you regain a civil tongue.”

  Kalvin flips up his middle finger as he takes a seat at the table. “Love you too, Dad.”

  These boys are crazy. Certifiable.

  One of the older boys—the scary well-built one—pushes off the island and strolls toward me. “I’m Keven.”

  Saliva pools in my mouth. “Hi.”

  He gives me a curt nod. “Not that this wasn’t entertaining, but we’ve got to head back to Harvard.”

  “Okay.” I don’t know what else to say, and this boy kind of intimidates me.

  The other boy appears behind him, leveling a vicious look at his dad. “If we’d known you were delayed, we could’ve arranged to spend the night, but you seem to have a habit of waiting far too long to inform us of important things.” He doesn’t attempt to disguise his embittered tone.

  James shares a loaded look with Alex. “Kaden—”

  He thrusts his palm in his dad’s face. “I don’t want to hear it. We’re out of here.” He tosses me a quick nod before clicking his fingers at his brother. Keven saunters out of the kitchen with him.

  Okey-dokey, then.

  Kyler’s “fucked up” comment from earlier isn’t so remiss now.

  “I apologize for my sons, Faye,” Alex says, knotting her hands in front of her chest. “Are you hungry? Greta put some leftovers in the refrigerator.”

  I shake my head. “Not really. I wouldn’t mind heading to bed, if that’s okay. It’s been a long day.” I’m still feeling nauseated, and I doubt I could stomach any food. Tiredness envelops me in a heavy blanket of exhaustion, and I yawn.

  “Of course, sweetie.” She drapes her arm around my shoulder. “I’ll show you to your room.”

  We pass through a succession of generous-sized rooms before landing in a resplendent porcelain-tiled lobby. I notice the K logo everywhere as we pass, and I have to make a conscious effort not to roll my eyes. It’s a tad over the top.

  In the lobby, a decadent crystal chandelier hangs overhead, sending shards of glistening light raining down on us. An elegant glass display cabinet rests against one wall, filled with trophies and medals. Several black-framed photos and certificates reside on the other side of the wall, surrounding an old-fashioning-looking plaque that appears to be a coat of arms. A huge circular K logo is engraved into the center of the glossy floor. A narrow set of stairs resides at the back of the room, ascending toward a mezzanine level above.

  We pass by the entrance door out into a corridor on the other side of the building. This part of the house seems more contained. Wooden doors line the passageway on both sides. Obviously, these are the bedrooms. Alex asks me random questions about school and my grades as we walk.

  My room is more of a suite and almost bigger than my entire house back in Dublin. A gigantic bed occupies prime position along the rear wall. A massive walk-in wardrobe extends to the left with an en suite bathroom on my right. Light gossamer-type curtains drape across the wide window. I have a front row seat to the pool area outside. It’s lit up and the water looks so inviting. Various soft couches and eating areas offer plenty of ways to maximize the outdoor space.

  A small path snakes from the pool area out toward the woods at the rear of the property.

  “I hope you’ll be comfortable here,” Alex says.

  I turn to face her. “It’s beautiful. Thank you for letting me live here. I promise I won’t be any trouble.”

  She perches on the edge of the bed and pats the spot beside her. I sit down. “I already know that, sweetie. You’re family, Faye. You belong with us, and we hope one day soon to make that official.”

  A layer of ice hardens my heart as I tilt my chin up. “What do you mean?”

  “James and I would like to adopt you, Faye.”

  Chapter Five

  All the blood leaves my body at once. A sharp, twisty pain lodges in the pit of my stomach, and the icy layer around my heart shatters, driving imaginary splinters deep into the very center of me. “Oh, sweetie, I didn’t mean to upset you,” Alex rushes to reassure me. “I just want you to know that James and I will love you as if you are our own flesh and blood. We want you to be on an even footing with the boys. For them to be your brothers.”

  “Don’t I get a say?” My voice quakes.

  Gently, she grasps my hands. “Of course, you do. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything. It’s too s
oon. I only want you to feel like a proper part of the family. To know you aren’t alone.”

  One part of me gets that and is grateful, but another part of me wants to run as far away from this madhouse as possible.

  I don’t know if I want a new ready-made family.

  I still haven’t come to terms with losing the one I had.

  Tears well in my eyes, but I blink them away. I scoot down the bed, propping against the headrest as I tuck my knees into my chest.

  This is too much. I can’t deal.

  “I appreciate the gesture, but I can’t even contemplate that right now. I have a plan for my future, and I don’t know where, or if, all this”—I wave my hands around the room—“fits into the overall scheme of things. And it’s way too soon to be even considering something like that.” The “adoption” word is stuck in my throat, refusing articulation.

  I don’t want a new mum and dad.

  I want my old ones back.

  Her eyes are kind as she looks at me. “I’m sorry, Faye. That was insensitive of me. You’re still grieving. Take whatever time you need. We’ve no intention of doing anything without your approval, so don’t worry. Forget about it for now.”

  I can only nod.

  She stands. “Try and get some sleep. I’ll be away on a business trip for the next few days, but I’ll call you tomorrow. Courtney will be here, and she’ll get you anything you need. We’ll talk more when I’m back.”

  She halts at the door, her fingers curling around the handle. “I’d prefer if we kept this conversation between us. We haven’t spoken to the boys yet, and I’d rather they hear it from us.”

  “Sure.” Yeah, I’ve zero desire to drop that bomb on my cousins. They don’t need additional reasons to be wary of me.

  The door snicks shut, and I flop down on the bed, staring at the stark white ceiling. Everything is foreign, and I can’t remember ever feeling this alone.

  Stripping off my clothes, I take a long, hot shower.

  Re-dressing in a pair of sleep shorts and my white lacy bra, I sit cross-legged on the bed and retrieve my phone from my bag. Quickly computing the time difference, I FaceTime Jill, hoping Rachel is with her and that they are still up. A comforting sensation spreads over me as Jill’s familiar face fills the screen. Rachel’s head materializes in the frame, and I grin. “How’s it going?” she asks.

  “It is so good to see you. I miss you guys so much already.”

  “Ditto. We can’t believe you are actually gone, gone.” There’s a pregnant pause before Jill forces a smile on her face. “So, what’s it like there?”

  “Honestly, it’s pretty insane.” I proceed to give them a blow-by-blow account of everything from the plane to the car journey to the house and meeting the boys.

  “Ohmigawd!” Rachel shrieks. “I love Kennedy Apparel! Do you think you can get them to send me some clothes? I had my eye on this amazing dress from the autumn collection, but it’d bankrupt me to buy it.”

  I roll my eyes. “Seriously, Rach? My whole world’s been turned upside down, and you want me to score you some freebies?”

  She looks instantly chastised. “I know that, and I’m sorry. I’m just super excited. This is big!”

  I get up and pace the floor. “I wish you guys could be here to see it with your own eyes. It’s … I can’t even find the words.” It’s fucking overwhelming, and I still can’t work out how I feel about it. “That K brand is everywhere, and all my cousin’s names start with K. I mean, it’s like no other letter exists in the feckin’ alphabet. It’s the biggest load of pretentious bullshit I’ve ever come across. How am I going to live with these people? My aunt and uncle seem decent enough, but my cousins are either downright hostile or cagey or ripping the piss out of me. I…” I rub a hand low on my belly in an attempt to calm my churning stomach.

  A low whistle pricks my ears, and I jump in fright, almost dropping the phone. Kalvin is lounging against the doorframe, wearing only khaki shorts, which hang low on his hips, giving me a full view of his ripped abs. His eyes unashamedly rake me up and down, and anger ignites my insides. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Hey, hot stuff.” He pushes off the door and saunters toward me. “Who you talking to?”

  Before I have a chance to answer, he’s whipped the phone from my hands and he’s introducing himself to my friends.

  “I think I’ll have to immigrate to Ireland when I graduate. You lay-dees are mighty fine.”

  Jill and Rachel practically drool at the mouth, and I shake my head. “You’re like a walking American cliché. Do girls here actually fall for that cheesy crap?”

  He messes up my hair, smirking at my scowl. “Works every time.”

  A snort escapes me, and he laughs. “The guys in school are going to go crazy for you. Hot and sassy is the ideal catch.” He lets out another low whistle as he circles me, his eyes inspecting every inch of me. Jill and Rachel titter like three-year-olds. Fat lot of use they are. “They’ll be walking around with permanent boners,” Kalvin adds.

  I cross my arms protectively over my chest. “I’m not interested in boys.”

  “You’re batting for the other team? Man, that’s totally hot.”

  Another round of giggles emits from the phone, and I’m starting to get really irritated with my friends. Kalvin doesn’t seem to need much encouragement, and their juvenile behavior isn’t helping.

  “I’m not gay.”

  He winks. “Prove it then.” Puckering his lips, he makes a kissing sound as he steps in front of me with a devilish grin.

  “Knock it off.” I shove a hand in his chest, keeping him at bay.

  I ignore my friends who are currently acting like brainless dimwits, hollering at me to kiss him.

  He leans in, sniffing my neck, and I jerk back in alarm. He cranks out a laugh. “Relax, cuz. I’m only messing about.” I narrow my eyes, and he laughs again. “Or maybe not.” He nuzzles my neck with his nose. “Maybe I’m into the whole kissing cousins mentality.”

  Jill and Rachel start yelling demands at me again, and I snatch the phone out of Kalvin’s hands while he’s distracted. I press the button to disconnect the feed as he dips his head and presses his mouth to my collarbone. I nearly jump out of my skin.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Caught off guard, I emit a screech, and the phone flies out of my hand, spinning across the room.

  Kyler stalks into the room, his eyes moving from the stubborn set of my eyes to my mouth and onto my semi-exposed chest. I stare back at him, and we face off for a few seconds. My mouth is suddenly desert-dry, and the air is charged with … something indecipherable.

  “Do yourself a favor, Ky,” Kalvin says, chuckling. “Don’t let Addison see you looking at her like that, or there’ll be hell to pay.”

  Kyler grasps him by the shoulders, pulling him upright. “Don’t talk crap, and stay out of her room, Kal. I told you already. No sleazing. She’s our cousin, you sicko. Don’t think I won’t beat your ass.”

  Kalvin snorts. “As if. I can easily take you.”

  He’s clearing bluffing. While Kalvin is tall and broad and looks like he can take care of himself, he isn’t an even match for Kyler.

  “Besides, we both know you can’t risk injury right now.” Kalvin sends him a smug smile.

  “Out. Now.” Kyler drags him toward the door, and they both leave without even acknowledging me.

  I gulp as I stand rooted to the spot. I’m not sure if I’m wanted here. At least not by my cousins. James said the triplets were excited, but that wasn’t the impression they gave off in the kitchen. With the exception of Keaton, and possibly Kalvin, the rest of my cousins didn’t exude overly welcoming vibes.

  They don’t want me here.

  I don’t want to be here.

  At least we have that much in common.

  Air whoosh
es out of my mouth as I claw my fingers through my damp hair. Remembering my phone, I scramble toward it, dropping to my knees. Flipping it over, I feel like crying when I see the smashed screen, and not just because I no longer have a way of staying in touch with my friends. This phone represents the last birthday gift I received from my parents. I wonder if it’s repairable.

  I plop onto my bum, crossing my legs in front of me. Tears linger at the base of my eyes, waiting for instruction, ready to break free. And it’s tempting. Oh, so tempting. How I’d love to let loose, to let it gush forth like the Nile. But I’m afraid that once I open the floodgates, I won’t be able to shut them again.

  A subtle movement at the door causes my heart rate to kick off again, and I lift my head. Kyler blocks the doorframe with his powerful body. Smoldering eyes lock on mine as he sticks me with an intense gaze. I wonder how long he’s been watching me and what insight he’s gleaned this time. I can’t show vulnerability around a guy like him. He’ll most likely latch onto that and try to use it against me. If he’s anything like me, he won’t be happy that I saw inside him, that I glimpsed a sliver of the inner turmoil he’s in.

  I need to regain control.

  Clutching the broken phone to my chest, I climb to my feet and glare at him. Throwing his words back at him, I snap, “Are you done drooling yet?”

  A slight twitch of his lips—barely perceptible—is the only clue to his response. Stepping back into the corridor, he pulls the door shut without a word.

  I crawl into bed, wishing I could fast forward the next few months.

  I wake a few hours later in desperate need of the bathroom. I’m creeping back into bed when I spy a lonesome figure trekking across the lawn toward the entrance to the woods. It’s too dark to tell who it is. Glancing at the clock on my wall, I note it’s past one a.m. What on earth are they doing outside at this time of night? If I wasn’t so wrecked, I might be tempted to follow, but I can barely lift a muscle. I watch the retreating form until it’s swallowed up by the forest.


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