Finding Kyler (The Kennedy Boys #1)

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Finding Kyler (The Kennedy Boys #1) Page 16

by Siobhan Davis

  I’m still tossing and turning in the bed like a madwoman an hour later. My brain has stretched my limitations beyond over-tiredness and exhaustion, and sleep continues to evade me. The throbbing ache between my legs isn’t helping the situation either. I could take care of it myself, but it isn’t my touch I crave.

  The door creaks open and my heart rate accelerates. Pulling upright in the bed, I watch as Kyler creeps into my room, quietly closing the door behind him. Fierce determination mixes with something darker as he walks toward me. I stare at him open-mouthed as he strides across the floor as if his life depends on it.

  He drops onto the edge of the bed, pressing his forehead against mine. Warmth spreads from him to me. Shuttering his eyes, he cups my face with one hand. “I need you.” His tone is gruff, his breath heated as it fans across my face. An inner voice urges caution, but I rapidly shut that sucker up. Kyler’s eyes open and I gasp. His mask is gone again, replaced by an innocent vulnerability that guts me. He’s hurting. So badly. I ingest it as if it’s my own pain, and I want to make it go away.

  “I’m here for you,” I whisper.

  He palms the other side of my face. “Can I kiss you?”

  I can only nod. My heart is jackhammering in my chest, about to take flight. Blood thrums in my veins, and my entire body is wired tight in anticipation. My limbs have turned to liquefied jelly, and he’s barely even touched me yet.

  Lowering his head, Kyler brushes his hot mouth against my collarbone, and I shiver all over. Pushing the top of my shirt aside, he deposits tiny kisses all over my upper chest and my shoulder. I clutch his waist for support, and he growls his approval. His mouth grows firmer and more insistent as he secures his lips to that sensitive spot between my shoulder and my neck. A little whimper leaves my mouth, and I can sense his smile.

  Heat sweeps over my skin in a fiery trail as his mouth moves up my neck. He stops, briefly, and draws in a long breath as his nose tickles my skin. “You smell so good.” He speaks softly and seductively in my ear, and I feel a tingle all the way to my core. He continues worshiping my neck and my collarbone, sucking, licking, and kissing, and edging down toward my chest, but never going quite low enough. It’s the most torturous form of seduction, but I’m powerless to resist. He’s whipped me into a frenzy of writhing need, and I can barely contain myself. I’m audibly panting, and his mouth hasn’t even touched mine yet.

  “Kyler,” I rasp, need evident in my tone. He chuckles lightly as he kisses my jaw, inching his way slowly toward my mouth. My breath is snaking out in embarrassingly loud spurts but I don’t care. I need to taste him. To feel his lips moving against mine. I’m seconds away from pouncing on him and taking what I want. Lifting his head, he pierces me with a horny look that sets my knickers on fire. His dark eyes are smoldering with lust.

  Without warning, he crashes his mouth down on mine, and there’s an explosion in my pants. An honest to God burst of desire so intense I think I could self-combust. It’s the closest I’ve come to orgasm without being touched down there.

  His kiss isn’t tender. It’s hard and demanding, and it’s fueled by sheer lust and raw need. I know, because it’s exactly how I’m kissing him back. My lips part, and his tongue plunders my mouth like an invading Viking. He feasts on me, and I eat him up like a starving woman. A desperate, starving woman who doesn’t know when she’ll get to feast again. Call me greedy, but I’m grabbing all he’s offering now. I paw at him like a sex-crazed maniac. Lifting his shirt, I slip my hands underneath, running my fingers urgently over the smooth, defined muscular wall of his chest. He is all muscle and solid mass as I trace the lines of his six-pack.

  He presses me down flat on the bed as he stretches out over me, pulling my body flush against his. My hands start an exploration of his ass as his fingers creep up the underside of my shirt. He warms his palms against my skin, and I mewl into his mouth at the contact. Scorching hot desire replaces all sane thought in my brain.

  I don’t care that this is wrong.

  It couldn’t be.

  Not when it feels so right.

  As Kyler caresses me, his fingers sweeping lavishly across my body, I decide I like this feeling. I don’t want him to stop. I’ll give him whatever he wants so long as he continues to make me feel this way. I arch my back, smashing my breasts into his chest, and he emits a primal moan that fills me with immense satisfaction.

  He wants me as much as I want him.

  Reaching down, he moves one of my legs around his waist, and I bring my other one up on the other side of his body. Squeezing both legs firmly around his waist, I bring that sensitive, throbbing part of me in direct contact with the hard bulge in his pants.

  I leave my body, yet I’m ever-present. It’s as if I’m floating above the room looking down at the hot mess in front of me. I watch him lift my shirt up over my head and toss it to the side. I watch myself writhe in sweet agony when his mouth leaves my lips to worship my breasts.

  I pop back into my body with an audible gasp. I’m burning up and the desire to shed the rest of my clothes and throw caution to the wind is riding me hard. Kyler is everything. He’s all I see. All I want. To hell with the consequences.

  I need this.

  He needs this.

  I mentally lock up logic, secure it into a box, and throw it out the proverbial window.

  I fist my hands in his shirt, tugging it frantically up his body. He lifts off me in one lightning-flash move, ripping his shirt up and over his head, and pins me with a sultry look.

  My jaw slackens at the sight of his perfect, ripped chest. My hands start an exploration, inspecting every magnificent inch of him. He flinches underneath my touch and I’m loving the power. The tent situation in his jeans is reaching critical mass, so I reach down and cup him through the material. Cursing, he grabs my ass and aligns our bodies perfectly. My legs suction to him like an octopus.

  His mouth goes to town again, devouring every inch of me. I’m lost in a world of bliss. A world where there is only Kyler and me and our mutual savage need for each other. He rolls his hips against mine, injecting me with a shot of pure liquid lust.

  Beyond caring, I emit a needy moan. We’re like wild animals who’ve just been let out of a cage. We are greedy, clinging, clawing, sucking, and biting, and every touch of his mouth charges the painful ache between my legs. No one has ever made me feel so much, and I’m like putty in his hands. He could have his wicked way with me right here, and I’d be helpless to resist.

  But he doesn’t overstep the mark, even though I’m sure he wants to as much as I do. His hand slips into my shorts, and he looks up at me, his eyes asking the question. “Touch me. Please,” I rasp, breathless and squirming. I’m already primed to explode, and he works me into a frenzy in super-fast time. I shatter, falling over the edge as my body rocks and trembles while he exhausts every last ounce of pleasure.

  My heart is thundering in my chest as he crawls up my body, pulling me into his arms. I twist around and strategically place my hand over the bulge in his jeans.

  “It’s okay.” His hand stalls mine. “I don’t expect anything.”

  I prop up on my elbow and stare at him. I’ve had a long-term boyfriend before, and I know how guys get. He has needs, and I refuse to leave him unsatisfied. Not when he’s turned my world upside down.

  I’m all about equality.

  I brush his hair out of his eyes as I lean down and kiss him gently. “I want to look after you.” Need radiates in his eyes. “Let me take care of you.”

  “Are you sure?” He cups my face tenderly.

  I give him a teasing smile as I pop the first button on his jeans. I sneak my hand under the band of his boxers, and he curses when my fingers curl around him. I stroke him casually, and he moans. Opening the rest of the buttons, I slide his boxers and jeans down, and I wrap a firm hand around his throbbing length. His head drops back on the pillow
as I start pumping, building the pace until he’s thrusting into my hand, his whole body tense and ready to rip apart. I bring him over the ledge, reveling in the look of absolute joy on his face and the knowledge that I put it there.

  He hauls me up his body, snaring me in his strong embrace. He plants delicate kisses all over my face, and his nose grazes the length of my neck. “Faye.” My name is reverential on his tongue, and it does the most amazing things to my insides.

  After cleaning up, we continue to share tender, sweet kisses until my lips feel swollen and my jaw starts to ache. Kyler tucks me into his side, and I snuggle into his warmth, relishing the feel of his body alongside mine. Content and happy, I fall into a deep sleep.

  Kyler is gone when I wake the next morning, but his smell still lingers on my sheets. Burying my head in my pillow, I inhale his scent like it’s oxygen.

  There’s a quiet knock on my door. I scramble about in the bed, looking for my top while I desperately try to flatten my tangled hair. “Faye,” Kyler says in a hushed voice. “It’s only me.”

  “I’m awake,” I call out as carefully as I can.

  Kyler steps into the room with damp hair and dressed in a clean black shirt and jeans. He looks totally edible, and I want to eat him right up. He carries two mugs in his hands as he advances toward me. I scrutinize his face as I sit up against the headboard, anxious to gauge his mood. I tuck the covers under my armpits as he perches on the side of the bed. Placing the mugs on the locker, he leans down, kissing me sweetly.

  A dart of lust whips through me, and I drape my arms around his neck. Inside, the mother of all parties is taking place in my chest. I was anticipating the cold shoulder this morning, so this is most unexpected.

  Not that you’ll ever hear me complaining when a hot guy shows up at my door, fresh out of the shower, bearing coffee and kisses. “Morning,” he mutters belatedly against my lips.

  “Hey.” I smile against his mouth.

  He sits up straighter, putting space between us, and I scowl. A smile curves up the corner of his mouth, and he looks so breathtakingly beautiful in that moment that I can only stare at him in awe. His smile expands, and I’m guessing I look like a total moron, but I don’t care.

  This guy is to die for.

  My heart is fit to bursting point.

  Lifting my hand to his mouth, he kisses my palm, and a sudden rush of tingly heat passes from his body to mine. “What?”

  “You should smile more. You’ve no idea how it transforms you.” A sudden thought occurs to me, and I sport a sulky expression.

  He laughs. “What now?”

  “Second thoughts. Don’t change. Keep to your usual moody, mean self whenever you’re not with me.” I sit up on my knees and lean in to kiss him. “Save the smiles for me. Only me.” His smile falters a little, and I curse myself for whatever I said to diminish it. “Did I say something wrong?” I bite the inside of my cheek.

  He shakes his head as he runs his fingers along my lower lip. “I was wondering if you’d any plans for this morning? Would you like to come to the track with me?”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  I can’t believe he’s asked me. This is momentous, and it feels like a breakthrough. He’s starting to let me in, and it fills me with so much giddiness. “I’ve no plans, and I’d love to go to the track with you.”


  “Totally yeah.” I lean over and kiss his prickly cheek. “But I need to shower first.”

  I wrangle him out of the room while I get ready. After showering, I dress casually in jeans and a plain shirt, wrapping a hoodie around my waist. I toe on my runners—I still can’t get used to thinking of runners as sneakers, but I know I need to make an effort unless I want to bring a translator with me to school on Monday—and apply my requisite mascara and lip gloss.

  Kyler looks surprised when I stroll into the quiet, empty kitchen a few minutes later. “What?” I land my hands on my hips and narrow my eyes.

  He grins. “I don’t think I’ve ever known a girl to get ready that quick.”

  I head straight for the fridge. “I’m not into all that girly shit. I’m fairly low maintenance.” Bending down, I snatch a water and some fruit out of the fridge and nudge the door shut with my hip. Spinning around, I meet Kyler’s darkening gaze, and I’m immediately suspicious. I purse my lips as recognition dawns. “Were you checking out my ass?”

  He leans forward on the table, pinning me with those captivating peepers. He licks his lips, and my mouth feels suddenly dry. “Yep.” He grins as he shovels a mouthful of eggs into his gob.

  I should probably be disgusted but I’m not.

  I’m elated.

  Not sure what that says about me.

  I unscrew the cap off the bottle as I walk toward the table. “At least you’re honest.”

  “I told you I don’t hide who I am.” He watches me with penetrating eyes.

  I’m tempted to argue with him. To tell him I see the front he wears, but he already knows that, and the fact that I’ve glimpsed behind it, and observed things he’s trying to keep hidden. I could go there, but I don’t.

  I don’t want to ruin this newfound easiness between us. I want to understand him. Challenging him on his bullshit isn’t going to further my aim, so I shoot for easy-breezy instead. “Did you like what you see?” I balance a strawberry in my mouth, deliberately swirling my tongue around the outside, before swallowing it whole.

  A fire blazes in his eyes and I almost choke. His gaze darkens as he leans over the table, inching closer. He picks a strawberry from my bowl, never once taking his eyes off me. “Hell yeah.” He bites the strawberry in half in one quick, fluid movement, gnashing his teeth as he pins me with a look loaded with promise. I forget how to breathe. Holy moly. I am completely out of my league with this guy.

  “So what are you going to do about it?” I issue the challenge in breathless anticipation.

  “Lots.” He stands up. “But right now we need to leave. I like to get out on the track early.” He walks around the table and stands behind me. Leaning down, he brushes my hair to one side and fixes a lingering kiss on my neck. My eyes close as a flurry of tingles dances over my skin. He grips my hips gently. “Let’s go.”

  I experience another adrenaline rush as I grasp hold of Kyler on the bike. Pressing my face into his back, I soak up every single moment of the ride, committing it to memory.

  We pull up in front of two huge gray gates in a remote part of Middleborough. A man with graying hair and a straggly goatee shows up, unlocking the gates and ushering us through. Kyler idles at the entrance, resting his foot on the muddy ground. “The warehouse is open, Ky. I’ll meet you out front.”

  “Thanks, Rick. See you in a few.”

  Kyler drives toward the large metal structure up ahead. A dilapidated redbrick building resides alongside it. A light flips on and Ky waves to the red-haired lady inside. Her eyes widen in curiosity when she spots me.

  Kyler maneuvers the bike inside the giant warehouse, cutting the engine when we reach a spot at the back. He helps me off and removes my helmet. “I need to get my gear on, and check out my bike, but I’ll walk you over to meet May first. She’ll show you the way to the bleachers, if you want to watch.” He takes my hand and guides me forward.

  “I’d like that.”

  We pass a myriad of different bikes as we walk, and I spot an orange and blue one that looks a little familiar. “Is that yours?” I point at it.

  “Yeah. I’m storing a couple of my bikes here now. You have a good memory.”

  “I’ve always been fascinated by bikes.”

  He stops, looking at me with a startled expression. “Yeah?”

  I shoot him a cautious look. “Why is that so surprising?”

  He drags a hand through his hair. “Most girls hate bikes.” He gestures around him. “Hate this place.”r />
  “Most girls or Addison?” I venture, watching for his reaction.

  His shoulders cord into knots as a grim expression spreads across his mouth. “I don’t want to talk about her. Come on.”

  He pulls me forward and that signals the end of our conversation. We slip out of the warehouse, across a narrow grassy stretch, and into the back door of the other building.

  It’s much larger on the inside than I imagined. We walk past a changing room with lockers, a small gym, a kitchen, and a room kitted out with small chairs and tables, several weathered-looking beanbags, a wall-mounted TV with an Xbox, toys, books, and games. I yank on his hand, drawing him to a halt. “What’s this room for?”

  “Rick runs sessions for younger kids on the weekends. They usually congregate here for a while afterward. If you’re not in a hurry, we can hang around and help out when they arrive.”


  He eyes me strangely.


  He shakes his head. “Nothing.”

  The red-haired lady greets Kyler like a long-lost son when we reach the front of the building. A narrow counter runs along one side with a multitude of framed photos hanging on the wall behind. A glass display cabinet adorns the counter on the other side, stuffed full of trophies. On the opposite side of the room, to the right of the double entrance doors, are several small bistro tables and chairs. Laminated menus stand freely in the center of the tables.

  The place is spotlessly clean, but it looks neglected. Paint peels off the walls in spots, and the hardwood floor is heavily scuffed and scratched. Some of the tables have chips in the Formica, and the chairs are a mish-mash of colors and styles. A dirty cream-colored blind is pulled across the large window at the front.

  “May, this is Faye.” Kyler’s introduction snaps me out of my inspection. I smile warmly as I accept May’s proffered hand. Her handshake is strong, her face kind, as she glances from him to me. “She’s my cousin,” he adds quickly, and a sinking feeling churns in my gut.


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