Dump and Chase: Nashville Assassins: Next Generation

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Dump and Chase: Nashville Assassins: Next Generation Page 32

by Toni Aleo




  She moves across the stage in a barely there flapper costume that has my mouth dry. I still can’t believe they wanted her to lose weight for the part. Don’t they see how gorgeous she is? Those curves are dangerous and have me squirming in my seat. Really awkward when Shea Adler is sitting right next to me, not that I care one bit. Not when Shelli is onstage. I watch my girl gyrating and singing her heart out, and I’m in awe of her. I love watching her live her dreams.

  She was there with me at every round for the Cup. She was there when I was bruised and exhausted. She kept me going. She was there for every loss but also every win. And when I hoisted the Cup over my head in a Hollywood ending against the IceCats at the end of a seven-game series, in their arena, I looked up at the boxes, and I knew Shelli was there. Cheering for me. For the Assassins. When I went down the line, shaking hands with the IceCats, and I came to Merryweather, he didn’t shake my hand. But I didn’t care.

  Not only did I win the Cup, I won Shelli’s heart.

  I don’t think there’s ever been a time when I’ve been this happy.

  We spent the summer in New York for rehearsals. And when she had a week-long break, I flew her to Bora Bora since she’d never been. A lot of the guys went, and we had a blast. The best part was seeing the look of pure relaxation on her face. She works so hard, does so much, and it felt damn good to see her finally relax a bit. It’s also funny watching her in the mornings these days. With no stats to follow, now she follows the moves the teams make. Her brain never stops, and boy, do I love it.

  I love her. God, I love her.

  It’s funny how hard it was for me to tell her that. When I finally did, it was just like breathing. She completes me. No one gets me like she does, and no one can make me laugh until I cry. Everything seems perfect to me, and I wouldn’t or couldn’t change it for anything. Not when I get to be on the receiving end of Shelli’s smile.

  I’m going to miss that smile.

  The apartment here is small, but it’s only temporary. She’ll stay for another four months, with both of us traveling to the other when we have time. It’s gonna be tough, but if anyone can do it, we can. We have no choice, really, because the other option is being without her, and that isn’t going to happen.

  “Damn, she’s amazing,” Dad says from beside me. “Don’t let her go, Aiden. Talented, smart girls like that, you keep forever.”

  “You forgot gorgeous,” I add, and he laughs.

  “Thought that would be weird.”

  We both nod in agreement, but beyond the last comment, he’s right. I can’t let her go. I won’t. With the new season approaching, I’m nervous to be away from her. We have it so perfect when we’re together, but I know we’ll fall into a new rhythm. Lots of FaceTime and phone sex are in our future, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. While she says Chicago is seriously her last show, I’m not sure she’s done. She just wasn’t happy where she was, and now that she has me, her biggest fan, I think she’ll go on for a while. I could be wrong, though. She could come back home and hop right back in the saddle for everything to do with the foundation.

  She could honestly do anything she wanted, and I’d be there.

  Supporting and loving her.

  Shelli moves across the stage, her voice carrying in such a mesmerizing way, and I can’t stop smiling. It’s crazy how quickly she’s changed my life. I never thought someone could make me feel the things she makes me feel, but I do. I really never saw myself as someone who wanted a partner in life, but now I want that partner to be her. She makes me want things I never thought I could. I love living with her, I love watching her succeed, and I love that we cheer each other on.

  Do we fight? Constantly. She drives me absolutely insane with her mouth. Always has to have the last word, and she sure as hell gets on me about leaving my boxers in the bathroom. Don’t know why it matters. I pick them up when I remember, but it drives her to cussing at me. I’ve also learned that it doesn’t matter if I put my name on my food…she’ll eat it. If she’s hungry, she’s eating, and I don’t know why it doesn’t make me mad. Instead, it makes me laugh. She makes me laugh.

  Shelli is it for me.

  I thought it would be harder on us, with our parents knowing, but it hasn’t been. They’re annoying and think they know everything, but for the most part, they’re very supportive. We have family dinners every damn week, and apparently, we’re all going to Harry Potter world this Christmas. I’m not complaining since I wanna go, but it will be hard feeling Shelli up with my wand when Shea is right there. He’s always right there, too. It’s like he knows I want to touch her all the time, and he cockblocks like no other.

  Shelli thinks it’s funny. I don’t.

  But then, this is my life.

  And what a life it is.

  When the show ends with all the usual pomp and circumstance, my gaze stays on that girl I’m entirely in love with. I clap loudly, screaming her name as I stand to my feet. Her first show was a hit, and she was made for the role of Velma Kelly. Her sassy ass and sultry voice blew away everyone in the place. She was magnificent. She takes her bow when they call her name, and her eyes meet mine. She doesn’t have to say anything for me to know she loves me. It’s all over her gorgeous face.

  And mine, I’m sure.

  I gather with her parents and mine in the lobby. We’re going to dinner once she comes out, and then we’re heading back to our place. I’ll leave tomorrow with our families, and while I’m bummed, I’m excited for the new season to start. Before I know it, Shelli will be home for the holidays, and we can start the next chapter of our lives. I’m excited, though a little nervous. I don’t want to mess up. But if she hasn’t left me for the constant pairs of boxers on the floor, I don’t think she will.

  We have to wait about an hour before she comes out, still glammed up from the stage. She’s wearing a simple little black dress that fits her in all the ways I love. Her heels are high and sparkly, though she walks as if she’s in sneakers. Such confidence and beauty. Her dad hugs her first and then her mom before she finally gets to me. I wrap my arms around her as she does the same to me, our mouths meeting in a heated embrace. I’ll never get tired of kissing her. I swear it. I savor her kiss, the feel of her lips and the taste of her. She must have just eaten something sweet, making me feel as if I’m in heaven.

  When I pull back, she gazes up at me. “What did you think? Be honest!”

  I shrug. “It was okay. You missed a step in the second act and were off-key for most of the show,” I say, all blasé-like, and her eyes narrow but she grins. “Totally joking! You were the best up there and blew me away completely. You should star in all the parts on Broadway. Can we ask for that? Who do I talk to?”

  She wiggles as she squeals, and everyone laughs. She wraps her arms around me, and we kiss once more, this time a little longer and with tongue. When she pulls back, her cheeks are red, and she gives me a sultry look. It leaves me wanting to go back to our place rather than to dinner with our parents.

  But we have to go.

  I made the reservations months ago at the best steakhouse in New York to celebrate this night. Shea and Dad have been talking about getting a rib eye all week, but I don’t give two shits about a steak. Nope, only my girl. She leans into me, kissing my jaw when I hold her close as I sit beside her. She’s absolutely stunning and all mine.

  “You were amazing tonight.”

  “You have to say that,” she teases, kissing my nose.

  “For real, Shelli, you were amazing,” Mom says from across the table, stealing Shelli’s attention from me.

  My dad nods, and a huge grin is on his face. “Best I’ve ever seen. Seriously better than when you played that blond chick with the snowman.”

  She laughs. “Yeah, big change, huh? So much fun. It was perfect. Everything I wanted it to be.”

  Elli beams as she moves a pin back in Shelli’s
hair. “It was an honor to see you do that. Perfection, my love.”

  Shelli’s eyes are starting to fill with tears, and I cuddle her close to me as Shea says, “Truly. You were spectacular.”

  “Thanks, guys. I wish that Amelia could have made it, but no, she’s gotta be ready to have my nephew and niece.”

  I grin against her temple. Every time I think of that gender reveal, when both pink and blue balloons came out and everyone was shocked to hell, I laugh. I thought Chandler was going to puke. I think he did, actually. I don’t remember. So funny, though. Amelia was crying and not because she was excited. Nope, she’s terrified. Pretty sure Grace is moving in with them for a while since Chandler’s season is about to start. We have a few preseason games against the IceCats, so we plan on checking in on Amelia, Chandler, and the kids. I’m excited to see who pukes more—the kids or Chandler.

  My arm tightens around Shelli’s neck as I kiss her temple once more. Sucks that, after tonight, we’ll be apart for three weeks. She has so many shows, and preseason is about to start, but we’ll be fine. I figure, if I tell myself that, I’ll start to believe it and not be bummed that I won’t see her daily. That I won’t wake up to her gorgeous face and perfect lips. Man, I’m gonna miss her.

  With my lips by her ear, I whisper, “You know we’re about to do it all night, right?”

  She pulls back and nods. “Oh, totally.”

  I kiss her nose, and she laughs as she leans into me. I feel our parents staring at us, but I really don’t care. I only care about making this girl feel loved.

  “So, what a year it has been for you two so far,” Elli says, and I look over at her. “Getting together.”

  “Hiding it,” Mom adds.

  Dad nods. “And then breaking up—”

  Shelli holds up her finger. “I wouldn’t say breaking up. It was just an epic fight.”

  “But you said we were done,” I remind her, and she shrugs.


  I laugh as Dad shakes his head. “Epic fight that led to one over-the-top and completely disgustingly sappy song performed by you.”

  Shea laughs. “Which then led to one amazing run that brought the Cup back to Nashville,” he says, and we all cheer as if we’re still at the Stanley Cup parade in Nashville.

  “More really disgustingly sappy acts of love all over social media with the Cup,” Dad adds, and we all laugh.

  “Hey, you said we had nothing to hide.”

  Mom sets me with a look. “We didn’t mean post pictures of you with your hands on her ass in her barely there bikini.”

  I look down at Shelli. “I love that bikini.”

  She nods. “So do I.”

  “I don’t. Not at all,” Shea says, and I snort as Shelli rolls her eyes.

  It’s obvious our parents do not love Shelli’s choice of swimwear, but with a grin, Elli says, “And then after moving back to New York, you put on one hell of a show after saying you would never go back onstage. How does it feel?”

  Shelli’s eyes meet mine, and I lose all sense of time. “It feels perfect.”

  I kiss her nose as Shea asks, “What’s next?”

  “I think I hear wedding bells!” Elli gushes, and Mom bounces beside her.

  “Could you imagine how awesome that wedding would be!”

  Shelli laughs in my arms, shaking her head. “We’re supposed to say Disney World!” she gushes, but our moms shake their heads.

  “A wedding at Disney World?”

  “We’re hardly thinking of—” Her words drop off when she meets my gaze. She narrows her eyes as she searches my face. “Wait. Do you hear them?”

  I shrug. “I wouldn’t hate being married to you,” I tease, and she looks surprised by that.

  “You’re kidding. After all this time, when you wouldn’t even admit to loving me, now you want to marry me?”

  I just smile. “It wouldn’t be so bad.”

  “Come on.”

  “What? Seriously.”


  I nod, and then I get out of my chair as I feel my heart jump up and down in my throat. “Really.”

  I then fall to one knee while reaching for the ring in my pocket. My mom wanted me to get a box, but we both know it’s not from a store. Shelli’s hands come up to her mouth as she gasps loudly. I don’t have to look at my parents and hers to know the cameras are out or even that Amelia is on FaceTime so she doesn’t miss this. With shaky hands, I hold up the four-carat heart-shaped single diamond that’s set in a band engraved with “I love you and you love me.” I’m proud to give her this ring; it’s special to me. It was the start of my parents’ happiness, and now it will be ours.

  She looks around and shakes her head. “That was all a setup?”

  Our parents nod, and Amelia is already crying. “Yup. We planned this in June.”


  “Yup. June 22, the day I met with everyone—our parents and our siblings—to ask if everyone was good with us getting married.”

  Tears flood her eyes. “Really?”

  “Oh, hell yeah,” I say, and then I clear my throat free of the emotion trying to choke me. “I knew the moment I said I loved you that I was going to marry you. If I fell for you, even with never having wanted that at all, it meant you were special. Perfect, even. You challenge me, you support me, you make me laugh, and you love me. I can’t even begin to thank you for how much you’ve added to and changed my life. I love that we are each other’s first love, but I want you to be my only.”

  Shelli lets out a sob as the tears stream down her sweet cheeks.

  Damn it, I am too manly to cry right now. “I love you, Shelli Grace Adler, and I want to love you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?”

  She doesn’t even hesitate. “Yes,” she cries, and just like that, my life is complete.

  With a shaking hand, I put the ring on her finger before standing and wrapping her up in my arms, lifting her out of her seat. Her lips press to mine, as do her tears to my cheeks, and damn it, I won’t cry. Okay, I might be crying. But in a manly way. When we part, we’re both wiping each other’s eyes, but I don’t care. This is perfect.

  “I love you, Aiden.”

  I press my nose into hers. “Shelli, I am completely and permanently in love with you, and I will be for the rest of my existence.”

  “You’re damn right, you will.”

  I smile against her lips. “Between you and your dad, I don’t think I have a choice.”

  She winks. “You don’t.”

  We grin at each other before our lips meet once more. As I kiss her, I’m excited for what will happen next.

  No matter what, it will be a surprise.

  Just as every moment with Shelli has been.


  * * *

  Please remember that a review is like a HUG, and I love hugs!



  Breaking Away

  Laces and Lace

  A Very Merry Hockey Holiday

  Wanting to Forget


  Rushing the Goal

  Puck, Sticks, and Diapers

  Face-off at the Altar

  Delayed Call


  In the Crease

  * * *

  Bellevue Bullies Series

  Boarded by Love

  Clipped by Love

  Hooked by Love

  End Game

  * * *

  IceCats Series

  Juicy Rebound

  * * *

  Taking Risks

  Whiskey Prince

  Becoming the Whiskey Princess

  Whiskey Rebellion

  * * *

  Patchwork Series



  Broken Pieces

  * * *

  Spring Grove Novels

  (Small-town romances)

  Not the One

  Small-Town Sw

  * * *


  Let it be Me

  Two-Man Advantage

  * * *



  Misadventures with a Rookie

  Misadventures of a Manny

  * * *

  Assassins Series

  Taking Shots

  Trying to Score

  Empty Net

  Falling for the Backup

  Blue Lines


  Dear Reader,

  * * *

  I am so excited to read the reviews on this one! Usually, I’m a little terrified, but I absolutely LOVE this book. First, though, I want to thank you for reading Dump & Chase. I thought it would be hard to write D&C after Juicy Rebound, but it wasn’t. Shelli and Aiden flew off the pages for me. Shelli had a story, and damn it, I was going to tell it. I want to say I have a favorite part of this book, but I don’t. It’s all just so perfect to me. Shea and Lucas cracked me the hell up. Elli was perfection in my eyes. Emery…that girl is gonna be so much fun to write down the road.


  Every second, I loved writing this book. I am proud of this book. If this is the way I’m going to write for my comeback year, I’m stoked. I have so much planned! I know people were curious about Jude and Claire, and they’re getting a short story. The next Spring Grove is coming, the next IceCats, and then the Next Assassins: NG.


  * * *

  The first couple of months of 2019 have been good. I am handling the rough stuff and striving at the good stuff. I am getting control of my health, and my family is doing well. There have been a lot of changes, but I think it’s for the best. Things will work out. They have to; I won’t accept anything less.


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