Nunamaker, Les, 203, 286–87
Nuxated Iron, 268, 320
O’Connor, Jack “Peach Pie,” 238, 240, 241, 243–44
O’Day, Hank, 196
O’Doul, Lefty, 43
Okkonen, Marc, 169, 184
Okrent, Dan, 22
Oldham, Red, 312, 321
Oldring, Rube, 170
O’Leary, Charley, 73, 77–78, 112, 133, 211, 328
O’Loughlin, Silk, 209, 215, 293
attacked by fans, 256, 331
attacked by players, 74, 331
players ejected by, 172, 185, 203, 256, 260
plays not seen by, 176, 203, 287
as sole umpire in early games, 99
O’Malley, Walter, 305
O’Neill, Steve, 203, 207, 211
Opie and Anthony Show, The, 1–2
Oriental Hotel, Dallas, 278
Ormsby, Emmett “Red,” 329, 361
Osborne, Rutledge, 278
O’Toole, Marty, 8
Our Ty (Detroit News), 334
Overall, Orval, 179, 199
Ownby, Ted, Subduing Satan, 120
Paar, Jack, 386
Pacific Coast League, 330
Palmer, Pete, 244
Parrish, E. V., 242
Paterson Silk Weavers, 75
Payne, Fred, 133
Peach: Ty Cobb in His Time and Ours (Bak), 136
Pearl Sisters, 8
Peckinpaugh, Roger, 206
Pegler, Westbrook, 364
Pennock, Herb, 170, 288, 363
Perdue, “Hub,” 46
Perrine, Ed, 265
Petway, Bruce, 245
Pfeister, Jack “The Giant Killer,” 196
Pfirman, Harry, 331–32
Phelan, James, 261
Philadelphia Athletics, 353
and Baker spiking incident, 212–17, 221–22
Cobb in lineup of, 355–63
Mack as manager and part-owner of, 354; see also Mack, Connie
1907 season, 165, 173–77
1911 season, 252
1925 and ’26 seasons, 355
Shibe Park, 221, 222, 249
unruly fans of, 250–51, 294, 361
in World Series, 8, 213, 253, 292
Philadelphia Herald, 260
Philadelphia Press, 128
Philadelphia Telegraph, 173–74
Philadelphia Times, 252
Pickering, Ollie, 71
Pinelli, Babe, 203
Pinkerton Detective Agency, 345
Pipp, Wally, 403–4
brushback pitches of, 290, 291, 294, 313
Chapman killed by pitch, 294, 312–13
Cobb’s intimidation of, 82, 168–70, 289–90, 293
Cobb’s study of, 170, 184, 203, 354
curveballs of, 169, 240
emery-boarding, 293, 313
fadeaway of, 56
relief, 175
screwball of, 56
sliders of, 173
slowballs of, 98
spitballs of, 54, 98
talcum powder pitches of, 173
Pittsburgh Pirates, 223–25, 363
Plank, “Gettysburg” Eddie, 170, 176, 249–50, 354
Porter, Dudley, 169
Post Toasties cereal, 183
Povich, Shirley, 322
Powell, Jack, 103
Pratt, Del, 338
Providence Grays, 285, 289
Puffer, J. Adams, The Boy and His Gang, 26
Pulliam, Harry, 137, 196
Putnam, Charlie, 149–50
Quinn, Jack, 256, 355
Rhodes, Don, Ty Cobb: Safe at Home, 268, 375, 376
Rice, Grantland, 320
as Atlanta Constitution columnist, 60
Cobb’s radio interview with, 18–20, 116, 170
McClure’s piece by, 202
and Somewhere in Georgia (film), 284
The Tumult and the Shouting, 25, 60, 66, 382–83
Richter, Frank C., 197
Riess, Steven A., Touching Base, 16
Ringo, Frank, 137
Risberg, Charles “Swede,” 349, 350, 351
Ritter, Lawrence S., 298
The Glory of Their Times, 51, 54, 56, 73, 234
Rivers, Alex, 305–6, 364
Roaring Twenties, 308
Roberts, Doug, 270
Robinson, Bobby, 305
Robinson, Jackie, 20, 131, 189, 398
Rochester Broncos, 357
Rodgers, “Rawmeat” Bill, 208
Rogers, Will, 350
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 312
Roosevelt, Theodore, 25–26, 48
Rose, Pete, 360
Rossman, Claude, 48, 160, 161, 162, 163, 176–77, 186, 187, 212
Roth, Andy, 62, 68–69, 70, 77, 78, 80, 82, 83, 93
Rothstein, Arnold, 309
Rowland, Clarence “Pants,” 315, 330, 392
Royston, Georgia, 34–37, 41, 69
Cobb Memorial Hospital in, 394
Cobb murder in, 89–92, 97
Rose Hill Cemetery, 373, 379–80, 396
social fabric of, 69–70
Royston Record, 32, 39, 49
Royston Reds, 36, 40–41, 44–45, 46, 47, 48
Royston Rompers, 36, 40–41, 43, 44–45
Ruby, Jack, 377
Rucker, Nap, 68, 119, 399, 403
Runyon, Damon, 315, 348
Ruppert, Col. Jacob, 346, 352
Ruth, Babe, 391
and Boston Red Sox, 285, 289, 295, 307, 309, 311
Called Shot of, 274
and cancer, 372
and celebrity, 15, 307
Cobb vs., 289, 290, 295, 306–10, 314, 326–29, 371–72
as fielder, 73, 307
and fighting, 263, 315
as “greatest player,” 325
and Hall of Fame, 288, 371
hitting, 201, 274, 306, 307, 311, 321, 326, 364, 370, 399
as pitcher, 289, 290, 306–10
and Providence Grays, 285, 289
sold to Yankees, 311
and Yankee lineup, 339, 362
Ruth, Claire, The Babe and I, 329
Ryder, Jack, 179
St. Louis Browns, 350, 353, 355
St. Louis Perfectos, 55
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 241, 330
St. Louis Republic, 242
St. Louis Star, 241
St. Louis Times, 244
Salsinger, H. G., 38, 65, 169, 190, 295, 307, 326, 334, 337–38, 386
San Antonio, spring training in, 232, 233, 319
San Francisco Seals, 383
Sangree, Allen, 16
Sangster, Margaret E., 136
Scabby (clubhouse attendant), 269
Scarborough, L. L., 65, 349
Schaefer, Herman “Germany,” 8, 132, 185, 208, 246
advice to Cobb from, 78
on Cobb and spiking, 12, 209
on Cobb’s base running, 59
and contracts, 112
friendship of Cobb and, 104, 123
health issues of, 133, 141
and hitting, 99, 162
and Tigers mascot, 189, 190
traded to Washington, 212
Schalk, Ray, 349, 403
Schang, Wally, 206, 328, 372
Schmidt, Charlie, 164, 180, 231
and contracts, 112
fights with Cobb, 132, 152–53, 154, 157, 159
hitting, 162
injuries of, 179
unpopularity of, 156–57
Scully, Vin, 354
Seymour, Harold, Baseball: The Golden Age, 258
Shanks, Howie, 306
Shea, Dennis, 63–64
Sheen, Charlie, 55
Shelton, Ron, 400, 402
Sheridan, Bill, 94
Sheridan, Jack, 250
Sherman, James S., 234
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 12, 24
Sherman, W. S., 52
Shibe, Benjamin Franklin, 248
Shipke, Bill, 177
Shor, Toots, 384
Shore, Ernie, 290, 295
Shorten, Chick, 322
“Shortstop, The” (Grey), 54
Shotton, Burt, 205, 207
Siever, Ed, 125, 143, 144, 149, 159, 164
Silver, David, 229
Simmons, Al, 355, 358–59, 361, 362
Sisler, George, 12, 274, 314, 326, 370
Skelly, George H., 219
Skinner, Otis, 98–99
Slaughter, Enos, 21
Smith, Joe, 151
Smith, John W., 334
Snodgrass, Fred, 208
Somewhere in Georgia (film), 284
fights and duels in, 27
slavery (Peculiar Institution) in, 29, 30
South Atlantic League (Sally League), 5, 50, 51–52, 58, 60, 84
Southern League, 46
Spalding Company, 183, 248, 307
Spalding Guide, 53
Speaker, Tris, 16, 21, 283–84
and Athletics, 355, 363
Cobb-Speaker case, 340–52, 353
death of, 386
fielding, 252
friendship with Cobb, 14, 320, 335
and Hall of Fame, 288
as hitter, 295, 301
resignation of, 339–40, 347
and World Series, 314
Speece, By, 340
Spink, J. G. Taylor, 392
Sporting Life, 80, 83, 84, 182, 233, 292
and Baker spiking incident, 217
on Cobb’s potential, 105, 126, 127, 128, 253
on Cobb’s wedding, 193–94
on death threats, 191
on Tigers’ dissension, 264–65
and World Series, 179, 198
Sporting News:
and Baker spiking incident, 217
Cobb criticized in, 266, 338
on Cobb-Jackson reunion, 383
on Cobb’s fighting, 307
Cobb’s interviews in, 166, 227, 260, 304, 326, 393
on Cobb’s performance, 150
on Stump’s True articles, 392
Sports Illustrated, 239, 395, 402
Spratt, William, 63
Stahl, Chick, 133
Stahl, Jake, 128, 235
Stallings, George, 6, 284, 292
Stanage, Oscar, 215
Stanfield, George, 218–20, 226
Stanton, Tom, Ty and the Babe, 327
Stealing Home (one-act play), 55
Steinfeldt, Harry, 199
Stengel, Casey, 14, 402
Stone, George, 106, 143
Street, Gabby, 256
Strouthers, Con, 51–53, 58–64, 67, 68, 82, 93
Stump, Al:
and baseball memorabilia market, 400–401, 402
Cobb: A Biography (1994), 12, 42, 136, 219, 229, 402
death of, 400
lack of research by, 91
screen rights sold by, 401–2
stories invented by, 36–37, 42, 136, 229, 269–70, 329, 380–81, 384, 386, 387–88, 389–92, 393, 394, 395, 396, 399, 402
True Magazine article by, 380, 387, 389–92, 395, 396, 400, 402
Ty Cobb: My Life in Baseball (1961), 39, 41, 45, 117, 167, 300, 385–91, 399–400
Sugg, Peggy Cobb (granddaughter), 367–68
Sullivan, Billy, 125, 211
Summa, Homer, 340
Summers, “Kickapoo Ed,” 198, 223
Sweeney, Ed, 13
Syracuse Post-Dispatch, 269
Sysonby (Thoroughbred), 128
Taft, William Howard, 8, 16, 233, 234, 253
Tannehill, Lee, 106
Tarasoff, Koosma, 230
Taylor, John I., 191–92
Taylor, Walter, 182
Teeslink, Rex, 395–96
“Tessie” (Red Sox theme song), 293
Texas League, 20–21, 38
Thayer, Ernest L., 179
Thompson, William Barlum, 261
Tiger Wore Spikes, The (McCallum), 385
Tilden, Bill, 373, 375
Tillman, “Pitchfork” Ben, 32
Tinker, Joe, 179, 199, 210, 320
To Kill a Mockingbird (movie), 31
Toledo Mud Hens, 75, 140
Touching Base (Riess), 16
Travers, Aloysius, 266
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, 22
Truby, Harry, 63, 66–67
True Magazine, 380, 387, 389–92, 395, 396, 400, 402
Trump, Donald, 253
Tumult and the Shouting, The (Rice), 25, 60, 66, 382–83
Tunney, Gene, 363
Turner, Ted, 48
Tuthill, Harry, 236, 279
Ty and the Babe (Stanton), 327
Ty Cobb (Alexander), 12, 15, 90, 136, 219, 220
“Ty Cobb All-Stars,” 246
“Ty Cobb at the Bat” (Thayer), 179
Ty Cobb: The Idol of Baseball Fandom (Braathen), 14
Ty Cobb Museum, Royston, 191, 368
Ty Cobb: My Life in Baseball (Cobb/Stump), 39, 41, 45, 117, 167, 300, 385–91, 399–400
Ty Cobb: Safe at Home (Rhodes), 268, 375, 376
Ty Cobb Scrapbook, The, 169, 171
Tyson, Edward, 362
Tyson, Mike, 168
Cobb’s dealings with, 330–32, 360–62
four per game, 224
one per game, 54, 99
violence toward, 54, 128, 256, 292, 331–32, 361
Union League, 183
U.S. Congress, 276, 384–85
Veach, Bobby, 283, 286, 321–22, 324, 356–57
Veeck, Bill, 54
Vertigo Years, The (Blom), 135–36
Virgil, 45
Vitt, Ossie, 286
Waddell, Rube, 127, 146, 169, 175–76, 258, 282
Wagner, Heinie, 191
Wagner, Honus, 16, 81
base running, 208
at bat, 10, 44, 166
Cobb’s friendship with, 6
and Hall of Fame, 370
and pennant races, 197
personality type, 129, 156, 173, 223
slowing down, 283
and World Series, 223–24, 225–26
Walberg, Rube, 388
Walker, Dixie, 21
Wallace, Bobby, 239
Walsh, Christy, 308, 363
Walsh, Ed, 170, 195, 197
Warner, Jack, 113, 132, 133, 139, 142, 211, 362
Washington Post, 84, 91, 92, 242, 250–51, 277, 333, 402
Washington Senators, 71, 133, 267, 277, 280, 347, 354
Washington Star, 237
W. B. Jarvis, 268
Weaver, Buck, 275
Wertheim, Jon, 239
West, Fred, 341–43, 346
Western League, 1887 season of, 174
Weyman, George, 230
W. H. Cobb Educational Fund, 394
Wheat, Zack, 355
Wheeler Syndicate, 253
Whipple, Amos H., 190–91
Whitehill, Earl, 336
“Why Does Tyrus Tire Us?,” 8
Wiederman, Adam J., 320
Willard, Jess, 307
Willett, Ed, 116, 223
Williams, Jimmy, 184, 203
Williams, Joe, 359
Williams, Ted, 15, 42–43, 166, 168, 201, 263
My Turn at Bat, 383–84
Williamson, Nagle, 307
Wilson, Frank, 330, 360–61
Wilson, Nick, 305
Wilson, Woodrow, 253
Wingard, Harlan, 62, 67, 68
Wolverton, Harry, 256
as civilizing influence, 26, 263
ignorance assumed about sports, 368
Wood, Smoky Joe, 51, 170, 288, 341–48
Woodruff, Fuzzy, 252
Woodruff, Robert W., 320
“World’s Champion Batsman” trophy, 256
World Series:
(1907), 163, 178–80, 212
(1908), 197–200
(1909), 223–26
(1911), 8, 213, 253
(1913), 354
4), 354
(1915), 292, 295
(1919), 309, 349–50
(1920), 314
(1926), 335, 355
(1927), 363
(1935), 233
bonfires in celebration of, 195
share of money from, 341
tickertape play-by-play of, 165
World War I, 273, 274, 291, 298, 299–300
Wray, John E., 330
Wreford, Will B., 199
Wright, B. F., 150
Yarborough, John, 52
Yawkey, Bill, 71, 141, 147, 179–80, 199, 302, 314
Yawkey, Tom, 73, 309
Yawkey, William Clyman, 73
Yawkey, William Hoover, 73, 74, 94
You Can Teach Hitting (Baker), 42
Young, Cy, 75, 170, 173, 184, 191, 203, 257, 388
Young, Ralph “Pep,” 286
Youngman, Henry “Heinie,” 84–85, 89, 93, 101, 145
“You’ve Got to Cheat to Win” (Hornsby), 54
Zimmerman, Heinie, 279
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Leerhsen, Charles.
Ty Cobb : a terrible beauty / Charles Leerhsen.—First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition.
pages cm
1. Cobb, Ty, 1886–1961. 2. Baseball players—United States—Biography. I. Title.
GV865.C6L44 2015
ISBN 978-1-4516-4576-7
ISBN 978-1-4516-4580-4 (ebook)
1–3, 14: Detroit Public Library
4–9, 11, 12, 17–18: National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum
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15, 16: Library of Congress
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