Kissed by the Sun

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Kissed by the Sun Page 7

by Catrina Calloway

  Sloshing across the floor, she stood on the other side of the room and wrung out the ends of her shirt.

  “Why in hell didn’t you just wait for one of us?”

  “Huh?” She looked up.


  She screwed up her face when a lock of wet hair fell across her eye. She swiped it away. “Well what?”

  “Why didn’t you just wait for one of us to help you?” Dan asked her, his voice clipped.

  She raised her brows. “Wait for one of you to do what? Make me a cup of tea?”

  “Christ!” Ben flopped down in a chair at the kitchen table, his body shaking. He looked over at Carlee. “I thought someone was murdering you.”

  She wrung her shirt out again. “Sorry to disappoint you,” she replied, her voice testy, her temper soaring. “And I don’t need someone to wait on me hand and foot. I can make my own tea!”

  She glanced down at the water pooling around her.

  “Well, at least I thought I could.”

  “These cottages have old plumbing.” Dan stated. “You can’t just turn on the water and expect it to magically appear.” He sighed. “But you’re used to everything being easy, aren’t you?”

  That did it!

  She clenched her hand into a fist at her side. “Anyone could make a mistake like this. Anyone.” She advanced on Dan, jabbing her index finger into his solid wall of chest. The tip of her finger bent back—it hurt like hell, but she didn’t care, that’s how mad she was. “I was trying to be courteous, something you two should learn. I was afraid I’d wake you if—”

  Ben rose to his feet. “You hear that?” He aimed his thumb toward her, but he looked at Dan. “That she’s afraid of. Waking us. But someone who’s trying to kill her?” He slashed a hand in the air. “That she thinks is a game.” He turned and faced Carlee. “You don’t have the sense God gave a flea.” He shook his head. “And you don’t care what you have to do to get attention, as long as you’re in the center of it.”

  It was too much.

  She felt the tears flow from her eyes. They ran down her already wet face.

  She smacked him square in the chest. He reared back.

  She sniffed, her throat clogging with more tears. “I’m scared to death. Every minute of every day. I’m frightened, all right?” She bit her lower lip. “Happy?”

  Ben’s face softened. He took a step toward her. “Carlee, don’t cry, please, I—”

  She looked around the wet kitchen, water still seeping into every nook and cranny. “I would never do something like this…” she swept her hand out in front of her, “just to get attention.”

  Dan shook his head. “We heard your scream.” He sighed. “We were scared, too. For you.” He held out his hand. “Come here. Get out of the water.”

  “Leave me alone,” Her voice filled with defeat. “Just leave me the hell alone.

  Silence reigned.

  Suddenly, their dark eyes were on her. She followed their path, glancing down at her chest. Her brown nipples pushed against the thin fabric of her t-shirt, the outlines of her bare breasts visible through the wet fabric.

  She grabbed both sides of her hooded sweatshirt in an attempt to cover herself.

  Carlee felt vulnerable, exposed, but more than her body, she felt as though she had just released a mountain of worry, and now, they saw the real her.

  A scared, frightened little rabbit.

  Ben swallowed. She watched the rise and fall of his prominent Adam’s apple. “I…we’re sorry,” he said, his voice soft. “I didn’t mean what I said.”

  Dan walked over and took her hand. “I didn’t mean what I said, either.”

  Her lower lip trembled; she dropped the ends of her sweatshirt. “You spoke the truth. I am used to everything coming easy.” She sniffed. “That’s why I went along with my aunt’s will. It’s what I’ve always done. Always. I take the easy way out.”

  She started to cry, the tears coming fast and furious.

  The events of the morning, coupled with everything else she screwed up in her life, hit her like a ton of bricks.

  “Carlee, no, don’t…stop, don’t cry, please,” Ben intoned. He reached over and grabbed a handful of napkins off the table. He shoved them in her hand.

  She rolled her eyes and hiccupped. “Now he says ‘please’.”

  A corner of his mouth lifted. “Smart ass.”

  She tried to smile, but a sob escaped her. She clamped a hand across her mouth, her chest heaving.

  “Don’t.” Dan whispered. “I—” he glanced at Ben. “We can’t bear this.”

  In the next instant, she was in his arms, cradled against his chest.

  His bare chest.

  She felt the heat emanate from his body, his coiled, tense muscles. He stroked her back, slipping his hands beneath her t-shirt and hoodie. The more his hands soothed her, the more his body eased against hers.

  His long, thick cock pressed against her thigh. Carlee’s body throbbed with need.

  From the corner of her eye, she noticed Ben watching, his big dark eyes brooding. She reached out a hand to him, wondering if he’d take it.

  He did.

  Her heart did a little flip in her chest.

  Dan turned her so that she settled against Ben.

  He cradled the back of her head with his large palm. Placing his other arm across her waist, he tugged her closer, until she felt his long, hard, length push against her thigh.

  “Little warrior,” he murmured, easing her away. She felt bereft at the loss of contact. “I’m sorry for everything.”

  She gazed into his eyes. So dark. So compelling.

  She sniffed back tears. Glancing at the wad of paper napkins in her hand, a corner of her mouth lifted. She gulped then laughter bubbled up inside her.

  “What am I supposed to do with these?”

  Ben snagged a crumpled napkin from her hand. He stroked it across her cheeks, gently wiping the moisture from her face. He placed it over her nose. “Blow,” he said.


  Dan laughed, the sound rich and warm. “You still sound like goose when you blow your nose.”

  “When did you ever hear me blow my nose?”

  “That time you snuck into the reservation. It was autumn, and the start of a bout of cold weather. Somehow, someway, you knew we were sick. We both had bad colds.”

  “I remember,” she said softly.

  Slowly, the door opened again. Bitterness washed away, quickly replaced by something else. Something warm and wonderful. The way she always used to feel when they were teenagers.

  Careful, Carlee, you can’t go back…only forward.

  “I caught your colds.”

  “Yeah,” Dan answered. “That’s the first time we ever heard you blow your nose. You still sound like a crazy goose.”

  She smiled. “Thanks a lot.”

  “Yeah well, it’s the truth.”

  Silence intruded again.

  She licked her lips. Their eyes followed her every move.

  “As long as we’re speaking about truth…”

  Ben groaned.

  “I heard what you said this morning.”

  Dan’s face turned scarlet.

  “What were you doing? Pressing your ear up against the wall?” Ben shook his head, his face tight.

  “It was the door,” Carlee answered brightly.

  She plunked down in one of the chairs at the kitchen table and took a good look at both of them.

  “Very nice.” Her eyes traveled lower to their groins. She placed her elbow on the table and cupped her chin in her hand. “Very nice, indeed.”

  “Cut it out,” Dan nodded toward Ben. “Let’s get out of here.”

  They started to walk away.

  “You spoke about sharing.” She drew the word out. “I believe in reference to me.”

  They stopped near the counter by the sink.

  Ben turned around and looked at Carlee. Over his shoulder, he replied. “We were talking about
Agnes Kowalski. About sharing a meal at her diner.”

  Carlee burst out laughing. “Oh really?”

  A muscle in Ben’s clenched jaw twitched.

  “Now who’s lying?” she asked softly.

  Dan strode over to her, his feet sloshing through what remained of the water. “For your information, little warrior…” He leaned down, resting both hands on the table. “Listening through doors will get you into lots of trouble.”

  She glanced over Dan’s shoulder, winking at Ben. “That’s right; Ben seems to think that I deserve something.” She craned her neck further to see Ben standing by the counter, his arms crossed over his chest. “Wasn’t that what we were discussing yesterday morning?” She waggled her fingers at Ben. “Before I got in the car to come here?”

  He stood there, his face a mask of tight, angry lines. “Yeah, and I still think you do.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Really? When will you dole out the punishment?”

  Dan rose to his full height. “Knock it off, Carlee.”

  “I will, as soon as you and Ben admit that you’ve always wanted to share me.”

  “We’ll own up to no such thing.” Ben strode over to her, his steps wide. “We’re here with you on a purely professional basis.”

  She smiled. “Guarding me is just a job, is it?” She tapped her fingers on the table. “I wonder what your boss would think of your little conversation this morning—and how you’re both standing here now, half dressed, one of you…” She glanced at Dan. “…in just your um…underwear.”

  Dan looked at Ben, then at Carlee. “Why you little… If you say one word to Lieutenant McGee about what we said —”

  She reached out and ran a finger over his jaw. “About sharing me?”

  Ben groaned, running a hand through his hair.

  Carlee sobered. “I wouldn’t say a word to your Lieutenant. It’s none of his damned business how you both feel about me, or how I feel about the two of you.”

  “Which is,” Dan growled. “Nothing.”

  She angled her head. “We could dance around this all day and all night, but let’s face it: I’ve wanted both of you in my bed since I was sixteen.”

  “Stop it!” Ben thundered.

  His body shook, his arousal apparent, even through the heavy fabric of his jeans.

  She rose to her feet, looking at Dan first, then Ben. “Let’s just get it out of our systems, once and for all. That’s all I’m asking—one time—with both of you.”

  “Oh, Carlee.” Dan shook his head. “You have no idea what you’re asking. No idea at all.”

  She snapped her fingers. “Maybe you really want to share Agnes Kowalski.”

  “No.” Ben shook his head. The ends of his dark hair flowed around his neck. “We are not doing anything of the kind.”

  She untied the string on her sweatpants. A shudder tore through her—she wasn’t sure if it was from the damp cold clinging to her body or the little zing that snaked down her back. It traveled across her body, settling between her thighs. “You are not sharing horse-faced Agnes Kowalski. You’re sharing me!”

  She continued to loosen the string on her pants.

  Dan held up a hand. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “I was told I had the run of the house, right?” She glanced at Ben, pulling down her sweat pants to reveal her hips and bottom, covered in a skimpy thong.

  Ben’s cock stood ramrod straight.

  Dan whisked her pants off the floor. He shoved them at her. “Put these back on.”

  She tossed them right back and shrugged out of her hoodie-style sweatshirt.

  “Oh no.” Dan backed up, the wall behind him halting any further movement. “Don’t do that.”

  “Carlee, this is…insane,” Ben mumbled.

  “What will be crazy is if you don’t give in to my demands and make love to me.” She glanced at Dan. “Both of you.” She lifted the ends of her t-shirt and started pulling it up. “I have the run of the house, so I’ll run around the house—nude—until you give me what I want.”

  “Shit.” Dan looked at Ben. “Do something!”

  Ben walked over to Carlee, reaching for her hands.

  She slapped his away.

  He leaned down and kissed her.

  “No more, little warrior.” His voice was strained. “Please.”

  She stroked his jaw then answered in a saucy tone. “It’s amazing how much courtesy you can learn in such a short time.”

  “Fuck courtesy,” he growled.

  Then his mouth crashed down on hers.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ben’s hands strayed to every part of Carlee’s body. He stroked her back, her bottom, her hips, pulling her closer, as though he couldn’t get enough of her. Carlee stood on the edge of a dark precipice of desire, her body quaking with need. He grabbed hold of her bottom, pulling her up until she stood on her toes.

  She ground her pelvis against his swollen cock. He pushed against her, the tip of his stiff dick sliding between her thighs, nudging her entrance through the thin silk of her thong. Carlee held on fast, afraid she’d slither to the floor, boneless from the exquisite torture he inflicted upon her body.

  From the corner of her eye, she saw Dan watching, his dark eyes intense, bright with desire. It heightened the excitement, making her juices flow. Moisture flooded her thong; she could feel it seep down her legs.

  Dan’s wicked smile made her clit throb again.

  She pulled Ben’s head down for another fiery kiss, melding her mouth with his.

  He moaned into her mouth. “Carlee, Carlee.”

  Ben tore his mouth from hers, holding her away from him. “No more, little warrior, I can’t take it.”

  “Then give her what she wants,” Dan uttered softly.

  Fire leapt into Ben’s dark eyes.

  She smiled. “Please.”

  Ben turned to look at Dan. Dan raised one dark brow and swept his hand out in front of him. “Give the lady what she wants.” He winked at Carlee. “Give her what she needs.”

  She reached out and stroked Ben’s cock. He tipped his head back, a low groan escaping his chest. She could hear the rumble. In one swift move, he picked her up, cradling her against his chest.

  He walked to the small kitchen table and chairs and sat down with her tucked into his lap. She squirmed once, her body burning, her mind filled with anticipation. Ben stripped the thong off her hips, tossing it to the floor. Then he raised her shirt exposing her bare breasts to Dan.

  Dan stepped closer. Carlee creamed again when Dan gazed at her breasts. He leaned down and tongued her nipples, while Ben fingered her clit. Her orgasm was swift, hard, and left her breathless.

  “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” she cried when she found her voice.

  She slumped against Ben’s chest. This time, Dan picked her up, but when he placed her feet on the floor, she couldn’t stand.

  Her legs felt like two wet noodles.

  She sagged against him.

  He leaned forward, digging his shoulder under her breasts. A whoosh of air exited her lungs, and all she could do was hang on for dear life while Dan trotted down the hall with her slung over his shoulder. From her upside down position, she saw Ben directly behind them.

  Dan stopped at a closed door. He opened it and walked in, striding over to the other side of the room, where he deposited her gently on a wide bed.

  Carlee stretched her arms in a wide arc above her head. She turned on her side and watched the two of them strip away their clothing.

  They stood tall, proud and naked, their wide bronzed chests kissed by the sun, their cocks sticking straight out, paying her tribute.

  She smiled. “Oh my, you are both magnificent.”

  She shook her head, marveling at their size.

  Holy crap, will they fit?

  This was no time to be afraid! She'd dreamt of this, fantasized about it all her life, and now…

  Ben and Dan were hers.

  She wouldn’t let fear take

  She was so tired of being the scared little bunny.

  So tired of being the outcast, so tired of wanting what she couldn’t have…them.

  She didn’t intend to waste another second on doubt or unfulfilled dreams. Carlee intended to make this one come true.

  They walked over to her.

  Ben knelt on the bed, digging both of his fists into the mattress. “If you don’t want this, say it now, Carlee.”

  She swallowed and looked at Dan.

  He nodded. “Say the word, and we’re out of here.”

  “No.” She shook her head.

  Dan raised a brow.

  Ben frowned.

  “I-I mean, I don’t want you to leave me.”

  Dan sat down next to her on the bed. His penis lay against his thigh, midway between his hip and knee. Even at rest, his cock was breathtaking.

  She glanced at Ben’s.


  She felt that familiar sweet ache bloom between her legs.

  Lifting one of Dan’s hands, she placed it against her breast. His fingers kneaded her flesh, the pad of his thumb stroking her nipple.

  “I want you,” she whispered.

  She took one of Ben’s hands and placed it between her legs.

  “And you.” She sighed when Ben’s fingers caressed her little nubbin of flesh. “I’ve never wanted anything more in my life than the two of you…right now.”

  “Then say no more, little warrior.” Ben palmed her between her legs.

  She leaned back and placed her feet flat on the sheets, digging her heels into the mattress.

  Dan settled next to her. He put his wide palm on her belly, stroking her gently, sliding his hand up until he wreaked sweet havoc on her breasts.

  She could feel her orgasm rise when Ben stroked her clit with the tip of his index finger. She raised her head just enough to see Ben looking at a drop of moisture on his finger. He placed it in his mouth.

  “Sweet,” he uttered.

  She squirmed on the bed, bunching the covers in her fists.

  Dan’s lips closed over her right breast. She pushed it into his hot, warm mouth. He sucked hard, pulling her nipple into his mouth, his teeth scraping against the tender flesh.

  But he didn’t hurt her.

  She felt nothing but exquisite torture combined with tenderness.


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