Ty Cobb
Page 53
harassment of, 118
natural talent of, 19
Jacobson, William “Baby Doll,” 360
James, Bill, 56, 248
Jeffries, Jim, 224
Jeffries, Justice, 188–89
Jennings, Hugh, 175, 176, 179, 288, 295, 335
and Baker spiking incident, 214–15, 221
and Cobb, 150–51, 152, 153–55, 159, 166, 182, 194, 197, 204–5, 220, 231, 233, 235–36, 264, 265, 273, 275, 279, 311–12, 339, 349, 356
Cobb taking on duties of, 234–37, 311, 314–16, 318
“Ee-Yah!” yell of, 146, 164, 234, 273, 286, 311
first Detroit season of (1906), 140, 142, 145, 146–49, 150
hanging onto his job, 285–86
lack of interaction with players, 148, 166, 236, 312
law degree of, 146, 160
losing his grip, 311–12, 314, 319
and Orioles, 140, 145, 146, 208, 285
resignation of, 314
strange behavior of, 145–46, 173–74, 290
and team improvements, 212, 296
team record of, 336
and World Series, 226
Jim Crow, 30, 131
J. K. Orr Company, 253
Johnson, Allen G., 253
Johnson, Ban:
American League founded by, 56–57, 345
as American League president, 73, 106, 147, 361
and Baker spiking incident, 214–17
and Chalmers Trophy contest, 241, 243–44
and Cobb, 106, 192, 209, 231, 283, 297, 339, 348
and Cobb as manager, 318, 326, 338
and Cobb-Speaker case, 340–41, 345–46, 348, 361
and Cobb suspensions, 261, 262, 264–67, 361–62
falling apart, 352, 361–62
and Jennings, 146–47
and Landis, 351–52
and Lucker incident, 260–62, 264, 265
on player gift-giving, 351–52
and Tigers, 140, 142, 145, 157, 158
Johnson, Doc, 203
Johnson, Hank, 364
Johnson, Jack, 157, 224
Johnson, Robert, 44
Johnson, “Steamboat,” 332
Johnson, Walter “Big Train,” 173, 267, 347
friendship with Cobb, 14, 185–86, 280
and Hall of Fame, 371
pitching to Cobb, 11, 60, 170
Jones, Annie and Vinie, 69–70, 90–91, 92, 110
Jones, Davy, 247, 259
arrest for assault, 160
base running, 202–3
batting average of, 114, 119, 133
and Cobb as manager, 234–35
contracts of, 112, 182
fielding, 125, 176
injuries and illnesses of, 114, 133, 160
quoted in Glory of Their Times, 73, 234–35
and scuffles with opponents, 172, 221
and Tiger players, 73, 264
in Tigers lineup, 106–7, 114, 131, 133, 213, 224, 225
Jones, Fielder, 94, 296–97
Jones, John Paul, 24
Jones, Tom, 212
Jones, Tommy Lee, 400
Joss, Addie, 48, 170, 197
Kahn, Roger, 402
Kalamazoo White Sox, 155
Kane, Harry “Klondike” (born Cohen), 93
Keane, William, 327
Keeler, Wee Willie, 9, 44, 106, 145, 173, 201, 252, 359
Keener, Sid, 326–27, 389, 403
Keillor, Garrison, 240
Kellogg, John Harvey, 137
Kelly, George “King,” 52, 53–54
Kelsey, John, 314, 338
Kennedy, John F., 48
Kennedy, “Snapper,” 46
Kent, Charles Foster, 117
Keurajian, Ron, 401
Killian, “Twilight” Ed, 97, 125–26, 132, 133, 139, 159, 170
Killilea, Henry, 340, 346, 347
Klem, Bill, 196
Kling, Johnny, 199
Knoll, “Punch,” 46
Koenig, Mark, 362, 364
Kolb, Samuel, 233
Krause, Harry, 13
Kreisler, Fritz, 10, 117
Krichell, Paul, 205, 210
Kroh, Rube, 196
Kuhn, Bowie, 244
Lajoie, Napoleon “Larry,” 16
at bat, 166, 233
batting average of, 106
and Chalmers Trophy, 237–44
and Cleveland Naps, 47–48, 111, 162
and dishonest double-header, 238–40
and Flick, 148, 153, 154
income of, 183, 268
personality type, 129, 153, 156, 173
and spiking, 208
Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, 338, 345–52, 353, 360, 371
Lane, F. C., 288, 297
Lanier, Jimmy, 10, 320, 329, 331, 332
Lanigan, Ernest, 241
Lanigan, H. W., 244
Lannin, Joseph J., 290
LaPorte, Frank, 204, 249
Lardner, Ring, 184
“Alibi Ike,” 8
You Know Me Al, 26
Laurel, Stan, 61
Lauzon, Ed, 93
Lazzeri, Tony, 362
Lee, Robert E., 29
Leidy, George, 78, 79–83, 84–85, 89, 93, 102, 166, 392
Leinhauser, Bill, 266
Lemann, Nicholas, 26
Leonard, Hubert “Dutch”:
and Cobb as manager, 333–34
and Cobb-Speaker case, 340–43, 344–48, 351
and Cobb spiking, 211
death of, 334
as least-beloved player, 312, 323
pitching, 288, 290, 291, 295, 321
Leonard, Joe, 306
Leviathan, 300
Lewis, Michael, Moneyball, 42
Lieb, Frederick G.:
on Cobb as manager, 321–22
Cobb interview with, 336
on Navin’s betting habits, 325
on player quirks, 224, 282, 321
The Detroit Tigers, 275
as Tigers historian, 72, 164–65, 198
on Tigers seasons, 165, 286, 298, 335
Liebling, A. J., 140
Life, 384, 385, 386, 388
Lincoln, Abraham, 32, 48, 397–98
Lindbergh, Charles, 359
Lindsay, Pinky, 99, 100, 112
Little, W. R., 46, 90
Livingston, Paddy, 213
Lodge, John C., 318
Lombard, Charlotte Marion “Charlie,” 79, 95, 109, 138–39; see also Cobb, Charlie
Lombard, Roswell O., 79, 138
Loomis, Carol, 393–94
Love, Charles, 63
Lowe, Bobby, 83, 112, 115–16, 298
Lucker, Claudius Northrup, 254, 255, 264, 269
and Cobb suspension, 261, 262, 264–67
as persistent heckler, 258–62, 263, 398
Lunte, Harry, 349
MacArthur, Douglas, 401
MacDonald, Jack, 391–92
Macdonald, Ross, 387
Macht, Norman L., 176, 361
Mack, Connie, 75, 76, 118
and Athletics seasons, 165, 175, 287
and Baker spiking incident, 212, 213–17, 221–22
and Cobb, 84, 166, 176, 254, 334, 353–56, 360–61, 371
and Jennings, 173, 265
and Johnson, 362
superstition of, 100
and World Series, 8, 253
Mack, Connie Jr., 358
Magee, Sherry, 258
Maharg, Billy (Graham), 266
Mann, Louis, 198
Manning, John C., 403
Manson, Charles, 22
Mantle, Mickey, 384
Manush, Heinie, 325
Man Who Shot Liberty Valence, The (movie), 20
Maris, Roger, 391
Marquard, Rube, 8, 51
Mathewson, Christy, 37
death of, 300
on fighting, 262–63
income of, 183
personality of, 129, 173, 262
as pitcher, 56, 81, 172
of, 16, 173, 371
records held by, 172
as Reds manager, 280
syndicated newspaper column of, 280
and World War I, 300
Matthews, Harry, 5, 17
Maxwell, Robert W., 299
Mays, Carl, 288, 290, 293, 312–14
Mays, Willie, 21, 305
McCallum, John D., 401
The Tiger Wore Spikes, 385
McCarthy, Joe, 338
McCarthy, John, 102
McCay, Gordon, 252
McClure’s Magazine, 202
McCormick, Harry “The Moose,” 195–96
McCreary, Bob, 46, 47
McGeehan, W. O., 54
McGillicuddy, Cornelius “Slats,” see Mack, Connie
McGinnity, Joe, 196
McGraw, John:
and Cobb, 279, 353
and fighting, 53–54, 145
income of, 183
as manager, 323–24, 354
personality type, 156, 173, 315
and strategy, 147, 208, 254
and World Series, 8
McGuire, Deacon, 101–2
McIntyre, Matty, 76, 136
and Cobb, 105–6, 108, 155, 159, 164, 171
Cobb hazed by, 114–15, 117, 118, 120, 123, 152, 388
and contract negotiations, 148, 149
and contracts, 113
fielding, 105–6, 155
hitting, 119, 161
injuries of, 83, 141
psychological problems of, 125
suspension of, 117, 124–26, 129, 131
on Tigers lineup, 73, 99, 180
McMillan, Tommy, 59
McRoy, Rob, 243–44
Meadows, Jayne, 368
Melchior, Henry, 83–84
Menand, Louis, 128
Mercer, Win, 72, 137
Merkle, Fred, 195–97
Merkle Boner, 195–97, 274
Meusel, Bob, 329, 362
Milan, Clyde, 275
Miles, John, 14
Miller, Bing, 363
Milwaukee Sentinel, 274
Mitchell, Fred, 203–4
Mize, Johnny “Big Cat,” 28
Mize, Thomas Anderson, 27–28
Moneyball (Lewis), 42
Moore, Bill, 323
Moore, Garry, 369
Morgan, Cy, 8, 191, 211
Morgan, Henry, 368–69
Moriarity, George, 233–34
Morris, Ada, 302–4, 306
Morse, J. C., 192
Mosher, Jo, 386
Mullin, George, 101, 141, 162, 199, 223, 224, 225, 245
Murdock, Eugene C., 352
Murnane, Tim, 214, 292
Murphy, Billy, 241
Murphy, Carl J., 399
Murphy, Charles, 198, 216
Murphy, Danny, 221
Murphy, M. J., 63
Murray, Jim, 249
My Fifty Years in Baseball (Barrow), 79
My Turn at Bat (Williams), 383–84
My Twenty Years in Baseball (Cobb), 102, 156
Naismith, James, 35
Nation, Carrie, 151
National Baseball Research Journal, 270
National League, 353, 354
Navin, Frank:
and Armour, 111, 140, 141–42, 148
and Baker spiking incident, 216–17
and Chalmers Trophy contest, 241–42
and Cobb as manager, 314–16, 318, 325, 334, 338–39
Cobb favored by, 119, 131, 132, 148, 150–51, 153–55, 166, 226, 227, 231–32, 233, 277, 304, 339
and Cobb’s absence (1906), 134
and Cobb’s Army days, 300
Cobb’s business ventures with, 301–2
and Cobb’s contracts, 108–9, 180–83, 231–32, 275–76, 301, 334–35
and Cobb-Speaker case, 340, 349
and Cobb’s retirement, 353
and Cobb’s wedding, 194
and Eloise sanitarium, 138
and Jennings, 145–49, 154–55, 161, 226, 236, 285–86, 335
and Johnson, 157–58, 352
and Lucker incident, 265
meddling by, 74–75
penny-pinching by, 70–73, 94, 150, 174, 232, 338, 339
personal finances of, 72, 112, 325
and player relations, 148, 157–58, 162–63, 179, 182, 235–36, 247, 333
and team improvements, 212, 282, 296
and Tigers ownership, 199, 314–15, 338
Negro Leagues, 21, 245, 305
Nelson, Red, 238, 239
Newark Evening News, 208
Newman, Pat, 249
New Orleans Times-Picayune, 291–92
baseball writers, 16, 119, 182, 198
Cobb’s “open letters” to, 236, 276
and Cobb-Speaker case, 344, 348–49, 350, 351
and Cobb’s scrapbook, 171
Cobb tributes published by, 398–99
low standards and inconsistency in, 11, 91, 188
photographic evidence in, 216–17, 339, 370
and race, 188, 219–20
and statistics, 238
stories exaggerated for drama, 157, 187–88, 214–17, 224, 225, 247, 251, 266–67, 269–70, 313, 314, 381
unwritten rules of, 117
Newt, “Foxy,” 46
New York Evening Journal, 97
New York Evening Mail, 179
New York Evening World, 16
New York Giants, 37, 208, 353
and World Series, 8, 197
New York Herald Tribune, 54
New York Highlanders, 57, 155
Cobb’s first major league game against, 97, 98–100, 101
games against Tigers: 1905 season, 97–100, 103; 1906 season, 126; 1907 season, 164, 170
and Jennings, 147
name change to Yankees, 10, 256
New York Morning Telegraph, 15, 184
New York State League, 276
New York Sun, 260, 314
New York Telegram, 359
New York Times:
on Athletics lineup, 355
Cobb eulogized in, 398–99
on Cobb-Herzog dustup, 279
Cobb named “greatest player” in, 228
Cobb’s actions criticized in, 262, 267
on Cobb’s anniversary, 291
on Cobb’s base running, 13, 211, 225, 286–87
and Cobb-Speaker case, 340
on Cobb’s philosophy, 201, 236–37
on fans, 174, 256, 333
on Ruth, 289, 310
New York Yankees, 353
dynasty of, 73
as Highlanders, see New York Highlanders
Murderers’ Row, 362
1911 season, 12–13
1912 season, 255–57
1920 season, 314
1927 season, 359, 362–63
1928 season, 363–64
Ruth sold to, 311
Nightingale, Florence, 24
1904 season:
Cobb joining Augusta Tourists, 58–67
Cobb’s batting average in, 107
opening day, 62–64
preseason tryouts, 58–60
1905 season, 83–85, 89, 104–7, 108, 150
Cobb’s batting average in, 106
Cobb’s first major league game, 98–100, 101–3
postseason exhibition games, 106–7
Tigers-Tourists exhibition game, 70, 75, 77–78
1906 season, 112–23, 125–33, 134–44, 164
Cobb’s absence from, 11, 134–40
Cobb’s batting average in, 119, 143
Cobb’s hazing by teammates, 114–21, 124–26, 149, 278
Jennings hired as manager in, 145, 146–49
opening day, 114
spring training, 110–11
Tigers’ strike in, 140–41
1907 season, 150–61, 162–80
Cobb’s stats in, 166, 169–70, 171
“most exciting game” in, 173–77
opening game, 162–63
-Naps game, 171–72
Tigers take pennant in, 177
Tigers’ winning record in, 164–65
World Series, 163, 178–80, 212
1908 season, 194–200
contract negotiations, 180–83
final days of, 194–97
as turning point, 180
World Series, 197–200
1909 season, 221–26
Baker spiking incident, 212–17
Cobb’s stats in, 223
World Series, 223–26
1910 season, 232–44
Chalmers Trophy race, 237–44
Cobb’s changing role in, 234–37
Cobb’s stats in, 244, 252
dishonest double-header in, 238–40
1911 season, 12–14, 247–53
Cobb’s stats in, 9, 247, 248, 252
World Series, 8, 213, 253
1912 season, 255–67, 283
abusive fans in, 256–59
Cobb’s batting average in, 267
Cobb’s suspension in, 261, 262, 264–67
1913 season, 276–77
Cobb’s stats in, 275
World Series, 354
1914 season, 277, 282–83
Cobb’s batting average in, 283
World Series, 354
1915 season, 285–96, 307
Cobb’s stats in, 283
Cobb’s tenth anniversary, 291
World Series, 292, 295
1916 season, Tigers’ decline in, 295–96
1917 season, 278, 295–97
Cobb’s stats in, 252, 307
thrown game in, 349
1918 season, 273–75
Cobb’s stats in, 275, 307
influenza pandemic in, 273
and World War I, 273, 274
1919 season, 304–10
Black Sox scandal in, 266, 309, 312, 340, 344, 345, 349, 351
Cobb-Speaker case in, 340–52
Cobb’s stats in, 307, 309
livelier ball in, 307
Morris case in, 302–4
World Series, 309, 349–50
1920 season, 311–16
Chapman killed by pitch in, 312–13
Cobb’s batting average in, 314
World Series, 314
1921 season:
Cobb as manager in, 323–26
Cobb’s batting average in, 326
1922 season, 325
Cobb’s batting average in, 326
home run production in, 309
1923 season:
Cobb’s batting average in, 283, 326
pennant race in, 325
1924 season, 333
Cobb’s batting average in, 332
1925 season, 326–27, 333–34, 338–39
Cobb’s batting average in, 332
Cobb’s twentieth anniversary in, 332, 334
pennant race in, 355
Tigers’ decline in, 333
1926 season, 324
Cobb’s batting average in, 332
Cobb’s resignation from Tigers in, 335, 336–38
World Series, 335, 355
1927 season:
Cobb playing for A’s in, 353, 357–63
World Series, 363
1928 season, Cobb’s last at-bats in, 363–64
Northen, Hub, 238
nose-pulling, fights started by, 27