Outbreaks: Zombies Zombies Zombies

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Outbreaks: Zombies Zombies Zombies Page 3

by T. L. Frost

  “I was driving all night, even though the weather was terrible. I think it rained non-stop all the way but luckily the roads were almost empty because of the flu.” Alice stopped, thinking back as she drank her coffee “When I turned off the next morning to get breakfast and some much needed caffeine I stopped at a twenty four hour burger outlet. I nearly didn’t make it out of their alive.”

  “Yeah their food is pretty bad…” Said Tom.

  Alice smiled as she continued.

  “One of the staff came flying through the window at the drive-through lane. Just smashed straight through it and started attacking my car, reaching in through the half open window. I just panicked and hit the accelerator. She fell off and started chasing me, screaming as she ran, could see her in the rear view mirror. The uniform with the little hat, all covered in blood, it was surreal.”

  “You didn’t head for home?” Said Tom.

  Alice shook her head “I got lost, was just trying to put as much distance between me and that place as possible. I was also trying my phone, the police then everyone I knew but no answer. There was a body in the middle of the road, I didn’t see it until I almost ran over it and when I swerved I lost control, crashing into a lamp post. My lovely little car was broken but the airbags had saved me.”

  Alice was lost in thought of that first day, a look of disbelief and fear on her face.

  “I just sat there not believing what was happening. When I managed to get out of the car I didn’t have a clue where I was, there was nobody around and then I heard the screaming again. They were still chasing me, so I ran. I didn’t care where, just away from that horrible crazed sound. Somehow I ended up in the back garden of a house, I was exhausted, mentally and physically. I think I hid inside a shed for a while, curled up in the corner as those things rushed by outside, moaning and screaming all the time. I thought I was going to die then.”

  Tom listened intently as Alice spoke. He was impressed with how she had coped, especially after coming so close to disaster.

  “I waited there for quite a while as it grew quiet outside.” Alice continued “Eventually it started getting dark and I plucked up the courage to go outside. The back door to the house was unlocked so I let myself in, luckily the place was empty, the front door wide open. I found some spare keys and locked myself in and that’s where I’ve been until today.”

  “Wow.” Said Tom “I think I had it easy compared to you. I just woke up one morning and the world had gone mad, haven’t dared go outside until today.”

  “Believe me, I wouldn’t have left that house for anything if I’d had more food.” Said Alice.

  “So you haven’t seen another living person since this all started?” Asked Tom.

  Alice shook her head “Not until I met you, I couldn’t believe my eyes, I nearly cried with relief. And then you appear with hot coffee, two surprises in one day.”

  They both laughed and Tom made them more drinks.

  “Enjoy while it lasts.” He said “I don’t look forward to going out for more anytime soon.”

  That night Tom let Alice have his bed, he was getting used to sleeping on the sofa blocking the door at the top of the stairs. They both slept lightly, the slightest noise outside waking them and eventually Alice joined Tom on the sofa. Tom didn’t mind at all and Alice soon drifted off into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 6

  They settled into a routine over the next few days. Keeping lookout, checking the radio and chatting about nothing much, both just happy to have found someone alive. One day Alice picked up a weak signal, someone was broadcasting a message. They both sat close, trying to hear the words through the static and interference.

  ‘…survivors at… Northumberland coast. Food and shelter… avoid… if you can make it… safety… island…’

  “Survivors?” Asked Tom “Can’t make out most of it but that’s only a few hours drive.”

  “There are still a lot of those things out there.” Said Alice “Even if they are spread out more now.”

  Tom looked out of the window “Yes, we’ll see what it’s like in a few days. I’m in no hurry to go out there again either.”

  The message was repeated regularly throughout the day and even though the signal was faint and almost drowned out by static they managed to piece together most of it. After a while it got even fainter.

  “The batteries are dying.” Said Tom shaking the radio then pulling it apart to check them “That’s the last of them.”

  They had checked every remote control he had, looking for more batteries, but none of them lasted long.

  “We’ve got most of the message anyway.” Said Alice studying the transcript they had made of the signal “They have somewhere secure on an island just off the north east coast of Northumberland.”

  Tom stood and searched along a bookshelf. Finding what he wanted he returned and showed Alice. It was a Road-Map of northern England.

  “Holy Island.” He said “I think I went there when I was a kid, can’t remember much about it though.”

  “And here.” Said Alice pointing “The Farne Islands, that’s one of the words we couldn’t make out.”

  They studied the map for a while, neither being familiar with the area.

  “I know they mentioned both but I think Holy Island would be the best bet.” Said Tom concentrating on the roads “Looks like the motorway passes really close to it.”

  “They should be pretty clear since almost everyone was suffering from the flu.” Added Alice “I know the roads I used to get here were almost deserted until I turned onto the minor roads, if we could avoid the residential areas…”

  Tom nodded “Once we are on the motorway I think we’ll be ok. The hard part will be getting out of the streets around here without attracting too much attention.”

  “Won’t they hear the car?” Asked Alice concerned.

  Tom thought for a while, then smiled “It won’t matter if we drive fast, it’s not like I’ll be slowing for the speed cameras.”

  “We just need a fast car then.” Said Alice smiling too.

  Tom took her to the window “That one is mine.” He said, a hint of pride in his voice and pointed to a small, black, two-door sports car “It should be fast enough.”

  “Boys and their toys.” Said Alice laughing.

  Tom smiled “There should be enough fuel for the trip. I think we should pack some things and be ready to go, just in case.”

  They waited and watched. The zombies seemed to thin out a little every day. Fires could be seen in the distance, some burnt out the next day and others getting bigger but none were too close. It was mostly quiet outside, nothing much happening, but once or twice the screams came in the distance, quickly joined by others. Tom and Alice could only imagine what had happened but they knew the zombies had probably found another survivor, perhaps low on food and desperate, making a supply run. After a few more days their food was almost gone. They shared a breakfast of cold soup and Tom made them both a large mug of coffee.

  “That’s the last of it.” He said as he handed Alice a cup “Food is almost gone too, we’ll have to decide soon if we stay here and go for more food or try for the coast.”

  “How much have we got left?” Asked Alice.

  Tom went back to the kitchen and returned with just one tin.

  “Just this.” He said.

  “A tin of Spam” Said Alice “That’s all?”

  “I saw it in the shop and just grabbed it.” Said Tom “Last time I went out it was the last of my supplies.”

  “You couldn’t have saved something else? Maybe some chocolate biscuits?” Said Alice smiling.

  “Hey, don’t knock Spam.” Said Tom defensively “Doesn’t need a tin opener and very versatile.”

  Alice laughed “Well that soup didn’t exactly hit the spot so I’m not complaining.”

  The sun was almost fully up as they finished their coffees. It was a bright but chilly morning and they both sat relaxed, thinking about what the f
uture held. They discussed the plan for getting out of the area, the Island seemed like the best idea if there were other survivors and they were organised enough to send out a transmission. Alice took the cups and rinsed them setting them down next to the sink and just then there was a huge explosion. The windows of the apartment rattled and the cups bounced on the kitchen worktop, one tipping over and rolling off to smash on the floor. She rushed to the living room where Tom was at the window.

  “What was that?!” She said.

  “I think it came from that big fire over to the right, looks like it’s a lot bigger now and there’s a lot of smoke rising over it.” Said Tom, a little shocked.

  Alice joined him at the window, trying to see what was happening through the slits in the blinds. The screaming started. It came from the direction of the fire and spread like a wave, quickly picked up by zombies in the whole area. Tom and Alice watched as more and more of them ran past the window towards the source of the explosion. The area had looked pretty clear before but now it was filled with them, coming from all directions, their ungainly runs carrying them surprisingly fast. Tom went around all the windows of his apartment.

  “They are coming from all over, I think that explosion got their attention.”

  The screaming continued, calling more and more zombies towards the fire and soon their numbers diminished. The last few stragglers, slower than the rest, shambling on damaged legs to catch up. Tom looked at Alice.

  “I think we should go now.” He said “We might not get another chance like this.”

  Alice nodded and they grabbed their small packs, Tom shoving the last of their supplies into his. Then they moved the furniture blocking the door at the top of the stairs and quickly removed the barricade blocking the entrance at the bottom. Tom made one last tour of the apartment’s windows and everything looked clear, then he joined Alice, unlocking the door he turned and nodded, one hand on the handle, the other holding his kitchen knife. Alice nodded back, tightening her grip on the iron bar she held in both hands. Tom opened the door. They both tensed as they stepped out, fear and adrenaline heightening their senses as they checked for any sign of danger. Tom locked the door behind them, though he doubted if he would be coming back.

  “This way.” He said quietly as he led Alice around to the front of the apartment block.

  His car was there and they raced to it, Tom unlocking it and running around the car as Alice climbed in through the passenger door. Tom stopped suddenly.

  “Fuck!” he said as he saw the remains of the man who had been chased into the car park next to his car.

  He was covered in dried, congealed blood, his one arm pulling him upwards as he gripped the handle on the driver’s side of Tom’s car. Tom hesitated, the zombie lifted its head and tried to scream but its lungs were damaged or ripped out and it managed a feeble attempt at calling to the others. Tom knew it was still dangerous though. He stepped forward as it raised its head again and stabbed with the knife. It went through the side of the creature’s head, burying itself deep as Tom used all his strength on it. The zombie dropped, head smashing into the tarmac of the parking bay, pulling the knife with it. Tom stepped back breathing heavily, then recovering, he tried to pull out the knife, but it was stuck fast. The tissue around the zombie’s neck, already broken and damaged from bites, started to tear away and as Tom gave one last pull, the head came away from the body, the knife still stuck in it. He saw Alice watching open mouthed from inside the car and threw it to the side. Opening the door and getting in, he let out a large sigh.

  “I think we should get the hell out of here.” He said.

  Alice just nodded as Tom locked the doors and started the engine. He reversed out of the parking bay and hit the accelerator.

  “It’s not too far to the motorway from here and I know the roads.” Said Tom as he concentrated ahead “Hopefully that explosion drew them all in the opposite direction.”

  Tom drove fast, keeping to the centre of the roads, they only passed a few other cars, some crashed or just abandoned, doors still open. Others with windows smashed in, dark, dried blood visible. Some screams could be heard as they drove, mostly from behind as the zombies headed for the fire but others sounded nearby, they opened their windows a little to hear and when they had to slow for a turn they could tell some were close by.

  “There’s one!” Said Tom turning the steering wheel to avoid a zombie walking down the road towards them.

  They passed safely on the other side of the road but could see the zombie in the rear view mirrors, it stopped and tilted its head back, the scream loud and clear.

  “Almost there.” Said Tom as they approached the turn-off for the motorway.

  A scream came from up ahead and as they passed, some zombies ran out towards the car. Tom swerved again, avoiding most of them but one he clipped with the side of the car, sending it spinning away, feet flying up into the air as he fought for control of the steering.

  “One is hanging on!” Shouted Alice.

  Looking over his shoulder Tom could see a zombie holding onto the car, its fingers were jammed into the slightly open window and it was hammering against the glass as its feet were dragged along the road, flesh and pieces of bone flying from its lower legs.

  “Hit it!” Yelled Tom, checking the mirror and seeing others following.

  Alice gripped her iron bar and hit the zombie’s fingers, again and again she smashed the bar into its grip but it wouldn’t let go and the glass started to crack. Taking a deep breath she took a big swing, but not at the zombies hand, at the glass. It shattered, glass flying everywhere as she turned her head from the sharp fragments.

  “It’s gone!” Said Tom “You got it.”

  Alice stuck her head out of the window seeing the zombie rolling to a stop on the road behind them, the others falling behind as Tom accelerated. She faced forward with a large sigh of relief.

  “You owe me a new window, you know that right?” Said Tom smiling.

  “Send me the bill.” Replied Alice laughing.

  They soon came to the turn-off for the motorway heading north and Tom stopped the car, checking around them. The turn-off was partially blocked by crashed cars, blood on some windscreens.

  “What do you think?” Asked Tom.

  “Looks like a tight space, can you make it past?” Replied Alice.

  “I think so yeah, only just.” Said Tom “We’ll be clear if we make it though, worth the risk?”

  Alice nodded “Won’t be able to slow down though. Could be more of them around that pile up. How good a driver are you.”

  Tom smiled and hit the accelerator again. The car surged forward, wheels spinning a little as it fought for grip. The headed for the gap at the side of the pile up, Tom concentrating, hands gripping the steering wheel.

  “They’re coming!” Shouted Alice looking towards the crashed vehicles.

  Zombies were rushing towards them, some climbing over the cars, others going around.

  “Faster!” Yelled Alice.

  Tom pressed the pedal to the floor and they surged past the pile up, the sound of metal on metal as they scraped alongside. Zombies threw themselves at the car, one bounced off Tom’s side window going under the wheels but he ignored it, others landed on the roof, sliding across and falling off the others side. They were nearly through when one stepped in front of the car. Alice threw her hands up in front of her face and screamed. Tom gritted his teeth, pressing the accelerator with every ounce of his strength and they smashed into the zombie’s legs, they snapped backwards, sounds of bones breaking and crunching clearly audible, it flew up the front of the car and smashed into the windscreen, its head smashing like a red water melon. Then they were through. Tom switched on the wipers to clear the view, he was breathing hard and grinning.

  “Yes!” He said smashing his hand on the horn “We made it!”

  Alice was laughing with relief as they swung onto the motorway, the way ahead clear.


  Part Two: CROWBAR


  Sarah loved her crowbar. She had never had much interest in doing repairs around the home so had never owned any tools before, but this one she liked. She especially liked it now, when she was hanging from it thirty feet above the pavement, drying blood and brains on the handle giving her a good grip. She looked down at the howling mass of zombies filling the pavement, screaming and moaning as they desperately tried to reach her, blood stained arms stretching upwards, teeth biting on open air in anticipation. Yep, she definitely loved her crowbar right now.

  Chapter 1

  Jim had watched the news intently over the last few days. The illness had spread without warning, indiscriminately striking down the old, the young, the healthy and the infirm. He didn’t know how he had avoided it but he wasn’t complaining after seeing some of the sick up close. At sixty two he wasn’t young but he was in good shape. He had always looked after himself and enjoyed pushing the limits when it came to sports. Years of fell-running and mountain climbing had left him tough and wiry. The long grey hair and beard had earned him the nickname Mountain Man, which he didn’t mind. He loved the outdoors and was never happier than when he was camped in some remote spot, peace, quiet and no people for miles. Right now he was wishing he was out there in one of his favourite places. His pack was ready and he had planned on getting out of the area for a while, somewhere without people until this whole thing blew over. The news reports had gotten worse, increasing numbers of attacks in built up areas, the sick going into some sort of coma, so complete they appeared dead before suddenly recovering but coming back… different. They attacked on sight, biting and clawing anyone they saw. Armed response units had been deployed and several had opened fire. One officer being interviewed claiming they had used entire clips of ammunition to bring some of the sick down.

  Jim had seen enough and had woken early, the first Metro train was due in twenty minutes and he planned on taking that to the coast before heading north. He wasn’t sure where to yet but what he was sure of, was that he didn’t want to be stuck in the centre of a big city like Newcastle if things got worse and it looked like things were going to get a lot worse. Walking through the quiet streets just before dawn everything seemed eerily calm, Jim had his pack over one shoulder, one hand holding the strap, his other holding his hill-walking stick, strong aged wood with a metal point on the bottom, tapping the ground as he paced out a steady rhythm. Some screams sounded in the distance.


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