Highland Mists: A Highland Romp

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Highland Mists: A Highland Romp Page 5

by Hildie McQueen

  Emma slipped past the village stables toward Paden’s cottage, barely able to catch her breath. Her heart hammered in her ears until breathing became ragged and shallow.

  There was no going back now; she'd come this far. If he rejected her, then it was for the best. She deserved no better, coming after a man in the middle of the night, like a common whore.

  Yet at the same time, she had to do it. Needed to experience making love with Paden before marrying a man of her parent’s choosing.

  It was a frigid night, the coldness seeping through her cloak making her shiver. When she arrived near Paden’s cottage, Emma stepped on the cloak’s hem and stumbled. She cursed and yanked the heavy garment about her, irritated at the damn thing's length.

  The front door was unlocked, which was strange. Only a man would sleep with his door unlatched.

  In that moment however she was thankful that she didn’t have to knock. And yet surely the man did not expect someone to just enter. If she startled him, Paden could think he was under attack.

  Ever so slowly, she cracked the door open, peered in.

  He slept soundly, his face turned toward her, soft snores filling the small space. Moonlight slipped through the window and fell over the bed and his body. She inhaled sharply at the sight of his uncovered muscular chest.

  Emma opened the door just a bit more and slipped in. When Paden stirred, she stopped midstride. Now what exactly was she supposed to do? Undress and climb in the bed?

  No that would be much too bold.

  Perhaps clear her throat while undressing to stir him? Again that plan sounded as absurd as the first.

  Emma let the cloak slip from her shoulders to the floor and then glanced around. Mayhap she could pose seductively on a chair and make soft noises until he woke.

  Grabbing the chair, she dragged it a few inches, but then stopped the scrapping noise. It would not be romantic for him to wake and find her dragging a chair.

  Seduction was difficult.

  "Are ye planning to redecorate my home or get into my bed?" His raspy sleepy voice startled her and she let out a yelp.

  "Oh. I woke ye did I?"

  "Before ye walked in I heard ye cursing yer cloak." He lifted to one elbow causing the blankets to slip down to his hips. Of course her gaze went along with them.

  "Oh yes. Well ye see I came to talk to ye...about something important..."

  With mussed hair and sleepy eyes, it was hard to control her breathing as she scrambled with what to say. This seduction was not proceeding at all like she’d imagined.

  “I came because...” When his lips curved, she stopped all together.

  "When a woman comes to a man in the middle of the night discussion is not what she's after." His accent reminded her of Skye, the lilt in his deep voice lulled her to take a step forward.

  "Ye are correct." It was now or never, there was no turning back and although in the morning she would probably regret it all, Emma would not retreat now.

  With unsteady fingers, she unfastened the lacings to her top and removed it, not caring where it fell. Next her skirts and shift, each item dropped at her feet, until she stood bare as the day she was born before him.

  Paden's gaze roamed over her and he held out his hand. "Come Lady Emma, it's cold. As delightful as it is to see yer beauty by the moonlight, I would not want ye to catch a cold."

  She accepted his hand and he shifted over making room for her to join him. She shivered either from the cold or the touch of his skin. Perhaps a combination.

  “Why did ye come? Tis not a good idea,” he whispered against her ear despite the fact no one could hear.

  “I felt compelled to. I want ye more than anything.”

  “This is not. Only trouble will come...”

  She stopped his words by pressing against him and kissing him.

  At once his mouth took her, the hunger unmistakable, matching hers in every way.

  While his lips and tongue discovered her lips and mouth, he explored her body with his hands. Emma trembled when his rough palm cupped her breast and his thumb circled her taut peak. She let out a gasp at his mouth replacing it.

  Paden took his time, exploring her body, he slid his tongue from one breast to the other while his right hand slipped down past her hips to cradle her bottom. Pulling her against his hardness, allowing her time to feel how much he desired her.

  “Are ye sure about his?” The hoarseness in his voice told how hard he fought against taking her fully. “I ask that ye push away and leave or I cannot stop.”

  It would be the wise thing to do, to leave and pretend nothing ever happened. Emma’s took a deep breath doing her best to ignore the demands of her body.

  What if she did leave? Would she regret it? Or would she regret giving herself fully to Paden, a man who would in all probability she’d never see again once leaving Moriag?

  “I want ye to take me. I want to be yers this night,” she replied pressing kisses to the dip in his throat. “Please.”

  With a guttural groan, Paden pushed Emma to her back and covered her body with his. His gaze locked to hers, he pushed her legs apart, and slid his fingers up her inner thigh until reaching the apex. Circling her tight bud gently, he watched intently as she began to writhe.

  “Oh.” A sweet heat filled her and she lifted her hips from the bed unable to find a way to squelch it.

  In a daze she held her breath as he nudged at her entrance, his thick erection pressing firmly until slipping in.

  Paden's movements were smooth and perfect. With every stroke she flew higher and higher until she feared the fall.

  Thrust after thrust he drove in and pulled out until the sounds of skin hitting skin and their moans filled the room.

  Just when Emma thought she could take no more, Paden reached between them and stroked her bud. Instantly, it was as if she burned from head to toe, but not in pain, something completely different.

  And then it came, a bright light behind her eyes joined by tingles traveling from the center of her body to every extremity. Emma cried out as she shattered into pieces and floated up into a wonderful haze.

  Paden’s hoarse cry of release permeated through the fog of her release. His entire body became taut as he pulled out and spilled his seed onto the bedding.

  Collapsing partially over her, he watched her without expression. “I hope I did not hurt ye.”

  “No, I am well.” It was an understatement. She wished never to leave the shelter of his arms.

  She kissed his lips and he responded. This kiss was sweet and gentle.

  It had been six days since the night Paden would never forget. He'd remained at the stables at the village working long hours.

  In spite of his sour mood, Angus came by daily to help and cook. The old man, it seemed, had missed him while he'd been at the McNeil keep.

  "Aye Paden," Angus called out one morning. "What says ye? Should I go with ye to help at the games?"

  "Could definitely use yer help. T'will be hard to compete and help with the horses. Perhaps the lads would like to come as well."

  At the statement, two heads popped up. The lads, stood wide-eyed awaiting confirmation of what Paden had said.

  Angus made shooing motions with both hands. "The horses won't feed 'emselves. Go on, git to work and hurry to pack yer tools. Ye will be going to the games."

  With broad grins the gangly young men hurried to do as told.

  "They won't be able to keep a straight head between the two of 'em," Angus grumbled. His annoyance was belied by a grin.

  Angus produced a bag and went about to get his own horse.

  Paden finished packing up his tools, adding his sword, scabbard, bow, quiver, and arrows. He'd spend many mornings practicing for the archery competition.

  "Ye think I should shave?" Angus looked up at him once he'd mounted. "The lasses like a clean shaven man me thinks. "

  "Looking for a wife old man?" Paden asked with a smile. "Ye never cease to surprise me."

sp; Angus frowned. "Nay. Looking fer a nice soft place to lay me head."

  They laughed and Paden waited for the trio to mount.

  They’d stay at the temporary stables near where the games were to be held.

  A large area had been cleared on Campbell lands for the games, which allowed for each laird to set up tents for their competitors. The lairds and family were hosted at the Campbell’s home.

  Upon arriving half a day later, Paden dismounted and tugged his horse closer to the practice field. It was then he noted a small covered area. Under it, women sat on blankets.

  "Ah, ye have arrived. Just in time," Laird Tarl Gordon, neared. Quite young for a laird and of pleasant personality, Paden found it easy to like the man.

  "I'm ready to spend more time practicing with the bow today Laird."

  "Ye're going to be hard to beat. Although I hear, a visitor of the Stuart’s, will be competing as well. It's said he is a very competent archer."

  "Who is the visitor?" Paden asked, not really listening. He wasn't as invested in winning but he’d been sponsored by The McNeil and wished to make a good showing. His loyalty was to no clan, but he enjoyed the competition.

  "Gavin McDonnell," Tarl clarified. "He is here only because he is courting Emma McNeil." The laird looked toward the tent where the woman sat.

  "I thought the McNeil’s of Skye had left," Paden said hating the tightening in his chest.

  Someone calling out to and the laird took a step away. "It's my turn to toss the stone. Nay Lady Emma didn't go with her parents. She is over there under the covering with my wife."

  With a muffled curse, Paden forced himself to keep from looking towards where the women were. He'd take the long way around to get to where the archery targets were to avoid her.

  "Courting her. If he were any good at it, she wouldn't be seeking another's bed," Paden grumbled as he guided the horse in the general direction of where men practiced with long cabers.

  "Hello Paden." The voice was unmistakable. At any rate, even if he'd not recognized it, his body did. Immediately his heartbeat raced and his breathing sped.

  "Lady Emma." Paden kept his reply curt, his eyes straight ahead when she rounded him. "How fare ye?"

  "I've tried to find a way to speak to ye. It's been very difficult to steal away."

  Paden stopped and faced Emma. It was a mistake to look at her. It seemed every day she became more beautiful. The sunlight brought out reddish highlights in her hair and her emerald darkened eyes, were almost too lovely to behold.

  "What do ye mean to tell me?"

  "I miss ye. I truly do," she replied, wringing her hands.

  "I am not sure what ye expect of me, my lady," Paden said ensuring to keep his voice neutral. "However, be assured that what happened between us should not be repeated. As much as I enjoyed yer...company, I prefer not to have relations with a woman betrothed to another. Please leave me be."

  Emma gasped and wide-eyed took a step away. "I do not wish to marry him."

  "And yet ye will." Paden walked away, not caring about propriety. That the woman had managed to penetrate the shield he'd built to keep around his heart almost drove him to his knees.

  The archery rounds were announced and Paden along with the rest of the competitors lined up in front of targets. Every one pretended to keep their gazes averted, while taking in the competition.

  Paden joined the other archers at his appointed target, barely acknowledging greetings.

  When it was his turn, he lifted an arrow from the quiver, placed it, aimed and released. The arrow hit the very center.

  No matter what, Paden had to keep what little bit of dignity he had and not allow her to know how much she'd affected him. He pulled a second arrow and once again he set it.

  Damn him, he was in love with Emma McNeil.

  With an angry curse, he loosed an arrow toward the target and split his own. There was clapping and slaps on his back, but he didn't hear or feel any of it. The pain in his chest was the only sensation that day.

  The next two days of competition, rivalry and drinking filled Paden's time. Angus and the delighted lads followed the archery competition while taking care of the horses. It was surprising the three got any work done as they spent every free moment chasing after lasses.

  The evenings were filled with jovial gatherings. Minstrels wandered from group to group, playing lively music, while people ate and drank.

  On the second evening, there were fires and people gathered to celebrate. Young women formed circles and danced while the men watched on, calling out their names and flirting.

  A second group of women made a circle, amongst them Emma, her face bright and cheeks rosy as she whirled in circles with a happy smile on her face.

  Paden scowled into his ale then searched the nearby men for her betrothed. He didn't see him. Once again Emma, whose graceful moves reminded him of their night together, took his attention.

  "Takin a piss," he grumbled. "Don't drink my ale." He gave the lads one last warning look before walking to where he'd have some privacy.

  The unmistakable sounds of sex made Paden move in an opposite direction. Although it was dark and hard to see, he didn't want to stumble upon the couple. When he heard the man's voice, he hesitated.

  "It's always ye. Will always be ye I swear it."

  "But ye're going to marry her. That spoiled little bitch Emma." It sounded as if the woman was quite upset.

  "I have to. My family has made the arrangements. "It cannot be helped." The man sounded genuinely contrite.

  The woman began to cry.

  Moments later he emerged to find the women had stopped dancing but continued huddled in groups talking and giggling at whatever was said.

  The laird stood and announced the victors of the competitions so far. Paden was called up and handed a bag of coins.

  He’d won the archery competition and despite himself, he was very proud.

  Laird McNeil grinned broadly. Despite the difference in stations, Paden genuinely like the man who greeted him with the enthusiasm of someone who'd drank too much already.

  "Come join me. I have to yet to reward ye for winning the archery competition."

  "I thank ye, but the heavy coin purse is reward enough."

  “I am considering the wilding, the steed is a good gift for a champion like yerself.”

  Paden admired the beautiful horse, which had yet to allow anyone else near. If it were true the laird would gift it to him, he could barely keep from jumping at the opportunity to own it. “Tis much too generous.”

  “Nonsense,” McNeil replied with a wave of hand. “The beast hates everyone but ye.”

  “Then I accept with much gratitude.”

  Just then Gavin McDonnell neared and joined them. By the look on his face, he was not happy. Paden had bested him in the archery competition. Hopefully he’d not have to fight the man the next day in sparing.

  "Aye Gavin, where have ye been? Ye missed Emma dancing." Tarl Gordon said as he too walked up.

  McDonnell looked to where the women were gathered and shrugged. "The dancing does not interest me. Seems frivolous and immature."

  "I will ensure to let my wife know." Tarl replied with a tight jaw. "She and Emma are enjoying themselves."

  Properly chastised Gavin bowed his head. "Apologies. I find myself in a sour mood."

  "Any particular reason?" Paden couldn't help but ask.

  Gavin narrowed his eyes. "I do not look forward to a future event. Nor do I wish to discuss it."

  Tarl lifted his tankard. "Sounds like ye need ale my friend."

  "Aye, I will go in search of beverage," Gavin stalked away.

  "Not a happy soon to be bride groom," Tarl commented then looked to the McNeil who shook his head.

  “ He will not make a good husband for Lady Emma. I may have to disagree with my brother."

  "The arrangements have been made," Paden spoke without thinking.

  The laird gave him a curious look, and before he c
ould ask anything, Paden bowed. “I will go see about my prize. Again I thank ye Laird.”

  He wandered away to the stables where the horses were kept. He didn't want to see Emma, nor did he wish to sit around and listen to Angus and the lads go on about whatever dribble they spoke of.

  He found the wild horse and was pleased when the animal nudged his hand expecting to be fed.

  “I think yer name will be Raven, to match yer temper and coloring.” Paden chuckled when the animal shook it’s mane as if not agreeing.

  There was a shuffling sound and Paden stilled.

  "Lady Emma are ye sure?" A woman's voice came from the darkness. "Its very dangerous to leave now. No one will see us true, but tis so dark."

  "We've already talked about this enough," Emma responded with firm sharpness. "I gave ye the choice of remaining behind."

  "I couldn't possibly let ye leave alone in the middle of the night. Why anything could happen." The other woman said with a quiver in her voice. "Tis just that I'm a bit scared."

  Emma was impulsive. It was a trait that had gotten her in trouble more times than she wished to count. However, it was time to return to Skye and get away from the current situation.

  “If I go to my uncle as ask to return home, he will insist that I remain for the season. Guards will not be provided and therefore, I’d still have to leave without escort.”

  Of course she was as nervous as her maid, Anna, but it was now or never. She’d secured enough funding to allow them to purchase fare on a boat back to the Isle.

  She’d mentally calculated that if they'd ride just a few hours, they would arrive at her maid’s family home. The following day they’d travel again and if they found themselves traveling at nightfall again, they'd sleep at an inn.

  "I think I hear someone," Anna whispered.

  They ducked behind a short stall and waited.

  "There now Raven, do not fret. Ye are warm and safe here tonight. If a storm comes, it will nay harm ye."

  Anna gasped and Emma smacked her arm. “Shhh.”

  It was Paden. Emma let out a sigh and sunk down next to Anna to wait for him to leave.

  Hopefully he'd cut the visit with the horse short.

  "Is someone there?"


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