The Library of Greek Mythology (Oxford World's Classics)

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The Library of Greek Mythology (Oxford World's Classics) Page 36

by Apollodorus

  Callirrhoe, daughter of Acheloos 113

  Callirrhoe, daughter of Oceanos 80

  Callirrhoe, daughter of Scamander 123

  Callisto, daughter of Lycaon 115

  Calybe, a nymph, mother of Boucolion 124

  Calyce, daughter of Aiolos 38

  Calydon, son of Aitolos 39

  Calypso, daughter of Atlas 168

  Campe, guards the Titans 28

  Canace, daughter of Aiolos 38

  Capaneus, son of Hipponous 108–10, 121, 172

  Capys, son of Assaracos 123

  Chersidamas, son of Pterelaos 68

  Chimaera, killed by Bellerophon 44, 64

  Chione, daughter of Boreas 134, 135

  Cheirimachos, son of Electryon 68

  Cheiron, a Centaur 29, 75, 83, 102,

  Cassandra, daughter of Priam 125, 157, 158, 163

  Cassiepeia, mother of Atymnios 97

  Cassiepeia, wife of Cepheus 66

  Castor (of Rhodes, author of

  chronologies, 1st cent, BC) 59 (250F8 Jacoby)

  Castor, son of Zeus 40, 49, 11, 120, 122

  Catreus, son of Minos 62, 98–9, 145, 147, 159

  Cebren, river, father of Asterope and Oinone 124, 125

  Cebriones, son of Priam 125

  Cecrops, first king of Attica 130–2

  Cecrops, son of Erechtheus 134, 135

  Celaineus, son of Electryon 68

  Celaino, daughter of Atlas 117

  Celeos, king of Eleusis 33, 133

  Celeutor, son of Agrios 42

  Centauros, son of Ixion 142

  Centaurs, the 75, 128, 142

  Cephalos, son of Deion or Deioneus 44, 70, 134

  Cephalos, son of Hermes 131

  Cepheus, son of Aleos 49, 88, 115

  Cepheus, son of Belos 60, 66–7, 68

  Cepheus, son of Lycourgos 40

  Cephisos, father of Diogeneia 134

  Cerberos 83–4

  Cercopes, the 85

  Cercops (author of an early epic, Aegimios, also attributed to Hesiod) 62 (fr. 297 M-W)

  Cercyon, son of Branchos 139

  Ceteus, father of Callisto 115

  Ceto, daughter of Pontos 29, 65

  Ceuthonymos, father of Menoites 84

  Ceux, son of Heosphoros 38

  Ceux, king of Trachis 89–90, 92

  Chalciope daughter of Aietes 43

  Chalciope, daughter of Eurypylos 92

  Chalciope, daughter of Rhexenor 136

  Chalcodon, father of Elephenor 121, 148

  Chariclo, a nymph, mother of Teiresias 109–10

  Charapos, father of Nireus 148

  Charybdis 55, 167, 168

  Chersidamas, son of Priam 125

  Chersidamas, son of Pterelaos 68

  Chimaera, killed by Bellerophon 44, 64

  Chione, daughter of Boreas 134, 135

  Cheirimachos, son of Electryon 68

  Cheiron, a Centaur 29, 75, 83, 102, 119, 128–9

  Chloris, daughter of Amphion 45, 105, 148

  Chloris, wife of Neleus 105, 244

  Chromios, son of Arsinoos 152

  Chromios, son of Priam 125

  Chromios, son of Pterelaos 68

  Chrysaor, father of Geryon 66, 80

  Chryses, a priest 153

  Chryses, son of Minos 78, 97

  Chrysippos, son of Pelops 104

  Chrysopeleia, a nymph 115

  Chrysothemis, daughter of Agamemnon 146

  Chthonia, daughter of Erechtheus 134

  Chthonios, one of the Spartoi 100, 103

  Cilix, son of Agenor 96, 97

  Cilia, daughter of Laomedon 124

  Cinyras, son of Sandocos 115, 131, 148

  Circe, daughter of the Sun 43, 55, 166–7, 170

  Cisseus, father of Hecuba 124

  Cleio, a Muse 30

  Cleisithyra, daughter of Idomeneus, 160

  Cleitonymos, son of Amphidamas 130

  Cleoboia, mother of Eurythemis 39

  Cleochareia, wife of Lelex 118

  Cleochos, father of Areia 97

  Cleodoxa, daughter of Amphion 105

  Cleopatra, a Locrian maiden 162

  Cleopatra, daughter of Boreas 134–5

  Cleopatra, daughter of Idas 41

  Cleopatra, daughter of Tros 123

  Cleophyle, wife of Lycourgos 116

  Clonia, a nymph, mother of Lycos and Nycteus 117

  Clonios, son of Priam 125

  Clotho, a Fate 29

  Cloud, see Nephele

  Clymene, daughter of Catreus 62, 98, 99, 159

  Clymenos, father of Erginos 72

  Clymenos, son of Oineus 40

  Clytemnestra (properly Clytaimnestra), daughter of Tyndareus 120, 146, 150, 160, 163

  Clytios, a Giant 34

  Clytios, son of Laomedon 124

  Cnossia, a nymph 122

  Cocalos, king of Carnicos 141

  Coios, a Titan 27, 28, 31

  Coiranos, father of Polyidos 99

  Comaitho, daughter of Pterelaos 70

  Cometes, father of Asterios 50

  Cometes, son of Sthenelos 160

  Copreus, son of Pelops 73

  Corinthos, father of Sylea 138

  Coronis, daughter of Phlegyas 119

  Coronos, father of Caineus 49

  Coronos, father of Leonteus 90, 121

  Corybantes, the 30

  Cottos, a Hundred-Hander 27

  Couretes, see Curetes

  Cranae, daughter of Cranaos 132

  Cranaichme, daughter of Cranaos 132

  Cranaos, king of Attica 37, 130, 132

  Crataiis, mother of Scylla 167

  Cratieus, father of Anaxibia 46

  Cratos, son of Pallas 29

  Creios, a Titan 27, 29

  Creon, king of Corinth 57, 114

  Creon, son of Menoiceus, of Thebes 69–70, 72, 92, 106, 110, 111

  Creontiades, son of Heracles 72, 92

  Cresphontes, a Heraclid 94–5

  Crete, daughter of Asterios 97

  Crete, daughter of Deucalion 99

  Cretheus, son of Aiolos 38, 45, 46, 48

  Creousa, daughter of Erechtheus 37, 134

  Creousa, daughter of Priam 125

  Criasos, son of Argos 58

  Crocon, father of Meganeira 115

  Croesus 92

  Cronos, a Titan 27–8, 29

  Cteatos, son of Actor or Poseidon by Molione 87, 121

  Ctesippos, son of Heracles 92

  Curetes, the (Kouretes) 28, 59, 99

  Cyanippos, son of Adrastos 48

  Cychreus, son of Poseidon 127

  Cyclopes, builders 63

  Cyclopes, Homeric 164–5

  Cyclopes, sons of Ouranos 27, 28, 119

  Cyclops, a, see Geraistos

  Cycnos, father of Tenes 150–1, 152

  Cycnos, son of Ares 82, 90

  Cyilene, wife of Pelasgos 114

  Cynortas, son of Amyclas 44, 119

  Cyrene, mother of Diomedes of Thrace 78

  Cytisoros, son of Phrixos 43

  Cyzicos, king of the Doliones 50 Daidalos, son of Eupalamos 85, 95, 137–8, 140–1, 172

  Damasichthon, son of Amphion 104–5

  Damasippos, son of Icarios 120

  Damasistratos, king of Plataea 106

  Damastes or Polypemon, killed by Theseus 138, 139

  Danae, daughter of Acrisios 63,64–5, 67

  Danaos, son of Belos 60–2

  Dardanos, son of Zeus and Electra 122–3, 135

  Dascylos, father of Lycos 79

  Dawn (Eos) 28, 29, 32, 34, 44, 124, 131, 154

  Deianeira, daughter of Oineus 40, 88–91

  Deicoon, son of Heracles 72, 92

  Deidameia, daughter of Lycomedes 129, 160

  Deimachos, father of Enarete 38

  Deimachos, son of Neleus 45

  Deino, daughter of Phorcos 65

  Deion or Deioneus, son of Aiolos 38, 44, 70, 134

s, son of Priam 125

  Deiphobos, son of Hippolytos 85

  Deiphobos, son of Priam 125, 155, 157

  Deiphontes, husband of Hyrnetho 94

  Deipyle, daughter of Adrastos 42, 48, 107

  Deliades, killed by Bellerophon 64

  Delphyne, a she-dragon 36

  Demaratos (Hellenistic mythological writer) 51 (42F41a Jacoby), 105 (F56)

  Demeter, see ‘The Twelve Gods’, pp. 262–6

  Democoon, son of Priam 125

  Demonice, daughter of Agenor 39

  Demophon, son of Celeos 33

  Demophon, son of Theseus 141, 143, 157, 161–2

  Deucalion, son of Minos 97, 99, 141, 148

  Deucalion, son of Prometheus 37, 58; flood of 115, 132

  Dexithea 97

  Dice, a Season 28

  Dictys, son of Magnes 44, 65, 67

  Diogeneia, daughter of Cephisos 134

  Diomede, daughter of Lapithes 119

  Diomede, daughter of Xouthos 44

  Diomedes, son of Ares 77–8

  Diomedes, son of Tydeus 30, 42–3, 112, 121, 148, 153–4, 155, 156, 158

  Dione, a Titanid 27, 29

  Dionysios (of Mytilene, mythological writer, 2nd-lst cent, BC) 51 (32F6a Jacoby)

  Dionysos, see ‘The Twelve Gods’, pp. 262–6

  Dioscuri (Dioskouroi), the 119, 122, 129, 143; see also Castor and Polydeuces

  Dirce, wife of Lycos 104

  Dolon, son of Eumelos 153

  Doris, an Oceanid 28, 29

  Doros, son of Apollo 39

  Doros, son of Hellen 37

  Dorycleus, son of Hippocoon 120

  Doryclos, son of Priam 125

  Dotis, mother of Phlegyas 104

  Dryas, father of Lycourgos 102

  Dryas, son of Ares 40

  Dryas, son of Lycourgos 102

  Dryops, son of Priam 125

  Dymas, father of Hecuba 124

  Dymas, son of Aigimios 94

  Earth, see Ge

  Ecbasos, son of Argos 58

  Echemmon, son of Priam 125

  Echemos, husband of Timandra 120

  Echephron, son of Nestor 46

  Echephron, son of Priam 125

  Echidna, daughter of Tartaros 58–9, 64, 80, 81, 83, 106, 139

  Echion, a Spartos 100, 101, 103

  Echion, son of Portheus 157

  Eetion, father of Andromache 125

  Eidomene, daughter of Pheres 46, 63

  Eiduia, daughter of Oceanos 53

  Eileithuia, daughter of Zeus 29

  Eileithuiai 68

  Eirene, a Season 28

  Elais, daughter of Anios 148

  Elare, daughter of Orchomenos 31

  Elatos, a Centaur 75

  Elatos, father of Polyphemos 50

  Elatos, son of Areas 115

  Elaton, charioteer of Amphiaraos 111

  Electra, an Oceanid 28, 29

  Electra, daughter of Agamemnon 146, 163, 164

  Electra, daughter of Atlas 117, 122

  Electryon, son of Perseus 68–9

  Elephenor, son of Chalcodon 121, 148, 161

  Eleusis, father of Triptolemos 33

  Eleuther, son of Apollo 117

  Elpenor, companion of Odysseus 167

  Emathion, son of Tithonos 82, 124

  Enarete, daughter of Deimachos 38

  Enarophoros, son of Hippocoon 120

  Encelados, a Giant 35

  Endeis, daughter of Sceiron 126

  Endymion, son of Aethlios 38–9

  Enipeus, 45

  Ennomos, son of Arsinoos 152

  Enyo, daughter of Phorcos 65

  Eos, see Dawn

  Epaphos, son of Zeus and lo 59–60, 82

  Epeios 154, 156

  Ephialtes, a Giant 35

  Ephialtes, son of Poseidon 38

  Epicaste, daughter of Augeias 92

  Epicaste, daughter of Calydon 39

  Epicaste, daughter of Menoiceus 105

  Epidauros, son of Argos 58

  Epigoni (Epigonoi), the 47, 111–12

  Epilaos, son of Neleus 45

  Epimetheus, son of lapetos 29, 37

  Epistrophos, son of Iphitos 121

  Epistrophos, son of Mecisteus 152

  Epochos, son of Lycourgos 116

  Epopeus, son of Poseidon 38, 104

  Erato, a Muse 30

  Erechtheus, son of Pandion 37, 44, 133, 134, 135

  Erginos, son of Clymenos 71–2

  Erginos, son of Poseidon 50

  Erichthonios, son of Dardanos 123

  Erichthonios, son of Hephaistos 132–3

  Erigone, daughter of Aigisthos 163, 164

  Erigone, daughter of Icarios 133

  Erinyes, see Fates

  Eriphyle, daughter of Talaos 47, 108, 112

  Erysichthon, son of Cecrops 130

  Erytheia, one of the Hesperides 81

  Erythrios, son of Athamas 44

  Eryx, son of Poseidon 81

  Eteocles, son of Oedipus 106, 107, 109–10, 112

  Eteoclos, son of Iphis 108, 109, 110

  Ethodaia, daughter of Amphion 105

  Eumaios, servant of Odysseus 169

  Eumedes, son of Melas 42

  Eumelos (of Corinth, early epic poet) 115 (frs. 10 and 11 Davies)

  Eumelos, father of Dolon 153

  Eumelos, son of Admetos 121, 148, 155

  Eumenides, sanctuary of the 107

  Eumolpos, son of Poseidon and Chione 83, 135

  Eumolpos, a flautist 151

  Euneus, son of Jason 50

  Eunomia, a Season 29

  Eunomos, son of Architeles 89

  Eupalamos, father of Daidalos 135, 137

  Euphemos, son of Poseidon 50

  Euphemos, son of Troizenos 152

  Euphorbos, a Trojan 154

  Euphorion (Hellenistic poet) 161

  Euphrosyne, a Grace 29

  Eupinytos, son of Amphion 104

  Euripides (tragic poet, 5th cent, EC) 60, VS (Phoen. 1157), 114, 117 (Phoen. 1162)

  Europa (Europe), daughter of Agenor 77, 96–7, 100, 101

  Eurotas, son of Lelex 118

  Euryale, a Gorgon 66

  Euryale, mother of Orion 32

  Euryalos, son of Mecisteus 47, 50, 112

  Euryalos, son of Melas 42

  Eurybia, daughter of Pontos 29

  Eurybios, son of Eurystheus 92

  Eurybios, son of Neleus 45

  Eurydice, daughter of Adrastos 124

  Eurydice, daughter of Lacedaimon 63, 118–19

  Eurydice, wife of Lycourgos 48, 108

  Eurydice, wife of Orpheus 30

  Euryganeia, daughter of Hyperphas 106

  Eurylochos, companion of Odysseus 166–7

  Eurymede, wife of Glaucos 44

  Eurymedon, son of Minos 78, 97

  Eurymenes, son of Neleus 45

  Eurynome, an Oceanid 28, 29, 126

  Eurynome, wife of Lycourgos 116

  Eurypylos, son of Evaimon 121, 149, 153

  Eurypylos, son of Poseidon 86, 92

  Eurypylos, son of Telephos 156

  Eurypylos, son of Temenos 94

  Eurypylos, son of Thestios 39

  Eurysthenes, son of Aristodemos 93, 94

  Eurystheus, son of Sthenelos 68, 73–84, 92, 116

  Euryte, a nymph 131

  Euryte, daughter of Hippodamas 39

  Eurythemis, daughter of Cleoboia 39

  Eurytion, a Centaur 75, 76

  Eurytion, son of Actor 41, 127

  Eurytos, a Giant 34

  Eurytos, king of Oichalia 71, 84–5, 90

  Eurytos, son of Actor or Poseidon by Molione 87, 121

  Eurytos, son of Hermes 49

  Eurytos, son of Hippocoon 120

  Eusoros, father of Acamas 152

  Euteiches, son of Hippocoon 120

  Euterpe, a Muse 29

  Euxanthios, son of Minos 97

  Evadne, daughter of Iphis 111

  Evadne, dau
ghter of Strymon 58

  Evaimon, father of Eurypylos 121, 149

  Evagoras, son of Neleus 45

  Evagoras, son of Priam 125

  Evandros, son of Priam 125

  Evenos, son of Ares 39

  Everes, father of Teiresias 109

  Everes, son of Heracles 92

  Everes, son of Pterelaos 68, 69

  Evippos, son of Thestios 39

  Fates (Moirai), the 29, 35, 36, 40, 48

  Furies (Erinyes, the) 27, 163

  Fury, Demeter as a 111; Alcmaion pursued by a 113

  Ganymede (properly Ganymedes), son of Tros 79, 123

  Ge (Earth) 27, 28, 29, 33, 34, 45, 59, 81, 82, 115

  Gelanor, king of Argos 60

  Geraistos, a Cyclops 137

  Geryon, son of Chrysaor 66, 80

  Giants (Gigantes), the 34–5, 87

  Glauce, an Amazon 172

  Glauce, daughter of Creon 57

  Glauce, daughter of Cychreus 126

  Glaucos, son of Antenor 157

  Glaucos, son of Hippolochos 153, 154

  Glaucos, son of Minos 97, 99–100, 172

  Glaucos, son of Priam 125

  Glaucos, son of Sisyphos 44, 64

  Glenos, son of Heracles 92

  Gorge, daughter of Oineus 40, 42, 148

  Gorgons, the 29, 65–6

  Gorgophone, daughter of Perseus 44, 68, 119

  Gorgophonos, son of Electryon 68

  Gorgyra, mother of Ascalaphos 32

  Gorgythion, son of Priam 125

  Gouneus, father of Laonome 68

  Gouneus, son of Ocytos 148, 161

  Graces (Charites), the 29

  Gration(?), a Giant 35

  Gyes, a Hundred-Hander 27

  Hades 87, cattle of 80, 84; cap or helmet of 28, 65–6; see also Pluto

  Hagnias, father of Tiphys 49

  Haimon, son of Creon 106

  Haimonios, father of Amaltheia 89

  Halirrhothios, son of Poseidon 130–1

  Harmonia, daughter of Ares and Aphrodite 101, 103

  Harpies (Harpuiai), the 29, 52, 134

  Hebe, daughter of Zeus and Hera 29, 91

  Hecate, daughter of Perses 29, 34

  Hecatoncheires, see Hundred-Handers

  Hector, son of Priam 124, 125, 151,

  Hecuba (properly Hecabe), daughter of Dymas 124, 158

  Heleios, son of Perseus 68, 70

  Helen (Helene), daughter of Zeus and Leda 120–1, 125, 143, 146–7, 149, 151, 155, 156, 157, 164

  Helenos, son of Priam 125, 155–6, 158, 160

  Helios, see Sun

  Helle, daughter of Athamas 43

  Hellen, son of Deucalion or Zeus 37

  Hemithea, daughter of Cycnos 150

  Heosphoros, son of Ceux 38

  Hephaistos, see ‘The Twelve Gods’, pp. 262–6

  Hera, see ‘The Twelve Gods’

  Heraclids, the 92–5, 96

  Heracles, son of Zeus and Alcmene 30, 31, 34–5, 36, 40, 45–6, 48, 49, 51, 68 (not named), 70–92, 93, 115–16, 120, 124, 127, 134, 141, 143, 148, 149, 155

  Hermione, daughter of Menelaos 121, 147, 160, 164

  Herodoros (of Heracleia, mythological writer, late 5th-4th cent. Be) 56 (31F41aJacoby)


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