The Intern Serials: Complete Box Set

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The Intern Serials: Complete Box Set Page 30

by Brooke Cumberland

  “God, Bentley…” I moan. “Fuck me…I need you,” I beg.

  “Show me. How badly do you want it?”

  My hand covers my pussy and begins rubbing my clit as he pushes his cock behind me. He’s teasing me and it’s fucking torture. I’m tired of waiting.

  I rub myself harder, finally getting some relief. I moan out in pleasure, letting my head fall back and sink into his chest.

  “Christ, Ceci…you’re fucking killing me,” he growls in my ear. He bends us over and pushes inside me finally, feeding the need I begged for.

  “Yes, Bentley…god!” I scream as he holds us in place, his cock driving deep inside me.

  “So fucking tight, sweetheart. So fucking good.” My legs are just wide enough for him to enter me, but he’s pressing firm against the walls that are gripping him tight. The sensation is consuming. Every thrust rips through me.

  “Yes. That’s perfect, sweetheart. I love when you touch yourself.” I work my clit harder, moaning and panting as an orgasm builds inside me. He drives deeper inside me making me explode at the double sensation.

  “Oh, god! Yes! Bentley…yes…” He pumps into me once more as he milks his own release within my tight walls. I’m bent almost all the way over the couch, my ass up in the air. But I don’t care. I love giving myself to Bentley.

  Meeting Bentley has changed my life, and I’d never take back the journey we’ve been on to get where we are right now.

  Because right now is perfect.

  * * *



  CECI LAYS HER head on my shoulder as we fly over the Atlantic Ocean, heading to Europe for an exclusive modeling shoot. She’s been traveling with me since she graduated college, insisting on being with me even though I know she hates flying.

  It’s the twelfth anniversary week of her father’s death and she has yet to bring it up. Either she doesn’t realize it’s mid-July or she wants to move on from it—either way, I plan to change the meaning of that day for her—make it a reason to celebrate July 16th.

  We land in France and take the next day to adjust to the time difference, sleeping and ordering room service before I have to work for the next four days. I’ve arranged a shoot on the anniversary date for us to do together. It’s not for a magazine like I told her it was for, rather it would capture every moment of my proposal.

  I don’t think she’ll be expecting it. I’ve been planning the shoot for months, wanting to give her something she’ll absolutely love.

  I’ve had her ring for two years, but the timing never seemed appropriate. I knew she needed time to digest her dad’s letter and to accept everything the way it was. The year after she graduated college, she insisted she wanted to travel with me. I figured one more year and then I’d propose. One more year to make sure she could handle the high demands of being with a professional model.

  “I feel like I could sleep for a week,” she groans, grabbing the covers and curling up into a ball in the middle of the king size bed. She looks gorgeous—her long blonde hair spiraled out beneath her and face completely makeup free.

  “C’mon, sweetheart.” I lift her off the bed and she whines. I carry her into the shower and turn on the water. She screams as the cold water hits her first before it transitions to warm water. “Don’t make me fuck you against this very luxurious shower or we may never make the shoot in time.”

  She eyes me, challenging my words. She rubs her breasts together, the water hitting over them just perfectly. My cock twitches as I watch her. Her taut nipples hard at attention, taunting me to suck them.

  Fuck. Me.

  My jaw ticks as she lowers one hand and begins rubbing her clit. She lets out a moan as she pleasures herself—torturing me—knowing very well that I’m fully dressed. Instead, I decide to play along with her little game.

  “Put your finger inside,” I demand. “Feel how wet you are for me, sweetheart.” She fingers herself slowly, but deep. “God, you’re going to fucking kill me,” I groan harshly.

  “Mm, Bentley…I wish it was your cock buried deep inside of me.” She licks her lips as her hips buck from the sensation.

  My head falls back in a deep howl. Jesus. How does she do this to me every time? No matter what, I always want her, always crave her.

  We’ll be so damn late, but right now, I can hardly think about that. I wanted today to be perfect—to surprise her with the proposal of a lifetime—but Ceci doesn’t need that. She just wants me, and I just want her.

  “Fuck the shoot,” I growl, throwing my shirt off and undoing my pants. I’m naked in under thirty seconds, joining her in the shower.

  I lower my body, grab her finger out of her and pull it into my mouth. “Mm…so fucking delicious, sweetheart.” I lick a trail up her slit, landing on her clit and suck hard. “You taste like heaven.”

  She pants against the pressure, her body aching with need, begging for release. Her hands are in my hair, guiding my mouth as I torturously devour her—her scent, her taste—it’s all too consuming and I need to be inside her.

  I stand up and grab her neck as she leans into me. She grabs my cock with one hand, stroking it as my hips buck toward her entrance.

  “Mm…so full and heavy for me,” she purrs against my lips. Her other hand cups my balls, massaging and stroking so roughly.

  “Fuck, baby,” I growl, pushing her against the ceramic wall. She slows her movements down as my body tenses, desperate to explode inside her. “Turn around. Let me see that sweet, perfect ass.”

  She spins around and grabs the wall, opening her legs wide for me. I slide inside her effortlessly, her body on fire as I thrust against her. I guide her body as I grip her hips, pounding into her roughly and uncontrollably.

  “Yes, more…just like that,” she pleads. I wrap a hand around her waist and begin rubbing her clit. It’s not long before I feel her pussy tighten around my cock, her body letting go around me. I continue my fast pace, grinding against her, needing to feel her come on me once more.

  “Do you have one more for me, sweetheart? Let me feel you again,” I hiss.

  She arches her ass out, letting me slide in deeper. I lay my palm flat on her back as I drive deeper and harder into her. Her hand works her clit as I grab a handful of her hair and pull.

  “YES! Holy shit,” she pants, my cock still hard and deep inside her. “Oh, god…” Her body shakes in a frenzy as I take another orgasm from her.

  “Good girl…” I whisper against her, the water cascading over my back still. “Don’t move, baby.” I pump into her once more before giving her all of me, coming inside her as if I’m claiming her—marking her body with my seed.

  We spend the rest of the shower cleaning each other. Thoroughly washing each other. I can’t control the smile that spreads across my face any time Ceci traces her finger along my tattoos.

  “Have you thought about getting more?” I ask, drying her off.

  She shrugs lightly. “I don’t know, they’re so permanent. It has to really mean something special.”

  “Is permanent bad?”

  “No. As long as it’s something I can live with forever.” I smile at her, ready to ask her the most important question of my life.

  I wrap a towel around my waist as she tucks hers under her arms. Her hair is messy and wet, but god, she’s so stunning. This right here. This is perfection.

  I grab her hands and kiss them softly as she looks at me. “You know how much I love you,” I say, gripping her left hand in mine.

  “As much as I love you,” she says back, smirking.

  “You’ve distracted me from what I had planned for today, but I’m okay with that. I want to have those distractions for the rest of my life. I want to make this date a new memory for you. I don’t want it to feel tainted. It’ll be a day we can both celebrate.”

  Her eyebrows narrow, the smile slipping from her face at the thought of her dad. I lean over and grab my pants that are holding that blue box I’ve had for two years

  I kneel down, her eyes widening as she sees the box in my hand. She stills and all the air leaves her lungs as I continue.

  “Cecilia West, sweetheart. I love you.” I smile, gripping her hand in mine tighter. “I’ve loved you long before I even knew I did, but my heart knew. My body knew. I’ve been waiting two years to ask you this question…”

  Her breath hitches and I hear her swallow deeply.

  “Ceci, sweetheart,” I continue, “will you spend a lifetime of love, adventures, and sometimes crazy with me? There’s no one else I can imagine spending my life with. I want that with you. Forever.” I open the box in front of her, showing off the ring I’ve had personally crafted just for her. “Will you marry me?”

  The End of Volume Three


  P.S. She said yes.

  * * *

  After the Internship

  An Intern Serial Novella


  Sometimes happily ever after isn't quite what it seems.

  Bentley and Ceci thought they had their happy ending, but not everything or everyone will be as it seems. Fortune and fame have a price, and when the past comes back to ruin their perfectly, stable family, how will they recover their once epic love story?

  You thought their story was over, but it was only the beginning.



  I COULD NEVER have imagined how drastic my life would change the moment I said yes to Bentley’s question. We lived a simple life in Omaha and traveled around the world for Bentley’s career. We kept to ourselves mostly with the exception of traveling to L.A. for events and interviews.

  I was now slowly getting use to Bentley’s lifestyle. I learned quickly that every move you make was documented by paparazzi. It only happened when we traveled thankfully, but ever since the press captured my engagement ring, they’ve been relentless.

  The summer I graduated college, we moved back to Omaha and bought a house together. Well, Bentley bought a house. I had yet to find a job, and being fresh out of college, left me limited options as a sports management major.

  Once we settled in, Bentley’s agent and assistant, Angie said it was now or never. I urged him to do it and that I’d be fine here searching for a job while he traveled. I knew the modeling industry wasn’t a nice one and, if he had the opportunity, he better take it or I’d forever regret setting him back.

  He didn’t accept that very well. He said he’d only go back into it if I went with him, knowing how often it’d keep him away from me.

  I tried to tell him that I’d be okay and that we’d be okay, but Bentley Leighton doesn’t take no for an answer.

  Deep down, I was thrilled he wanted to take me with him. I knew I didn’t want to be without him, but I also didn’t want to be the one to get in the way of his dreams. Traveling with him from state to state and country to country has been surreal—I never imagined, in my entire life, I’d be able to see the world with the man I loved.

  After opening my dad’s lock box previously, something in me changed. Not only did I finally have closure, but I also felt this eagerness to live life. Not everything had to be structured or planned out. Not everything had to be perfect, but things were perfect.

  Bentley had given me more opportunities than I could ever imagine. I never wanted to take that for granted, so when he knelt down on one knee, there was no way I’d ever want to spend my life without him. I knew I’d marry him. I knew he was my forever. I knew it was only ever Bentley.

  Growing up in the sheltered lifestyle that I had could never prepare me for what was to come. The press dug everything up about me as soon as word of the famous model, Bentley Leighton, was officially being taken off the market. They dug up my father’s case. They dug up how Bentley and I met. They dug up the stories that were once reported on my dad’s cold case murder. To the officials and society, it was still a cold case to them, and that was how it was going to stay.

  I tried to ignore it, turn off the TV when I saw it, and stopped reading all the magazines. I avoided the internet like the plague and tried to focus on the next step in our lives.

  Our marriage.

  Chapter One


  The wedding planner

  “I SWEAR TO god, Celia. You make me try on one more goddamn dress—”

  “Please, Cora,” I beg, blinking my best doe eyes at her. “Just one more store.”

  Katelynn laughs next to her and rolls her eyes. “You said that two stores ago.”

  I turn and scowl at her. I’ve been dragging these two around all day, but I had yet to find the right dress.

  “This is the exact reason I eloped. You didn’t see me dragging you to a million stores,” Cora huffs.

  I sigh and narrow my eyes at her. “You also didn’t have a future monster-in-law breathing down your neck.”

  “Reason number two Simon and I eloped,” she says proudly.

  Shortly after their engagement, Cora called me from Vegas and announced her and Simon had gotten married. I about strangled her through the phone, but I was beyond excited for them. My first reaction was to ask if she was pregnant, but once she put that to rest, they both started looking for jobs. Once they had saved enough money, they bought a house in a small town outside of Omaha. I’m actually very impressed with how put together they are. They work perfectly as a couple.

  We walk into another store, and I immediately scan for the bridesmaid dresses. We have less than an hour before we have to leave. If Bentley’s mom finds out we’re shopping without her, I’ll never hear the end of it.

  I’ve explained to Bentley’s mom—Mrs. Leighton—what kind of wedding Bentley and I want. All I get in return is a mumbled response—usually something about how awful my ideas are and how this wedding needs to be ‘elegant’ and ‘charming’—aka Leighton’s signature over-the-top society-approved event. Basically, she wants to show it off for the press.

  She insists on helping and even wants to hire a wedding planner, but I don’t want that. I don’t need that. I can plan my own damn wedding.

  She’s lived the prestigious life much longer than I have. I’m still getting use to everything—if I can ever get used to it.

  Ever since our engagement was broadcasted, the paparazzi have been actively trying to dig out the details of our wedding. They weren’t bad at the beginning of our relationship since we were good at keeping out of the public, but now, with a ring on my finger, they think it’s fair game. We were fortunate in keeping most of our personal lives a secret while we lived in Lincoln, and since he took a break the first year we were back together, there were no issues at all.

  However, now that we were living back in Omaha, and Bentley was back to modeling fulltime, the media went crazy with our story.

  “Oh, I love that one!” I gush as I take a good look at Cora in the mirror. She’s wearing a strapless, light purple dress that sits mid-thigh in the front. The back flows longer, just past her knees. The fabric is light and flowy—perfect for our summer wedding.

  “That is definitely the winner,” Katelynn agrees. “The color works, the fabric isn’t heavy, and it’ll definitely push my boobs up.”

  I laugh at her remark. She’s been so great throughout all of this, knowing how Mrs. Leighton has been on my back about certain details and how she would like her son’s wedding to be planned.

  Katelynn tries on the same dress in her size, and before we leave, I quickly put a down payment on both before Mrs. Leighton can get her greedy hands on them and switch them out.

  Bentley’s been traveling lately, and I opted to stay home while I worked on wedding details. It was a short trip this time and he should be arriving home any moment.

  We say our goodbyes before I head back out to my car. I keep waiting for a text from Bentley to let me know his plane arrived safely, but I haven’t heard from him yet.

  I start driving back home when my phone rings and assuming it’s him, I pick up without looking.

  “Hey!” The smile on my face widens but quickly turns into a frown when I hear a female voice on the other end.

  “Cecilia, darling.” Mrs. Leighton. I cringe at the sweetness of her voice, but I know there’s discontent underlining in her tone. “Bentley is on his way home, and I think we should get together for dinner tonight. Smooth out some details that I’ve put together.”

  I bite my lip, really wishing I could tell her where to put those details of hers, but for the sake of being polite to my future mother-in-law, I hold back.

  “Sure. I’ll let Bentley know as soon as he gets home.” I force a smile even though she can’t see. “What time?”

  “Eight p.m. will suffice, dear. See you then.”

  Before I can agree or say goodbye, she hangs up. Just great.

  I park in the garage, noticing Bentley’s car is already parked.

  I begin searching around the house, calling out his name, but there’s no response. I turn the corner to the kitchen when a hand grabs me from behind, pulling me to their chest.

  “Oh, my god!” I squeal. Once I’m hit with his scent, I know it’s Bentley, and given the smirk I feel against my neck, he enjoyed scaring the living shit out of me. “What the hell? You didn’t call,” I groan as his hands find my hips and his lips coast under my ear.

  “I wanted to surprise you,” he whispers, amusement laced in his tone. “I believe I have succeeded.”

  My heart races as I melt my body against his chest, closing my eyes as his breath vibrates over my flushed skin. God, I missed him.

  He rubs his hands loosely over my hips and to my lower stomach—my body tensing at how close his hands are to where I really want him.

  “Sweetheart, you’re so stressed,” he says calmly. My eyes pop open as a shiver runs roughly down my body.


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