Set In Stone

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Set In Stone Page 13

by Dakota Willink

  “Play with your nipples,” he commanded.

  With every inch of his length buried inside me, I couldn’t think. All I could do was focus on the beautiful man above me, his powerful commands ruling my body. I did as I was instructed without hesitation. My hardened nipples brushed against my fingertips. He watched me with a dark expression, captivated by the sight. He moaned and his jaw clenched as he rocked into me slowly. Encouraged by his reactions, I pinched the straining points and massaged the round shape of each breast. Before long, I was overflowing with arousal. I released my breasts, needing something more to hang on to. Something hard, solid, and strong before I went over the edge. I reached up and dug my nails into his shoulders to brace myself.

  “Oh, god,” I breathed. I was so close.

  “Fuck, Krystina. You’re so goddamn hot. I want your orgasm. I need to feel that sweet pussy tighten around me.”

  Circling my clit with his thumb, he picked up his pace, never breaking the connection until I began to shake. My muscles clenched beyond my will as he brought me closer to that glorious peak. He knew exactly how to please me, how to torment me with delicious pleasure, teasing me just long enough to ensure that my climax would be cataclysmic.

  “I’m almost there,” I panted and tightened my legs around him. I trembled, losing more of myself with every passing moment. I became desperate, the promise of release all consuming.

  “Now, angel. Give it to me now!”

  With one hard thrust, he plunged deeper. My sensitive tissues rippled until I began to spasm uncontrollably, his words sending me into a heart-pounding orgasm. Colors flashed before my eyes as the rush surged through me.

  “Alex!” I cried out and unraveled around him, my body overwhelmed with the sensation of blinding white heat. I was mindless, writhing against him shamelessly as I split apart at the seams. My fingernails clawed at his back, pulling him closer. His body shuddered before he stilled. And then all at once, his cock became impossibly harder, pulsing deliciously, as his own climax poured into me.

  Alexander lay next to me, mumbling in his sleep. His words were incoherent, but I knew he was dreaming again. Before long, he would begin thrashing and his skin would be covered in a cold sweat. I needed to calm him before the visions behind his eyes drove him to that point. I put my hand on the top of his head and ran my fingers through his hair. Pressing gentle kisses to his cheek, I murmured soothing words.

  “Shh, Alex. You’re okay. You’re a powerful man. You’re not a boy. It’s only a dream. I’m right here with you.”

  I continued to whisper soothing words to him until his breathing became soft and even. Shifting over onto my side, I pressed my back against his hard torso. Even though he was spooned up against me, the steady rhythm of his chest rising and falling assured me that he was sleeping peacefully.

  Thirty minutes later, I felt like I had been lying awake for hours. After this past week, I should’ve been exhausted and sleeping too. But, for the life of me, I couldn’t get my eyes to close. I glanced at the clock on the nightstand and watched as the neon red digital numbers changed to reflect five minutes after one in the morning. I suppressed a groan.

  I wish I could just shut my brain off.

  Unfortunately, that wasn’t going to happen. I was too consumed with worry over Alexander. Knowing that the sandman wasn’t going to find me anytime soon, I slipped quietly from the bed, pulled on one of Alexander’s t-shirts and a pair of comfy sweatpants.

  I looked back down at the bed when I heard him stir. He didn’t wake, but rolled over onto his back. The arm that was cradling my head before I got up was still draped across my pillow. His chest was bare, the hard lines of his body highlighted by the moonbeams that shot through the room. In that moment, he looked so peaceful. It was a stark contrast to how he was just a little while ago. I fought the urge to reach out and touch him, but I didn’t want to risk waking him up. Instead, I padded barefoot into the kitchen to make myself a cup of decaf tea.

  As I waited for the kettle to boil, I searched my brain for some way to help the man I loved so much. This was the tenth night in a row that I woke to the sound of him mumbling and thrashing in his sleep. He never spoke about the contents of his dreams, but his cold sweat told me all I needed to know.

  Thankfully, tonight I was able to settle him down before he fully woke up. If he had, neither of us would be sleeping right now, as Alexander always felt too guilty about disturbing me. If he didn’t hate the mere mention of therapy so much, I may have demanded that he go on his own, without me. Forget couples therapy. We could do without. For now. At the present moment, Alexander’s healing was so much more important.

  I knew he was hurting and it was no wonder why he was having nightmares. When I considered all that had happened, I couldn’t even begin to imagine the magnitude of what he must be feeling. Betrayal, confusion, and anger probably only tapped the surface of his emotions. I was worried that he was reaching his breaking point, something that became apparent when I was strung up on the cross.

  For the past five months, Alexander showed me many things from his world of BDSM, and each time we were brought to new and exhilarating heights. I had come to love his kinks. I craved them like a drug and I meant what I said to him tonight. He didn’t really hurt me with the flogger.

  However, there was something unusual about the way he delivered his blows this time. He didn’t display his normal caution and precision, but rather seemed fraught and desperate. Alexander always made me feel cherished, his touches often bordering on worshipful. What happened tonight was not his usual behavior. And while we managed to connect in a way we never had before, it was hard to ignore the way it all began.

  The water in the kettle began to rumble and I quickly removed it from the burner before it began to whistle. After selecting a tea bag from the canister that Vivian always kept perfectly stocked, I brought the steeping mug into Alexander’s office.

  Alexander and I kept separate offices in the penthouse, so I was rarely in here. One of the spare bedrooms had been converted for me so that I could have my own space. However, my office didn’t have what I needed. If I wanted to find a way to help him, I had to read Charlie’s interview again. The only way to do that would be to access Alexander’s hard drive.

  I flipped on the stereo, making sure the volume was low enough so as not to be heard from the master bedroom. Not bothering to change the station, I left Lapsley’s “Falling Short” playing and took a seat behind Alexander’s spacious desk. Sipping my tea cautiously so I didn’t burn my tongue, I took a minute to enjoy the soothing feeling on my throat. It was feeling a little sore and I half wondered if I was coming down with a head cold. I prayed I wasn’t. If I did, Alexander’s lectures about getting more rest would go from nagging to excruciatingly painful in the blink of an eye.

  I groaned at the thought.

  Maybe Vivian has the medicine cabinet stocked with some vitamin C pills.

  Setting the mug of tea aside, I made a mental note to check as I woke the computer with a shake of the mouse. The screen came to life, but I frowned when it lit up. It was password protected.


  I should have known better. I opened the top drawer of the desk in search of a scrap piece of paper that it might be written on. I didn’t find anything, but I did find a pack of Big Red chewing gum. I chuckled to myself as I continued to search the other drawers. Two of them were locked and I had no idea where he kept the keys.

  I blew out a breath in frustration, tapped my fingers on the desk, and tried to think of what the password might be. For all I knew, it was some long encryption that I would never be able to guess. But then again, this was his home office. Perhaps the computer security wouldn’t be so strict. I pulled the computer keyboard closer to me and typed the first thing that came to mind: Angel61193.

  I smiled when the computer unlocked and the screen came into view. I found his choice of password to be endearing and my heart fluttered. My password was Sapphire32383. Li
ke the word angel, my computer was also protected by a word that was shared between Alexander and me.

  And here I thought combining it with his birthday was clever.

  Apparently, I wasn’t all that smart. But at the very least, his predictability showed me just how close we had grown over the past few months.

  Luckily for me, his inbox was still open and I was able to easily locate the article. I clicked on the email and read through it once more. The last time I read it, I barely comprehended it because I was too busy formulating questions in my head. This time, I was more careful to retain the details.

  I read through its entirety and then read it again. I was looking for something, any small detail that would give me an idea of how to possibly fix this for Alexander. I didn’t want the interview to become public. With his sister’s possible deception in the mix, he didn’t need anything else on his plate. He had already suffered enough.

  I stared at the article for so long that my eyes burned and my neck began to ache. I stretched my head from side to side. I couldn’t figure out what Charlie had to gain by releasing this. I tried to remember what it was that Alexander said about Charlie.

  “I suspect that Charlie is going to try to use this as a bargaining tool to strike a plea deal and I only have so much leverage with the DA.”

  I wasn’t sure how this could be used as a bargaining chip. A crime was a crime, regardless of the pull Alexander had. My testimony was more than enough to convict Charlie, not to mention the phone records shared between Charlie and Trevor. But…

  That’s it!

  A plan started to formulate in my head. I couldn’t believe I didn’t think of it before. However, I paused for a moment, contemplating my impulsive idea. The last time I tried to help Alexander, I ended up in a coma. Alexander would be furious if I attempted to do anything again.

  Screw it. My husband-to-be needs me right now and I’m the one holding all the cards.

  I quickly exited out of the email that contained the article and opened Alexander’s sent bin. I scrolled down and located the email he forwarded me the day before. It contained the details about the trial date. It had been moved up, and I didn’t have much time to act. After reading the information I needed, I exited out of the email and set the computer back to the way Alexander had left it.

  It was after two o’clock in the morning when I quietly slipped back into the bedroom. Before climbing into bed, I made a quick stop in the master bath and was pleased to see that there was a bottle of vitamin C in the medicine cabinet. I popped a couple of tablets. There was a lot to do and a cold brought on by exhaustion was not on the itinerary. I needed to be healthy and rested if I wanted my wits about me to do what I had to do.

  Moving back into the bedroom, I slipped under the sheets and settled in beside Alexander. He didn’t wake, nor did he stir. I was happy to see he was still peaceful. Resting my hand on his chest, I nestled into the crook of his arm. His body was warm against me as I placed a feather-light kiss to his pectoral.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’ve got this,” I whispered.



  I spent all of Sunday cursing the myth that was Vitamin C. The full-blown head cold that I was trying to prevent had shown its ghastly face.

  Alexander doted on me for most of the day. He called Vivian and asked her to come to the penthouse with a batch of her to-die-for chicken noodle soup. Unfortunately, I could barely taste it, but I still appreciated the gesture. In an attempt to stop Alexander from shoving cough syrup down my throat, I rested under a blanket on the couch and convinced him to have a Star Wars marathon with me. As I listened to Chirrut chant “I am one with the Force, the Force is with me”, I couldn’t help but wish that the power of the Force would be with me so that I could get rid of my cold. There was too much to do, and I couldn’t let a ridiculous head cold slow me down.

  Alexander didn’t know about my grand master plan to help him and I was positive that he would not go along with my idea. I struggled with my conscience, but I knew I had to keep him in the dark for the time being.

  However, he never strayed far from my side, his presence always just around the corner. While I appreciated the care Alexander and Vivian lavished on me, it ended up being a very frustrating day. Pulling out my laptop to collect the few pieces of information I needed was nearly impossible. My conscience played tug of war every time I snuck a peek at my cell phone under the blanket to gather what I needed. I told myself that it wasn’t lying, but that it was for his protection, despite the fact that my angel had planted herself on my shoulder for most of the day and chastised me.

  By the end of the night, I somehow managed to get what I needed. Now here I was, Monday morning, with my guns locked and loaded. Despite the fact that I was miserable from feeling sick, I knew the untimely head cold just might work to my advantage.

  I sneezed when the elevator doors opened to the floor that held Turning Stone Advertising, a reminder of how I was going to have to get through the day sniveling into a tissue. Over-the-counter cold suppressants had become a major food group over the past twenty-four hours and I could only hope the meds would kick in soon.

  “Good morning, Regina,” I greeted my assistant in a nasally voice. She looked up at me in surprise.

  “Morning, Miss Cole. Are you sick?”

  “Just a stupid head cold. Nothing major. Is the team ready to meet about the Beaumont project?”

  “I just saw Clive head into the main design room. The rest of the team is here as well. The strategy session is scheduled for eight-thirty, so I expect the rest will be in to meet you and Clive shortly.”

  “Perfect. Please tell them that I’ll be in there momentarily. I just have a couple of calls to make and then I’ll be in with my files on Beaumont.”

  Regina nodded, and I continued on toward my office. When I entered, I quietly closed the door behind me and leaned my head back against it. Closing my eyes, I thought about the phone calls I had to make. Once I set things in motion, there would be no going back.

  Can I really do this?

  I shook my head, knowing that questioning whether or not I could do it was irrelevant. I had to for Alexander. When I opened my eyes, I was surprised to find a mixed bouquet of lilies and blue delphiniums on my desk. I frowned in confusion as I walked over to the desk and pulled the card from the holder.

  I hate that you’re not feeling well. Since you refused to stay home today, I thought these might brighten your day.

  - Alex

  At first, I smiled. Until a twinge of guilt hit me for not being forthcoming about my plan. The angel’s voice sounded loudly in my head.


  The voice got louder and louder causing my heart to thud hard in my chest. The self-condemnation grew as I fired up my computer and pulled up Alexander’s schedule for the day. I took note of when he’d be tied up in meetings, knowing that he wouldn’t be looking for me during those times. Removing my cell phone from my purse, I located the phone number that I was able to obtain in an email correspondence from a few weeks back.

  Guilt-ridden angst caused me to shake as I began to dial the private cell phone number for Thomas Green, the Manhattan District Attorney who was heading up Charlie’s trial.

  “DA Green here.”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat and summoned the most confident voice I could muster.

  “Hello, Mr. Green. This is Krystina Cole.”

  “Hello, Miss Cole. What can I do for you today?”

  “Actually, I was wondering if I could come in to see you today.”

  “Today? Is everything alright?” he asked, seeming confused.

  Everything wasn’t alright, but the most important thing in that moment was setting up a face to face meeting. I did not want to do this over the phone. Facial expressions and body language told too much of a story.

  “I need to talk to you about my testimony.”

  “Okay,” he paused, sounding even more perplexed. “I don
’t know what else there is for us to go over, but I’d be happy to meet with you and Mr. Stone – .”

  “No!” I nearly shouted, forgetting my composure. “Not Alex. Just me please. And I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mention our meeting to him.”

  “Well, I ah…” he hesitated. I huffed out a breath of frustration over my own stupidity. I should’ve predicted that he’d want Alexander to be present. I would have to say something more to convince him.

  “Look, Mr. Green. Something has just come to my attention that could affect my testimony. I’m going to have to pull the client attorney privilege on this one.”

  “With all due respect, Miss Cole. You’re a witness, not my client. I work for the city, so that rule doesn’t really apply here.”

  Shit! Think, Cole. Think!

  I scrambled to try to come up with a way to persuade him to my way of thinking. I didn’t want to show my hand just yet, but I was desperate.

  “I see,” I began evenly. “While that may be true, you need me for this case. Am I correct?”

  “Yes…” he trailed off cautiously.

  “You don’t have a solid case without me. If you want my testimony, I must insist that this meeting stay between just the two of us.”

  There was a long pause and I could only assume he was weighing his options.

  “I understand. Let me just pull up my schedule.” While his words were agreeable, his voice sounded terse, like he was annoyed with the situation. The last thing I needed was for him to be uncooperative. Trying to sound as sincere as possible, I acknowledged his efforts to meet with me.

  “I understand this is sudden. Thank you for agreeing to meet, Mr. Green.”


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