Dump and Chase: Nashville Assassins: Next Generation

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Dump and Chase: Nashville Assassins: Next Generation Page 22

by Toni Aleo

  Shelli gives me a disapproving look. “I thought y’all talk?”

  Asher scoffs. “Yeah, about you.”

  Another disapproving look, and even with those stunning blue eyes, I feel like a jackass. “Aiden, you should know this stuff—”

  But Asher waves her off. “It’s fine. He didn’t recognize relationships before you came along.”

  I really don’t need a brother.

  But then Shelli’s lips curve as her eyes meet mine. “Oh.”

  “Thanks for that, by the way,” he says, hugging her tightly, and she laughs.

  I don’t like him hugging her, and I really don’t like his hand at her hip like that. He already thinks she’s hot. Does she think he’s hot? Why do I sound like an insecure fourteen-year-old going through puberty? I am a man. I am hot. She wants me. And fucking hell, I want her. “Hey, too close.”

  They laugh at me. She pats Asher’s chest as she looks up at him. “When are you heading out?”

  “Sunday night.”

  “Nice,” she says, and then she looks over at me. Her brows pull together before she glances up at Asher. “Is this jealousy thing new?”

  Asher rolls his eyes. “Another new trait that came along with you. I think it’s adorable. Look at his little nostrils flaring. Isn’t he sweet?”

  “Right? And his vein. That’s a hot vein.”

  “Yeah, laugh it up, Chuckles. I’ll get your ass,” I say, pointing to Asher. I turn back to her. “And I’ll spank yours.”

  Asher snorts. “I should go before that happens, huh?”

  She shrugs. “Probably. He’s ready for bed.”

  “Sure, if that’s what we’re calling it now,” he teases as he hugs her one last time. She laughs as Asher comes toward me. “I’m going out with Rocko and the boys. I’ll be back.”

  “How did you even get in here?” I ask as we hug tightly.


  “Wonderful. Couldn’t call me?”

  “Your phone kept going to voice mail, dumbass.”

  “Oh, it’s dead,” I say, and then I point to him. “Can you stop and get me a charger?”

  He rolls his eyes. “Give me your car, and I will.”

  I drop the keys in his hand reluctantly. I just need him the hell out of here. “Please leave.”

  “Gone,” he says, and then he waves to Shelli. “See you in the morning?”

  She blushes. “Yeah.”

  He just grins back at me. “Aiden has a girlfriend,” he sings, and I go to punch him, but he runs out the door, slamming it behind him.

  I look back at Shelli, and her face is so bright, so pretty. “I’m sorry. I didn’t remember he was going to be here.”

  “It’s totally fine,” she says, coming back to me and wrapping her arms around my torso. “I’m surprised you didn’t run out of here with him.”

  I scrunch up my face. “Why would I? You’re here. I want to be here, not with him.”

  She giggles as she slides her hands up the front of my shirt, unbuttoning it. “Because he said you have a girlfriend.”

  I lick my lips as she slowly exposes my chest. “I do.”

  Her eyes meet mine as her face lights up, her eyes brighter than the sun. “Really?”

  “Yeah, if you want that.”

  “I do,” she says, almost automatically. “Just wasn’t sure how you felt about it.”

  “I feel good.”

  “Not terrified?”

  I laugh. “Always terrified when it comes to you.”

  She rises up on her toes, kissing my jaw. “Let’s go to bed, Aiden.”

  “We were already heading there.”

  I lift her into my arms, and hers go around my neck. Her eyes burn into mine as a small grin tugs at her lips. I glide my nose along hers before capturing those lips with mine, and as I kiss her, I let the whole girlfriend thing sink in. I wait for the warning bells, the need to run. But I realize the only place I want to run is into her arms. I lay her down on my bed and fall between her legs as our mouths continue to move together. Her leg slides up my thigh to my hip, hooking over it as she rubs that sinful center against my rock-hard cock. But all I’m thinking about is that Shelli Adler is my girlfriend.

  And I’m her boyfriend…

  And…there are the warning bells.

  Shelli pulls back, her fingertips stroking along my jaw as I look down at her. Her eyes are so damn blue, they glow. Slowly, a grin takes over that beautiful face, and gone are the warning bells.

  Gone is everything but her.

  I only see her, my girlfriend.

  WHEN I WAKE up the next morning, I’m in my favorite spot.

  Right between Shelli’s breasts. I nuzzle my nose in the curve, and her hand moves up and down my back. When I hear a clicking noise, I open an eye to see that she’s typing on her phone.

  “You’re awake?”

  She kisses the top of my head. “Yeah, I’ve been getting up early to work out since you’ve been gone, and now I also use the time to work on the foundation stuff.”

  “Or what you really mean is, I didn’t work you hard enough last night?”

  She snorts. “Not at all. I’m pretty sure I won’t walk right today.”

  “Well, that’s gonna be fun to watch.”

  She laughs softly before wrapping her arm around my neck, pressing her cheek into my head.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Looking at scores, stats, and news.”

  My lips curve teasingly. “Why?”

  “’Cause I want to know,” she says, smacking my shoulder. “Leave me alone.”

  “Never,” I say before biting her boob.

  “Oh, my mom put me in charge of the Assassins Foundation’s spring fundraiser and gala.”

  “Of course she did. You were too awesome for the intern stuff.”

  She grins against my temple. “True, and this gig comes with perks.”


  “I get to work side by side with the undeniably hot Aiden Brooks.”

  I turn my head, pressing it into her breastbone. “Oh, really? How does that make you feel?”

  “Pretty damn good.”

  “I can be hard to work with,” I say, my eyes drifting shut a bit, but she just grins.

  “Don’t worry, I know how to work ya,” she says, grabbing on to my ass and squeezing hard. I jump slightly, but then our lips meet and I find myself grinning. When she pulls back, she runs her thumb along my bottom lip. “You need to brush your teeth.”

  I laugh out loud. “Seriously?”

  “Seriously. Your breath is kickin’,” she says, her eyes playful.

  I smack her thigh. “In romantic movies, the girl never says that. She just goes down on the guy.”

  As I get up, she laughs. “Don’t confuse a romantic movie with porn, Aiden.”

  I laugh as I head into the bathroom. As I put my toothpaste on my brush, my phone rings.

  “It’s your mom.”

  “I’ll call her back.”

  I brush my teeth and then wash my face before coming back to bed. I take Shelli’s phone and put it on the nightstand before covering her body with mine. “Maybe we should act out our own porn?”

  She giggles as our lips meet. “That’s exactly how I want to start my morning.”

  I close my eyes as we kiss, and I fall between her naked thighs. I move my hand down her chest, taking her breast in my palm as I press myself against her wet center. I groan against her mouth, and she does the same.

  But then, Asher is knocking at the door.

  “Hey, Aiden.”

  I tear my mouth from hers and groan loudly. “Die, Asher.”

  He laughs. The fucker laughs. “Dude, I’m just trying to help you out. Mom is downstairs and on her way up.”

  My eyes fly open just as Shelli’s do. “Oh shit.” We scramble out of the bed and hurry to get dressed. She kicks her bag under my bed and then rushes out of the room with her laptop and notebook. For what reason, I don’
t know.

  “I was going to throw you in the closet.”

  She gives me a dirty look. “No one throws me in the closet.”

  “But you can throw me?” I toss back at her, but she’s already out of the room. When she sets up her laptop, she crosses her legs, but then she looks at me with a panicked expression. “My hair? Do I have sex hair?”

  “Totally,” Asher says, and if looks could kill…

  “Dude, shut the hell up!”

  “What? She does, and FYI, I feel for your neighbors. I heard y’all down the hall.”

  Shelli’s eyes widen, and I shake my head as she tries to do something with the mess that is her sex hair. “He’s lying. You weren’t even that loud.”

  “But you were,” he says, and lucky for him, there is a knock at the door.

  I go open the door to my mom. “Hey, I didn’t expect you.”

  She gives me a dry look. “Well, you would if you would answer your phone.”

  “Oh, I didn’t hear it,” I lie.

  “We’re working,” Shelli says then, and Mom’s brows pull together.

  “Shelli? Honey, I didn’t expect you here.” She goes to Shelli, hugging her tightly. “It’s early.”

  “I know. We’re working on the Assassins Foundation’s spring fundraiser and gala. I’m an early riser.”

  Mom smiles. “You must be. How’d you get him up?” she asks, hooking her thumb toward me.

  With a straight face, Shelli replies, “He’s scared of me.”

  Mom and Asher laugh. “Well, you are your mother’s child.”

  “I am,” she agrees with a grin.

  “I can’t wait to see what you put together.”

  She grins. “Thanks. I’m hoping it’s great.”

  “It will be,” she says before handing me a plate. “I’m only here to drop off these cookies I made. They’re vegan.”

  I put them on the counter, already planning to toss them. The last time she made these crap cakes, I almost puked.

  “Please eat them.”

  “Mom, they taste like dirt. Like you literally pulled them out of the ground like a carrot. I’m good,” I complain as Asher comes over and grabs one.

  He takes a big bite. “Best cookie ever.”

  She pats his face, and I want to call him an ass-kisser, but I don’t trust him. “My sweet boy. You two will be over for dinner, right?”

  Asher throws his hand over my shoulder. “We sure will. Shelli and Aiden have a lot of vigorous work to do, though. They’re working on it constantly. It gets loud too, but they’re really passionate about it.”

  I twist a piece of his skin, and he cries out, smacking my hand. “Mom—”

  But before he can finish, Shelli’s phone starts to ring.

  In my room.

  Silence falls over us all as Shelli looks at me in utter panic. Mom glances toward my room and then back at me. “You gonna get that?”

  “I sure am,” I say, rushing to get it. I hit decline on a call from Elli Adler and tuck it into my pocket. “Sorry.”

  “I didn’t know you were a Taylor Swift fan,” she teases, and I plaster a huge grin on my face.

  “Yup, Swiftie for life.”

  Asher is practically falling over himself laughing, but Shelli, she’s beet red, and I’m pretty sure she wants to die.

  “Well, I’m leaving. I’m actually meeting your mom,” she says to Shelli, and she smiles brightly.

  “For brunch?”

  “Yup. Mimosas. You know…”

  Shelli grins. “I do.”

  “So what’s your plan for the fundraiser? I’m sure you’re hiring Grace Justice for the party.”

  “I am. She’s basically the best, and I’m not partial since she is my aunt.” They both share a laugh as Shelli leans back in the chair. “But for the fundraiser, I think I want to do a calendar of the guys with puppies.”

  “Puppies?” I ask, and she nods.

  “Women love hockey players and puppies. The calendars will sell out. I guarantee it.”

  Mom taps Shelli’s forehead. “You’re one smart cookie, Shelli Adler.”

  “Thanks, Fallon, I’ve learned from the best.”

  Mom gives her an indulgent smile.

  “You’re too sweet.” But then Mom cocks her head to the side before she lowers her voice. “Honey, you do realize you look like you just rolled out of bed?”

  I didn’t know Shelli could turn another shade of red. Huh. Learn something new every day about her. I love that. “I worked out before I came over. I’m getting lazy.”

  Mom laughs. “Doubt that. Okay, I’ll see you two later,” she says, heading for the door. She then looks to Shelli. “Bye, honey.”

  “Bye, Fallon,” she calls, and as the door shuts, she drops her head to the table.

  “Well, that was fun,” she groans, and I push Asher away and flip him the bird.

  “You like fucking with me, huh?”

  “Oh yeah, that was a blast.”

  “I might kill you.”

  “Eh, won’t be the first time,” he says, and I shake my head.

  “Babe, your mom called,” I say, and I dig Shelli’s phone out of my pocket. I head toward her with it, but then I notice she has a text.

  From Nico.

  I pause in the middle of passing it to her, and she looks at me in question. “What’s wrong?”

  I lick my lips and try to keep the rage inside. “Nico doesn’t like how you guys ended things and wants to meet up to talk about it because he doesn’t believe you two are done.”

  She takes her phone from me and looks down at it, shaking her head. “He’s so dumb.”

  “So you’re still talking to him?”

  She looks up at me. “I told him he and I were done and I thought it was shitty how he handled the situation.”

  “So why are you answering him?” I ask as she types back quickly.

  She looks up at me, her brows meeting in the middle. “Aiden, I can’t just cut him out. He’s my cousin’s fiancé’s best friend.”

  “Whom you’ll never see.”

  “But when I do, I don’t want it to be weird. He is a nice guy.”

  “Who wants you.”

  “So? I don’t want him.”

  “Whatever. I don’t want you talking to him.”

  “That’s ridiculous. Do you not trust me?”

  “That’s not the point. I don’t trust that fucker.”

  “Again, do you not trust me?”

  I shake my head. “Whatever, Shelli.”

  I should have known better than to say that. She gets up, throwing her phone down and going toe-to-toe with me. “No, tell me. Do you not trust me?”

  “Of course, I fucking trust you, Shelli. But what if you decide you want him over me?”

  “Aiden, abort! Disembark the crazy train!” Asher hollers at me, but Shelli’s voice fills the room.

  “Ash, shut up,” she yells at him, and somehow, my brother’s mouth snaps shut. “Get out.”

  But of course, needing the last word, he mutters, “Jeez, you’re scary when you’re mad.”

  I don’t even see him go into my room because Shelli’s eyes have locked in on mine. “Why would you say that?”

  “It doesn’t matt—”

  “It does,” she stresses.

  “I don’t like the guy.”

  “No, please tell me something I don’t know,” she says, her eyes searching mine. “Aiden, am I your girlfriend?”

  I hold her gaze, but I don’t answer.

  “Last time I checked, I was. I’m yours. Not Nico’s. Not anyone else’s. I’m with you. I don’t cheat, I don’t lie, and what you see is what you get. You can either trust me or let me go. So you need to decide right now.”

  “I hate that guy,” I say, and she nods.

  “Again, I’m aware. But he isn’t even on my radar.” She slowly moves into my arms. “You are. Only you.”

  “Okay,” I say softly. I hate how vulnerable I feel.

/>   “Believe me, this jealousy stuff is really cute, but don’t let it become a habit. I’m not going to hurt you, Aiden. I’m totally—” She wants to say more, but she shakes her head. “I’m not going to hurt you,” she repeats, and then she rises onto her toes to touch her lips to mine. As I hold her, I want to believe her. I want to know she wouldn’t, but it freaks me out. It’s all so uncertain, and I hate that. But I’d rather be with her than without, so I fall into the kiss, ignoring all the warning bells and vulnerable feelings.

  Because I want her.




  I don’t spare Asher a look as we drive to our parents’. For one, I’m still pissed at him for what he said to my mom about Shelli and me. For two, he gets on my ever-loving nerves. I just want to get this dinner done and go home so I can call Shelli. She had tasks to do for the fundraiser and forgot some things at her house. I promised to call when I got done at my parents’.

  “What?” I snap, and he must think I’m hilarious by the way he laughs.

  “You’re still mad at me?”


  He doesn’t care. “That’s fine. I need to say something to you before we go in there,” he says just as we pull into my parents’ driveway.

  “Okay…?” I say as I put the car in park and shut it off. I finally look over at him. “What?”

  “You do realize you are head over heels over ass in love with Shelli, right?”

  My face twists up in disbelief as my heart stops. “What the hell are—”

  “Fucking hell. You don’t. Wonderful,” he says, and then he gets out of the car.

  I fumble over myself to get out also. “Why would you say that?”

  “Because it’s true,” he says as we make our way up the driveway.

  “No, it’s not. We’re together. There is no love.”

  Asher scoffs. “Aiden, you love her, and she’s completely in love with you.”

  Shit, my mouth is dry. I can’t breathe. “No. That’s bullshit.”

  Asher sets me with a look, his weird-colored eyes burning into mine. “It’s bullshit to be loved by someone? Do you know how many people beg for that daily? Crave it? You’ve got it, but I should have known you weren’t ready for it. Which is going to make this awesome.”

  “Wait, what?”

  He doesn’t answer me. He just walks into the house as if he didn’t just make my heart stop and my balls retract up into my body. What the hell does he mean? Do I feel something for Shelli? Totally. She’s an awesome girl, and I really enjoy her—but love? I’ve never been in love. How would he know if I don’t even know? Why can I still not breathe?


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