Carat Capers

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Carat Capers Page 28

by Dan Kelly

  Vicki says, “On paper or in this case as a topic of conversation in a bar after having a few drinks your ideas have merit, but implementing them is going to be a real challenge. The media, when it comes to air time in the broadcast media and space and position in the print media, you’re going to have a real hard time getting them to play along. These things are what makes their wheels go around. Advertisers have first dibs on them. You may get them to do occasional thirty second spots, or place a brief story in an inside section of their papers, but to employ a saturation strategy for the betterment of the consumers of their advertisers’ products and services or just society in general, lots of luck.

  “As for getting assets frozen, that’s another can of worms that is going to be difficult to open. Even if you can identify and locate their assets, you’re going to have some serious legal hurdles to clear. Judges don’t hand out permission slips like a high school teacher. You have to convince a judge that the proof of guilt you have, both actual and circumstantial, is sufficient to warrant his granting you permission to do what you’re asking. You’re going to need some good legal help with putting a proper brief before a judge and that might take some time.

  “I’m sorry for being a wet blanket, but although I think your ideas will do what you want them to, I think the only way you have a chance of getting them off the ground is to have some real muscle helping you, like some major advertisers and some well-known legal beagles.”

  “Okay, my sister being an ADA and a smart lawyer in her own right might be able to help me with the legal stuff even if she isn’t a celebrity and maybe your advertising friend could help

  with the media. Would you ask her for me?”

  “Sure, but I don’t know if she has clients that have the clout I’m referring to. She knows a lot of people though. It won’t hurt to ask.”

  “Thanks, Vicki. Chuck? Do you have any input for me? I’m open to all the help I can get.”

  “I’m thinking if you offer a reward it’s going to have to be a substantial one. Where are you going to get that kind of money?”

  “I’m thinking of approaching the victims of these crimes. The value of what they’ve lost is in the stratosphere. If I can convince them that there’s a good chance we can catch these guys and recover a good portion or perhaps all of the plunder I think they’ll spring for an attractive reward. It’ll be a mere fraction of the total amount of what was taken from them. You’re excluded from this, Vicki. You’ve already shelled out too much money as it is to helps us catch these men.”

  Vicki was quick to say, “Don’t I have a say in the matter?”

  “No and that’s final. Your willingness to help in other ways, like putting in a plea with your advertising friend, is welcome beyond measure, but no more bucks. Okay?”

  “Okay, but it’s not like I’m throwing good money after bad. It would be a very good investment. I would be getting a whale of a return on my investment when the gems are located and returned to us victims.”

  Mickey looks at her with a frustrated smile on his face and says, “Forget it, Vicki. Boy, it’s easy to see why you’re so successful at what you do. You just don’t give up do you?”

  “It’s more fun being stubborn.”

  Chuck says, “You know, you might want to run the offer of a reward by the insurance companies involved. They’re on the hook for a lot of dough if they have to settle the claims submitted to them.”

  “Okay, I’ll throw that into the hopper too.””

  There’s a lull in the conversation as each of them falls into deep thought about what else can be done to wreak havoc on these scumbags.

  The silence is broken by the waitress coming over and asking them if they’d like another round of drinks. They all nod their heads and Vicki says, “This is going to be the last one for me. I’m getting a little blotto.”

  Chucks says, “After this round, why don’t we get something to eat and then call it a night. I want to be up early to call my Paris office and have them tighten the surveillance on Pierre Lavelle. I’ll bet my last nickel that ruby will be in his hands within the next week or so. I sure would like to catch him with it.”

  Mickey says, “That definitely would make my day. It also would be interesting to see if he’d try to make a deal by offering to sell out his buddies.”

  Vicki mentions something that never crossed her tablemates’ minds. “You know, I’m surprised some young, ambitious, investigative reporter hasn’t jumped all over these gem robberies. There’s a hell of a story here. I know these robberies have been in the news, but only as headline news items which fairly quickly faded into the background as other more newsworthy events arrived on center stage. No one has connected all of the dots regarding the robberies outside of Manhattan. Maybe you should try to enlist someone like that to participate in your full court press. Some of them have a lot of clout with the networks and they have resources to tap that are unknown to outsiders.”

  “Mickey smiles and says, “They sure know how to stir things up that’s for sure. Just ask Captain Clancy. I think you’ve just come up with the star forward on our team, Vicki, if we can find and convince the right person to play for us.”

  Chuck brings their discussion to an end with, “For this full court press to really work you’re going to require nationwide participation when it comes to the media, law enforcement government agencies and the air, ground and sea transportation folks. That’s a lot of people, a lot of coordination that must be put in place and not a lot of time to get it done. If the people we’re after skedaddle out of the country in the next day or two, all of that work could be for nothing. In addition to getting the media on our team, we’re going to need a head honcho, someone with the knowledge, experience and power to implement such a complex strategy immediately and the wherewithal to monitor it effectively and the ability to respond quickly to new developments as they occur.”

  “Chuck I’m just a simple NYPD detective. I don’t know anyone like that and I don’t know anyone who does.”

  “What I’m thinking of is not a person but a Federal Government Agency, maybe a couple of them.”

  Vicki chimed in with, “Who are you thinking of, the FBI? Our situation will be small potatoes for them. They have their hands filled with bigger, more dangerous things. I don’t think our problem belongs in the bailiwick of the Homeland Security folks either. We’re going to have to rely on our own ingenuity and resources.”

  Chuck responds with, “I still think it’s worth a try, a couple of phone calls from you, Mickey, or Captain Clancy or even the Chief of Police of the NYPD if the FBI isn’t impressed with you or Captain Clancy. If the FBI turns you down, give Homeland Security a call. If we can get help from that quarter, requests for help will go out at warp speed and agreement to cooperate will quickly follow. These agencies are held in high regard by most Americans and I doubt if many folks will say no to any request made by them.”

  “Okay, Chuck, I’ll give them a call although I have the same reservations as Vicki. Now, if everybody is ready let’s get out of here and treat our stomachs to some of this five star hotel’s internationally acclaimed cuisine, at least that’s what the brochure in my room claims.”

  Scowling at Vicki who is reaching for her purse he says, “Don’t even think about it. The drinks and dinner tonight are on the NYPD. It’s the least I can do to show you that we really appreciate everything you’ve done during this fiasco of ours.”

  “I know you do, Mickey, but tapping my till is my way of saying I appreciate everything you’re doing to capture these rodents and recover my property.”

  “Lady, does anyone ever win an argument with you?”

  “Hardly ever, but I’ll let you win tonight because you’ve been so gracious in trying to shoot me down.”

  Smiling and shaking his head as they walk over to the bar so Mickey can pay the bill he says, “Even though I’m picking up the tab for tonight’s expenses, why do I feel I still lost this argument?”

/>   Vicki’s face breaks into a big smile and she says, “Mickey, most of the men I know would never have figured that out. Now I know why you’re a detective. You don’t miss much do you?”

  “My sister considers me a work in progress when it comes to women. I’d have gotten a D for tonight’s performance.”

  This gets a laugh from Vicki and Chuck and as Mickey signs the credit card slip a curious look from the bartender. Laughing, the three of them head for the door and a sumptuous meal the expense for which Mickey is going to have to be real creative to justify to Captain Clancy.

  Chapter 54

  The next morning Felix and Amos check out of the Econo Lodge pick up the keys to their rental and head for the supermarket to stock up on the essentials to hold them over for a while. When they get to the house, there is a note on the fridge saying that whatever food is in the refrigerator or the pantry is theirs to enjoy if they so choose. Felix says, “These are my kind of landlords, but it would have been nice if they had left word with the real estate people. We could have saved some of the two hundred bucks we just spent.”

  “You’re a millionaire many times over and you’re complaining about maybe spending a few measly dollars needlessly. Feldman, you’re so tight with a buck you make a Scotsman look like a spendthrift. Try loosening those purse strings of yours a little. Have some fun. Wasn’t that the reason we’ve done everything we’ve done, to have the wealth to enjoy the good life? At times, you’re unbelievable.”

  “I’m just saying it would have been nice that’s all.”

  Amos raises his hands in surrender and says, “You know, Felix, sometimes you can be a real putz.”

  Felix starts putting the food away and Amos gets on the phone to their friend, Abe Elliott, who is in the process of buying their real estate assets and other items and arranging the transfer of ownership to a real estate investment company of his. Felix and Amos have given him durable power of attorney to act on their behalf in these transactions and to put the items they want to keep in storage under an assumed name. The purchase price of these assets will be deposited directly into their Swiss bank accounts via wire transfer and except for the power of attorney form their names will not appear on any of the documents.

  Normally, the individual given the power of attorney will sign documents using his name, indicating that he is signing on behalf of the person granting the power of attorney to avoid any personal liability, but Abe is willing to go along with their request to remain as anonymous as possible because he stands to make a considerable profit from the resale of the assets he’s obtaining at a deep discount. He’s the kind of friend that doesn’t ask nosy questions and couldn’t care less about why they want to do this.

  When Amos gets Abe on the phone Abe tells him that all of the transactions have been completed and the money has been wired to their accounts in Switzerland. “The items you requested to be put in storage are on their way as we speak. I will send you the paperwork when you give me an address. I have used several dummy corporations to facilitate the real estate transactions to make it very difficult for someone to find out who really owns them and who the real sellers were. I believe I have earned those discounts.”

  Amos is literally jumping with joy at the news and says, “That and then some. When we get settled in our new home, I’ll see what we can toss in as a bonus. You did good Abe and you must have set a new speed record.”

  “I was highly motivated.”

  “Take care my friend.”

  When Amos gives Felix the news, he too can’t sit still, so they decide to celebrate by going out to a nearby steakhouse for lunch and a few Grey Goose and tonics to escort it down to their stomachs.

  They enjoyed themselves immensely, so much so that they left the waitress a tip that she’ll be talking about for quite some time. That was a smart move if you are looking to get superlative service the next time you come in, a dumb move if you’re trying not to be noticed.

  They are feeling no pain when they leave the restaurant and have forgotten all about the tip by the time they get back to the house.

  They have nothing to do now but wait, open some bank accounts in Lichtenstein and figure out the safest way to get the ruby to Pierre.

  The next morning Felix contacts some banks in Lichtenstein to find out what they need to do to open accounts there and then they proceed to open a couple. After this has been done, Felix says,

  “I think it would be a good idea to keep our Swiss accounts open until after we receive the money from the sale of the ruby. Upon deposit, we can transfer the funds to our accounts in Lichtenstein and close the Swiss account. The less Pierre knows about our banking relationships the less he can blabber about if he gets in a bind and decides to try to wheel and deal with the authorities. If we ever decide to use him again for anything, we can set up new arrangements.”

  “You mean if you ever decide to use him again. I’m out of the business remember. Our partnership has been dissolved.”

  “Okay, okay.”

  “We still have the Paragon to deal with. We have three more years on our lease and we have an option to renew for another five. We have over a quarter of a million dollars in inventory sitting in the safe in the back room. How are we going to unload it without taking a loss?”

  “We have the right to sublease the premises and Abe might be interested in taking over the property if we can offer him an attractive arrangement or he might know of someone who would be interested. As for the inventory, we could put it in storage with the rest of our things until things die down and then arrange through a third party to auction them off.”

  “Maybe Abe would be interested in taking it off our hands. That inventory will bring in $500,000 to $600,000 dollars on the retail market. We could offer to sell it to him for say $350,000 dollars and point out to him that at auction that inventory would bring in at least $$450,000. That’s a minimum of a 28 and a half percent return on his money. That’s not too shabby. If he wants to try to unload it through a retail outlet, his return will be even higher.”

  “Give him a call and see what he says.”

  Amos calls and Abe is in a receptive mood, but this is going to be a much tougher sale to make. “Amos, I’ve already invested a good chunk of money in the purchase of your real estate holdings and I’m gambling on the real estate market continuing to move upwards. I’m not a newbie when it comes to real estate and am comfortable with the gamble. Jewelry is something I know nothing about and although I don’t believe you’d hustle me, I don’t want to risk any more of my capital on speculative endeavors.

  “I’ll tell you what I would be willing to do though. I’ll try to find someone to sublet the store from you at the same price you’re paying now which is a bargain for that area and I’ll arrange to auction off your inventory and keep the difference between $350,000 dollars and the auction price and you pay the cost of the auction. If the inventory sells for less than $350,000 dollars you get the entire caboodle minus auction costs. That’s the best I can do.”

  “Hmmm. Hold on a sec. Let me run this by Felix.”

  After hearing what Abe has to say Felix says, “I was hoping we could walk away with a clean deal and not have to concern ourselves with the store anymore.”

  “I don’t think he’s going to budge, Felix. We take his offer or we fly solo on this one.”

  “Okay, tell him he’s got a deal. Have him send the amendments to the durable power of attorney by FEDEX and we’ll return them the same way. The sooner we can put the store and inventory issues to bed the better.”

  Amos passes on what Felix has said and gives him the address of the house. When he hangs up Felix says, “I don’t like anyone knowing our location, but in this case I guess it couldn’t be avoided.”

  “I don’t think we have anything to worry about with Abe. He’s the tightest lipped man I’ve ever met. I also had to give Ramon this address so he could send our new passports to us. By the way, he emailed me yesterday and said he has del
ivered our new passports to Abe so he can, using his power of attorney, apply for our visas at the Chilean embassy. We should have the passports and visas in a couple of weeks. Ramon liked the pictures we emailed him of us in our latest disguises. He said that you with the full beard, moustache, bushy eyebrows and hair down to your shoulders and me with the carrot top wig, blue contacts and eye glasses with those thick amber frames would have fooled our own mothers. Ramon is another one who’ll never say anything to anybody unless we say it’s okay.”


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