Deadly Mistake (Deadly Series Book 5)

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Deadly Mistake (Deadly Series Book 5) Page 1

by K. L. Humphreys

  Deadly Mistake


  K.L. Humphreys


  First Edition published in 2018

  Text Copyright © K.L. Humphreys

  All rights reserved.

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  Editing by Erin Toland of Edits by Erin

  Cover Design by Lee Ching of Undercover Designs

  Formatted by Maria Lazarou of Obsessed By Books Designs.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published without the prior written permission of the author. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

  All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Other books by this author

  The Deadly Series:

  Deadly Hunt


  Deadly Past

  Deadly Encounter

  The Working Girls Series:

  The Secrets Of Life

  The Hitman Series:

  (Co-write with Pavan Kaur)

  The Beauty and The Geek Series (Co-write with Rachel M Storm)



  To all those who have believed in me from the start, that have followed the Deadly Series from the beginning. You are amazing, without you, this would never have been finished.



  Aged 17

  “Comeon Hailey; tell me, who are you going to prom with?” Crystal demands, I’m sick of listening to the same question for the past few months.

  “I’ve told you, I’m flying solo.” I tell her as I prop my cell between my shoulder and ear as I’m painting my toenails. I hate that it’s expected that a girl has to have a date to the prom, we hit the 21st century, and it’s time that everyone caught up.

  “You can’t. It’s social suicide.” I seriously wonder why I’m even friends with her, who says that? “There has to be someone who doesn’t have a date yet, although prom is in a few hours.”

  “I’ve got to go; I’ll see you at prom.” Ending the call pissed that she even thinks that I should have a date. The one person I’d want to be my date doesn’t even know that I exist, Scott sees me as his sister’s best friend’s little sister. Nothing more; and it hurts knowing that I’m in love with someone who doesn’t even see me that way. To him I’m a bratty teenager that he ignores.

  There’s a knock on my bedroom door and before I even get a chance to say ‘come in’ the door opens and standing there with a big smile on her face is my sister Maddie. “Hey, are you ready?”

  I’m a bit taken back, ready for what? I’m in my sweats with curlers in my hair. “For what?”

  “Dinner.” Sighing as she walks toward me, I hate when she does this, the look of disappointment so evident on her face. She makes me feel bad. I don't know if I’ve forgotten that we’d agreed to do something, but she hadn’t told me recently. “I’ve promised the Dallas’ that we’d have dinner with them.”

  “Why?” I love the Dallas’ they treat Maddie and me as though we’re part of their family, they’ve been so supportive since our mom and dad died in a plane crash years ago but saying that, if we go to dinner it means I’ve got to see Scott and that’s just going to make me even more depressed about this stupid prom.

  “Because I said so.” I don’t know what her problem is, does she not realize prom is in a few hours and I need to get ready? “Now hurry up.”

  “I don’t want to go, I’ve got prom soon and I have to get ready.”

  “We’ll have plenty of time to have you ready for prom, come on, let's go.” I don't know what the hell her rush is but I do as she asks, quickly getting dressed, taking the curlers out of my hair and I’m grateful that she rushed me because if I had left them in any longer my curls would have been small tight curls not the bouncy curls I have now.

  It’sa surprise dinner, just Sophia, Winter, Maddie and me. I can’t believe it, “When did you decide on this?” I’m overwhelmed; the girls have said they’re going to help me get ready and I can’t wait. They’re really making me look forward to prom now instead of dreading it. The waitress brings our meals to us and my mouth waters at the mixture of aromas that are at the table.

  Maddie, Sophia, and Winter have been best friends since they were in kindergarten. They’ve been inseparable ever since, they’ve practically raised me and I wonder sometimes if that’s a good thing? They’re loud and brash but they love me and that’s all that really matters.

  Sophia rolls her eyes at me; “Since we knew when your prom was, did you really think we wouldn’t celebrate?” Soph’s in the army, currently on leave, I’m glad that she’s here as I worry about her being away all the time.

  “Thank you; this is just what I needed. I’ve been so stressed out.” I explain to them that I don't have a date and they all look at me like I’ve got three heads. “What’s wrong with not having a date? Why should I have one?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with it, you’re going to have an amazing time. Come on let's finish eating then we get you home so we can get you ready.” Winter gives me one of her soft smiles, she’s one of the nicest women I’ve ever met, really genuine and has the biggest heart. She’s also the biggest party animal too; she’ll drink anyone under the table. I eat in silence as the girls discuss their plans for tonight, Sophia’s not home for very long so they’re making the most of the time she is here.

  Ican’t believe what I’m seeing as I stare in the mirror, the woman looking back at me really isn’t me. It can’t be, she looks beautiful, confident, and happy. Something that I haven’t felt in a long time. “Thank you,” I say tearfully to the girls as I continue to stare at myself.

  Winter’s arms wrap around me. “You’re welcome, we also have one other surprise for you,” Her whole face is lit up with happiness and I’m wondering what the hell the surprise is, I don’t need anything else, what they’ve done for me today is more than enough. Maddie takes my hand and Winter takes the other and they lead me outside where I’m shocked to see my dad’s old 1965 red Ford Mustang. Tears spring to my eyes when I see it, I can’t believe that it’s working, Maddie and I thought the engine had blown as it didn’t start. “Don’t you dare?” Winter says as she waves her hands in front of my face trying to stop the tears. “You’ll ruin your makeup.”

  “How?” Is all I can ask, overwhelmed and emotional at seeing the car.

  “Dad loves cars and he wanted to rebuild it. He asked Maddie and she said he could, it took him awhile but he finally managed to restore it to its natural glory. So, tonight, it’s only fair that you arrive not only in style but with your parents too.” Sophia explains and the girls walk with me to the curb and I finally see who’s driving. It’s Scott. What the hell?

  Maddie pulls me into a hug, “Have a great night, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do and remember to have fun!” She pushes me away and I climb into the passenger seat. Scott revs the engine and it purrs like a cat, God, it’s so good to have something that my parents loved. As Scott pulls away, I turn waving at my sister who looks as though she’s about to cry. “Have fun!” She shouts and I nod my head with enthusi
asm, I am going to have fun.

  Scott and I ride in silence, I feel awkward around him, I don’t know what to say to him. He keeps stealing glances at me but won’t actually look at my face, I hate feeling like I’m being scrutinized. He pulls up outside the hotel and turns to face me, this is the first time since I’ve got into the car that he’s actually looked at me fully. “Thanks for the ride Scott, I really appreciate it.” I look up at him through my lashes.

  “You’re welcome Hailey. You look amazing by the way.” His voice is hoarse and gravelly, so unlike him but I don’t dwell on it as I watch as others are arriving and start walking into the Hotel. Nerves start to settle in, what is everyone going to say when I walk in alone? “You’d better get going, have a great night.”

  I do something so out of the ordinary, so brazen, I lean forward and give him a kiss on his cheek, I don’t know what happens as the next thing I know his lips are on mine. Oh my God, he takes my mouth as though he owns it, hard and fast and I open my mouth so I can try and catch my breath but as soon as our tongues touch I’m lost. I let the pleasure of him sweep over me, I can’t believe this is happening. Just as I let the pleasure seep in he pulls away, “Christ,” he curses as he turns and looks out the window. “Hailey, fuck!” He’s mad?

  A sickening feeling forms in my stomach, this isn’t good, why is he mad? “I just wanted to say thank you.” My voice is shaky and small, I’m so scared right now.

  “By sticking your tongue down my throat? Fuck! You’re a child Hailey, a fucking child. What the hell was I thinking?”

  All that I can think of is that he thinks I’m a child. I can’t believe this, I’m seventeen, that’s hardly a child. “I didn’t stick my tongue down your throat, I kissed your cheek, you’re an asshole you know that?” I’m shaking with anger, how dare he make me feel this way?

  “Yeah, I am, remember that. This never happened and will never happen!” He’s being an ass and there is no need to be, I get the message; he’s a jerk. “Go, get out.”

  I get out of the car and slam the door, instantly regretting it as I do. That car is the last thing I have of my parents. “Fuck you, asshole. I hate you!” I walk into the hotel seething, how dare he treat me like that?

  “Hey Hailey, you look beautiful.” Chase says to me and I look at our football captain, he’s staring at me like he wants me. I can see the lust in his eyes.

  “Hey Chase, where’s Meagan?” Meagan is the bitch of the school. She’s the cheerleading captain and also one of those ‘mean’ girls.

  “Meagan decided that she’s into college guys.” he rolls his eyes and nods his head to the left where I turn and see Meagan and some guy I’ve never met. “He’s her dad’s friend’s son or something like that.”

  “Her loss.” I smile at him, one in which he returns.

  “Want to be my date?” He blushes slightly and I think that’s sweet.

  “I’d love to be.”

  “Hailey,do you want to go to the after party?” Chase asks slightly slurring his words and the world won’t stop spinning. “Or do you want to go home?”

  “Mmm?” I take off my shoes hoping that having my bare feet on the ground will stop the spinning. I lick my lips, they feel numb.

  “Want to come back to my room?” He slurs as he reaches for me.

  “Mmm?” I don’t know if I’ll make it home without being sick, maybe lying down would be better?

  He brings me up to his hotel room and we start to kiss, it’s nice and sweet but I can’t stop comparing it to the kiss with Scott and how amazing that was. I force myself to stop thinking about that ass and in doing so I do something that I’ll regret for the rest of my life. I have sex with Chase, I lose my virginity to someone I don’t love.

  Chapter One


  Six Years Later

  “CanI get three black coffees, two cappuccinos and a latte please?” I ask Jake my best friend, he’s the barista at the coffee shop across the road to where I work. P.I.G.S is a Private Investigator and bodyguard company. It’s owned by Sophia’s fiancée Nathan and Soph is the reason why I have this job. I love working for Nathan, he’s really easy to work for and he lets me run the office as I want. He told me it brought calmness to the madness, whatever that meant. The only downside to working at P.I.G.S is Scott Dallas works there also. Yes, that’s right, my high school crush, the man I loved deeply until he crushed me works with me.

  “You must be thirsty,” I’m startled by the deep voice behind me and I turn and see a handsome guy staring at me with amusement.

  “Nope, I’m on a coffee run.” I give him a smirk and turn back to the counter, I look down at all the delicious cakes in the display and contemplate on whether or not I should get one. The peanut butter cupcake looks so tempting but I know if I bring it into the office the guys are going to bitch that I never got them one. I can feel Jake staring at me but I don’t look at him, I know what he’s thinking, that it’s time for me to date.

  “I’m Eric by the way.” the guy tells me and I hide the fact that his voice makes me shiver. “What’s your name? Or should I guess? Hmm… You don’t look like a Priscilla or an Ashley…. What about Kate?”

  I spin around and face him, “What’s that supposed to mean? Why don’t I look like a Priscilla or an Ashley?” I give him all the sass as I place my hands on my hips.

  “Those names scream bitches.” He’s still smirking at me and I’d love to wipe it off his face.

  “And Kate doesn’t?” I know a few Kate’s and they’ve all been bitches, anyone can be a bitch it just depends on the level of bitchiness. I’m being a bitch to Eric but that’s because his flirting game needs a serious makeover.

  He laughs at me, “No Kate’s a boring name, whereas you scream fun.” I roll my eyes at him, he’s doing himself no favors. “Look, let me start over. Hi I’m Eric, what’s your name?”

  He looks sincere, at least he’s trying, I hear coughing behind me and know that Jake’s listening. “Hey, I’m Hailey.” I shake his hand and turn back to the counter; my eyes immediately are drawn back to the cupcake. Damn it looks good.

  “Well Hailey, it was really nice to meet you.” Tingles go down my spine, it’s the first time I’ve ever had that with someone and I turn and give Eric a smile, “Hopefully we’ll meet again.” He winks at me and leaves with his coffee, damn, he’s hot. A bit of an ass but hot.

  “Here you go Hails.” I hear Jake say and as I look at him I see there’s a white bag, I look at him in confusion. “That hot guy you were just talking to bought it for you.” He passes me the coffees and the white bag and I’m dying to know what’s inside but it’ll have to wait until I’m back in the office. “Girl, please tell me that you think he’s hot? I’m starting to worry about you!”

  “Thanks Jake, have a good day.” He started working here about eight months ago and we hit it off right away.

  “Umm next time please let Asher do the coffee run?” He licks his lips and I can’t help but laugh at him, Jake has a serious crush on Asher, one of the guys I work with. I love that Jake flirts with him whenever Asher comes in, the thing about Asher is he doesn’t mind, though he’s flattered, but he’s seeing someone and it’s kind of serious according to Sophia.

  “Hey what about me?” I ask with fake indignation.

  “Hails, I love you but you’re not Asher, so please try?” He begs me.

  “I’ll try.” I shout as I leave the coffee shop, I can’t take the smile off my face, Jake is one person guaranteed to make me smile, he’s just fun and energetic. I cross the street and walk into P.I.G.S and it seems, just in time, as the rain begins to pour as the doors closes behind me.

  “Whoa, someone’s in a good mood. Maybe we should send you on the coffee run more often.” Asher sees the smile on my face and smiles back at me.

  “I’m smiling because Jake has asked me to send you on the next coffee run.” I wink at him as he starts to blush, who would have thought that a six foot two powerhouse could bl
ush? I walk over to my desk and place the coffees down, I need to find out what’s in the bag.

  “Ooh, what you got there?” Of course, Asher is standing over my shoulder watching. “Is that a peanut butter cupcake?”

  Eric got me my favorite treat, I can’t believe it. It puts an even bigger smile on my face, “Yes,”

  Asher gasps, he’s so dramatic sometimes. It’s like having a child around. “Where the hell is mine? You bought yourself a cupcake but didn’t get some for anyone else. Damn, Hails, I never knew you were selfish.” He’s joking with me but he’s got a big mouth, as he says it as the rest of the guys are coming out of the surveillance room.

  “Where’s my cupcake?” Connor asks and this is why I never get myself anything. “Damn, Hailey, that is selfish.”

  “It was a gift okay and if you want it that badly, share it.” I’m annoyed, yes, I know that they’re only joking but sometimes them ganging up on me really gets to me. I’m the only girl in a sea of hot, alpha men and it gets annoying really quickly.

  “A gift from who?” I hear the menacing tone from behind me and I don’t need to look, I know that it’s Nathan. He acts like my brother and protector and I must admit that it’s really sweet some of the time. The worst is if there’s a client who comes in and flirts, he gives them a look that scares them off.

  “A guy.” I shrug as if it’s no big deal and it’s not; what are the odds of meeting Eric again?

  “Haven’t I taught you not to take gifts from strangers?” I turn and face him, handing him his coffee as I do. The look on his face tells me he’s being deadly serious.


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