Oppenheimer, Katherine ("Tyke," "Toni," daughter of Robert Oppenheimer) birth of; father asks Pat Sherr to adopt her; childhood and adolescence of; commits suicide; gets married; and polio; returns at mother's last illness; travels to Brazil
Oppenheimer, Peter (son of Robert Oppenheimer); childhood and adolescence of; father chooses mother over him; first newspaper article by; at George School in Pennsylvania; travels to Brazil
Oppenheimer family
Overholser, Winfred
Pais, Abraham
Page, Katherine ("Katy") Chaves
Pash, Boris commands Alsos Mission
Pauli, Wolfgang
Pauling, Ava Helen: and Robert Oppenheimer
Pauling, Linus and Robert Oppenheimer
Peierls, Eugenia
Peierls, Rudolph
Penny, Bill
Perry, Florence
Peters, Bernard
Peters, Hannah
Picasso, Pablo (Guernica)
Pietrkoiwski, Bernard. See also Peters, Bernard
Proust, Marcel (A La Recherché du Temps Perdu [In Search of Lost Time])
Puening, Franz; death of daughter stays with after second baby; in England when World War II breaks out; searched by customs agents in New York
Puening, Hildegard. See also De Blonay, Hilde Vissering
Puening, Kaethe; daughter stays with after second baby; in England when World War II breaks out; searched by customs agents in New York; sister commits suicide
Puening, Katherine ("Kitty") Vissering; adolescence of; arrives in America; and botany and gardening; education of; and father; gets passport under maiden name; grandparents of; as horsewoman; marries Frank Ramseyer; and mother; travels of. See also Ramseyer, Katherine ("Kitty") Vissering Puening
Puening family
Quann, Jacquenette ("Jackie"). See also Oppenheimer, Jacquenette ("Jackie") Quann
Rabi, I. I.
Ramseyer, Frank
Ramseyer, Katherine ("Kitty") Vissering Puening: has abortion; and Joe Dallet; joins Communist Party USA; marriage to Frank Ramseyer annulled; travels to Europe. See also Dallet, Katherine ("Kitty") Vissering Puening Ramseyer; Puening, Katherine ("Kitty") Vissering
Ramseyer, Linda
Raymond, Natalie: friend of Ruth Benedict; friend of Ruth Tolman; friend of Robert Oppenheimer; in auto accident with Robert Oppenheimer
Robb, Roger
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Russell, Bertrand
Russell, Kay
Ruth Tolman Memorial Lecture
Sagan, Carl
Sarton, George
Sarton, Mabel
Sarton, May: friends with Jean Tatlock
Sarton family
Serber, Charlotte commits suicide
Serber, Fiona St. Clair; and son Zach. See also Fiona St. Clair
Serber, Robert; and Kitty Oppenheimer marries Fiona St. Clair
Serber, Will
Shakow, David
Shearman. See Sherman
Sherman, Alma
Sherman, Lillie Belle
Sherman, Lillie Margaret; last illness and death of
Sherman, Roger
Sherman, Ruth. See also Tolman, Ruth Sherman
Sherman, Walter
Sherman, Walter Rowe
Sherman, Warren
Sherman, William Tecumseh
Sherman family
Sherr, Michael
Sherr, Pat: friendship with Kitty Oppenheimer; offered Toni Oppenheimer to adopt; returns Toni Oppenheimer to her mother
Sherr, Rubby
Smith, Henry Preserved
Smith, Herbert
Smith, Preserved
Smith, Priscilla; and Jean Tatlock; travels to England
Smith, Winifred; and socialism; at Vassar;
Sound of Music (movie from The Trapp Family)
Soviet Union; and American postwar nuclear knowledge; arms race with Americans; army in World War II; and German scientists; Germany invades; and Los Alamos traitors; and own nuclear bomb; scientists; sign nonaggression pact with Nazis; and Spanish Civil War. See also Communism: in USSR
Spanish Civil War
Speer, Albert
Stalin, Josef
Clair, Fiona St.
St. Elizabeth's Hospital (Washington, D.C.)
Stern, Alfred
Stern, Hedwig Oppenheimer (sister of Julius Oppenheimer)
Stimson, Henry
Strauss, Lewis: asks Oppenheimer to resign as Atomic Energy Commission General Advisory Committee consultant; becomes chairman of Atomic Energy Commission; on Board of Trustees at Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton University; calls Oppenheimer to come to Washington; has FBI tap Oppenheimer's phone; and hearing regarding Oppenheimer's security clearance; and Robert Oppenheimer; Oppenheimer makes fool of; reads FBI report on Robert Oppenheimer; U.S. Senate refuses to confirm as Secretary of Commerce
Suicide: Adolf Hitler commits; Kaethe Puening commits; Kaethe Puening's sister commits; Robert Oppenheimer contemplates; Toni Oppenheimer commits; Charlotte Serber commits; Jean Tatlock commits
Szilard, Leo
Tatlock, Anne Fisher
Tatlock, David (son of Hugh Tatlock)
Tatlock, Hugh (brother of Jean Tatlock); army doctor at Fort Bragg; birth of; at Harvard; learns to swim; marriage of; at Phillips Academy; nicknames of; at sea; and Jean Tatlock's death; trips taken; at University of California, Berkeley
Tatlock, Jean Frances; acts in plays; ancestry of; in Berkeley, California; birth of; career of; childhood and adolescence of; death (suicide) of; suicide questioned by investigator; and death of Letty Field; depression of; described; and Eva Le Gallienne; and FBI; female friendships of; on J. Edgar Hoover's list member of Communist Party USA; and Jewish refugees; and mother's death; and Robert Oppenheimer; at pension in Paris; and relationship with father; residency at Mt. Zion Hospital in San Francisco; struggles with sexual identity of; student at Cambridge High and Latin School (Cambridge, Massachusetts); student at Williams Institute (previously School, Berkeley, Calif.); trips taken; student at Stanford Medical School; graduated; student at University of California, Berkeley; student at Vassar; writer for Western Worker
Tatlock, Jessie
Tatlock, John (son of Hugh Tatlock)
Tatlock, John S. P. (father of Jean Tatlock); and Robert Oppenheimer
Tatlock, Marjorie (daughter of Hugh Tatlock)
Tatlock, Marjorie Fenton (mother of Jean Tatlock); and Alfred Adler lectures; death of; illness of
Tatlock, William
Tatlock family
Technical Area (secret heart of Manhattan Project)
Teller, Edward; and Robert Oppenheimer; pushing for thermonuclear "super" bombs
Tennant, Sir William
Tenney, Jack
Tenney Committee
Tolman, Edward Chace; led fight at University of California, Berkeley, against taking pledge over Communist Party membership; works for OSS; writes to the Oppenheimers
Tolman, Kathleen
Tolman, Richard Chace; death of; and Hiroshima; introduces Robert Oppenheimer to astrophysics; in London; at Los Alamos; marries Ruth Sherman; receives Order of the British Empire; returns to government service during World War II; and Robert Oppenheimer; and parents of; talks to FBI about; and Ruth Tolman; serves in World War I; and Smyth Report; teaches at Caltech; travels of; vice chairman of the National Defense Research Committee; in Washington, DC; witnesses birth of atomic age; works with General Leslie Groves; writing textbook;
Tolman, Ruth Sherman; career of; during World War II; postwar; death of; described; married Richard Tolman; and Richard Tolman; and death of; and Robert Oppenheimer; and parents of; Ruth Tolman Memorial Lecture in her honor; Ruth Valentine moves in; sister becomes ill and dies; suffers heart attack; travels of; in Washington, DC; works on doctorate; works on master's degree
Tolstoy, Leo
Trapp Family, The (as movie, Sound of Music)
ity" (first nuclear bomb test)
Truman, Harry
U235 (uranium isotope for fission chain reaction for bomb)
United States Atomic Energy Commission (AEC); General Advisory Committee (GAC) for
United States Congressional Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
University of California, Berkeley. See Oppenheimer, J. Robert; Oppenheimer, Katherine ("Kitty") Vissering Puening Ramseyer Dallet Harrison (wife of Robert Oppenheimer); Tatlock, Hugh (brother of Jean Tatlock); Tatlock, Jean Frances; Tolman, Edward Chace
Uhlenbeck, Else
Uhlenbeck, George
Ulam, Stanislaw
"Uranium problem, the,"
USSR. See Soviet Union
Valentine, Eliza Ruth ("Val"): death of brother; collects Robert Oppenheimer stories; friend of Gloria Gartz; friend of Ruth Benedict; friend of Ruth Tolman
Valentine, Philip
Vissering, Bodewin
Vissering, Martin
Vissering family
Volpe, Joe
von Krafft-Ebing, Richard
von Neumann, John
Veterans Administration
War Production Board
Warren, Katherine
Washburn, John
Washburn, Mary Ellen; and communism; and FBI
Waters, Mary Welsh
Weinberg, Joe
Whitney, Deborah Tolman
Whitney, Elizabeth; marries John S. P. Tatlock
Whitney, James
Williams, Cora
Williams Institute (Berkeley, Calif.)
Williams School (Berkeley, Calif.)
Wilson, Bob
Wilson, Anne. See also Marks, Anne Wilson
Wilson, Edmund
Wilson, Jane
Woolf, Virginia
World War II; Emperor Hirohito declares end of Japanese fighting; and home front; Japan attacks Pearl Harbor; United States drops atomic bombs on Japan
Wyman, Anne Cabot
Wyman, Jeffries; friend of Oppenheimer; married
Young Communist League
SHIRLEY STRESHINSKY is the critically acclaimed author of three works of nonfiction and four historical novels. As a journalist and travel essayist, she has written extensively for Redbook, Glamour, Preservation, American Heritage, The American Scholar, and Condé Nast Traveler and has been featured on NPR. She is the recipient of the Society of Magazine Writers' Award for Excellence and the National Council for the Advancement of Education Writing Award. She was married to the late photojournalist Ted Streshinsky and has three grown children. She lives in Kensington (Berkeley), California.
PATRICIA KLAUS received her Ph.D. in history from Stanford where she specialized in women's studies, the history of marriage, and the study of war and literature. She has taught at Yale, Stanford, and the University of Virginia and has published scholarly papers on the subject of women. Klaus lives with her husband and two sons on a farm in Sonoma County, California.
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