Set In Stone

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by Dakota Willink

  Set In Stone

  The Stone Series: Book 3

  Dakota Willink

  Edited by Dakota Willink

  Edited by Silla Webb

  Cover Design by Joanna Walker


  Praise for The Stone Series

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36


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  About the Author


  “This read demanded to be heard. It screamed escape from the everyday and gave me that something extra I was looking for.”

  - The Book Junkie Reads

  “You will fall in love with Krystina and Alexander’s story right from the first book!”

  - Once Upon An Alpha

  Willink is a very talented writer, and her ability to weave a story together flawlessly is very apparent in this steamy romance."

  - Readers' Favorite

  “A definite page turner with enticing romance scenes that will make you sweat even during those cold winter nights!”

  - Redz World

  “Alexander and Krystina are an absolute must read!”

  - Tracie’s Book Review

  “I would gladly hand over my heart to Alexander Stone!”

  - Crystal’s Book World

  This book is an original publication of Dakota Willink, LLC

  Copyright © 2017 by Dakota Willink

  All Rights Reserved.

  In ordinance with the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission of the publisher. Please do not participate in or encourage unlawful piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s intellectual property.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  eBook ISBN-13: 978-0-9971603-4-5

  ISBN-10: 0-9971603-4-9

  Paperback ISBN: 978-0-9971603-5-2

  ISBN-10: 0-9971603-5-7

  Set in Stone | Copyright © 2017 by Dakota Willink | Pending

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover design by

  Copyright © 2017

  This one is for the readers…

  “A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.”

  -Diane Mariechild



  As I dressed for work, I looked out at the horizon through the floor to ceiling windows in the bedroom of the penthouse. The sky looked ominous. The blackened clouds off in the distance showed that a heavy snowfall was imminent. I absently wondered if it would be the last of the season. I was becoming tired of the cold winter winds and was looking forward to seeing New York come to life in the spring.

  Alexander, my gorgeous and delectable fiancé, stood in front of the window and was buttoning the cuffs of his fitted Versace dress shirt. I shifted my attention from the threatening skies to admire him while he dressed. From the navy silk tie that hung untied around his neck to his perfectly tailored pants, he was dressing for business, yet he displayed the powerful virility of a man in his prime. His nearly jet-black hair was still damp from the shower, falling in soft locks that barely skimmed the top of his collar. When he casually strode over to the dresser to pocket his wallet and cell phone, his movements were confident, yet sexy as hell. I felt a stirring, my lust for him always shimmering just below the surface.

  As if noticing my watchful eye, he looked up at me and flashed me one of those lopsided smiles that I had come to love so much. He knew that he was gorgeous and knew that I loved looking at him. Sometimes it was hard to believe that he was mine. All mine.

  Embarrassed to be caught staring, I shifted my eyes back to the darkening skies and finished fastening the last few buttons of my blouse.

  “Even with the nasty weather that’s brewing, I don’t think I’ll ever tire of this view,” I said, motioning to the Manhattan skyline. I truly loved my city, and its grandeur never ceased to amaze me.

  Alexander glanced absently over his shoulder out the window before moving a few steps toward me. Wrapping both arms around my waist, he pulled me close.

  “I have all the view I need right here,” he said huskily before brushing his lips over mine. He hadn’t buttoned his shirt yet, leaving his chest bare for my touch. I skimmed my fingertips over his abdomen, up to the honed muscle of his pectorals. His soft shiver and low moan sent my heart skipping.

  I returned his gentle kiss, unable to do anything but feel the touch of his lips on mine. It was as if the earth beneath my feet melted away and time seemed to stand still. His tongue grazed over mine and set me on fire. His kiss, always so possessive and domineering, consumed me. It was his signature. His stamp. And nothing else in the world seemed to matter.

  Except when it did.

  I suppressed a sigh as a wave of sadness overcame me and I pulled my lips from his. I rested my head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. There were times when I felt like I could stay this way forever, but those times had been few and far between as of late.

  I had once thought moving in with Alexander would be a big adjustment for the both of us. Surprisingly, we settled into an easy routine with very little friction. From our morning shower schedule to planning our meals, the stereotypical domestic life had come easily. Vivian, the housekeeper, would pick up the groceries while Alexander and I were at work. She used to prepare our evening meals daily, but I eventually chose to take it over. I enjoyed it. On the days when I was unable to cook, we would either get takeout or Alexander would make breakfast fixings for dinner, as he proved unable to make anything other than an omelet.

  I smiled to myself at the memory of Alexander’s mad dash for the fire extinguisher after he nearly set the penthouse kitchen on fire. He had attempted to make a dish of Italian sausage and baby portabellas, but underestimated the amount of grease the sausage would produce. Grease overflowed from the shallow pan he used, making for a hard-fought battle. It was one that the kitchen inevitably won. I recalled watching my fiancé, a man who dominated everything in his life, be forced into submission by an oven. It may have been one of the most comical scenes I ever witnessed. I recalled laughing until my sides ached.

  We were so happy that day.

  That moment in time, the laughter we shared, now seemed like eons ago. Something shifted over the past few weeks and it changed our dynamic. Our relationship had become strained, although I couldn’t quite pinpoint when it all began. I only knew that Alexander’s controlling n
ature was taking over our lives. I was beginning to feel lost, like I didn’t know who I was anymore.

  “Where are you?” Alexander asked, breaking me away from my thoughts. I looked up at him and cocked my head to the side innocently.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You seem far away in thought.”

  I wanted to tell him what I was thinking. I knew I should tell him how I felt. He needed to know how much he was literally dictating everything. From the building of our new home to the discussions about our pending wedding, he wielded his full power and left me little room to express my wants or desires.

  No, Krystina. Not a good idea, Krystina. Don’t do that, Krystina.

  While I understood that his past dictated who he was, his need for order and control was becoming stifling. Something had to give. I couldn’t breathe. Even still, I loved him so much that it hurt. The tension between us was killing me. I wanted my Alexander back. I wanted us back. I only wished I knew when the balance had shifted so I could fix it.

  Not wanting to voice my concerns and start the day with an argument, I smiled and stared deep into the sapphire eyes that I adored so much.

  “Not far away,” I assured him. “I’m right here. Where I belong.”

  I moved my arms up to wrap them around his neck. The light from the nearby lamp sparkled off of my left hand and caught my attention. Tilting my head up, I held out my hand to look at the diamond and sapphire ring that Alexander had placed on my finger.

  It was a symbol of hope and the dream of a white picket fence. I smiled every time I looked at it. It was a sign that even two people like us, as messed up as our pasts were, could still find happiness. I knew he would give me all that and more. It was a reminder that things between us would get better. Relationships were full of ups and downs. Lately, I felt like our honeymoon phase was already over, although we hadn’t even made it to the altar yet. I told myself that this was just a bump in the road and nothing more.

  I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck, pulling his hard body closer to mine. His hands trailed up and down my spine before coming to rest at my waist. I felt a tug and realized he was attempting to pull my blouse free from the waistband of my skirt.

  “Oh, no you don’t, mister! We’ll never get to work on time if you start that,” I joked and untangled myself from his arms.

  “I kept you up late last night, angel” he said with a wink.

  I laughed at the devilish gleam in his eyes.

  “Yes, you did,” I agreed. My cheeks began to redden as I thought about the passionate love we made the night before. As strained as things had been, sex was never an issue for us. Our passion for each other was the one thing that could erase all the problems from the day.

  “So, take the morning off. Go in after lunch time.”

  “Mmm…now that’s a novel idea,” I murmured.

  “Good. I’m glad you see things my way,” he said, as if the matter was settled. “A morning off is just what you need.”

  It was then that I realized his suggestion wasn’t a joke. It was a command.

  “Wait. I didn’t think you were serious. I can’t take the morning off,” I laughed, trying to keep my tone light. “I have too much to do.”

  He pulled away from me and frowned, worry lines spreading over his beautiful features.

  “I’m sure whatever it is you have to do can wait. Besides, you can use your home office to handle anything pressing.”

  “I can’t just show up at work whenever I please. I have a responsibility, not only to Turning Stone, but also to the people that work for me,” I pointed out.

  His frown deepened. He appeared to be contemplating my words, but thankfully didn’t push it further. Instead, he took a step back and began to fasten the buttons of his shirt. Sadly, I knew the tender moment we shared just a second before was now over. Turning away, I moved towards the walk-in closet to retrieve a pair of heels.

  “Have it your way. You’ve just been very tired lately. I don’t want you to become run down.” He paused and seemed to remember something. “Speaking of being run down, Hale has been stretched pretty thin trying to run security for the both of us. There have been too many schedule conflicts and it’s making me uncomfortable. I asked Hale to line up someone else to take over your security detail and chauffeur responsibilities. He starts next Monday. Hale will bring him by your office this afternoon so the two of you can get acquainted.”

  I stopped on my way to the closet and turned back to him.

  “Alex, I don’t need a bodyguard or a driver. Do you think it’s really necessary to hire someone else?”

  “Absolutely. Like I said, Hale is swamped. He can’t do it all alone.”

  “No, you’re misunderstanding what I mean. I don’t use public transportation because you don’t want me to, which I understand even though I got along fine with it for years. The Porsche you gave me just sits in the parking garage at Cornerstone Tower because you insist on Hale driving me everywhere. I can get around on my own,” I said with a shake of my head. “You worry too much about me.”

  “Krystina, you’re failing to recognize a very important factor. You’re with me now. That became public the minute we exited the car at the Stone’s Hope Charity Ball together. You can’t be alone. The press will eat you alive.”

  I laughed.

  “I think I can handle a reporter or two, Alex,” I assured, attempting to keep the conversation lighthearted. However, the smile faded from my lips when I saw the seriousness of his expression.

  “The only reason why you haven’t seen your face all over the tabloids is because I’ve shielded you from it. They have learned to leave me alone, at least for the most part, because I refuse to give them anything. You, on the other hand, are fresh meat.”

  I shook my head sadly.

  “I think you’re being a little paranoid. It can’t be that bad,” I said gently. I placed my hand on his arm for reassurance, but he wasn’t having it.

  “This will not be a debate. I’m not taking any risks with your wellbeing or your safety, Krystina. Not again,” he insisted firmly, casting me a knowing look.

  I knew what he was referring to. He didn’t need to spell it out for me.

  If it wasn’t for that damn car accident…

  My stomach tightened as images from that awful day flashed before me. It was more than just a car accident.

  Kidnapped. Locked in a trunk. Charlie and Trevor.

  I shuddered, still able to hear their menacing voices in my head. I could still feel the panic. I could still smell the stale odor from the trunk and hear the crunch of metal when the car rolled. The memory raised the hair on the back of my neck and goose bumps peppered my arms.

  Don’t think about it.

  I tried to push away the thoughts about that terrifying day, only to have them evolve to the gut-wrenching weeks that followed. I often wondered if those weeks were harder than the incident itself. I didn’t like to remember how vulnerable Alexander had been. To see such a strong and utterly alpha man completely broken from worry as he sat by my hospital bedside was something I would not soon forget. I squeezed my eyes shut in an attempt to block out the horrific experience.

  Trevor is dead. He can’t hurt me anymore.

  It was over and time to move on. However, I knew Alexander was right. While I may have thought he was overreacting about the press, Charlie was still a very big concern. If Alexander felt I needed my own personal bodyguard, so be it. It would be smart to concede this one thing.

  “What’s the name of the security detail that will be coming to see me?” I acquiesced, knowing that I would have a bodyguard whether I agreed to it or not.

  “Samuel something or another,” Alexander replied absently as he shrugged into his suit coat. After knotting and straightening his tie, he glanced at his Rolex. “It’s almost seven. Hale will be here shortly. Are you sure I can’t convince you to take the morning off?”

  “I’m sure,” I told him firmly.
br />   “Alright then. I just need to grab a few things from my home office and then we can be on our way. Oh, and one more thing,” he added. “I have a stylist coming by in the morning to fit you for a dress for Matteo’s grand opening.”

  My eyes widened in surprise.

  “A stylist? Are you serious?”

  He looked at me, seeming perplexed by my question.

  “Of course, I’m serious. Why would I joke? I’m not sure if anything I purchased for your wardrobe is suitable,” he stated matter-of-factly and motioned to the closet full of clothes that he provided for me. “The restaurant is named after you, after all. You’ll need to be dressed for the occasion.”

  I thought of the massive walk-in closet full of designer clothes, none of which I purchased for myself. In fact, the only name brand clothes I owned prior to meeting Alexander had been purchased by my mother.

  “Well, yes. I suppose…” I trailed off, at a loss for words, wanting to scream.

  Maybe I want to shop for a dress myself!

  “Good. The stylist will be here at nine. That should give you plenty of time to choose something,” he informed me, oblivious to my astonishment.

  Speechless, I nodded. I could only wish that there was a way for us to go back to the place we were last night. Naked, in each other’s arms, as if the world and all its troubles did not exist. But, that was out of my control; just as dressing myself apparently was too.


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