The Intern Serials: Complete Box Set

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The Intern Serials: Complete Box Set Page 39

by Brooke Cumberland

  “Oh, my god! Are you serious? Oh, my god, it’s gorgeous!” She spins around and waits for me to confirm it. “Holy crap,” she shrieks. Her arms lock around my neck, pulling me into her. “It’s stunning.”

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  “I-I fucking love it. I can’t believe this is where we’re staying! This is like where A-celebs would stay or something,” she continues rambling.

  I narrow my brows at her, hiding the laughter that’s eager to burst out. “Are you saying I’m not A-level type?” I pretend to sound offended, but it’s ruined by the laughter that escapes her throat.

  “Of course, you are, babe. Definitely.” She gives a final nod before she can no longer conceal her laughter.

  I grab her neck and pull her mouth on mine. I stroke her tongue with mine, filling her in a way that only I can do. She moans in my mouth, her hands flat against my chest as we give the other guests a show.

  “I think we need to move this to the room,” I suggest seductively.

  “Twenty-one hours hasn’t done anything to kill your drive,” she teases as we lock hands and make our way through the entrance. I hadn’t even noticed our driver had put our luggage on a cart and already hauled it into the hotel lobby.

  “Nothing could ever kill it when I’m around you, sweetheart. Get ready.” I smirk in her direction although I’m one-hundred percent serious.

  “I can’t wait for you to see the room. Took a lot of convincing to book this room. Apparently, it books months in advance.”

  I pull her against my chest before slamming us into a wall. “You always have a way of getting what you want, don’t you?”

  I dip my face into the nape of her neck, kissing a trail up to her jawline. “That’s how I got you, isn’t it? A little persuasion and sweet talk.”

  She bursts out in laughter, nodding in agreement. “I guess so.”

  We finally make it to our suite. I booked the South Seas Grande Butler Suite with a private pool. It allows us our privacy but is close enough to enjoy everything else the resort has to offer. It’s like a beachside house that comes with room service and housekeeping.

  “All right, gorgeous. Get ready.” I open the door and guide her into the suite. The entire thing is stunning and even I’m in awe at the replica of the pictures.

  “Ohh, my god, Bentley…” She starts spinning around, taking everything in as we walk through the open-floor concept. The bedroom is a part of the living space with TV and bar area and to the left of the bed is a dinette kitchen table. There are windows all around with long drapes to open or cover them.

  I watch as she walks around, touching everything and taking it all in. She walks behind the wall that the bed is against and into the bathroom.

  “Holy shit!” she shrieks. I follow in after her and notice that this is not a bathroom. No, this is a suite all on its own with a hot tub set in the middle and a huge walk-in shower and a countertop that goes for days. “I’m not sure I’ll be leaving this bathroom.”

  I laugh, taking her hand and guiding her to the patio doors that are wide open, the perfect amount of breeze blowing in.

  The doors lead right into the pool. There aren’t any stairs or anything. You literally go from the house to the pool. It’s incredible.

  “Wow…this... oh, my god, this is perfect.” She wraps her arms around me and secures herself to my chest.

  “I wanted it to be perfect for you, sweetheart. The perfect getaway.”

  She leans back, wiping back a tear that’s escaped. “It is. I can’t believe you planned this in only a couple hours. You’re insane.” She lets out a half-throaty laugh. “In a good way, of course.” She leans up on her tiptoes and crushes her lips to mine. “Thank you,” she says softly. “Thank you for taking us somewhere safe and new and somewhere we can reconnect without all the added drama. I love you.”

  I pull her closer, wrapping my hands under her ass and grasping her thighs so they lock around my hips. Our lips find each other eagerly as we fight the need to have each other, but I’m not fighting. I’m giving into everything we want.

  I walk back toward the bed, laying her gently on top. I crawl over her, keeping her mouth on mine as I wrestle with the button on her jeans.

  “Did you super glue these or something?” I pout, too eager to give a damn. I sit up, straddling a leg on each side of her. I grip each side of the button and pull, popping the button and yanking the zipper down all at the same time. I smirk at her. “That’s better.”

  “You could’ve just asked for help,” she says, amused by my eagerness to get them off.

  “Well, it’s not like you’ll need them anytime soon.” I crawl off her body, freeing the jeans off her legs.

  “Those were my favorite pair,” she says seriously, as I toss them to the floor.

  “I’ll buy you ten more.” I kneel in between her legs and spread them wide. “Now, stop talking.” I grin slyly as I push her panties aside and immediately stroke a finger against her slit. I feel how wet she is for me, making my cock instantly aroused. I nuzzle my nose and lips against her pussy, inhaling her perfect scent.

  She moans and fists both hands in my hair as I begin licking up her pussy, lapping my tongue in and out of her. Her body arches, tensing every time I drive my tongue in harder. I insert a finger as I suck on her clit, making her body shiver against me.

  “Mm…god. Yes…” she pants hard as I continue eating her. Fuck, I can’t control myself as I insert a second finger and begin sucking against her harder and faster. “Oh, shit. My god…” she moans out, her body trembling harder now against me. Her body tenses as she releases against my tongue, her delicious flavor filling my mouth.

  “Good girl,” I praise. I lick up her slit once more before pulling my fingers out. I crawl up the bed and lean in to kiss her. She surprises me by grabbing my hand and breaking the kiss.

  She brings my hand to her mouth, closes her eyes, and devours my fingers. She wraps her lips around them as she sucks her juices off them.

  “Jesus Christ,” I growl. My cock is rock hard, but the sight of what she does about brings me over the edge.

  “Mm…” she moans as she thoroughly sucks my fingers. “I can see why you spend so much time down there,” she mocks.

  I laugh at the way she’s taunting me. “You’re going to fucking kill me.”

  She releases my hand and scoots herself up, so we’re both sitting up. She lowers both hands down to her shirt, pulling it up and over her head. I watch mesmerized as she unhooks her bra and dangles it off her finger before slowly releasing it to the floor.

  My body is in overdrive now as heat and passion fueling my actions. I grip her jaw, pulling her toward me as I crush our mouths together. I pull her on top of me, her legs straddling my waist. I’m in full clothing and she’s only in her panties. I’m ready to combust out of my jeans at any moment.

  I lean up on one elbow and grip her body to me, her legs wrapping around my waist. I stand up and walk us to the bathroom. I set her down on the countertop as I back up and strip all my clothes off.

  “That’s better,” she says amused.

  “Almost.” I grin. I hook my fingers in her panties and pull them down her legs, letting them pool to the floor. “Now that’s better.”

  She’s expecting me to take her right then and there—which I’m eager as fuck to do—but I know we are both sore and exhausted from the long flight.

  I turn around and head toward the Jacuzzi that’s at the center of the bathroom. I turn the hot water on and turn the timer on.

  “Why must you torture me?” she asks as I walk back toward her. She links her arms around my neck and pulls me into her legs. My cock is right at her opening—just one more step and I’d be balls deep inside her.

  “Sweetheart, right now you’re the one torturing me.” I smirk. “Stop.” I try to take a step back, but she holds her grasp. She arches her body, letting her legs dangle off more. She pulls me once more, making the tip rub against her.
  “Baby…I need it,” she pleads. Her fingers claw at my shoulders. I try to hide the smirk of amusement as she whines. “Just a little bit…” she grins.

  I laugh, holding her hips in place. “There’s no such thing as just a little bit.”

  “Fine, go turn off the water and fuck me right here on this very expensive counter. I want it rough and hard, and I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  “So bossy,” I mock, loosening my grip on her and walking backward to the tub. As requested, I turn the water off but continue standing there. I cross my arms over my chest and look directly into her desperate, greedy eyes. “Bend over,” I demand.

  I watch as she hesitates a moment, but soon, hops off and bends over the counter as I asked.

  “Spread your legs and arch your back,” I say, walking back toward the bedroom. “Don’t move.” I walk over to our luggage and grab a bottle of lube.

  I walk back in and stand directly behind her. I press a hand to her back and push down, getting her to arch her back deeper for me.

  “Perfect,” I whisper. I grab my cock in one hand and begin stroking it up and down her ass cheeks. “Wider,” I demand. She adjusts herself, pushing her feet farther apart. “That’s my girl.”

  With my free hand, I squeeze the lube over my erection and rub it over my shaft with the other hand. I make sure to get the tip nice and wet for what I have planned for us.

  I rub a hand up and down her back again, making sure she stays nice and low on the countertop. I lean down, gently kissing her shoulder and whisper, “Relax, sweetheart.”

  I stand back up and firmly grip her ass cheeks, spreading them apart. With one hand, I grab my shaft and begin pushing against her tight entrance. I slide in slowly, letting her body get used to the intrusion. I watch as she holds on firmly, relaxing against me. I push in again, her body widening as I continue going in further.

  “Fuck, sweetheart. That’s so good.” Jesus, that’s tight. It feels like a vice grip is holding my dick, but the second I begin thrusting against her, her body relaxes and opens up for me.

  “Holy shit,” she pants out. I haven’t taken her this way in a long time, so the sensation was overwhelming.

  “Jesus…” I growl as her body accepts all of me. I thrust against her, pulling in and out. “So fucking good.”

  “Mm…” Her fingers claw at the tile as I grip her hips and pound into her harder.

  “God, baby.” With one final thrust, she cries out in ecstasy the same time I release deep inside of her.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Two become one

  I LEAN MY back against Bentley’s chest as we sit in the hot tub together. The boiling water soothes every sore surface on my body and feels incredible. Bentley wraps his arms around me, securing me tightly against him.

  “I think we’ve officially christened another piece of the world,” he says against my ear, grinning.

  I let out a whine. “I can’t feel my legs.”

  “Lucky for you…” he pauses, letting his lips linger on my neck, “we get to hide out here for the next six nights. Room service and a pool less than twenty feet away.”

  “You really thought of everything,” I remark. “I don’t know how you do it. You always plan for it all.”

  “Oh, sweetheart.” He pulls my earlobe into his mouth and sucks hard. “You have no idea,” he whispers.

  We end up soaking in the tub for at least two hours. The quiet time we spend together is perfect. It’s such a relief after the past few weeks we’ve endured.

  “Did Ava ever set up a time to meet you?” he asks as we sit together at the small table. It’s two a.m., but we were both starving and there’s 24/7 room service here.

  “She was going to book a flight for a few weeks, I guess.”

  “Are you nervous?” he asks cautiously, shoving a forkful of pancake in his mouth.

  “Yeah, but after a few emails, I feel she’s being honest with me. I don’t know what her intentions are, but I’m eager to hear what she has to say.” We’ve been up for almost twenty-four hours now with the exception of napping on the plane here and there. “I’m exhausted. I’m pretty sure I’ll be sleeping the next twelve hours.” I yawn, setting my fork down in surrender. I don’t even have the energy to feed myself.

  He smirks at me before saying, “I’ll give you eight hours. And then you’re mine.”

  “I’m always yours.” I smile back. “But I’m about to go belong to the bed.” I point behind me, standing up and pushing my chair in. “Are you going to join me?” He raises his brows at me and begins chasing me toward the bed, catching me just in time as we fall against the mattress.

  He grabs the covers and pulls them back for us to get in. I snuggle up next to him, tracing my finger along his tattoos as I fall into a solid, deep sleep.

  * * *

  The sun beaming on my face wakes me up. It’s well after noon, but Bentley is nowhere to be seen. I swing my legs off the bed and stretch my arms over my head. My body is freaking sore…for many reasons.

  I walk over to the table where I see a note in his handwriting.


  You looked so gorgeous snuggled in bed that I didn’t want to wake you. I went to make some arrangements for us later. I’ll be back soon.



  P.S. Check the fridge.

  I set the note down and walk to the mini fridge that’s next to the bar. I open the door and find a silver platter filled with chocolate covered strawberries.

  I grab the platter with a stupid grin on my face. I love when he does things like this. It’s always so unexpected and thoughtful. There’s a tiny note folded on top.


  Enjoy your delicious strawberries overlooking the beach. It’s gorgeous.



  P.S. Wear your suit.

  I smile as I pop the first strawberry in my mouth, devouring the chocolate shell. I walk to my luggage and pull out my black and red swimsuit. I put a white sundress over it. I don’t have a clue what he’s planning, but I’m excited and eager to find out.

  * * *

  The warm breeze hits me, putting a smile on my face. I walk down the path that leads me to the luxurious beach. The sand is perfect, warm and soft. The water is so clear, I can almost see through it. The sky is a perfect shade of blue, almost mesmerizing. And the sun is shining directly above me warming my skin. The whole view is stunning—something you’d see in magazine.

  I’m not sure what I should be looking for. Bentley could be up to anything at this point. I begin walking and looking for any clues or a trace of him when something catches my eye.

  There’s a cliff off the beach nearby. I see a white arch in the distance on top of the cliff. White flowers are intertwined in the vinyl of the arch and two strands of white tulle are tied to it. From where I’m standing, it looks like a wedding arch.

  The curious side of me wants to walk closer and examine it, but as soon as I take a step, Bentley comes into view.

  He’s standing on top of the cliff next to the white arch. He looks adorable in khaki’s and a purple button-up shirt. His hair is styled wildly and his eyes are glued on me.

  He smiles down and waves his hand at me, motioning for me to follow him up there. A smirk creeps up on my lips, wondering what in the hell he’s up to.

  I climb up the cliff to where he’s standing. He’s directly under the arch, which is nearing the edge of the cliff and another man. Once the other guy comes into view, I flash him a look of confusion.

  “What are you doing? Are you crazy?” I shout over the waves. The wind is faster up here, blowing my hair into my face.

  “I am crazy,” he admits, taking my hand and guiding us both under the arch. “Incredibly, madly, crazy in love with you. So insanely in love with you that I planned this for you. Something I knew you wanted all along. Something I knew I had to give you. Something I want to mark as o
ur day on the calendar and celebrate it every year for the rest of our lives.” His voice is low, but every word is genuine and serious. I continue staring into his eyes, wondering if this is really happening.

  “I want to give you the wedding of a lifetime.” He looks out into the water. “The wedding you would’ve wanted had you been able to plan it your way. I couldn’t live with myself knowing you didn’t get that. So, sweetheart…” he pauses, pulling me in closer to his chest, “marry me, today. Marry me and be my wife. Make me the fucking luckiest man on Earth.”

  I gasp at his words, my eyes widening as he confesses exactly what we’re doing. “What? How? We don’t have our marriage license. I don’t have something blue or borrowed. Are you sure?” I ramble without thinking. My head is spinning at the absolutely perfect set-up Bentley has given me.

  He smiles and replies, “Sweetheart, this isn’t a marriage ceremony. This is a vows ceremony. I don’t need a piece of paper to call you my wife. This day will forever be our day.”

  “Really?” I cry out, tears beginning to run down my cheeks. “You did all this for me?” The trip. The perfect suite. The incredible ceremony. It’s too good to be true, but I know Bentley stops at nothing to make me happy.

  “Really. So?” He lets go of my hand and digs into his pocket, revealing two wedding bands. “What do you say, sweetheart?”

  I can hardly believe it, everything I wanted for our wedding—down to the purple color—is about to happen. I’m beside myself with emotions right now.

  “I can’t believe you did this!” I cry out again, covering my mouth with both hands. “Yes!” I drop my hands and lock them around his neck. “Yes, of course!” I crush my lips to his, soaking up this perfect moment.

  It takes me a few seconds to remember we aren’t alone. I back up slightly and eye the guy next to us.

  “This is Miguel. He’s going to do the readings.”


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